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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Lav and Nesters,
    Just checking in. All is well. Was laughing with my hubby last night when I shouted
    "I love being Sober!!" I love having my life back. I am truly awake again.
    Today will be 20 days AF.
    Got a busy day ahead. It is going to be a good one!
    My goal is 30 days and then forever. My heart and liver are way to old for AL!
    With gratitude always to the Nest and to God for leading me here.


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Nest!

      I know it's been a few days since I visited, but have been busy getting my Mom's house organized and enjoying the beautiful weather up here in her neck of the woods.

      Natalie, congratulations on your AF days. I'm sure you feel great!!
      LIS and Sunshine, I understand your feelings, and wish I knew what to say in response! I never thought this would be such a tricky thing - I always thought you either did or didn't drink, it's hard when you're not sure if you can moderate. I really feel for me I'll be happier if I can maintain not drinking - but I know how hard that is to do!

      Lav and Hippy great to hear from you both!
      Hope everyone has a fantastic AF day.


        Newbies Nest

        Day 27 and doing great.
        I had a fun week with my just turned 2 year old grandbaby. We had a pool party yesterday and she is a blast to watch because she's been swimming since she was 10 months old when we took her to Hawaii. I had 4 other kids here ranging in ages 6 to 13 and their parents (all one family). They were enthralled watching this little thing swim with confidence and so much ability. (she is tiny for her age so makes it all the more amazing). She also talkes like a 4 year old as her vocabulary is pretty remarkable.
        Yesterday I went to get her up from her nap and found her completly naked. She looked at me and said "mimi, I'm changing my diaper now".

        Take care everyone,
        Day 1:4/4/2014


          Newbies Nest

          OK I thought I was going to be AF today, but had tremors so bad from drinking for 7 days that I just couldn't do it,, I have been here before, but not for a long time. I thought I was healed. Nothing like getting thrown under the wagon..I just do well most of the time, but then, I'm toast. I have been doing this over and over again forever. When I am AF I think I'm cured but then something comes up and I'm down. How do I get past this point? I'm still in denial obviously..


            Newbies Nest

            Shine On, I'm right there with you. I'm a binge drinker and can usually go a good 3 - 4 days between drinking. Since coming here, I actually managed nearly 6 days. But I weakened last night and drank again. I just felt so anxious, so lonely, so sad. But guess what? I feel a hell of a lot worse today! I'm wondering how to get past this point, too. Since I started visiting this website, probably close to 2 weeks ago, I do feel more determined. I KNOW that I can do this, but it might take more than coming here for me. I might have to try some AA meetings because, at least for a while, I need some in-person support. On a more positive note, I ordered the book, MYO, and it got here! I started reading it and plan to just stay home tonight, drink water and tea, and read the book. I don't know if I'm still in denial because there is not one shred of doubt in my mind that I have a serious drinking problem and I want to completely stop. I don't think I can ever moderate. Hang in there, maybe we can make another AF attempt together.


              Newbies Nest

              Hey guys, question to throw out to the nest: anyone (by which I probably mean most of you) who's relapsed after a relatively long AF period (say a month or 2) and gone back to drinking afterwards for a short time (say 2-4 weeks) how difficult did you find it to give up again? I was sober 45 days, have been dirnking I suppose, 15-16 days now, so I would like to know whether anyone could kind of give me a clue as to what I'm in for if I stop now?
              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                Newbies Nest

                Hi InChains,

                I drank previously after several relatively long periods AF - the longest was 43 just have to get back on the wagon as quickly as possible. One thing I find is that if I jump back on quickly, there are less "bad habits" to break. I remember when I started this thing Friday night was a huge trigger. Now it's just another night. So my advice is to get back there quickly and start stringing a few days back together.

                We can do this!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning everyone.

                  In chains - I drank again after 7 months sober last year. I drank for a week while on holidays then stopped when I got home. BUT, I knew deep down in my heart that because I had allowed myself to drink while on hols, that I would allow myself to drink whenever something special came up. And when my wedding anniversary came up in October, I drank again. Yet this time it took me six months to stop again. So be very careful when deciding whether to try to moderate or not. I couldnt moderate, in fact my drinking was probably worse this time around. I had built up a tolerance and could drink more, and my self imposed limits were higher too. Where before I would stop after one bottle, this time, it was two bottles with vodka shots in between glasses. So I know I was definetly spiralling out of control. (Which is amazing as I had been drinking for thirty years).

                  Hi Clover and welcome. For me I need something more than just MWO. I get so much support and help here, however I need to do the work in my "real" life to put what I learn into action. What my master plan is at present is to deal with the reasons I drank rather just try to sort out the symptoms. When I started here, all I did was stop drinking. I didnt work on trying to figure out why I drank. Now after counselling and alot of reading, I know I have agrophobia and social anxiety disorder. Some people might not like being labeled however, for me, by being told I have these disorders, it somehow makes it easier for me. Because I now know that it is not just me not handling life. There is a reason I drink and that reason can be dealt with.

                  Hi Shine On. It may have taken you years to get where you are, so it is going to take you a long time to feel you are strong enough to say you are healed. I dont believe I am ever going to be cured, but I do look forward to the day I can say i am a "healing" alcoholic. Good luck with your journey, stick close to us and we can help support you.

                  Mimi - your grandaughter sounds gorgeous. I bet you feel so blessed having this second chance.

                  Natalie - I loved your saying " I am truly awake again". It really does describe what being sober feels like.

                  LIS - hi. I wondered about whether I could sample a taste of wine however I know it is not the taste of wine that I like... It's the buzz I get. So if I cant drink enough to get that buzz, I dont want to drink even a small amount.

                  Hi Lav, Byrdy, Sunshine, Mylife and to all who pop in. I have got to get my daughter ready for her soccer match (which, after a late night because she had a friend sleep over, is going to be like pulling teeth!), so will say bye for now. I need to pop in a bit more regularly at the moment because i am having drinking thoughts. And as my husband is away again ( over your side Dancingon - in Napier), I need to be careful because being on my own was a good excuse to drink heaps in my previous life. Have a great Sober Sunday and seeya later.

                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone; to any of you struggling today, please check our the thread 'I'm still kickin' started by Dave. A very insightful, inspiring story. A 'must read'!
                    And as for me; back at Day 4 now. I had a 5 day slip last week after 31 days, but honestly feel if you can get back as soon as possible those AF days still stand by you. I dont feel the same at Day 4 today as I felt on previous attempts. I am getting my confidence back slowly but surely - this can only happen through periods of time when alcohol is out of my life; and I feel that each time I 'slip' , even if nothing horrible happens (apart from the usual blackouts, hangovers, feeling like crap, guilt about the kids, wasted time, looking 10 years older......blah, blah, blah.....), I am craving to be alcohol-free now during my benders. I have seen what it is like and I am wanting it more and more.........
                    I dont want to drink again and dont 'intend' to but am learning all the time........I feel like I am an apprentice........
                    Good luck to you all. Will check in tomorrow:l
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening apprentices - one & all!

                      daisy, we are all here to learn Glad you are back on your plan!

                      Hippy, please stay tuned especially if you are having drinking thoughts. I need to send you some 'Lavan-ittude' to scream those thoughts away :H

                      Natilie, good for you on your 20 AF days! It is a good feeling so keep it going!

                      Mimi, you can remain AF if you continue to choose not to drink! It's a choice that we all can make each & every day Keep enjoying that granddaughter of yours

                      Hi to the vacationing mylife - nice!

                      shine on - hello & welcome to the Nest! What is your plan?
                      Have you considered talking to your Doc in terms of detox? Possibly you could get an Rx for something to help you with withdrawal symptoms for a few days. Are you alone or do you have someone available to give you a hand for a few days? Don't forget about the Tool Box - you'll find lots of help there.

                      Clover, reading the MWO book is a great start! Then continue working on your plan. A strong commitment to quit & a good plan will help you reach your goals.

                      IC, I quit probably dozens of times on my own but always ended up drinking again for one primary reason - I didn't change my thinking about AL. When I found MWO & used the Hypno CDs as directed something important changed for me. I got rid of my negative thinking, I stopped thinking that a bottle of wine was my friend. If you can make yourself want to quit more than you want to continue to drink then you'll be OK!

                      Good to see so many drop in the Nest today ~ I was a bit worried this morning
                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        I'm certainly feeling better tonight, especially after reading all of the wonderful and encouraging messages here. I'm right back on the wagon and hopefully will stay on it this time. I felt so good, physically and mentally, this week because I did not drink. Today I felt like crap - I really cannot stand the hangovers anymore. Not only because my head pounds and I can't keep any food or liquid down, but because I get SO depressed! I did not move from my couch until about 5:00 this evening! So ... here we go again. I really appreciate all of the support here!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hippychick I do feel blessed to have my grand baby she is the light of my life (of course so are my two kids). I am also thankfully that my two kids were not raised around alcohol and that my drinking problem has only been over the past few years so no damage were done to them.

                          Lavande you are so right I can go without drinking. Today we had company over and I told my friend if they wanted wine they could bring some. She asked me if I would be drinking any and I said "no" so she said she wouldn't either because she wanted to stop drinking too. however, her husband ended up bringing two bottles and she had a couple of glasses of the wine. I am happy to say that I drank diet coke and felt great that I was the one not drinking.:yay:
                          Day 1:4/4/2014


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters

                            Sorry haven't posted in a few days. I was going fantastically for 6 days. Felt like a new person. I got invited to a curry night at a friends house last night. All week i was worried about it. I was pretty busy so forgot to check out the toolbox section on here. I should have. I was runnning so late to the dinner party that it was like my brain was saying "I don't know how to go to friends places without drinking". I didn't even put a fight. As soon as I got there they handed me a glass of wine and it was like I couldn't get the words out to say I don't want it. i even brough along my non alcoholic drinks. Anyway even while I was there I was thinking I need to know how to do this. I just don't know how to. I had my non alcoholic drinks with me and they didn't even go in the fridge, they just stayed in the bag. I did get a glimpse of reason and started pouring myself waters after a few hours and when I got home I had a hot chocolate. So I was half functional today. Sorry I just needed to get that out. I should have jumped on here and read the advice and not worried about being late....

                            mimi911 - Last night there were lots of kids at my friends house that were up till 2am, I felt sorry for them. I had arranged for my Mum to have my 3 kids overnight because I didn't want them to be around that much drinking. Well done on the diet coke. Fantastic!

                            Clover - yep sounds like me, great week, then Saturday night - BANG! Think positive things, lets try again, even harder this time.

                            Hi to everyone else, hope you are having a fabulous weekend.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Sunday morning Nesters!

                              Looking forward to more reasonable temps today - not so hot & humid, nice!

                              Clover, glad you are beginning to feel better. I remember the hangovers, won't forget them either. Don't want to go ther again

                              mimi, it's kind of interesting to detach yourself from what everyone else is doing, isn't it? It takes a bit of practice but completely doable

                              Gert - sounds like you were herded into that wine! I was so fearful of that I honestly stayed home & in the house for 3 solid months when I first quit! You did have a plan, brought your own AF drinks, that was great. Now you need to practice saying out loud, 'No thanks' to the offer of a drink - no kidding :H It helps :H

                              Heading outside to tackle the weed situation in my garden .
                              Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Damn! I did it again! Been drinking last four days - so mad at myself, so looking forward to stopping the cycle. Maybe I need to break down and get the CD's Lav recommends - just worried about money (really strange how I can afford wine though???).
                                Feeling really low, really sad and really worried I don't have the strength to do this...drinking just seems so much easier. Am so tired - so very tired. I feel so good when i am not drinkng - I wish i could work out why I do this to myself.
                                Yet another Sunday as day 1.....
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

