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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 4 AF for me today. Feeling so much better mentally and physically. Running 5 miles and signing up at the gym today.

    Hope you all have a great day. Life really is so much better sober!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi there.

      Lav - my husband and I have visited Melbourne and the country surrounding quite a few time and we both love it. The weather is just how we like it.... they actually have all four seasons, not like here where it is winter for three months then summer for the rest. There is even snow in the mountains and so much to see and do - very cultural and exciting. I am planning to go over in August to look at high schools and TAFEs (Technical and Further Education) and find a nice suburb to live in. But the kids havent been there. I am waiting to have all the info before we tell them. They are not going to be happy at all.

      What's going on with Inchains? Sounds like she has given up.

      Daya - Hi. Hope that bottle didnt call you too loudly and you stayed strong.

      Placeseeker - exercising without AL seeping thru your pores is so much better. Often I would go to the gym and I swear I would sweat pure Sauvignon Blanc! YUK....

      Big reality check this evening. We went around to my mum and dad's for dinner tonight. My dad is an practising alcoholic - and boy! was he practising well today. He had consumed three bottles of red wine before we even got there. It is horrible to see how he is when that drunk. Makes a complete ass out of himself and treats my mum so bad. He is nearly 80 and the last ten years has gotten worse. It makes me so sad that he and mum are going to finish their 50+ years of marriage this way. He doesnt even know he is an alcoholic.

      Gotta go... HC
      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats Natalie on getting 30 under your belt! You rock!
        Seeker, Clover and Climbing: We are all within our first few days, so let's stick this out together...ya know - strength in numbers right?
        Lavande: Thanks for your continual support here in the Nest for all the newcomers. It is SO appreciated. :thanks:
        So, my 5th night was a lot like the previous few....Slept only about 4 solid hours and then tossed and turned. Actually had a dream last night I was totally wasted and then suddenly awoke feeling the shame and remorse all over again until I realized it had only been a dream!
        THAT was a relief!
        Still feeling quite groggy and foggy, especially in the AM. I did get myself enrolled in the paid forum (I wanted/needed the book and the kudzu anyway!) and started reading the book last night. I can definitely relate!
        Staying busy all day as I'm off work and don't want to be hearing "the voice" talking about me deserving a nice little buzz, etc.
        Will check back after hitting the gym!
        -Cap'n G


          Newbies Nest

          Hip - wow, I am so surprised to read that your dad drinks this much at his age. That's unreal. Makes me so not want to be there, doesn't it you? Maybe his behavior can be a deterrent! And, your comment about exercising is so right on.......instead of having to sweat out the toxins, I'm in a "pure" state, which feels different!

          Lavande, I too want to thank you for your support in the nest because it's really invaluable to have a someone with experience posting with us.

          Greg, and all you other newbies, hope we all have a healthy AF day! Nat - wonderful accomplishment.



            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Everyone,

            WOW, so many new people, I agree with HC, I haven't been here in over a week and what a surprise. :welcome: one and all.

            I also wanted to comment on your post Hippy Chick about having to make decisions sober. I am on day 46 AF.
            Making decisions sober is so much different and by that I mean easier.....
            When I was drinking every day involved at least 2 bottles of wine, and what I have noticed is that I used to be so hung up in the drama of what was happening big or small. Everything looked different through wine colored glasses. I procrastinated on decisions, and obligations. Everything was convoluted and difficult. I had to postpone appointments because I had "the flu" (again). What a bunch of BS!
            Now even the most difficult things are easy to manage. I look at the problem and make a plan on how to approach it and just do it. There is something to be said for that phrase.
            I know I will never
            be out of the woods with booze. I have to accept that. I will never be able to moderate, and you know what? I seriously don't miss the poison I was throwing down my throat. Not to mention the $$$$ cha ching saved.....

            Two bottles of KJ Chardonnay every day x 46 days AF= $24.00 x 46= $1,104.00.

            Are you kidding???? How I afforded it, I will never know.
            Hope everyone has a great AF day. Back to work for me!!
            THOUGHTS become THINGS
            choose the GOOD

            AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


              Newbies Nest

              Well done Natilie :wave: :wave: :wave:
              AF 5/jan/2011


                Newbies Nest

                Barbara, I can so relate to what you're saying here about anxiety. Everything is difficult when you're drunk or hungover. Why would we ever consider drinking again?! Crazy.


                  Newbies Nest

                  My wife and I were finally getting along great. Then on July 4th drank a fifth of vodka in the morning.

                  Went to a neighborhood celebration pounded tequila and got falling down drunk in front of kids neighbors and families.

                  I have no idea why i do this to myself.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nest!

                    Wow, so many posts and so many interesting and different lives. I have to say this site is always so thought provoking and fun to read!

                    Hippy, good luck with your decision. Sounds like a big one but could be very positive! As for drinking I would focus on the fact that I could go somewhere new and tell people "I don't drink" and be known from day one as a "non drinker".

                    As for me, everything feels so much better when I don't drink - I feel like I'm handicapping myself intentionally when I do. I just don't know why I ever did that to myself and hope I never do again.

                    Matchee, you can do so much better when you're not drinking - maybe give that a chance in your life and make that committment to yourself. You can do it!

                    Natalie - CONGRATULATIONS!!! 30 Days is awesome.

                    Everyone else I missed (this place is crowded today!!) Have a wonderful AF day and hang in there! We can all lead this better life AF together.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Natilie - No Alcohol Today I Live In Excellence!!!!!!! Good going girl! You have lived up to that brilliant name. Here's to the next 30!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        If I don't think about not drinking the day will go by faster. There is a liquor store I have to drive by everyday in my neighborhood. I don't like to go in there with the kids but tomorrow I will go to my exercise class by myself and will have to drive by twice. I WILL NOT GO IN!!! )
                        'You might not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you!' - Walt Disney

                        I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. ~Agatha Christie


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning all.

                          Tiredofit - take a different route! I know it sounds easy and very simple and I dont mean to make it sound insignificant - however it really is as simple as that. Do something different. As Einstein says doing something the same way and expecting a different result is insanity. I am still trying to do things different, it's not easy, but you can do it.

                          Barbara - "wine coloured glasses" - you made me laugh on that one! That is a perfect description. I suppose it is similar to having "beer goggles"... It really is a huge realisation that you will never be out of the woods in regard to the desire to drink. So many people fail in their desire to stay sober (me included) because we dont get that. I went for seven months AF last year and started to think that I could handle "just one". That of course was the start of my six months of hell when I simply could not stop.

                          Greg - there is a product called Calms Forte that is available on this site that are brilliant for helping you get sleep and get a proper sleep pattern happening. I used them since I started my quest last year although I have recently stopped taking them as I am sleeping so well for the first time in years.

                          Placeseeker - seeing my dad is a HUGE incentive to keep me sober. To see the way he treats people when drunk is horrible as he is not like that sober. My kids think he is just being funny, but we know different. It really is sad.

                          Hi Matchee - keep fighting. Dont give up, it can be done. Good luck with your journey.

                          Mylife - what you said about me starting a new life known as a non-drinker is what I should have thought but having a booze brain it was the exact opposite. You are right though, that would be an even better way to stay sober. At least I wouldnt have to continually justify why I am not drinking.

                          Gotta get ready for work :upset: so will call in later. Take care and stay strong my friends.

                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone: I'm a Newbie and need help....Monsoon


                              Newbies Nest

                              Stayin busy and stayin sober!

                              I booked myself solid today as I'm off work on Wednesdays, and that worked out really well. I had more on my to-do list than I could do, so there wasn't more than a passing thought about having a drink (or 5). Got in a workout - it's amazing how much less you sweat when you aren't sweating out booze! Made an appt with the doc to talk about the meds, but that won't be for 2 weeks. A little disappointed that my eyes aren't lookin better on Day 6...still looks like I tied one on last night (which I did in a dream!).
                              Hippy Chick - Thanks for the recommendation...I will be ordering my hypno tapes soon and will get the forte as well.
                              Drive on by Tiredofit, just right on by....project how you'll feel the day after!
                              Monsoon - You're in the right place..start reading, get the book, go to the tool box, and post in here's therapeutic just to let it out and write it down!
                              Matchee - It's a disease..just like diabetes or hypertension - don't beat yourself up because your DNA is a little different...if you had diabetes you'd take your insulin, yes? OK, you have alcoholism so follow the prescription for treating that! (Read the book!)
                              Barbara...You are awesome! Keep going and you'll be very wealthy!
                              Glad to see you in here again Seeker - keep -er goin!!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks Hippie Chick! I would absolutely take another route, but there are only 2 ways to get up through the neighborhood and currently the "back" way which is just a road with nothing up or down is closed for repair work and the building of a new major home improvement warehouse. Currently there is only one way up and down. I may have just incriminated my self, LOL!! I don't care. Anyway, I don't think it would be too hard not to stop in. Each time I drive by will be another accomplishment.
                                'You might not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you!' - Walt Disney

                                I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. ~Agatha Christie

