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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Hey Nova - keep it going...5 in a row...Man, I can't wait until I can say that!

    Noxy - Nice work on avoiding the wine and making a better choice...your fortitude will pay dividends!

    Byrdie - LOL Am on lunch break at work and just burst out laughing... You kill me!

    Great afternoon to all - Check back after work
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest

      Just checking in, home early from work.

      Noxy--I'm glad to hear that you liked Horrible Bosses. Everyone that I know who's seen it says the same thing. I've been hoping to go with my husband for the last couple of weeks, but we've just been too busy.

      Clover--I'm with you on looking forward to Autumn. It's my favorite season.

      Hypernova--You're doing a fabulous job! And you're right about time wasted, but no more!

      Byrdie--Your Lamentation of the Roast had me rolling on the floor!

      Waves to Lavande and Gregorino! :hiya:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all...

        Halfway through Day 13...

        Heard the VOICE clearing its throat yesterday. It reminded me I need to get a specific plan in place to answer it once it pipes up.

        I've been hearing another voice as well. It is telling me I CANNOT EVER DRINK AGAIN. I'm beginning to believe it and think I'll be able to not only accept it, but embrace it soon.

        We're heading out next week for a wedding/mini vacation. I will need to make another specific plan for this. Any advice for dealing with vacation temptation is welcome and needed!

        I slept through the ENTIRE night last night. That is a first in I don't know how long. I felt so refreshed and just content.

        I'm trying to double my water intake....I've still got quite a bit of detox outflow from the other end if you know what I mean. I can feel the energy level increase every day.

        Healing is a process, that's for sure. It's a good thing to begin feeling good again.
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Turnagain! Isn't ithere just something in your thinking that clicks in on day 13? It goes from 'this is impossible' to 'well, just maybe I CAN do this!' I am so happy for you. Any day you can kick The Voice's ass is a good day indeed! Now you can come to expect the joys of mood swings. Don't even ask me day is soooo good and the next you are cussing your mother. It will even out at about 4 weeks....I wouldn't steer you wrong. So on your good to yourself ...with FOOD! Glorious food! Not sure where you are traveling to, but the virgin fruity drinks just aren't worth the calories and when it's hot you drink them...well, like water. Plan to reward yourself in some other'll just have a rough edge at first when the orders are being taken ...but after that you will be a-ok. You guard your string of days with your life!! It just isn't worth going backwards!! I will be sitting on your right shoulder pointing my finger saying, 'don't you dare let me down!!' eheheh. (What a visual) xxoo, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Turnagain;1158193 wrote: Hi all...

            Halfway through Day 13...

            Heard the VOICE clearing its throat yesterday. It reminded me I need to get a specific plan in place to answer it once it pipes up.

            I've been hearing another voice as well. It is telling me I CANNOT EVER DRINK AGAIN. I'm beginning to believe it and think I'll be able to not only accept it, but embrace it soon.

            We're heading out next week for a wedding/mini vacation. I will need to make another specific plan for this. Any advice for dealing with vacation temptation is welcome and needed!

            I slept through the ENTIRE night last night. That is a first in I don't know how long. I felt so refreshed and just content.

            I'm trying to double my water intake....I've still got quite a bit of detox outflow from the other end if you know what I mean. I can feel the energy level increase every day.

            Healing is a process, that's for sure. It's a good thing to begin feeling good again.
            Turnagain, oh the voice is hitting me hard since I came home. Ugh. But yes, after a couple weeks the idea of never drinking again isn't quite as scary. It starts to seem doable.

            As far as the wedding/vacation goes, what worries you? What will tempt you? I know that you're taking supplements, so make sure you load up on them. Your husband knows that you're quitting, right? I'd ask for his help if you think that would be a good idea. Plan in advance what you will be drinking. Tonic and cranberry? Club soda? Water with lemon? What sounds appealing to you. What will you say or do if you're handed a drink to toast the bride and groom? Plan it all out. Don't let yourself get hungry, even if that means eating before the wedding!


              Newbies Nest

              Ooops, forgot to say that the dahlias in your avatar are extraordinary! I love that color! :h


                Newbies Nest

                Hello, Nesters! Just popping in for a quick "Hi!" I've had a good-busy day and enjoyed coming home and catching up on all your posts. Keep up the good work and I'll check back in the am.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Sun, good to see you here. Sorry you're so stressed!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Just relaxing after a couple of hours watching my two grandsons. The younger one will be 4 months old in a couple of days but he's really good The toddler is as busy as hell but a lot of fun too :H

                    Turnagain, glad to hear you are doing so well & enjoying the AF life
                    Keep your commitment strong & you will do just fine on your mini vacation. I just always think I am an adult & making good choices for myself - the others around me can drink what they want. I don't drink AL anymore & I don't let anyone pressure me because I am an adult

                    Glad everyone had a good day & wishing you all a safe night in the Nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      TurnAgain - Excellent work on almost 2 weeks AF... I was reading a book about creating your own reality, and one of the suggestions was to write scripts- like a screenplay of your life...but not your past or present life, your future life the way you want it to be. It works because we cant really tell the difference between what we are actually experiencing and what we are imagining we are experiencing. That's why we cry at movies... we have suspended "reality" and are completely accepting the "imaginary" (after all it's just a blinking light on a big white wall). So, maybe write a little screenplay about your upcoming vacation in which you are the star (of course!) who has an absolute blast while guzzling spring water and herbal tea!

                      Byrdie - The visual of you fluttering over my shoulder works. I'm good for at least another week!

                      Hi SunSign - Hope all is well for you, stop back again soon!

                      Good Night Ms. Lav! See y'all tomorrow!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all, hope you had a great day!

                        Congrats to everyone for all of the Af days.

                        Long day at work, still no time to shop for supplements and not a minute to order the cd's. Day 4 AF 4 me.

                        Good night.


                          Newbies Nest

                          OK here I am

                          Hi everyone
                          I found this website just 24 hours ago, and it has sparked me to indulge in a HUGE self-reflection. This is a good thing, as I have never allowed myself to really think about my excessive drinking before. It is not pleasant, but I am actually feeling better that I have faced it.
                          I have ordered some supplements, which I am hoping will help me out on my journey to be in control. Not sure how long they will take to arrive half way across the world, but not too long. I am also going to work with a counsellor to help with the change process.
                          What I have realised is that I do need some help and support, and this is OK I know that 15 years worth of the wine habit is not going to magically go away, and I admit to being uncertain about how I will manage...

                          This message may sound idealistic, but after reading the "my way out" book, and some of the stories here, I can see that real changes are possible, and I want to be part of them.


                            Newbies Nest

                            :welcome: Gizzy.. You have taken the plunge, well done ! One day at a time you will gain strength and rid yourself of this toxic habit !!! We all here for you should you find stormy waters... some excellent advise in this nest of ours and a lot of wisdom !! :l from noxy


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters.. survived last night .. was not easy ,, the worst craving I have felt since starting out 3+ weeks ago !!...feeling very anxious about the coming weekend.. got a lunch date with friends that we have not seen in 2 months,, they enjoy at least a bottle each during lunch ... cant back out of this one as our children are all friends ! I am sticking to my plan and will tell them that I am doing a dettox ! I have some antabuse that I was given some months back ... should I take it.. dont trust myself much... think I NEED a backup plan !


                                Newbies Nest

                                Nexy - i also have some antabuse here and keep hesitating on taking it. I have committed to myself and my family that I wont drink until at least the end of August, so why dont I just take it to back this up, takes the choice away. However, something keeps stopping me. Any ideas on this guys? I am a bit worried because I like to cook with wine (in the food only now) and I am worried that there may be some alcohol left in the food that could react with the antabuse, but I am sure that is not the only reason I wont take it. Am I edging my bets here? Help please?

