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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    hi Nestlings,
    there is the most beautiful full moon up tonight, that i can see from my bedroom window. had I been drinking, i would have been to hammered to notice, let alone be able to go & meditate in the light of it (which if it isnt to cold I am going to go do later)
    Daisey, you could maybe try just cutting out one ciggarette a day, i dont know say you aways have one at 10am, 11am & 2pm. maybe try cutting out the 11am one & see how you go, good luck, I consider myself lucky I never smoked so I dont have to try giving that up.
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Cloudy in my portion of the Nest ~ rain on the way I think. My veggie garden will like that.

      Natilie - Congrats on 10 AF days!!!! I'm very happy for you! Keep your focus now & don't let the inner beast voice tell you that's it's OK to have just one drink......because it isn't!

      Witchy, it's interesting that you are drawn to the bright light of the full moon as we are creatures of light. For some reason the ful moon almost always brings me several days of strange, troubling events. This past week I've had a thunder storm knock out the router for my wifi network, a power surge caused other electrical problems in my house and many other weird events. Nowadays I usually light up a smudge stick as the full moon draws near & try to move some of that weird energy out of my house & away from me :H

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Gang!

        I had computer woes yesterday and couldn't get online. Just got off the phone with comcast and all I had to do was reboot my modem so that was easy! Just a quick hi to everyone and let you know I am on 2 weeks! I hope you all are doing well. Off to play in the yard as the weather is so beautiful right now. My garden is really shaping up and I have some good momentum going on there. Just some finishing touches and I should be all set for the summer other than watering and weeding...although that can be a full time job as we know!

        Have a great week everyone!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Newbies Nest

          Hi Lav, Blondie, Witchy, Inchains and Natilie (and everyone else who calls!)
          Lav, thanks for that link. I've saved it. You're like the 'wise owl' who always comes up with an answer......
          Inchains, hope you're hanging on there and have maybe fell off the 'right' side of that fence!:h
          Done my first 2 exams last night; not so bad as I thought, and 2 more in the morning; they'll be a bit trickier, but not so worried now I've got started
          Hope you all have a great day. Will check in tonight.....
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Daisy, Blonde....Good morning everyone!

            We missed you around here yesterday, Blonde...good job on the garden. I just ordered "The Power" on CD along with a bunch of Bonnie Raitt CD's. Can't wait to get them!!!!
            I keep meaning to ask Daisy....what are you studying? Best of luck on your exams. Been there, done that.
            Good Job Natalie, you have come a long way since your first post, you should read back on them..WOW!
            Lav, I just re-did my bedroom. It feels like a new room completely. I got a new "feather down" mattress topper/mattress I fall asleep really fast......between the new bedding, the hypnotherapy CD's and being AF for 26 days!
            THOUGHTS become THINGS
            choose the GOOD

            AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


              Newbies Nest

              Just checking in with my "Abby" family.

              Looks like everyone is doing well, staying busy and having fun.......amazing what happens with a total lack of AL in our lives.

              Its raining today so Im off work, but Ill have to make up for it, by working Sat.......DOH!

              Keep staying strong all!
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nest!

                As usual, I don't get on here first thing and there is a whole whirlwind of activity by the time I get here!! It's great.

                Natalie, congratulations on your 10-days. Doesn't it feel great? And the waking up with the pounding heart is the worst - so glad that's over!

                Witchy - I love to look at the moon when it's out. But like Lav, we've been having Thunder storms at night. The other night I think our house might have been struck as all the power went out for a short time and the alarm system has been acting up ever since...

                Great to hear from you Blonde - I have read the secret and I really need to practice it more. My sister swears by it, and I have to say miraculous things seem to always happen for her!! She even has a vision board and has chalked things off as they happen...

                Hi Daisy, Barbara, Nelz and all else who come along! I read all your posts and look forward to your positive comments each day! Nelz, that's a great goal - from 30 to 100 days! hmmm...maybe I'll have to try that one.

                Have a great AF day all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sorry to say - I blew it! Survived Vegas and failed in Denver - heading home tomorow and will sort myself out. My June goal has changed from 30 days in June to beating my March accomplishment of 22 days - one day I will make 30 days, just not this month!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters!

                    Sorry to hear you decided to drink scottish lass. It must be tough doing a lot of traveling in the early days. I had no where I had to go so I stuck myself ast home for 3 solid months after I quit. I think it really helped

                    Greetings to Blondie, Daisy, Barbara, Nelz, mylife & everyone

                    Well, my Granny brain thought it was Friday until sometime near lunchtime today :H
                    Tomorrow I'll wake up & it will be Friday - Yay!

                    Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      scottish lass;1132126 wrote: Sorry to say - I blew it! Survived Vegas and failed in Denver - heading home tomorow and will sort myself out. My June goal has changed from 30 days in June to beating my March accomplishment of 22 days - one day I will make 30 days, just not this month!
                      Hey Lass,

                      I wouldn't worry about it so much. You may be the type of person who can mod. Going 22 days is a lot. I think you posted once that you went 15 days in another month.
                      All that matters is what you want for yourself, and that you are in charge.
                      THOUGHTS become THINGS
                      choose the GOOD

                      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nestlings...Day 11 almost a memory!! WooHoo!!
                        So nice to get all the support from all of you here. And boy if there ever was a chaotic day at work, it was today. And I am just getting too honest for my own good, so I got into it a little with my boss--which is really never recommended I am sure! Rather a test. I just came home and immediately fixed a meal-- and iced tea is the drink of choice these days. Didn't want to be too hungry, because between the stress and the hunger I was craving a glass of wine, just to forget about the day!! So glad I figured out that if I cook something and take care of myself first and right away I do much better. The craving really disappears when I eat something and have frequent snacks.

                        Barbara, enjoy your Bonnie Raitt CD's!! I really love her music, too. And thanks for the kind words. I did look back at my old posts and there really is quite a change going on.

                        Blonde, I have a little garden too!--I use containers to garden with and have 4 tomatoes, 4 strawberries and a bell pepper plant. The tomatoes love the containers (large pots) and do well with tomato cages. I used to dig up a large plot in our yard, but the dog wouldn't let that happen now. The pots are up on a table where doggy can't reach them!! :H

                        And SL, I think I mentioned before that travel is very difficult for me too. I think it is awesome that you were able to stay AF in LV, We're all rooting for you--just get right back on the track!

                        And hello to Daisy, Nelz, Mylife and Witchy woman and everybody else in the nest...Hope you are all enjoying cruising into the weekend like I am. Just got to get through Friday!!

                        Have a blessed night all, eace:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nest!

                          I'm up early to get in my power walk before work. Then I'm off for a week to visit my Mom out of state - recovering from hip replacement surgery. Luckily it's not the kind of vacation where drinks would be involved! And it will be nice to get out of the Florida heat for a week.

                          SL - I hear you. Don't give up. I have been racking up days and slipping since November, (my last time i made it to 43 days) but the good part is that I have spent most of that time AF, so I'm better off than I would have been if I hadn't tried at all. I think we all have a different path on this journey.

                          Have a wonderful AF day all!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Friday morning all!

                            Another sunless day here

                            I have accomplished absolutely nothing so far today so I'd better get going :H

                            Wishing everyone a fantastic AF FRiday. Will be back later!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey all -

                              Natilie: Great move on working out away to control those cravings, it's great when you can find those little distractions that seem to make the world of difference.

                              Blonde: Belated congratulations on your 2 weeks AF, thats pretty tough goign and just awesome you made it

                              Barbara: enjoy your new music, glad to see people buyign CDS still! I might be part of the generation that seems to be obsessed with mp3s but I never quite caught on, still carry an old fashioned sony walkman where ever i go.

                              Scottish: sorry to hear you ended up drinking but to make it through spending time in somewhere like Vegas without having a drink is incredible and I hope you are proud of that

                              Mylife: Hope you enjoy spending time with your mom If you fnacy sending some of that Florida heat this way I don't think any of us Brits would say no right now xD

                              Hey to everybody else and hope you're all staying strong. I'm not going to lie, I have not exactly been doing great these last couple of days - to the point where I actually had a drink about an hour after waking up today because I was stressed and it was leftover from last night... no excuse really for that. Not something I'd usually do thats for sure. Fiance is hopefully staying the night again tonight and leaves to go on holiday for a week on Sunday - if ever there was something that'd going to screw with my chances of getting myself back on track it's a week without my reason for doing so. On the positive side, 3 weeks and I'm seeing Metallica again, my exams are out the way and I have 3 whole months of summer fun ahead of me

                              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters!

                                Kinda quiet here.

                                Hope you are doing Ok IC!
                                There are lots of reasons to get yourself back on track - most inportantly is you

                                Hope everyone has their weekends covered.........lots of distractions to keep us all busy & safe
                                Wishing everyone a good night.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

