Welcome to Kukani and New Shoes. Hello to everyone else!
Day 8 here and feeling good. Went out to dinner last night and stayed for entertainment - was a good night 'in the end'.
The problem at the beginning? My sister and parents were also invited - at 1pm yesterday my sister was still making drunken phone calls after drinking all night. The decision was made between my parents and myself to not contact her as she is very aggressive when drinking. She would have been due some sleep and we didnt think there was a possibility of her even being awake at 5.30 when we were due to go.
As I was driving alone, I made my way to restaurant out of town - when I arrive there she is, eyes hanging out of her. I couldnt believe it.!My parents picked her up! My other foreign relatives who are only home for a week dont know the history and didnt seem to notice as they were so busy chatting among themselves. At the meal I am stuck between my sister and mother - my nerves were wrecked! As the conversation amongst everyone continued, sister tries to put her 'bit' in. She was loud, obnoxious and when my mum and myself tried to discreetly tell her to keep it down, she turns nasty. Thankfully still the visitors didnt catch on.
As the night progressed she calmed down and believe it or not seemed to be more sober when we left; she couldnt get at the wine as everyone else was buying and she doesnt spend money, hence only had about 3-4 glasses over 5 hours.
I am so angry with my parents; they feel sorry for her - she does have a drink problem but as with all of my family, in denial. I believe you have to feel the consequences in order to be able to fix yourself but everytime she messes up they are there to pat her on the back and make her feel she didnt do anything wrong. She is aggressive without alcohol but last night could have turned out so badly and I know I would have been left to deal with her - she frightens me!
Sorry everyone, just had to get that out. I want the best for her but IMO she will not seek help as long as this cycle of enabling goes on.