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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 13 is lucky because that mean tomorrow you make it to day 14 which is magical

    I remembering shocking the hell out of myself when I hit day 14 AF!
    Hadn't done that is years :H :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks take2 for the tip. I have been exhausted last couple (few) days. Thought is was work plus some exercise in the heat. But I never feel that drained, like every step is a struggle. Suppose the alcohol gives you a temporary lift and you don't feel the fatigue because the brain in numb. My body is definitely responding with deeper relaxation and sleep. Blood pressure is best it's been in quite some time. Many benefits to not drinking. I just need to really burn it into my brain how much better life feels AF. Today will make 20 days and I am looking forward to many more. Best to everyone trying to make it through the heat and just think ~~ fall weather is just around the corner. I'm imagining how good it will be to enjoy autumn AF.


        Newbies Nest

        When I first got here, I heard the long timers talking about how just one drink would wreck the whole big picture. I didn't believe them, of course, and thought that I was stronger of will than that. A year later, I came to realize this is the absolute truth. Lav has pounded it and pounded it and I'm going to say it behind her....Protect your quit AT ALL COSTS. It is my greatest accomplishment and I am not going to give in! No amount of 'just one won't hurt me' is going to make me give up the 6 months of peace I have finally attained. When you get your quit on...keep it going. We here are not moderators, we flat out have a problem. What helped me over some rough spots was...'besides, what's one glass of wine going to do for me anyway?' Did you ever wake up in the morning and say to yourself, 'dam, I wish I had gotten drunk last night'.... Friday is here and the voices are gathering steam...don't give in to them! No you don't deserve just one, and no you can't stop at one night and yes, it WILL harm someone.....ME! Stay strong, nesters...buckle up! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          :H You've got it Byrdie

          That I'll just have one thinking messed me up over & over again until I came here to MWO!
          I listened to some of the wise ones here & finally convinced myself maybe they're right - duh!
          This applies to both of my quits

          There may be a few individuals who are able to resume drinking moderately after a 30 day AF period but I'm not one of them & that's OK
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Jumping back in to say Good night Nesters,

            Hope everyone has a busy dance card for the weekend
            Don't leave unplanned time...stay busy & stay safe!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good Evening, Everyone! It's been exactly 2 weeks since I had a drink! Wow, I can hardly believe it! I'm going to try my very best to reach 30 days and then, hopefully, keep right on going. I don't think moderation is ever going to work for me; I just feel it in my gut. The thought of having 1 or 2 drinks does not even particularly appeal to me. I think that for me, 1 is too many and 100 isn't enough. I can't say whether or not I'll stay sober, but I really love how it feels; I love how I'm beginning to feel like a new person. I thought I was self-medicating these last few years because of stressful situations, anxiety, depression, etc. But not it feels like the alcohol was actually causing a lot of that! I'm so very grateful to have this site to come to, visit, check in .... and share!


                Newbies Nest

                Just checking in after a long day at work. Was having some strange aches and pains today - think I damaged a nerve in my back when I drunkenly missed the chair 4 nights ago. A good reminder about how dangerous AL can be...Lord knows I could have been killed or killed someone with all of the drunk driving I have done. I wanna leave that Greg behind - far, far behind. It's time for Chapter Two.
                Thanks for being here nesters - Your stories and words of wisdom are so important to me right now...Gonna shower up and get some rest , Gotta be back to work in 9 hours.
                -Cap'n G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Go Clover Go!!!

                  Cograts on 14 days Clover!!
                  Well Done!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Congratulations Clover... Great job!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you all, so much! Gregorino, two weeks ago on Friday night, I put away nearly 2 bottles of wine. I woke up the next morning, horribly hung over, head banging, throwing up, and in quite a bit of pain. My back was scraped and bruised, and there was a huge bump on the back of my head. I had a vague memory of falling down backwards ... but how it happened, I had no recollection. So, I know about aching for DAYS afterwards! I'm sure your back will heal, but you are absolutely right - it is dangerous and frightening to think of being so completly out of control. Now I remember how it feels to wake up feeling good, no aches or pains, no guilt, no depression! Let's all keep this going!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Unfortunately I am very familiar with mystery bruises which used to appear on my body when I came to from being passed out and I would have no recollection of how they got there...yet another reason why 14 days ago I had to quit pretending I could drink like everyone else who didn't wake up sick without recall of the later parts of the previous night.....14 days ago today I drank all day because that is what I always did on summer Saturday's, I woke up on Sunday and wanted to stop as I really didn't like what I was doing or myself for doing far so good as I haven't had a drink since despite the physical and emotional crap as my body and mind try to trick me into "just one".....I have come to this site a lot and it has helped a lot as I have been sick and nuts a lot the past 2 weeks, Thank you all for your posts and for letting me post,, to get through the next 16 hours!!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Clover & Clockwatcher: Thanks for sharing and supporting!
                          Day 5 today will be another challenge...working alone on a busy Saturday tends to make me resentful - "I'm overworked, underpaid, under-appreciated, blah, blah, blah..." My plan is to remind myself that I'm fortunate to have a job right now, and be grateful in that thought. And, most importantly, when 4 PM rolls around to go straight home, have a nice relaxing shower and enjoy a good dinner with family.
                          Oh, and log back into the nest to see how all my fellow newbies are doing!
                          -Cap'n G


                            Newbies Nest

                            Day 20 AF

                            Can't believe I have made it this far considering how my whole life was based around beer + rum and even 1 day AF used to freak me out.

                            Please take inspiration from my efforts so far - it can be done.

                            I have a long way to go - one hour at a time . This is a great place to drop in for a read and a lurk and also for the kind words of others :goodjob:

                            Do I miss beer? Yes I really really yearn for the feeling of the first hour or two with the barflies having a great laugh and getting the warm buzz of the beer.
                            BUT BUT BUT the aftershow is horrific : guzzling the stuff to get plastered, hitting the rum, ridulous conversations, embarrassing behaviour, family arguments, Irritable Bowel and the horrible and terrible feelings the morning after.

                            This is the kind of behaviour that I remind myself of when I get the cravings and the idea that a few beers would be ok.
                            BUT BUT BUT It wouldn't be ok because I can't stop until I'm drunk.

                            Phew .. I feel better from just expressing that .

                            Keep the head up folks!:thanks:
                            AF July 4th 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              I am smiling from one big blue ear to the other reading all your posts this morning
                              It's so wonderful to see so many moving forward & getting further away from that demon AL!!!!

                              Yes, we have all suffered the unexplained bumps & bruises. I am so grateful thgat is all in the past. The worst for me was a fall down a flight of steps reulting in a fractured skull - yep! I will never do that to myself again

                              If you feel a little help is needed whipping up some gratitude look at my favorite website:
                              The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies

                              Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Two weeks today!!!

                                I am proud to share today is my two week milestone! I am so proud of myself,but I know the journey ahead will be a challenge. This site and my conquering thread offered the support to make it possible. Now it sounds like I am winning an academy award for not drinking :thanks:

                                Stay strong and close all...
                                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein

