Spectacular Saturday
Hello Nestafarians!
Barbara - Glad to hear the weight will start to drop....that's been a little frustrating, but I do keep hitting the gym nearly every day...I need the endorphins! Glad to see you hear with 2+ months to the good..It's inspiring!
Clover - You Rock! 4 weeks!
Hi Noxy - Good to see you again; you're off to a great start!
Ms Lav - It's a dog's world right?!

Hey Gizzy - Keep coming to The Nest - you can do this!
WineSucks - Hey, I'm on Day 19 too! We're like practically related! Like, we went to different schools together. Like homies or something! Keep it going!
BottleStopper - Excellent work on 5 days....Good plan for this evening. There is one part on the CD where you can insert your own suggestion, and you can visualize an image for helping you get to the hypnotic state, or just use the escalator or island. Don't worry if you fall asleep (I usually do!), your subconscious hears everything while your conscious mind dozes off, that's why the sleep CD works!
SunSign - Yeah, it's just so worth it to get up Saturdays without a pounding head... Glad to hear your man is on board with your plan - that's a good thing!
OK, gotta get back to work; email is piling up! Sorry if I forgot anyone...Take2 - You rock too! Will check back later!