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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mario, I love your posts. Thanks! Here's a link to an article - nothing earthshattering, but interesting nonetheless (from MSNBC Health section today)

    The Body Odd - I'll never drink again! Never mind. Cheers!


      Newbies Nest

      Lurking - getting thru July, and will be back in earnest in August - hopefully will get CD's in August!
      in light of a few recent posts, I heard this on the radio the other night...

      "Your Friends' Drinking Habits Can Have a Big Effect on Your Own
      When it comes to alcohol, your social networks play a big role. For example, if a friend or relative starts drinking more, or less - or decides to give up alcohol entirely - you?re more likely to do the same. A new study finds that heavy drinkers, moderate drinkers, and teetotalers tend to rub off on each other. Here are the details from Health magazine.

      Researchers looked at data from 12,000 people over the past 30 years. This data is part of a large, on-going study that examines heart disease risk factors. The research team, led by Dr. Nicholas Christakis from Harvard Medical School ? has also used information from this study to show that obesity, smoking, happiness, and even loneliness can spread through social connections. That makes them, in a way, contagious. They found that the same goes for drinking habits, especially among women. The study showed that when women started drinking heavily, the chances that their friends followed suit more than doubled. The closer the social connection, the greater the influence someone?s drinking has on another person.

      Both men and women were 50% more likely to be heavy drinkers if one of their close relatives drank heavily. However, if it was a distant relative, or a friend-of-a-friend, that number slid to about 35%. By the way, ?heavy drinking? meant more than one drink a day for women, and two for men. The pattern worked in reverse, too. People with a relative who didn?t drink at all were 29% more likely to be teetotalers themselves. Something to keep in mind during your next Girls Night Out, or family reunion."
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Newbies Nest

        SL - I so believe this -- we really are greatly influenced (positively or negatively) by those around us. That's why I'm steering clear (as much as possible) of drinking friends for a long time! Thanks for the post.



          Newbies Nest

          I blew it again. I had managed to get a solid week, and then was feeling so bummed out last night that I drank. I'm really afraid that Friday nights are going to trip me up. I guess the only thing to do is make sure I have something lined up for right after work, maybe a nice dinner or something. It seems like the more days I put between drinks, the less tolerance I have when I do drink. I got loaded last night and even fell. I was alone, since my daughter is out of town. But today I have a bump on the back of my head, my back and legs hurt and I just feel like a piece of crap. I have to stop this, it is an awful way to live. My son has a swollen, painful foot and knee and I took him to the doc and for x-rays. His dad had to take him to Urgent Care today, and I'm just very worried. He's not a little boy anymore, but he's still my child. I just feel horribly down today.


            Newbies Nest

            Clover, tomorrow is another day. See what AL does to us? It's all BAD. Hell, I fell in a ditch of water at my company convention in an evening dress! You will get there. I mean, aren't you just getting sick and tired of the whole cycle? That's where you gotta be...just sick and freaking tired.
            Hippy, that stuff they sell, sparkling grape juice, is not worth the calories! It's loaded (drunk joke). I'd much rather have a cupcake than drink all those calories to please a friend who can't see past her own drink. That was ugly of me, I'm sorry. But misery not only loves company, it loves miserable company. Be true to yourself. You don't owe anyone anything.
            My excuse lately, and I said it not too long answer to 'Why aren't you drinking?'. It seems to be aggravating a couple other things I have going on. I do have Ulcerative Colitis and arthritis is getting to me....but the actual couple things it's aggravating are my health and my marriage!!! No one needs to know that. Like the others said, people just aren't drinking like I thought they were drinking when I drank...and no one drank as much as I did...I even got a headstart when possible. Ugg, it was awful. God please give me the strength to not go there again.
            As I say to myself every morning when I get up...all I gotta do, is get thru today.....Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Clover, I'm sorry you're having a hard time. We've all been there. Something will click though, I hope, and you'll be able to overcome the weekend dilemma. They're really hard for me too - I associate them with the start of drinking time in a big way. And, I can imagine the letdown you feel when your kids leave. My long-time girlfriend is really close to her kids and even though they're in their early 30s, she's the same way about them.

              Byrd, you are such a sage woman - I really like your posts - no B.S. - just straight to it.

              Best to you both,


                Newbies Nest

                scottish lass, good to hear from you!
                Hope you are OK.

                Clover, Friday nights are the same as any other night, not an excuse to drink. Your injuries sound painful, take good care of yourself. You do want to be available for your son as well. Make yourself proud ~ it's a good feeling

                Byrdie, in a ditch of water in an evening dress! :H I'm sorry but that's a classic. Aren't you happy that will never happen again????

                Place Seeker, I'm seeing you around everywhere on MWO - that's a good thing

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Finally tucked a week under my belt. Feels good to have a choice. I almost said control but realize that is not sound reasoning. Looking forward to another day AF. Anxiety is backing off. With the proper rest, diet & exercise my body will gradually calm down so that I can relax w/o alcohol. Thanks to all who post here as the motivation and support have made the past week easier to deal with. My life will be better without alcohol if I can just let go of the idea of it being my friend when it truly is my adversary. HAVE a great Sunday everyone!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,

                    Hyper, well done for one week, it really really does get better, there is nothing to get worse, except for the ice-cream addiction......or isthat just me. Just think how amazing it will be to be anx free. Hell, I couldn't drive my car for 2 years because of anx!

                    Clover, I am so sorry, but you have to stop seeing AL as a reward for doing so well, its voice will lull you into drinking is snide and pure evil. How are you rewarded? It makes you feel wretched.

                    I have woken in a great mood, not sure why, it's been a pants week. But I know I will not drink today, I have no desire to, as I want my week to start great.

                    Will check in later inbtween peeling a mountain of spuds and ironing, why don't women ever get a Sunday off?? And I don't even have kids to run around after :H
                    I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                    But I can change the direction of my sail.

                    AF since 01/05/2014

                    100 days 07/08/2014


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well, Saturday was day 28 for me. Or 4 weeks!! Sober. I can't believe it)
                      So very happy and grateful.

                      I'm typing in a school t-shirt that I got for christmas. Was too small for me then and now it is loose on me. NO booze and some exercise is starting to show.

                      What the journey has been like:
                      I gave up alcohol and rediscovered ice cream! And desserts! I now drink tea of all kinds and study the boxes and descriptions like I used to study wine labels! And I'm saving a fortune.

                      I now eat to live. For at least 8 years, eating was killing "munchy" cravings. I now taste and savor my food and my drinks. And I learned to be moderate. Can't believe how compulsive and impulsive I was - at my best, I exercised, ate well all day, but then ate crap at night with a bottle or 2 of wine.

                      I remember what I watch on tv! I read again.

                      I'm more truthful, honest and direct with people. Sobriety is a number 1 priority for me and so I make choices that try to safeguard my decision to live well. So I feel more proactive and alert, and I'm learning to handle stress instead of running away from it.

                      I'm talking to people and engaging the world instead of running home to spend the night with my best friend - a bottle of poison. I invest in work - rediscover my interests.

                      No more cringe-worthy/shameful crazy moments: taking out the trash before anyone else in the house so I could "cover up" all the empty bottles, no more seeing empty bottles in the bottom of closets, tucked away in secret places, no more running to several liquor stores during the week so I don't have to look at the same vendors everyday. YIkes! Can't believe I lived like that. But so grateful when I hear about how others did the same thing AND gave it up.

                      I found kindred spirits here who pick me up and carry me forward with their stories - their courage to end the cycle of addiction:thanks:

                      Going to surf the tv on a very late saturday night with a big cup of Yogi Tea; Sweet Thai Delight!

                      Sweet dreams Nesters!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh Life,

                        I hear you, a HUGE WELL DONE

                        Isn't it amazing? I bet you never slept so well either. I am with you on every count of why it's so much better. I really love not having to freeze in fear when DH goes near a cupboard and the flash of terror going through my brain.....did I stash an empty in there?

                        Massive congrats, you maybe smug all day and eat ice-cream, you deserve it :cheering!!
                        I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                        But I can change the direction of my sail.

                        AF since 01/05/2014

                        100 days 07/08/2014


                          Newbies Nest

                          helo all, iam really impressed being here. Today is my 10AF i really appreciate all i ve read here. I need to stop drinking bc i hate myself wen i drink n wil loose smone special if i continue. Help me


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Congrats to everyone successfully beating the AL beast
                            Each & everyday you become stronger, healthier & happier!!!!!

                            Welcome to Dearkky! Please make yorself comy in the nest for a while. Congrats to your on your 10 AF days - terrific Stick around for a while, ask questions, let us know how you are doing!

                            Well, I have lots of things to do today so busy I will be - no AL for me
                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just Saying Hi

                              Hi guys,
                              I have got so much from reading your posts I thought I would say hi.
                              Am Day 7 AF, my 3rd & last attempt since coming to MWO last month. 3rd time lucky I hope.

                              Feel things are different now- like I am getting it. Am feeling so good & positive now- think I like myself better now. Or maybe it is about self respect. I went for a lovely run this morning through the West Cork countryside & was running past the beach on my way home- decided to throw myself into the ocean for my first swim of the summer. It was so cold but so good. My dog was very happy to have a swimming buddy. My family thought I was mad when I arrived home in my wet running gear & we all had a good laugh. Sunday mornings a few weeks ago were very different- feeling so sluggish after a bottle of red the night before, wondering if I said anything stupid, feeling so tired because I wouldn't have slept prperly, - spending all day trying to convince myself that I didn't feel that bad & hoping the kids wouldn't ask to do anything too energetic- basically wanting the day to be over. Then doing it all again that night.

                              Hope you are all having a great Sunday.
                              SJ xxx :groupluv:

                              'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                                Newbies Nest

                                Day 2 for me and my 3rd attempt since finding this site. It has gotten easier to put together at least 5 days and I actually got to 7 this last time. I believe that my triggers are pretty obvious to me now, and hopefully that will help. Stress, worry and anxiety are my number one triggers. Being alone tends to get my mind wandering into the wine zone, too. And, for some reason, I do believe that I'm rewarding myself with wine on Friday nights because I've worked all week, blah, blah, blah. What bullshit I've been telling myself! LOTS of people work hard all week, LOTS of people are having financial difficulties, LOTS of people worry about their kids. And they don't drink! I feel very determined today, though. I used to consider myself a very strong gal, have pulled myself up out of many types of "holes" and I will get out of this one, too. I already have plans for next weekend, and if they don't work out, I will go to an AA meeting. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, as just the thought fills me with anxiety. But ANYTHING would be better than getting that bottle of wine! I am grateful to have found this site.

