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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Weekend need to stay busy

    Hi Nesters--Nats here. Hoping for a bit of advice. I am on day 5 and feeling pretty great. So those little voices are stressing me out as my trigger on the weekends is all of the housework and chores. I need a bit of help right now. I guess a good start is an evening walk with my doggie. Lovely weather right now. Than just plan a lot of things that I can do where I need to drive? Actually maybe clothes shopping. Been awhile since I did that!! maybe out of town to a super thrift store.
    I am thinking eating well is another help. And I want to be creative and pursue the artistic thing I do--much better sober,right?? I think I am much more creative sober. :h
    On a lighter note, Blondie I got this out of what you said: "there are a lot of 'n's in the nest!! :H
    And Lassie--soo proud of you!! Traveling is a huge trigger for me. I get horribly anxious.
    And so easy to use AL if I am alone on a trip. And don't get me started on flying-although Dramamine seems to help me a bit.
    Well friends, this is definitely a test. Get through the weekend AF!!
    I can do this. Don't want that toxic stuff in my body!!
    Thanks ahead of time for any support!!


      Newbies Nest

      Most of us struggle on Friday, you can do it. After a while, it really does start to feel normal to not drink on Friday, to just relax and guess what, on Monday you get to start the week, not recover from the weekend. The weekend turns in to recovery from the week. . . like it was supposed to be in the beginning! The transition is exciting really. You will get there, I just got here tonight, and it feels fabulous!
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Sat AM Nesters! Just a quick hello before I dash out to work! Also, (turning on loudspeaker), THIS IS DAY 10 FOR BLONDE AF, I REPEAT, DAY 10! It really does get easier each day you add to your sober list. As for Friday nights, those aren't really "Friday" nights for me as with most folks with a normal schedule since I work early both Sat and Sun am...and I pretty much run the show at work so I gotta be on top of my game. Hubs loves Friday nights as he is a Mon-Friday worker and so always has a few beers Friday night. We took a nice drive and walked on the beach last night after dinner. Then hubs watched the Bruins playoffs and some of the Red Sox game while I surfed the net looking at properties. Meant to post last night but before I knew it, 11PM rolled around and I needed to hit the hay!

        Hi to Nats, Lav, Barb, Daisy, Witchy, Jenny, ScottishLassie et all. Have a wonderful weekend!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters!

          Hoping for a break in the heat wave today but no so sure. Last summer was so awfully hot, being outside was dangerous most of the time

          Natalie, getting thru the weekend is much easier if you keep yourself busy as hell
          Try to not think about it too much, Saturdays & Sundays are just days like any other. You can do it! What kind of creative art do you do?

          Greetings Jenny!

          YAY Blondie! 10 days AF - woo hoo
          Don't work too hard today

          I'm watching my grandson for a few hours this afternoon so I will be busy!!!!
          Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all - almost at 2 week mark, and looking forward to when Fri and Sat nights ar enot a struggle - I love the way i wake on a weekend, but I have to admit I really miss the first couple glass wine on Fri and Sat more than other days and have to work hard at not drinking!
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone!

              Having a really busy weekend, just wanted to check in and say day 21 AF. Tomorrow is my real test...kayak party on the river. I will be a captive audience, as there is no way to leave since we will be on a 4 hr. trip. Yikes! Please wish me luck. This will be my 1st. time anywhere near AL in 3 weeks.
              Blonde, I bought a boat load of supplements, and just barely starting to feel human, thanks. Good job on day 10, the days go by fast don't they??
              Hey Lass, I know what you mean. Weekends are the real test. You are my hero~
              Have a great one everybody, I will be thinking of you all tomorrow......:tsk: No AL 4 me!
              THOUGHTS become THINGS
              choose the GOOD

              AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nestlings, I love waking up NOT hungover on a sunday morning, today is day 7 for me & I celebrated by starting my Antabuse again, I struggled big time over Fri/Sat, talking my self in & out of drinking, luckily both times I stayed AF, but I dont want to risk it. Today I am taking myself out for breakfast & then I'm getting my GHD's out & going to streighten my hair
                I havent had a look back at the posts so I will just say hope everyone is doing well, I will check in later
                stay strong
                Progress, not perfection!!!
                A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just got back from a wedding where everyone toasted the happy couple. I felt like a goober without anything in my hand, but I feel great now. Momentary gooberage is a small price to pay to keep my 144 days in tact. Good luck everyone, weekends are hard. Social gatherings harder...But in the back of my head I hear Lav...and I know how disappointed she would be in me, and me in myself. I find that anything to get me over a hump helps and Lav happens to be working at the moment! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nesters, glad to see you're all doing well. This is day 26 now and tonight I found my toughest yet - don't really know why. Felt strong earlier today so was a bit of a shock that the want to have a bottle of wine was so powerful. I catered for a party tonight and waited until the food was served. The guests arrived looking good, having their drinks and enjoying the craic.......I missed that and was envious; I still am.....I think I would have definitely gone for some wine if I hadn't already promised to pick my parents up from another party later on, in an hours time.
                    I 'know' how far I've come and I don't 'want' to go back to day 1, and I won,t tonight, but I didn't see this coming....anyway.....
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 6!!

                      Hello fellow nesters!! On day 6!! Going for 7!!
                      Great going Blondie! Big 10!! I am right behind you. You are inspiring me.
                      And SL hang in there. Friday was hard for me after work and today I had to do housework AF for the first time in a long time. :H
                      Did spend a lot of time on my music-- that is my creative life apart from work. I think it was very therapeutic today. I am actually trying to plan an album of original songs. I think I am much more creative without AL. I'm actually pretty excited about it because I have written most of the songs already and am talking with a recording studio. All independent ofcourse and I may never sell a thing-- but the grandkids get to listen to grandma someday!! Haha!!!
                      Getting ready to get the groceries. Actually buying something for hubby to eat. Can't remember the last time I cooked for him the poor guy.
                      Day at a time is helping and loads of prayer.
                      Thanks for the encouragement, Lav!! And thinking of you all--Birdie, Daisy, Barb, et al....
                      Have a blessed Sunday!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        And thanks to Jenny too!! Your post helped me alot last night:-)


                          Newbies Nest

                          GOOBERS!!!!!!! :H

                          Really Byrdie - if that's what we are ~ so be it :H

                          Wonderful to see so many here today with a positive attitude & moving forward!

                          Had a busy day myself & another in store for tomorrow - just the way I like it

                          Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Sober Sunday Nesters!

                            Another quick check in as I'll be off to work shortly. Sundays are 10-6 so not as early as Saturdays at having a little bit of extra time on Sunday to have a cup of coffee (and another) and have breakfast with hubby...something we can never do during the week due to opposite work schedules.

                            Glad to hear some really inspiring success stories this morning. Witchy, I, too, talked myself in and out of drinking yesterday but I didn't give in and stayed strong. Am much better for it today. I don't know...yesterday was a gloomy, rainy day and I kept thinking about how much a glass of wine would be fitting. Stuck to water and tea instead and ate healthy. Day 11 for me and I don't want to start at day 1 anytime soon. Also, I promised myself to get through the month of June AF and I know if I give in, I will break that promise to myself and only feel guilty and ashamed. So, moving right along and as we all know, one day at a time is key!

                            Barb, good luck on your expedition! How exciting! I know you will sail through with flying AF colors and enjoy the ride that much more. I know I appreciate the little things and the beauty of nature much more sober than not.

                            Hi Lav-hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Thanks for the ongoing, unconditional support you provide to us newbies!

                            Day 11 for me!

                            Nats-what kind of music do you play/sing? That is so cool. I wish I was more musically inclined. My creativity is in interior decorating and gardening...seems to be my passion. Also, I love to write but haven't really sat down to do anything with that for a while. Earlier this year, when I had over 2 months AF, I was inspired to start a book focused on the physical detriments of drinking and how you can get your "glow" is geared towards women giving up AL and improving their health and self-esteem and yes, getting your "glow" back outwardly and inwardly. Maybe I will get back to that...I wasn't writing it to get rich...ha ha, just as a source for inspiration as I was amazed at how much not drinking changed my life and hopefully I will be feeling that in another month just as much.

                            Hi to Daisy and Scottish and everyone else reading. I hope you make it through the rest of the weekend smoothly and sober!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello everyone. I am back here on day one -- again. I had 43 days AF and went on a short vacation and decided to have a little wine one night. Then I spent the next couple weeks thinking I could moderate, and eventually ended up here again, unhappy and discouraged a month later.

                              I can't say I've hit any big "bottom" or that I'm really upset with events that happened when I drank, but I hate feeling addicted to Alcohol, I hate feeling depressed, and I feel like it just draws negative energy into my life. I don't want AL to be part of my life anymore, so I'm back again and hoping to stay away from it for good. I am just so frustrated that I can't get this problem out of my life, and I can't believe I'm back on Day 1 again!!

                              Thanks for listening.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm in the same boat Mylife. Quit, feel great, back to day one, quit - feel great, back to day one. The cycle is demoralizing to say the least. I'm going to get back on while the miserable memories are still fresh so I remember this sick feeling inside the next time I'm tempted.
                                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

