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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I kicked alcohol's butt this weekend! A 4 hour party in a bar on Saturday and a barbecue yesterday. I drank water and had a great time. Day 21 today!

    Hope all you Nesters have a great day.


      Newbies Nest

      Great postings over the weekend! I'm not really good at remembering names like Lav is, but it always made me feel like a million bucks when someone gave me an atta girl!
      Rita, 3 days is huge! Chest bump! Your plan sounds like mine was, so here's to you!! (insert water glass clink here).
      Lav, I'll tell you...people ARE something. I thought in the back of my head that the tremors WERE associated with I was relieved when I went to the dr and she said they weren't. I decreased my dose of Primidone last night so I will report my findings as I go. People sure will poke their noses into our business! Ironicly, I live at the beach, but I don't eat seafood of any kind. It just grosses me something you'd pick out from under a rock. It's just a hangup (one of many)...but I get grilled all the time over, ar, ar.
      Greg...On top of everything else about anti-depressants...Lexapro made me gain weight!! Son of a.... So I traded it in for Cymbalta. May I say this about that...Cymbalta is one of the top 3 worst things I have ever done to myself!! The second title of a book a might write is 'Numb and Number'. I quit taking it not knowing about the physical withdrawls. Mentally, there was nothing to it. I threw them away. Everyone asked me if I started taking them again to over it, I said hell no! Then the funny thing is with AL, I had no physical withdrawls, but mental ones!! So I KNOW the difference...Dang, it was hard to let go! I think if you have your mojo working and staying strong, you prolly don't even need an RX.
      Well done to the multi weekers!!!! You will have ups and downs and mood swings but they will even out as you go. I am so proud of our little nest and the progress we are all making! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Newbies - I came back last night, and today is day 1 - sadly before throwing the wine away last night, i had to drink and feel pretty terrible with a Monday morning hangover - focusing on knowing how good I will feel next Monday - just have to get there.
        Congratuations on all the success stories posted here - looking forward to doing the same soon.
        August is it - hoping and praying for an AF month - lovely to see so many familiar names and so many new ones too...
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Newbies Nest

          Happy Monday all!

          Welcome Rita! Welcome back Scottish!

          Lav, it is hot here too, sometimes I think I moved to hell. Ha Ha. It's not Montana thats for sure. Stay cool!

          Flyaway, you are doing so great!

          Byrdie, Good luck with the med reduction. I was actually thinking of trying primadone again for the tremor. How long did it take before you could handle the tired feeling from it? Have you tried Topamax?

          I only have a few pages of the book, I was to tired to finish last night. I already feel so much stonger from talking with all of you. Lots of things to get organized to start my plan!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi kids!

            Still hiding in the AC although I did have to run to the dentist to have a crown glued back in. Why can't they make a permanent cement?

            Rita & SL - good to see you both here. Ask anything you want ~ we have (most) answers

            Greg, I've been to Florida many times but don't remember feeling this heat......maybe it's just my age, I don't know

            FlyAway, good job on manuevering thru the weekend AF! Congrats on your 21 AF days

            Byrdie, good luck with the weaning process. I hate taking any kind of meds because I always get the side effects!!! I am currently pissing off two Dr's offices right now because I won't take any more osterporosis meds. :H I tried two & they both incapacitated me with severe bone & joint pain & GI distress. Screw it!

            4me, go ahead & get that book read. It has some good info & try to get the CDs too. They made all the difference for me. Keep checking in here - it helps!

            OK, time to go feed hungry animals.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              4me...I take my Primidone at makes me sooo sleepy. She wanted me to take one morning and night, but I got so drowsy during the day, so she told me to take them both at night. I started at one night. I noticed a difference in the tremors the next day. One pill wasn't quite enough so she took it up to two. Since I've been taking them both at night I can't say that I've had any sluggish feelings during the day...especially being AL free. My tremors really bothered me...I couldnt pluck my eyebrows! Wouldn't you know, vanity got me to the dr! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdie, Maybe that is the trick you have to take it at night. I should try it. It does mess with our ability to do the most normal things that others take for granted. My eyebrows are blonde, so not an issue. Ha Ha. My biggest issue is writing, especially if someone is watching, any stress will make it worse as I'm sure you know. Thanks for the info.

                Getting close to the end of the day and I will be stopping at the store to pick up something to cook for dinner. Not going near the wine isle as usual. I walked for an hour this morning and will be doing it all week. No time for feeling sluggish from alcohol!


                  Newbies Nest

                  FlyAway;1156541 wrote: I kicked alcohol's butt this weekend! A 4 hour party in a bar on Saturday and a barbecue yesterday. I drank water and had a great time. Day 21 today!
                  ROCK ON FLY!!!:goodjob:
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome back Lassie!

                    I've been reading through the Topomax thread since it's inception a year ago...It's going to take awhile!! I think my order is here, got a thingie from the post office I have to sign for them. Thinking to just leave them in the package for now. The Voice has been fairly muted, but I realize he is just biding his time for now. Did learn alot more about L-Glut. Think I could go up on that a bit; maybe 2000 mg 3x per day...

                    Gotta go de-clutter some old clothes...

                    Have a great night y'all!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Doing a fly-by to wish everyone a safe night on the Nest

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Night all - so happy to be back in the nest....
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wow - lots of activity in the nest.

                          4me/Byrdlady/Lavande/Hypernova: I don't know anything about ET's, but that is uncanny that you all have this - incredible how you all found yourself here!

                          4me --- read that book!

                          RitaNow/Scottish Lass: welcome aboard and welcome back :welcome:

                          Flyaway: so cool that you were able to control yourself with all the party planning/party going. That is excellent. And 21 days +...hope you have 21 more...

                          queenbug - keep swimming! I love that:H

                          sorry if I forgot anyone else. I think I need to start taking notes when I post on this thread.

                          Today [day 51] was good/uneventful. Days are coming now when I don't even think about alcohol anymore and that is such a relief.

                          My BP readings are getting better. When I drank, I was pre-hypertensive and reading was about 135/85. Now, AF and with exercise, readings are much lower. Today was 113/75. I'll wait till the end of the week to see if I lost some weight.

                          I'm pooped! going to watch BONES and then go to bed.
                          sleep well nesters.


                            Newbies Nest

                            The difference between reasons and excuses...

                            I've been lurking on the site for a few days and am still not sure how this forum works, so if I've inadvertantely posted to the wrong spot, please direct me! I am a newbie. When I started drinkine, I had reasons to drink--I was in an abusive relationship where I was lonely, overwhelmed by the thought of leaving, and overcome by a feeling of impending doom. I drank nightly and didn't feel guilty about it. In fact, I felt like I deserved a few hours a day of numbness. In time, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps--I got out of that relationship, sold everything from my previous life, bought a new home and started every way but one. I couldn't stop drinking. I continued to be easy on myself and rationalized that I'd been through a lot...blah, blah, blah, but the truth is I didn't have a reason to drink anymore; I was just making excuses for myself. Now, after a lot of time and a few years of therapy, I'm happy to report that I'm in a healthy happy "normal" relationship. We plan to get married soon and hope to start a family right away. So, now I have lots of reasons not to drink! IThe book made it sound easy to stop but I know from the posts here and from my own failures trying, that is definitely not easy. I've already begun exercising, read the book, ordered the cds and supplements, made an appointment with my doctor, and have (obviously) joined this forum. What else do I need to be doing? Thanks in advance for your suggestions and support! :new:


                              Newbies Nest

                              The difference between reasons and excuses...

                              I've been lurking on the site for a few days and am still not sure how this forum works, so if I've inadvertantely posted to the wrong spot, please direct me! I am a newbie. When I started drinkine, I had reasons to drink--I was in an abusive relationship where I was lonely, overwhelmed by the thought of leaving, and overcome by a feeling of impending doom. I drank nightly and didn't feel guilty about it. In fact, I felt like I deserved a few hours a day of numbness. In time, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps--I got out of that relationship, sold everything from my previous life, bought a new home and started every way but one. I couldn't stop drinking. I continued to be easy on myself and rationalized that I'd been through a lot...blah, blah, blah, but the truth is I didn't have a reason to drink anymore; I was just making excuses for myself. Now, after a lot of time and a few years of therapy, I'm happy to report that I'm in a healthy happy "normal" relationship. We plan to get married soon and hope to start a family right away. So, now I have lots of reasons not to drink! IThe book made it sound easy to stop but I know from the posts here and from my own failures trying, that is definitely not easy. I've already begun exercising, read the book, ordered the cds and supplements, made an appointment with my doctor, and have (obviously) joined this forum. What else do I need to be doing? Thanks in advance for your suggestions and support!

                              PS: I'd love to hear your reasons! :new:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Take 2, I will finish the book tonight, almost done! Day 51, awesome!

                                Sunsign, :welcome: it sounds like you are doing great! I've only been on here a week or so and you are ahead of my progress at this point. I think you will love the nest, everyone is helpful and encouraging. The one thing I hear over and over again is to make a plan. I am working on mine. Is your goal abstinance or moderation?

                                Have a good night all!


