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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everyone, and to all you Newbies. Good to have you join us. Just coming to the end of my Day 2. Phew!!! After drinking every night since last Wednesday, graduating very quickly back to 2 bottles of Chardonnay a night, getting back this time is a relief but also pretty tough. Because I have had so many AF spells this past 9 months, my body just can't take alcohol any more. I didn't really get hangovers as I was so used to having alcohol in my system. This time, however, I can feel it. At the end of day 2 I am only starting to look half-normal again. Such a waste of this past few days!!!! Unbelievable how quickly I just slotted into 'wasting my life away' mode.......
    I feel if I don't get on board now, then my other option is to commit myself to a whole Summer, 2 months, of enjoying 1 - 1 and a half hours drinking nightly, forgetting the rest of the night and feeling like a piece of shite every ensuing day!!!!!
    I want it, my children want it. In my AF days this year my life and relationships and tolerance and ambition have been a very pleasant surprise to me. I want more. SO as my poor body crawls its way back to life, I promise to be a worthy contributor in this 'life'!
    Hey Lav, good to hear from you; hope its my last day 1 too!
    Sarahjane, how you doing?
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome to the Nest Pfenn & RemorseBeGone!
      I can't tell you how happy I am to have found MWO too nearly 2 1/2 years ago! It has been a real life saver for me & can be for you as well.

      I keep repeating myself but the best way to get started is to read the MWO book. You can download it from the Health store here on the website. I highly recommend the MWO Hypno CDs as well. They were so helpful in learning to relax without AL & in changig my thinking about it. Arm yourselves with a good plan & a strong commitment - you can do this

      Daisy, I have to tell you Chardonnay was my poison of choice too. Now just the thought about it makes me ill. That stuff dehydrates the hell out of you
      Glad you are back on board - now let's keep yo focused

      It's almost 7 pm here & hopefully the heat & humidity have eased a bit - tired of hiding in the AC. Think I'll go out & pester the chickens a bit :H
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Nest!

        Winding up another AF day here. Lav/Daisy right now the thought of Chardonnay makes me ill, too, but I'm still relatively new on my AF journey this time around. I really hope I can say that 2 1/2 years from now. I'm going to repeat that to myself when I start whining at myself (or that voice does) at 30-60-90 days again...

        It's hot and humid here in my area of the world today. I'm just enjoying a nice sparkling water and getting some things done while I kind of watch a movie in the background tonight!

        Hope you all have a fantastic AF Evening!


          Newbies Nest

          Drove right by

          Well, that wasn't so bad...I drove right on by my usual stop and picked up some supplements at the health food store (instead of picking up a four loco at the gas station). Was so tired from only sleeping four hours last night, just came home and took a big nap.
          Tomorrow is my usual day off and will provide another challenge...Would typically be drinking by mid afternoon and ready to pass out by 8 PM. I'm loading my day up with errands, a workout, lunch, so that there's no room to just sit around and get wasted. It's great to see several other newbies all coming in right now - I feel right at home!

          Welcome aboard RemorseBeGone (may I call you RBG?) and Pfenn. :welcome: Hope to see you here every day - support from others who DO get what you're going through is huge - I know I'm counting on it!
          -Cap'n G


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Lav and Mylife; good to hear from you. Chardonnay sounds kind of 'posh', doesn't it? Pity they don't have a label on it to show how classy the likes of myself looks at the end of the night. I remember people being impressed because I seemed to know my wines.......HA! If only they knew......
            Lav, I tried to buy the book and CDs last night but had problems. Entered payment details etc but not sure if they are ordered or not. Every time I try to go to my 'account' to find out it repeatedly asks for email and password......dont know whats up, so I'll just have to wait and see if they arrive.
            You probably can't believe I haven't got MWO book yet, but hopefully last lesson I needed to learn, eh?! I for one am glad we have you to keep on telling us - eventually, like myself, we might learn to 'take heed' from someone who knows.......:thanks::h
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Newbies Nest

              Cleaning up my act yet again - Reading here is helping, but I know it's up to ME. It's never too late to wish for a brighter future. And that's what I want.


                Newbies Nest

                It looks like I'm going to make it through Day 4. I am surprised at how quickly I start to feel and look SO much better! I'm a binge wino, and generally go on a tear about 2-3 times a week, so I don't have the daily tolerance built up and my hangovers are just horrible! When I drink, it's very easy for me to put away nearly 2 bottles at a sitting and then feel dreadful for the next 2 days. I just cannot bear to do this to myself anymore. I can't believe how much more cheerful and optimistic I am when I don't drink! I've got lots of crap going on, mostly financial, and when I try to drink away the stress and worry, it just comes back the next day WAY worse then before. These last few days, I've felt a sense of calm .... a sense that everything will work out as long as I stay away from the wine!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone

                  well, this is so great to hear everyones stories and how similar you all are to me.. I am on my day 3 AF, aiming for 7, if i can. I dream of being able to moderate and have the 2 drinks a couple of times a week.. but have tried that, and seems I slip back to the whole bottle (and a bit more) I lose so much of my life recovering from the night before and being a single mum, working full time, so much of my life is out of control...
                  My house, my garden, my paperwork...I have gained a few kilos (i am in australia) and my daughter gets married in a few months and I want to look and feel great for that day...
                  Last night I did IRONING at 11 pm because I felt at a loose end without the wine in hand..
                  There are a few of us here jsut starting... so lets encourage and support one another to live our very best lives...
                  I dream of the day when chardonney tastes like poison! bring it on!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nest!
                    Big 30 days AF today for me!!! I really cannot believe it has been that long already!! I am so glad that I found this site. I can so relate to what is posted here every day. The honesty is very refreshing and has taught me so much.
                    Thanks to everyone for listening and helping me get to this milestone. :thanks:

                    Welcome to all the newbies, too!! I am so glad you are here. June 6th was my first day AF and that first week really was challenging--(to put it mildly). I just kept posting and knowing the "nest" was there for me. Let us know about anything you are going through. This is an awesome, safe place for you to tell us how you feel.

                    The strange thing is, I feel like I am learning to take care of myself in healthy ways for possibly the first time in my life, and let me tell you, I am no spring chicken!! :H

                    I celebrated by swimming laps at a local pool tonight after work! Feeling so relaxed now.
                    And definitely cooled down as the weather is blazing hot here right now.

                    Have a wonderful, peaceful night!
                    Natilie :happyheart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      :day4:Congratulations Natalie!!!!

                      I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!!!!!!! :day4:
                      THOUGHTS become THINGS
                      choose the GOOD

                      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh my goodness..... All these new people! WELCOME!..... that will teach me for not popping in for a week!

                        Congratulations Natalie. 30 days is fantastic and what a great way to celebrate that doesnt involve AL.

                        My husband and I have been making life changing decisions the last few days. He has been offered a job too good to refuse however it involves moving to the other side of the country. My daughter is due to start high school next year so moving to a different school shouldnt be too much of an issue (but leaving her friends is going to be!) and my son has been trying out for a pre-apprenticeship position so that is going to impact on our final decisions. We have always put the kids first in everything we have wanted to do and maybe this time we have to consider ourselves first. My husband's current job looks like it is coming to an end so this job coming up has been perfect timing. I would love to live in Melbourne - I'm not too worried about leaving my job as I am confident I can get something else over there. But we only moved into this house in November last year and my parents are getting old (and sick in my dads case.... long time alcoholic). Having to make choices and decision sober is new to me. I know I couldnt have done it if I was drinking as I wouldnt have been able to rationalise things and it would be so much more traumatic.
                        One of the first things that came into my head when we started talking about this was that I would be "able" to start drinking again as no one over there would have known that I made the decision not to drink so I wouldnt be letting anyone down! What a strong pull this beast called alcohol has. Why would I worry about letting others down when the main person I would be letting down is ME! It is great to be sober and be able to realise what thoughts like that can lead to.

                        Anyway hope everyone else is taking it easy and staying strong. So pleased to read all you newbies posts.

                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone!
                          Sorry I haven't read everyones posts just now, about to pick the kids up from school. Just popping in to say hi and mention that I am on DAY 11 AF!! Just starting to feel better now. Feel like my eyes are starting to brighten Thanks everyone for all your kind words, I will be back for a catch up on everyone soon


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone, sorry it's taken me so long to reply, got busy with my bussiness, went away for work, and just steadily and constantly drank every night scince.
                            Lavande, can appreciate the husband issue, mine is actually an absolute love, but a hard core , highly functioning alcoholic.
                            Piper, I am 47, and thought the cold sweats, and flushes were maybe early menopause? I really think with me it's alcohol.

                            I never had an alcohol issue until I got with him, then spent 5 years trying to get him to give it up, then spent the next 6 slowly becoming a drinker myself?

                            Today is the day I intend ( hope) to be AF for at least a month...thank you all for being so supportive, I have read the book, and started the vitamins today.
                            My husband just brought a bottle of red home( there is always booze in the house when he is here) and I can actually feel it calling to me...
                            Think I'll have an iced water


                              Newbies Nest

                              hey all, this'll be my last message pre-festival - disappearing for the next 5 days to go and see some amazing bands with my friends, a couple of UK firsts and exclusives going on so promises to be one hell of an exciting weekend - not to mention a much needed break from home. Will return tired, hungover and bloody pleased with myself monday xD best wishes to all

                              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Lots of activity here today ~ great!!

                                Hello & welcome Tribal Rose! Settle in with us for a while while you start your journey

                                Congrats going out o Clover on 4 AF days! To Climbing Mountains on 3 days AF, to Gert on 11 AF days & of course to Natilie on 30 AF days!!!!! Awesome work everyone, feel proud

                                Hippy, good to see you & glad you are well! You certainly do have a big decision looming overhead, be grateful you can face this with a clear head! Have you & your family visiteds the Melboourne area before? Can you do so before making your decision? It might help the kids feel a bit better about the whole thing. I wish you the best, whatever you decide

                                Daya, wishing you strength as you begin your journey. Don't forget to look in the Tool box for helpful ideas.

                                IC, what can I say? I wish you well, please take care of yourself!

                                I have a busy day ahead myself. Wishing everyone a terrific AF Wednesday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

