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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dancing and other NZ folks, please be safe.
    Juja - totally understand how you feel, I feel the same. My friends here know me better than my other friends - and my family.
    Babara - I am too ashamed to be able to share the truth with my other friends as well - I hope that one day I will be able to tell the truth. I am also dreaming that one day I will have a partner who I can share a good life with and be loved once again. I am recently seperated, and the idea is too fresh, but I do hold onto the dream of growing old, happily - for taht i need to keep my liver and body healthy, get back some self esteem, become financially secure again and then I could find someone to love I am...
    Day 16 AF....
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Newbies Nest

      Evening Nesters! Just checking in. Busy work day and oppressive heat here. And the air cond was out at work so I came home with a headache and a real desire for a cold beer! Instead I made a bunch of iced tea and took a walk when it cooled down.Yay!!
      Made it through day 8, AF!! And day 9 should just shine!!
      You all inspire me so much. And I can't go back now. And I am enjoying reading again in the evening. Haven't done that in long while.
      Barbara, Juja and SL, I too feel the same. So good to be able to be honest with you all and true to myself here. Could never talk about my problem with friends. And I tried AA meetings last year, but I have some meeting anxiety issues as I am super sensitive. And it is very hard to attend after work. I went to women only groups. I would say that I did feel welcomed there and the women were pretty awesome. Some had 20 years sober!!
      I may go back again as I heal and get stronger. And I love being able to post here daily.
      This is a rather amazing group. I really feel a caring and concern here in such a strong way.
      Stay safe NZ folks. Hope all is well where you are. And Blondie-- I play guitar and sing-- like to write folk/rock type stuff. I read this book on creativity awhile back and the author said that we are much more creative without AL. I am taking that to heart.
      Have a good night all!


        Newbies Nest

        I'm new here

        I'd like to chat to some people who understand what I am going through but every time I try to make a new post I end up deleting it and writing nothing.

        I'm 3 months AF (tomorrow!!!) and reached a bit of a "what now" situation after a difficult weekend at a party where I felt a social outcast for not drinking

        Anyone want to chat to me, I'm 40 and a mum of 2 and a part time music teacher. I'm quite nice and I like football, music and exercise?

        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters! Nice to see some new faces this week. Hi to Corinne (Pinju), Juja, Clockwatcher. Keep up the good work! Pinju, that is terrific on 3 months...I almost made it 3 months last time but a vacation stopped me and now I am back racking up the days. On to day 13 today and it just keeps getting better.

          Barbara, good job on not drinking at your party and all. Have a lovely trip tonight, I believe it was rescheduled?
          Nats, way to go on not giving in to a cold beer. We're still quite chilly here in New England...rain rain and more rain. Hoping my days off these week will be nicer (tomorrow and Thursday) as I get so much more energy from the sun and am more motivated to do stuff around the house. When it's dreary out, all I want to do is curl up and read. Guess that's OK too!

          Adding some healthy changes to my life aside from not poisoning myself with AL. Switched over to a completely raw and vegan diet (fresh, raw foods never heated to above 118 degrees so the enzymes are all intact and no animal derived foods). Also added a teaspoon of wheat grass powder to my ice water a few times a day and I can honestly say that I am feeling more energetic from it. The taste isn't that bad either. I stir it up real good and add a squirt of lemon. It's a really good detox drink. They say wheatgrass or green drinks in general are alkalizing to your body and when your body is alkaline, there is less chance for disease to manifest there. So, I'm giving it a try to see how it improves my energy levels, appearance and outlook on life. I have pretty much eaten raw foods for the most part but struggled to give up cheese and dairy. I do feel less sluggish not eating that stuff. Scale hasn't changed but I do feel leaner. I'm not trying to loose weight anyway, just be healthier! Coffee is my next vice to cut down or cut out. I am drinking less of that this morning so I'm making progress!

          I'll leave you all with an exerpt I got in my email yesterday from The Secret Daily Teachings (for those of us who follow "The Secret" and how the law of attraction is evident in every day life). I thought this was was particularly appropriate to share with the beloved Nest:

          A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
          Creator of The Secret and The Power

          From The Secret Daily Teachings:
          The process of creation is the same for all things, whether you want to bring something to you or remove something negative from your life.

          If you have a habit you wish to break, or anything negative you wish to remove from your life, you must focus on what you want. That means you visualize and imagine yourself in that negative-free state right now. Imagine yourself in as many scenes as you possibly can where the negative situation is completely absent. Imagine yourself happy and free. Eliminate any picture from your mind of you with the negative situation. Just imagine yourself in the state you want to be in, and feel that you are that, right now.

          May the joy be with you,

          Rhonda Byrne
          The Secret... bringing joy to billions

          Have a wonderful day Nesters! --Blondie
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            Hi Pingu. Welcome to the nest. Congratulations on 3 months AF - that's fantastic! There are alot of people here thru the day (as we are all in different time zones) so find the courage to post. There is no reason for shame here, we have all been where you are/have been. Some of the things I say sometimes I cringe afterwards thinking that I should be embarrassed or ashamed but no-one knows me here (apart from my name and cute avatar) and most people understand. If I can tell it like it is and someone gets some benefit from it, then that is the main thing. We are all here to help one another.

            Hi BlondeAF - Sounds like you are well on track to getting healthy. My step daughter is studying to be a naturopath and she lives on a raw vegan diet.

            ScottishLass - hold onto your dream. Everyone deserves to be in a happy fulfilling relationship and you will get there when you are ready.

            Have a great day/night my friends.

            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Good Tuesday morning Nesters!

              Perfect weather here at the moment!

              Pingu, CONGRATS on your 3 months AF
              Stick around for a while, we'd love to hear more from you!

              Scottish lass, I think good things are coming for all of us

              Natilie, you';re doing great too! Maybe you can sing a song for us!!!

              Blondie, have you ever tried making a vision board to help you visualize yourself new & improved? Very helpful tool

              Hi Hippy, how's thing?

              I have lots to do today so I'll get going.
              Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Tuesday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Pingu; and hello to Lav, HippyChick, Scot lass, Natilie(No Alcohol Today I Live In Excellence!)
                Blondie I follow the Secret as well and have just about every book connected to it - you have just inspired me to get back to it and read, read, has helped me so much in this past year or so...:thanks:
                Day 29 now and back to feeling really positive again. I've got 4 exams to get through this week; first I've done since the early 80's, so stomach a bit 'knotted'. Would'nt even be back at college if I hadnt gone AF 3 months last year, so yet another bonus!
                Have a 'powerful' Tuesday everyone!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  At last weekend's party, I just told anyone who asked if I wanted a drink that I was not drinking at the moment, that it was aggravating a couple other situations I have going true. #1 being my liver, but I didn't go into that...most people that know me well, know I have ulcerative I will stick to that story, it is working well for me. But if you suffer from UC too, I have not noticed any difference in that, just for the record.
                  But to the vets out there, do you eat things that have had AL in them like a chardonnay roasted so and so, or rum ice cream or would that set you off? I wonder....I know the AL cooks off in the heat of cooking, but wondered if the thought of it got to hasn't come up yet for me...
                  And lastly, my neighbor wants me to co host a wine tasting!!!!! Geeezus! I have done 3 or 4 of them in the resolve is good, do you think I should do it? What a stupid question...I think I can do it, and pull it off. I love to entertain. I'm perfectly capable of making an ass out of myself sober!!! Is this a crazy idea on my part? Do Alkies host a freaking wine tasting???? (am I answeriing my own question?) What are the nest's thoughts? Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Guys, Wow, busy bunch today already!

                    Blonde, I'm also trying to "clean up everything" a bit more this time. I'm trying to really focus on eating healthy -- I don't think I'm ready for the Vegan thing yet, but I am eating mostly vegtables and whole grains. I've also decided that exercise is not an optional thing in my life anymore. It doesn't have to be drastic - but I have to do SOMETHING active every day. No more couch potatoe.

                    Byrd -- I don't think I'll be hosting a wine tasting anytime too soon. But you know I went to a party over the weekend that a friend of mine threw and after I realized it would have been really easy to have a glass of cranberry juice - without the vodka - and no one would have noticed or cared. Really, the longer I try this sober thing the more I realized I've created most of the barriers in my own mind.

                    Hippy - great to hear from you -- sounds like you really GOT IT!

                    Scottish and Juja -- I understand you on the friends thing. But really I also feel that it's hard for people who don't have this problem to ever really understand so I don't really hold it against them. I'm glad there are people who DO understand though!

                    Natalie - have you tried AF beer? It's really not bad and if you're craving it hits the spot.

                    Daisy - you're almost at 30!!!

                    Have a wonderful AF day all!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      heya guys, thinking of changing my name to captain relapse xD Not gone too crazy, but needless to say the 'festival then AF again' resolve went out the window pretty quickly. woke up with a beer yesterday morning and am currently having a pint, not getting madly drunk, largely due to the effects of the weekend I think though... got to get my head back to where it belongs
                      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                        Newbies Nest

                        In Chains, never mind. You know the drill - just hop back on board! We're all here with you and for you:l Tomorrow is a new day!!!
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters!

                          Byrdie - if it was me I'd say no to the wine tasting. Even after 2+ years AF I just won't put myself into a situation that could possibly cause me to screw up! And I don't eat anythin cooked with wine in it ~ just because

                          IC, sorry to hear you are drinking - what's your plan?
                          You did so well previously.

                          daisy, how are you?

                          Had a great day today, spent the afternoon with my daughter, DIL & 3 grandkids = perfect

                          Wishing everyone a cozy eving in the Nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters! Hope everyone is having a cozy evening so far.

                            Daisy45-I am totally onboard with The Secret and want to read The Power next. Have you read it yet? Fill me in on whether it is as good as The Secret. I have the movie and book and have watched and read it several times and hosted a "Secret" party last winter with some girlfriends. It really does work!

                            InChains-We learn from our experiences, whether good or bad. Just jump back on the old horse tomorrow, it will be a brand new day.

                            Lav-I have a vision book that I have created, sort of like the vision board but it's a binder with different chapters for different areas of my life. It's a great tool to really put what you want right in one place and then watch it manifest in your life!

                            Well, off to bed pretty soon. Tomorrow is day 14 and I am off from work...yay!!!! Getting a new haircut at noon and I can't wait for that. I've been letting my locks grow like a weed lately and realized I haven't gotten a cut at a salon for several months. Time for a new do!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              BlondeAFAmbition;1131030 wrote: Hi Nesters! Hope everyone is having a cozy evening so far.

                              Daisy45-I am totally onboard with The Secret and want to read The Power next. Have you read it yet? Fill me in on whether it is as good as The Secret. I have the movie and book and have watched and read it several times and hosted a "Secret" party last winter with some girlfriends. It really does work!

                              InChains-We learn from our experiences, whether good or bad. Just jump back on the old horse tomorrow, it will be a brand new day.

                              Lav-I have a vision book that I have created, sort of like the vision board but it's a binder with different chapters for different areas of my life. It's a great tool to really put what you want right in one place and then watch it manifest in your life!

                              Well, off to bed pretty soon. Tomorrow is day 14 and I am off from work...yay!!!! Getting a new haircut at noon and I can't wait for that. I've been letting my locks grow like a weed lately and realized I haven't gotten a cut at a salon for several months. Time for a new do!
                              WOW, thanks for reminding me about the movie "The Secret"

                              Its actually on youtube for those that want to watch it, I thought it was a great movie
                              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                              DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                                Newbies Nest

                                In chains, this is my second day after many stops/restarts and drinking like a wild man days and nights; all I got is 2 days sober but that's better than what I normally am which is drunk,,,,maybe tomorrow I get 3 days then I'll have that.....can't sleep, eating chocolate ice cream for dinner but still better than being smashed watching espn while listening to Jimmy buffet while my family avoids me by going to the other rooms of the house...some party,,,going for big 3 tomorrow ( well, it's big for me...)

