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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Byrd,

    I am taking the L-Glut in powder form and it is working fabulously for me. I'm up to 5 grams, or a rounded teaspoon in juice once per day.
    I had really bad sugar cravings out of the blue after 60 days AF. It really threw me for a loop!
    Found myself getting up after I had gone to bed, driving to the store and then going for a swim in mint double chocolate chip ice cream....WTF?? After so long of nothing.... I had to do something and the 500 mg. pills didn't do anything for me. I started taking 8 per day and realized it was way cheaper buying the powder, now cravings!
    Your post sounds a lot like me. I was always such a happy care free drunk until it turned on me, and drinking became a challenge to myself to get the fun happy person back.
    I was searching for her, but she is gone never to return. Something happens to our brains after years of drinking that is not pretty. Something also happens to our bodies, and while drinking, I upped my workouts and exercise to combat the CARBS..,bad CARBS, I'll show you....(not)!
    I had to get honest with myself too, and that was sooo hard!
    After 74 days AF now, I am 10 lbs. smaller, and still need to lose 15 more, but the weight is finally coming off.
    I don't miss AL. I still have the occasional person trying to force feed me AL, and there are times I take the drink and when they are not looking, I pour it out. Still don't understand why people can't just accept NO for an answer, but I have noticed that once they all start getting drunk, the pressure is off me and I have a wonderful time sober, and nobody has a clue! :H
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Newbies Nest

      SL - busy yourself with a project or a good book & forget about it being Friday night. Wake up happy & clear-headed in the morning. Yuo can do it

      Barbara, congrats on the weight loss. I need to try a little harder in that department. I think I'm still suffering from quitting smoking - it;s time for me to get over that. :H

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good Evening, Nesters! I haven't been over here in a while; mostly been posting in the "... 30 Days" thread. But I love coming here, too, and reading everyone's progress and words of wisdom and experience. Today is Day 28 for me - 4 solid weeks without a drink! For the most part, I'm feeling really good! I've had some ongoing stressful situations, particularly with my son, but I am handling it way better now than when I was drinking! I take the supplements and agree that the glut seems to be helping immensely. My diet is healthy, although I'm indulging in some dark chocolate here and there. I've been neglecting the exercise, though. So, to celebrate my 4 weeks I plan to spend a LOT of time at the gym this weekend. It is wonderful to see so many of us hanging in there and NOT drinking! I really love Friday nights again, what a feeling! And I'm an early bird again - on weekends, for Pete's sake - when I don't even have to get up early! Thank you all for being here, this place is a life saver!! I wish you all a lovely, sober weekend!


          Newbies Nest

          remember this feeling...

          Gosh it is nice to wake up in the morning without feeling bad from too many wines the night before. I did have one glass, so not totally AF, but one glass is better than one bottle.
          I have no alcohol in the house, but I am finding myself wondering how I can sneak some wine in with the shopping without anyone noticing...then I could drink it while cooking dinner...
          No, this is not how I want to be anymore. Remember feeling clear headed and good this morning.


            Newbies Nest

            good evening nesters!

            can't believe all the good news on this thread --- so truly inspiring to read.

            FORGIVE ME if I leave people out in the following list. I can't keep track of everyone but I did try to flip through past pages...

            Clover: 4 weeks
            noxy: 3 weeks +
            hypernova 5 thursdays
            turnagain 13 days
            remorsebegone 33 days
            sarahjane 2 weeks

            Great numbers and you all sound so committed!

            Gizzy and Nelse - welcome to the nest :welcome:

            Sunsign: so proud of you making it through your interviews without the booze as a crutch or a reward.

            Greg/Lavande/Flyaway/Byrdie: you guys are the best. Love your posts, love your strength and courage - your honesty in your posts....

            BStopper and ScottishLass: hang in! keep posting, don't give up!

            Barbara: your post resonated with me. I was in such good shape at one time, but then with more alcohol, more excuses not to exercise, and did I pack on the [bad] weight. It really is tough to lose this alcohol/gut weight. But I've been real committed to exercise, lots of cardio and biking. It's coming off slowly - I need patience.

            Life has been quiet and peaceful, getting ready to take some vacation. I've reached a place in my sobriety now where I actually look forward to my hot cup of tea at nights and the tv. And I never thought I could do that without alcohol. Haven't really spent much time thinking about booze....think more about enjoying and tasting good food, especially after some physical activity!

            OK, going to have some cranberry tea, watch BONES [just started watching - i'm addicted!], adn then get up and exercise. Tomorrow is 2 months AF. I could not have done it without this support forum. you guys and gals ROCK!


              Newbies Nest

              Hey everybody , checking in ... Thanks for all the support yesterday ! Byrd .. You made me laugh doll ... Its crazy the things we do when we feel so out of control ... Yes, was I who swallowed the Glut in powder form ... Did read the directions !!! Its all ok ... Apparently you absorb it faster this way ! I posted over on conquering day 1 so I won't bore everyone !!!! But , yesterday was manic ! Felt as though I was flipping possessed ! It may have been a slight panic attack although I did not have physical symptoms ... Just mental ... Wow , anyway I am ok today , safe in the knowledge that - have the antabuse in me and I can go to my lunch date tomorrow in a less anxious state ! Happy Saturday everyone !! Luvies. Xxx


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters!

                Hope everyone is having a great AF Saturday

                CONGRATS to to Clover & Life... - both hitting 2 months AF :yay:
                Amazing how much changes, isn't it? Keep going kids......sober life rocks

                gizzy, glad you checked in too! Changing your thinking is just as important as changing what's in your glass. I had no idea how happy & proud I would feel when I stopped thinking, worrying, plotting & planning my next glass of's true freedom

                noxy, hang in there! I quite imagine you are going to find those feelings of panic come less & less with no AL on board

                Well, I was elected to watch my son's two large dogs until Tuesday eveing. They arrived at 6:30 am - wasn't expecting them so early So I will be spending the next 4 days dodging dog breath as I also have 2 dogs!!!!

                Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  I haven't stopped by the Nest in awhile and wanted to say hi. Day No. 19 for me today, which is the longest I've gone in about 8 years! I'm finally just starting to feal "normal" again. I was so tired!

                  I'm glad to see everyone is doing so's so encouraging.

                  Gizzy - Your post caught my eye....I used to do the same thing. Go to the store, go to the liquor store next to it then sneak the wine in the house and drink while I was cooking dinner and nonone knew it! But.....if somone wanted to come talk to me while I was cooking, I would get annoyed because I couldnt' get my sips in. Then I would have to figure out where to hide the rest of the wine so I could get to it much drama with just me, myself and I. I'm so glad not to be doing that anymore. It's so nice to wake up not worrying about where I hid the bottle and how to get it out of the house. There is so much freedom that comes along with not drinking....what a relief!

                  Hoep everyone has a great sober Saturday!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone, well day 5 for me today. I am off out tonight to my daughters house for aperetifs (water for me) and a restaurant. I am feeling quite strong, dont really feel the physical craving for drink, but I cant stop thinking about it, every tv ad, every programme i see seems to have alcohol in it, never noticed it before. it is driving me mad..........

                    Got a bit of a cold and quite irritable today, just snapped DH's head off. Going to go and do the hypnosis CDs'

                    question re CD. I am supposed to put imagery into the CD's like seeing myself saying no to a drink etc. but I just feel as if I have slept all the way through the process. Often I dont remember anything, does this mean that they are not working?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Saturday!

                      Good morning, Nesters!

                      Greg: Was thinking about your post last week when you mentioned waking up before everyone else and feeling great on Saturday morning?first happy wake-up-day yet! To answer your question about my soon-to-be-hubby?yes, he knows but because I?ve hidden my drinking (to a large degree) for so long, he didn?t realize this was as serious of a problem as it is. He isn?t a big drinker and is happy to take the sober-route with me. He really appreciates me taking steps to fix this now and supports my efforts to be as healthy as possible moving into our marriage and trying to have a baby. I?m a lucky gal!

                      Nessa: I had the happy-drunk to evil bitch switch a few years back, too. I used to call my nasty-drunk, alter-ego Psycho Sallie and I could literally feel her creeping out into me. Don?t know what that?s about! As time wore on, I was spending more time in Sallie mode than Sunny mode. It?s brave of you to recognize what?s going on and take steps to fix it. You?re in the right place!

                      SJ: Two weeks?whoo hoo! Congrats! That?s awesome that you?re envisioning your time away with your hubby AF (and another big Whoo Hoo on 22 years!)!

                      SL: Yeah, last night was little rough for me, too. I know it?s all psychological, but sheesh, not drinking on Friday night isn?t easy. To make matters worse, my fella was at his bachelor party and my mind was reeling. I think I called everyone I know and cleaned like a mad woman. If this keeps up, I?m not gonna have any paint left on my walls! I?m wondering?is all this energy part of the process or is this how normal people feel? PS: Hope you found that Tiramisu ice cream!

                      Barbara: Day 75 for you! Wow! And 10 lbs lighter, too!?! Thanks for the L-Glut powder tip, too. My supplements haven?t arrived yet but last night was a little rough so I?m hoping they?ll get here soon.

                      Clover: Yayayayayayay! 4 weeks! That?s amazing!

                      Gizzy: Years ago I used to do the sneak-in move with shoes?a much safer and, surprisingly, less expensive vice than when I shifted to wine. Trouble was the higher the tolerance the more evidence to cover-up. Couldn?t put it all in the recycling--Lawd, the neighbors woulda had a hay-day with that! So proud of you for cutting down last night. Think you can go for wine-free tonight? I?ll be routing for you!

                      Life: Your posts are so inspiring to me?2 months! OMG! That?s awesome! You?ve got me thinking that I need to find something to replace my evening wine with. I associate wine with relaxation (just like coffee with waking up), so I need another go-to relaxation drink. Hmmm?tea? Smoothie?

                      Noxy: Sooooo proud of you for having a plan for today! I have some of the manic stuff, too. Feel like a pinball sometimes.

                      Lavande: Have fun dog-sitting! My pup brings me so much happiness, and now that I?m spending more time with her, I realize how much she?s been neglected over the last few years. Onward and upward!

                      WineSucks: Congrats on Day 19! Yayayayayay!

                      Bottlestopper: AL is everywhere?and I didn?t even notice it before. I was watching Sex and the City last night and, literally, every scene has drinking in it. Feel a little closed in at times. Glad the nest is here with a different message!

                      I?m off to babysit for my BF?s little one so mommy can get a night out with her hubby. The baby brings me lots of joy?she?s four months and last time I kept her, I taught her to click her tongue! Sooo cute! Last week, I couldn?t have done this because I couldn?t have had this responsibility while I was drinking. Feels good!

                      Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nesters, remember that Bargaining is the very middle part of the grieving process...and this is exactly where we get into trouble. Don't listen to that dam Voice...It is NOT telling you the truth. It is dying, and It will tell you anything to keep It alive. don't fall for It. And yes, that's It with a capital I.
                        I have cleaned this house and continue to declutter. Was it that I just was so numb that I didn't pay attention before? Decluttering seems to be a recurring theme I've noticed over the past 18 months on here. Maybe it's symbolic of what's going on in our lives, generally. I must ponder this some more....
                        Wine and AL ARE everywhere it's not just us thinking it!!!....but after a while, this will not bother you at all. The last stage of grief is acceptance....and it's the place to be. You will get there, just give yourself some time...we didn't fly into the nest overnight.
                        No one fell out over our Friday night!!! Hang on gang! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nessa;1158776 wrote: Hi Greg! I definitely have a drinking problem. About a month ago I was thinking back, trying to remember the last day I had gone without a single drink, and I couldn't think of it. I couldn't remember a night where I didn't have a glass of wine (or 8) or a beer (or 5). Terrible! I don't know if I need anything more than moral support and advice to stop drinking. After I realized that I couldn't remember my last sober day, I challenged myself to stay sober for a week. I did it without a problem. So why did I start drinking again? I don't know. I know I become beligerant and aggressive. It's such a werid feeling...the buzz I get is fun (sometimes), but the shame and guilt I feel when I say something or do something rude far outweights any fun aspect of it. So I don't know why I still drink, besides the fact that I LOVE wine, so much that I can never seem to have only a glass or two.
                          Hello Nessa!
                          Here's a thought to mull over after you re-read your post... Is it YOU, the REAL you, that loves wine, or is it the AL in you that tells you this so you'll have some more? The addiction is very, very sneaky...after awhile we are not sure WHO is really talking. Just last night I was getting the "idea" that some beer would be good...However, the real me knows that this is not MY idea at's The Voice who has been without it's fix for 18 days trying to trick me into enabling it.
                          -Cap'n G


                            Newbies Nest


                            Sarah Jane Rocks!:goodjob:

                            Congrats on 2 weeks - keep it going!
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank You Ms. Byrdie!

                              Byrdlady;1158786 wrote:
                              Greg, I'm glad I've bought you another week in the nest. I will happily fly over your shoulder and give you a keen smack in the head if you even think of picking up a beer.
                              Was wavering pretty good last night. Kinda surprised me, but thankfully I had a little someone on my shoulder. :thanks:
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hangover Free

                                scottish lass;1158921 wrote: Struggling just now - Friday evening and its almost 6pm - crazy week and I deserve a drink - or NOT!! ugg - hate this time of day, wish my supps had arrived - instead i need some Tiramasu ice cream - where do you get that Greg - sound delicious!!
                                Hope i wake up happy and hangover free!
                                My local grocery chain in Florida (Publix) has their own brand with way too many yummy flavors! I'm having a nightly bowl, but I never wake up ticked off about it!
                                I hope you woke up clear and content!
                                -Cap'n G

