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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ugh. I've got a barometric pressure headache coming on too Lavande. :upset: Took some meds and staying in a dark room.


      Newbies Nest

      I had oral surgery today. Nothing too serious. The doc said no alcohol or cigarettes for first 24 hours. I quit smoking years ago so no problem. But as far as the alcohol I just smiled inside. A few weeks back I would have had to think about it. But today is day 32 and I realized some of the benefits of my efforts to be AF. Slept well, woke rested even though I knew about the procedure. Walked in no anxiety and now after planning out my high protein shake for after the procedure I am sitting here thinking about all the future benefits that will just show up and I am happy. Great to have a place to share thoughts and read others success and struggles with Alcohol b/c it is a tremendous help.
      As someone mentioned earlier it is a process.
      Strength to all in their desire to be AF.


        Newbies Nest

        Lavande and FlyA,

        I've got a bit of barometric headache, too, but if it brings rain to our parched area, I'll take it. Conditions are terrible here in the western part of Virginia. I always get scared when we are in a drought.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Byrdie, What happens in the Nest does stay in the Nest - no worries

          Hypernova, sending you healing vibes
          It is a wonderful thing to be happy inwardly, isn't it??

          To my Nestmates with the headache thing.......
          I feel your pain :H
          I never had this problem before my head injury & subsequent emergency surgery. I actually asked my Neurosurgeon if he implanted a weather station in my head :H It's nowhere near as bad now as it was the first few years so I am grateful for that.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            May I join you. I am just getting to the end of day 2. this is my third attempt and going AF. I still at this point cant imagine never having another drink, but I intuitively feel that I have no option, however it is sort of like grieving for an old friend. My thoughts are consumed with what I will miss rather than what I will gain. I keep trying to think more positive thoughts but I cant at the moment. I hope this will change when I get a few AF days under my belt. I have made a commitment to myself and my family that I will go AF until the end of August. I hope I can do it, I am so fed up of letting them and myself down

            I am working on putting together my plan. I started on baclofen two weeks ago and am upto 100mg per day, however, had a family wedding and a week long party where I drank far too much every night. Ended up the last night with me in floods of tears about my life, anxiety and how much I drink, opened up to my sister and she says she will help me. I am 46, about 5 stone overweight, and seriously damaging myself every day, If I dont stop this I WILL DIE. However, I AM CHOOSING TO LIVE, and that is what must keep me going


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome Bottlestopper!

              You're in the right place! Is sounds like you are really sick and tired of the dreadful death spiral we get into when AL takes over our lives. There are some great posts here, just in the past few days, about the disease that will give you some excellent insights and fortify your determination. There is nothing to be gained and everything to be lost by letting AL dominate your life. No, it won't be easy - that's why we're all here. You'll get lots of support from all the Newbies in The Nest, and you'll also get Byrdie and Lav, who both have licked this thing but keep coming here to share there experiences and wisdom.
              If you haven't already, get the CD's, get the supplements, and get exercising. They are all important facets of this approach. I did not do that on my first stop to The Nest, and I fell down hard on day 9 (literally!)
              This time around, I feel much better armed, and even after two weeks I still get a crummy little headache nearly every afternoon, and often times am not quite sure just what to do with myself because I am sooo not used to dealing with my self. I always used AL instead.
              So, stick around..come into The Nest a couple times a day and if The Voice starts to lure you back, come and read some posts for an hour or two....
              You CAN do this and The Nest will help!
              -Cap'n G


                Newbies Nest

                Day 31 AF

                Great responses people - you know who you are ..Flyaway, Lavande, gregorino, ByrdLady, Sunsign - sorry if missed anybody.

                So I'm at day 31 and still sober . I'm going to stay this way for as long as I can one day at a time.

                Next target 60 days!

                You guys are a super help
                AF July 4th 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sunsign--Lavande is right, quitting is a process. Congrats on day 2 and maybe you can teach me and Byrdie how to dance! :H

                  Hypernova--Healing vibes to you! Thirty-two days is quite an accomplishment!

                  Juja--Doing a rain dance for you. I used to live in VA and miss it terribly.

                  Bottlestopper--Welcome to the Nest! I couldn't imagine abstinence when I first started either, and you don't have to. Just worry about today. If I looked at the big picture it was overwhelming. The thought that there will never be an end was too much to consider. I couldn't sign up for a one month challenge, let alone longer. I just wanted to get through a day, then a week. Now I'm on day 23 (I think) and the thought of abstinence or even the thought of not drinking for 6 months doesn't seem out of sight. And let me say this, alcohol was not your friend but your worst enemy playing a game on you. Your friend Alcohol would eventually take your husband, your friends and family, and your life from you. Sound like a friend? Alcohol has your brain convinced that you need it like you need food and water and air and it will send out alarms to you as if you were starving or dying of thirst or suffocating, but it's another lie. It will scream at you with urges telling you that you need it, that you'll control it, but it's still part of the lie. You have to break the hold Alcohol has on your brain and fight through the voice to beat this addiction. It's tough, but which do you want more, your husband or Alcohol? Your friends and family or Alcohol? Your life or Alcohol. Because if you choose Alcohol for long enough, you'll lose the others.

                  Gregorino--You are a powerhouse and your posts are so positive! You inspire me to stay strong!

                  RBG--Thirty-one days is out of this world! Being sober is a great feeling, isn't it?

                  Byrdie--You make me laugh! I'll be sitting on the sidelines with you at the disco!

                  Lavande--I've got a 20 month grandson. Aren't they the best? :h


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Nova - Hope the choppers heal up real fast! I'm a big fan of protein shakes myself - just can't eat like I used to or I get like Homer Simpson! One shake a day with supplements makes a pretty good meal replacement.

                    Lav - Hope your headaches have passed...I'm having my usual late afternoon fuzziness...can't wait for that to stop happening!

                    Byrdie - I'm one of those few white guys who can actually dance, but in my clubbin days way back when I would get loaded and then it would be not so good - although, of course, I thought it was fabulous! And who was it said, "Dance like no one is watching.." I thinks there's something in the DNA - dancing is good for the soul!

                    Hey Juja! Hope you're doing fine this evening.

                    RBG - YOU ROCK! Excellent job on 31 days - You're an inspiration!

                    FlyAway - Thanks for the kudos - And right back atcha! You're on her consistently and very supportive - it IS appreciated!

                    Had a funny incident with my 1964 model pressure cooker today. Seared up a beautiful roast this afternoon and put it in the cooker with some carrots. Cooked it 35 minutes and just left it on the stove, knowing it would stay warm until dinner. When dinner came, I could not open the wouldn't I got a hammer and tried to tap the handle loose...tapped a bit harder and shattered the plastic handles! Then, I tried to pry it open with a screwdriver...nothing. Fortunately, there was a frozen pizza...
                    I'm buying a new cooker this week with the money I DIDN'T spend on drinking!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Am I too old now to be a newbie?
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nelz;1157715 wrote: Am I too old now to be a newbie?
                        Coming up on 100 days? :applaud:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nelz Bellz, where've you been!??? 100 days is one for the books isn't it??? I am soo very proud of you! DONE and DONE! I wish I could throw my arms around you and hug you good! You feeling good and puffed up at your bad self?? WAY TO GO! Byrdie!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Noxy, day 22 awesome.

                            Greg, Thanks for the encouragement. What are you doing with a 1964 pressure cooker? LOL

                            Sunsign, Today we are successful. ODAT

                            Welcome bottle stopper.

                            Lav, hope you are feeling better.

                            Day three 4 me AF. Still haven't had time to get the cd's and supplements, can't wait to try the cd's! When I leave work is the only time I think about a drink. Dang work stress!

                            Have a good night all!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Nelz No You Ain'tToo Old!

                              We're all fighting our way through days and weeks. Your experience of 3+ months sober would be a wonderful thing to share...Spill It!!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                4me;1157765 wrote: What are you doing with a 1964 pressure cooker? LOL
                                I was going to get one a couple years ago when my mother in law dragged hers out of a closet...was like never used and still had the goofy instruction book. Worked great for awhile, but has been getting harder and harder to open...I am still lamenting the entombed roast...
                                -Cap'n G

