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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    To all who posted who have had a setback ---- let's learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward!

    Others have posted about hitting big moments - 2 weeks, 3 weeks --- congrats to each one of you --- you inspire me to and show me that life without poison is possible.

    Yesterday was week 6 for me, 43 days AF. Funny, today I felt the strongest urges I've had in weeks - not overpowering but just there. And I found myself wanting to go back to activities I used to associate with booze. 43 days in and my addicted self is still plotting away - looking for signs of weakness/a crack in my resistance. Feel better now and going out for an AF dinner to celebrate my 6 weeks.

    I couldn't do this without this site - so many good people here who inspire me and keep me focused/balanced. Hope you are all enjoying a quiet Sunday. Peace to everyone!



      Newbies Nest

      Congrats on 43 days, that is great....agree about addicted self always plotting, been 2 weeks for mr AF and I have these crazed thoughts about, "just a couple" I have ever had just a couple......good luck everyone and have a good night....


        Newbies Nest

        Staying the Course

        ClockWatcher - Well done on 2 weeks... You're inspiring!

        Lav - The itching is what I think some call "skin crawling"...the 'ol bod is so used to falling into bed with several pints on board, then after a few AF nights, there's some involuntary twitching and itching going on! I think I'll start being grateful when that's a reminder that I am sober!

        Nice Work FlyAway - Keep it Goin!

        TiredOfIt - I hear ya friend...I was at 10 days (for first time in 3 years) 2 weeks ago, had a crave and went and got drunk. I was too ashamed to even come here, but you had the guts to come right back and that says something. Thanks for showing up and posting...We're all pulling for ya!

        I did the Paleo a year ago and it worked great! Gonna get back on it again soon, but one thing at a time....Focused on getting 30 days AF before I take on another challenge!

        SarahJane - Thanks for coming right back and sharing...I feel your terror....I thought I had really damaged my kidney and was having blood clots the day after my last drunken episode (last Monday). Something to shift the thinking to when the demon returns next time...

        Cograts LifeTakeTwo - Six weeks is nearly unthinkable right now, keep coming back and reminding us how much better it is!

        Had a nice relaxing day off and hoping for a nice restful sleep tonight!
        -Cap'n G


          Newbies Nest

          Life Take 2--Hooray on 43 days! Funny isn't it how a stretch of time will pass and we let our guard down and here comes that evil little booze voice telling you that it's all under control? I remember the last time I quit about 2 months in I was hit with the worst cravings ever. I barely made it through.

          Clockwatcher--Yes, yes, yes that flipping voice won't quit! When have we ever had "just a couple?"

          Gregorino--So tomorrow will be a week AF? Congratulations!


            Newbies Nest

            Dropping in to wish everyone a safe night in the Nest!

            Congrats to all who made it thru the weekend AF - it does get easier, honestly!

            Tiredofit & SarahJane, glad you are both back & on board again!
            Do yourselves a huge favor & determine why you decided to drinkl. It is a decision that we make just we also make the decision to not drink. Then think about what you will dp differently next time. Plan ahead for everything, it really helps

            gregorino, make sure you are drinking a LOT of water. Possibly the itchiness is due to toxins leaving your system - flush them out with water.

            If any/all of you have the MWO Hypno CDs be sure to use them. I really think they helped me to turn off the 'mind chatter, that demon voice telling you it's OK to drink...... We all know it's not OK

            Good night to one & all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good night Lavande. :hallo:


                Newbies Nest

                Lavande, thank you as well and good night to all.....made it through a weekend AF, included watching 9 innings of baseball without beers which I have not done since I was 17 ( I hit 50 the week I decided to tell myself the truth about me and booze 15 days ago...) also woke up 2 weekend days in a row not feeling sick which is something else that didn't happen 15 days ago, all good,,,,,,I can't sleep, I am resentful and angry that I can't drink like normal people, I crave sugar and I am happier that I am sober than I have been in decades when I have been a functional it goes,,, thanks to everyone for your posts which I read on an ongoing basis around the clock ( did I mention my insomnia?)....


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello all,

                  I'm Frosty from Melbourne, Australia and I have been drinking for just coming into 10 years. I'm very happy to have found this site, I feel there may be some hope yet! I have read a few threads, and I can empathise and relate to so much of it. I went into Detox and Rehab at the start of this year but unfortunately lapsed about 2 months out. Now i'm back struggling.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Frosty, welcome.....most of us here are struggling as well, that's why we're here.....I hope the site helps you as much as it helps me day, hour or 15 minutes at a time all work here and it all helps....good luck


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Clockwatcher, I have used L-Glutamine off & on for sugar cravings, it helps
                      The insomnia things comes & goes with me......never really goes away. I've actually been up since 3 am!!!!! I will be dragging my 50+ butt this afternoon, oh well :H

                      Hello & welcome to Frosty! Glad you found us, the nest is a good place!
                      Sorry to hear of your relapse after Rehab. Have you figured out why you decided to drink? You need to determine that so you can make sure your plan will help you around the situation. We have a great here on the site to help you make a good plan. If you haven't already be sure to download & read the MWO book. It's full of good info. Wishing you the best!

                      Hello to FlyAway & everyone dropping in today. Must get to work - have lots to do

                      A good day to all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Clockwatcher--Hopefully the insomnia will get better. Mine has. I do take an herbal sleep aid though. Congratulations on an AF weekend!

                        Frosty--Glad to have you onboard.

                        Lavande--Good morning and hope you have a great day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Clock, I found myself in the anger and resentment stage also. Giving up this crutch is like a death in the family. What are there, 5 stages of grieving? Denial, anger, bargaining (this is the one that nails US), depression, and finally, acceptance.. They overlap a little...but they all have a turn. It is the death of a way of life...a friend that was always there to offer comfort and numbness and sleep. But even the best of loves go bad and this one has...remember this: There is no downside to not drinking. NONE. Move into the next phase of your promising life. You will quickly realize that the world wasn't actually drinking with you...but you thought they were! It's amazing to me now, how few actually are. Great work, I am so glad you're here. Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            I agree with ByrdLAdy,

                            Only plusses - no minuses to giving up booze.

                            Clock, you body is out of whack now because your liver and the other detox organs are finally doing heavy duty cleaning that they couldn't when you were pouring daily poison into your system. My detox was mild but long: sugar highs and lows [due to the fact that all the sugar I consumed in booze was gone], incredible fatigue [getting rid of toxins is exhausting], change in sleep patters [melatonin worked for me]. But it works itself out and you will feel better - I promise.

                            The resentment issue takes time to heal because it is about "associations." I discovered that I was mourning associations - places and persons that I thought I could no longer be around or have fun with - by being alcohol free. But you can rediscover how to have fun without drinking. Takes some time, but it happens. Look at how many kids spend all day long having a blast without ever even thinking of alcohol. We adults can rediscover that happiness as well. Hang in there!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all Day 22 AF

                              Serious longing for the bar today - worst in a while !

                              BUT I stayed strong and on reflection am I glad! By now I would have been a mess and so would all my efforts so far!
                              AF July 4th 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                That's good news & a great decision you made Remorse
                                Congrats on you 22 AF days. You are getting stronger as each day goes by!

                                Hi again Flyaway & Byrdie!

                                life...take 2, hope you are doing well

                                Trying to resist the urge for a dose of caffeine right now because I know it will keep me up again tonight. Come to think of it, I didn;t have any yesterday afternoon so why was I up last night? Think it's time to switch my bedtime herbals. hmm.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

