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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nest,

    Checking in for the evening.

    Hippie, don't worry - my booze brain is always thinking as well - I just wish I had a "do over" with the whole drinking thing.

    Tired - where I live the Wine is sold in the grocery stores and that was my poison of choice. So every time I go in any grocery store I have to face the "wine section" which they now pepper everywhere throughout the stores I've just takes time to break the habit of picking one up....or three or four! You can just choose to look the other way and each time you pass that store and you're building up your new habit. You can do it!!

    Greg - I have many times compared the drinking addiction to diabetes as they both require giving up the case of diabetes it's sweets and carbs for us it's AL. But I also compare it to other addictions - like heroine. When I think "just one" I remind myself that I would never think it was okay for a heroine addict to have "just one" shot (or whatever they call it!)

    Hope you all have a safe and AF night in the nest!


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters!

      So many people here today - terrific!

      It's getting late so I'll be brief (for a change )

      matchee - what happened? Sorry to hear you decided to drink. The only way we can stop making the same mistakes over & over is to commit ourselves to making some real changes. We know we simply cannot drink safely - that's it! I know once I accepted that fact things got a lot easier

      Tiredofit, I vowed I would never step foot in another liquor store & so far I haven't. The liquor store happens to be in the same shopping center as the supermarket I shop in frequently but that doesn't matter. I just pretend it's not there anymore :H

      Hippy, I really hope the decision to move or not move works out the best for you!

      Monsoon, hello & welcome to the Nest! Please make yourself comfortable, ask any questions you need to ask. Read the MWO book, it's a good place to start. It's available for download in the Health Store here.

      Gregorino, hang in there, your eyes will clear, your mind will continue to clear. Be sure you are drinking lots of water. Drinking dreams are annoying but part of the process. The first one I had really freaked me out!! I think it takes a while for the sub-conscious to catch up

      Had a long, busy but good day myself & now it's time to call it a day. Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        In the last 3 months I have split with my partner, found she was cheating on me, sold my house (losing $35K in the settlement process), reduced work hours to 24 per week with professional recommendation to be redeployed to an alternative position (based on existing anxiety issues exascerbated by personal circumstances) and I'm in temporary accom.........oh and I'm an alco who has posted here before trying, trying and trying to quit.

        Have had extensive psych sessions and am on track re prev relationship issues. Seems work situation may work oit if right job can be found.

        Now what about the drink? Well, I've ordered the starter pack and the book so I can formulate a plan once those products arrive. Diet, exercise, nutrient supplements and advice from the book, toolbox and the great advice and support that these pages provide. I kind of feel like I'm repeating my same promise by saying 'I'll do this' but am confident no one here will brand me a wannabe because the first nine thousand atteptms failed

        So I'll check in frequently, have faith and follow my plan to give up this poison that's ruining my life.

        Feels better now that's all out. Night time here in Aust so night all, take care, have a great day or night and I'll see you later on the Nest.


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome Matey!

          I'm also a newbie, and an Aussieso let's keep on helping each other.this place here has been very supportive and motivating to me already
          Cheers dears.


            Newbies Nest

            Gday Daya

            I'm giving it a solid crack this time because I really can see what the al abuse is doing to my health, job, family and wellbeing. Not fun having sleepless nights, anxiety about the day ahead, no motivation to get going etc etc etc. Whether I succeed or not is up to me but I ask myself, do I want to be hungover, irritable and a sociaphobe for the rest ofmy life or do I want to make the most of my life. Just got to get over the dependancy hurdle and once healthy, hope to prefer healthy sobriety over drunken oblivian.

            I have some hurdles - most of my mates are big drinkers. Golf = drinking. Camping / fishing = drinking. BBQ = drinking. Parties = drinking. Aside from the temptation, I trust they're big enough to accept my sobriety. If not, well I have to question the basis of their friendship.

            Time for ice cream

            Jim -


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Everyone, just wanting to say hello and chime in on what is the beginning of my 5th sober day. It feels sensational and I'm feeling strong in my commitment to be rid of alcohol.

              My Life, Daisy, Matchee, Barbara, Madmans, Natilie, Tired, Hippy, Greg, Jim, Daya - I hope you are all doing well and strong in your resolve too. We are here for each other, which is a life saver if we'll let it be.

              Monsoon, here is a link to to the Tool Box. You have to look around because things get buried in there, but lots of good information that can help you devise a plan to stay sober. Let us know how we can help. I'm new too - have failed many times but each time I got better and better. I feel like this is it for me and that I'm going to make it. But............we know not to get smug - as they say, alcohol is cunning and sneaks up on us if we're not vigilant. Matchee, I'm sorry you had a setback but trust you'll get going again on your AF days?

              Thanks to everyone here for telling about their experiences and hand-holding! Lav - thanks again for taking care of us and lending your wisdom - I think you've been AF for quite a while now?!

              Hope I didn't forget anyone - and welcome to any new people to come along!



                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning, Everyone. It's Day 6 for me and it feels SO good to wake up with a clear head. I can see from the posts that most of us have a lot of crap to deal with besides trying to quit the booze. That's certainly the case for me. The last few years (basically since the economy here tanked) have been really rough and I've used wine to medicate the anxiety and depression that have been my daily companions. But, naturally, it's only made things worse! I truly believe that my problems will be easier to solve if I don't drink. I'm tired of running away and hiding. I'm getting nervous about the weekend; that is typically my time to tie one on. But today feels really good!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good moring folks,

                  Day 26 just beginning to meditate/pray, remind myself of what I need to be grateful for.

                  Had a trigger moment yesterday --- funny, wasn't set off by some bad or negative occurence. I was actually having a good time with friends who don't seem to have a problem with booze and I had this real strong moment of deep sadness. Sadness that I could never sit at a table with them and enjoy a glass of wine again...

                  And then it dawned on me....when was I ever happy with 1 glass of wine?? Like hell, try the whole bottle...all of a sudden I remembered ny old antics: having the dinner at my house so I could drink before people came, up and down pouring for others and sneaking a bit more in the kitchen. Drinking when everyone left...thanks but no thanks to that life!

                  So yeah, I'm sad I can't have one glass, but happy that I can still cook, be social, and have a blast AF.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Hello again JimG! Glad you stopped back in the nest. Wishing you the best with your plan. Taking the bull by the horns so to speak is a great decision. Try to not worry about your friends & social activities for now. I kept myself home & in the house for 3 solid months after I quit ~ just to work up the strength & ability to say 'No thanks' to the offer of a glass of wine. It takes a little time but you definitely can do it

                    Good morning Daya, Clover, life....take2! PlaceSeeker, yes I've been AF for 2 years, 3 months, 11 days :H The Nest was an important refuge for me when I first started! I keep coming back in hopes to encourage a few folks & to let you all know that you can achieve your goals

                    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you Lav:l

                      LT2 - I've been fighting what you describe in your post. And, I too am starting to realize that my memory of a good time with friends and how it relates to alcohol is very skewed and false. There were a lot of negative things that came along with those times but I think we tend to focus on the yeehaw fun part. Really, I think those fleeting moments were pretty false. At least that's what I'm starting to realize now.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello all!! Had a great night last night, woke up at 5:30 this morning, my 2 year old woke me up , and went about my day....drove right by the liquor store twice and didn't realize I didn't stop there until I got home. I was pretty proud of myself. OH, I also found that I bought the MWO book a couple years ago. I found it sitting on my book shelf.
                        'You might not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you!' - Walt Disney

                        I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. ~Agatha Christie


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lavande: congrats on 2 years + AF. You are an inspiration.

                          Place Seeker: amazing how the devil inside is such a shape shifter! I try to "surf crave" - and get out my reminders of my long term goals - not my immediate fixes...and I find - if I am need of a fix -- that a chocolate chip cookie sprinkled into a cup of ice cream curbs the wine/sugar fixx!

                          And I always remember how thankful I am when I wake up without drinking ---- I hold on to those memories. A mental image of me enjoying a strong cup of java and welcoming the morning with a clear head before some exercise is STRONGER and more attractive than the false image of me at a table enjoying a glass of wine. And I say "false" because I know I can't stop at 1!

                          Good luck Nesters --- posters and lurkers! Let's encourage one another to listen to our sober selves.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Welcome aboard everyone! Gosh, we all sound like a skipping record (I guess you can't say that anymore)....anyway, all of our stories are so similar yet we are worlds apart. This is my 6th month AF. When I first came here a year and a half ago, I was interested in finding out how to moderate...I found out all right...I found out I couldn't. Took me a year, but I finally got it. I wanted to know what days were the hardest and when I could finally feel like a person without a constant pulling...I believe that I have reached that point in large part. I happened to think last night as I was going to bed, I hadn't thought about AL ONCE all evening! What a blessing that is!!!! This is the peace I am looking to have. It has been a struggle, let me tell you, but not having that cloud over your head all the time feels so worth it. Well done for coming here....pull up a twig and hang with us for a while. I've told this nest things I'd never tell another human being!!! Always someone to say, yep, I did that too....Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning / evening / afternoon everyone.

                              Day 2. Woke up this morning clear head, no dry retching when I brushed my teeth and a less broken sleep. A little nausea but that may have been overdoing it on the cheese, crackers and ice cream last night . Plan for tonight is straight vegetable juice followed by a long walk then a nice dinner. My normal plan of attack would be a case of beer that would be gone by Sunday. I am determined that will not happen.

                              Hope everyone's feeling good.

                              Life take2, that's my fear - when I'm socialising with my mates who drink but you are so right. 1 beer after golf turns into 15 and 2 wasted days thereafter which are dealt with by more grog and a vicious cycle of sickness.

                              Have a good one everyone - first time in a long time I've felt positive.


                                Newbies Nest

                                PlaceSeeker;1143018 wrote:

                                Monsoon, here is a link to to the Tool Box.

                                Seeker; how did you make that link? Glad to see you're in here daily!
                                -Cap'n G

