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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sunday afternoon, and still AF - amazing. Continuing to have a great time with the girls, conversly still dying for a glass of wine - cravings are really bad this weekend - the girls are exhausted as I can't stop for a minute - have lists of occupying things to do to try to keep away from alcohol - I do wish the activity would keep me away from thoughts of AL, but that is not happening.
    God willing the supplements will arrive tomorrow as we have an accreditation audit at wrk this week, so the stressors will be running high - as will the A type people. I know week will stretch me, luckily I have the girls this week - that will help.

    sorry about the ice cream memories Byrd!
    Today - i use Calm Forte to help sleep - and it REALLY works, without any uggy feelings the next morning.
    Greg - looking forward to the mushie info, and waiting in anticipation for the next flavour. I got more skinny cows today as I can"t stay away from ice cream - the mint chip cone is really good and low cal:h
    Clover - YAHOO!!!:l you have done it! I am proud of you, and will aim to follow in your footsteps. sorry to you and bottle for the children troubles - luckily my kids are my saving grace just now - hope it stays that way. i just have husband and money problems to deal with :H
    everyone else - lovely Sunday in the nest - thansk all for stopping by, my cravings have reduced as I have been reading/writing
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdie, you are hilarious! I love reading your posts. I do love vanilla ice cream though. Funny how one bad experience can set us up for a lifetime of hatred for something. To bad alcohol doesn't seem to fall into that catagory. Don't even get me started on the cleaning thing, once you start it can go on forever!

      Scottish, Skinny cows are wonderful. Have you tried the caramel one? Glad your keeping busy with your girls!

      Lav, I had to reset my computer to an earlier time to get back in the nest. Strange?

      Bottle, Greg and Byrdie are right, we only have control over us. Don't let it drive you crazy!


        Newbies Nest

        You never know about computers 4me......
        I just keep fiddling with them until something gives :H

        SL, congrats on your successful weekend. Now keep the streak going this coming week - you can do it

        WineSucks, 20 AF days are looking good on you

        Byrdie, everytime I hear or see the word ice cream my brain immediately goes into deprivation mode. I recognized the signs of lactose intolerance when I was about 30 so ice cream is just a memory for me Enjoy that lean & shiney bathroom!

        Greg, we had a thunderstorm move thru here a little while ago but it didn't cahnge a thing....still hot & humid, oh well.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          I was able to make the BIG decision this weekend. I am deeply grateful to all who shared their advice, their stories and their encouragement.

          After nearly 5 years (maybe more) of fooling myself that I could learn to moderate my drinking, I have reached that tipping point. I can't have one. Ever again.

          I will not drink....NO MATTER WHAT.
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Mushie (rhymes with pushy)

            With apolgies to the Nest Mums....
            Get your favorite flavor of ice cream; I recommend the ones with stuff in them as that adds to the final result. Get a very ripe banana and get some soft oatmeal raisin cookies. Other cookies could work, just be sure they're soft. In a large bowl (you need some working room) slice half a banana, crumble up the cookie and put in a few scoops of firm ice cream. Take a butter knife and a fork and start cutting the ice cream while using the fork to work in the cookie and banana. Do this as quickly as possible as your ice cream will start to melt immediately, and continue until the mixture is homogeneous - i.e., you can barely see the individual ingredients any more - it has developed a nearly uniform consistency. Throw the fork and knife in the sink, grab a spoon, and get ready for a taste sensation!! :goodtime:
            -Cap'n G


              Newbies Nest

              WineSucks - We ARE practically related! Race you to 30 days!

              Byrdie - So sorry...I promise not to bring up ice cream here again....I know there's a food thread! So, I have this friend who ate a stick of butter when she was 6, and now, decades later, she still cannot put butter on baked potato, no toast, no corn on the cob....

              Good Evening Lass and 4Me!

              Turn - That sounds like a good decision...Stay close to The Nest - we'll help you get there!

              Well gang, gotta be up at 4:30 tomorrow to do the gym thing. Or I will become a mushie! Hope all had a peaceful, sober Sunday.
              -Cap'n G


                Newbies Nest

                You have made a wise decision - one that you won't regret, promise

                And this :b&d: is for making mushies in the Nest greg :H :H

                Wishing everyone a safe & lactose free night in the Nest

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Greg...your mushie sounds like da bomb! I've got one for you...take a the peel and grill it for exactly 7 minutes. It will turn black...take it to the kitchen and slice it open long will be warm, creamy and with chocolate syrup and nuts...and some ice cream (so long as it isn't vanilla). You talk about good. It's a great thing to do for company...they can't believe you are grilling a banana! It's yummy!
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Went to the store and walked pass the wine isle and headed straight for the ice cream for some skinny cows. Yum!

                    Have a good night all.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Nighty-night, Nesters

                      Hi All! I had a busy day babysitting and helping my friend move, so I'm playing catch up here in the Nest. I'll try to respond to everyone later, but I just want to say that all this mushie talk is making this girl hungry! 'Nite


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all. It's been a while since I've been in the nest. But I'm back, with my head under my wing and it feels good!
                        Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning, Everyone! It sure feels great to wake up on a Monday morning and NOT be hung over. As if Mondays aren't hard enough, up until about a month ago, I was usually dragging my ass in to work feeling like crap. The thought of feeling that way again is really frightening to me now. It's great to see so many people here, everyone at different stages of the journey. I hope you all have a lovely, sober Monday!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Monday! Day 10 AF/NF for me! Starting to feel like the "initial" crisis is passing in these early days. At least the Detox feels done!!! Great week ahead!
                            Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

                            NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
                            AF - July 31, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Well good morning Nesters!

                              Great to see so many here already today
                              It's true Clover - unhung Mondays are pretty good!

                              Welcome back to bugalugs! Settle in again & stick with us for a while.
                              Rita, congrats on your 10 AF/NF days - you are brave tackling both quits together!!!!

                              4me - there is no wine or beer sold in supermarkets where I live & I am grateful for that. There is a wine store located a few doors down from the supermarket but I told myself to just forget it & I actually have

                              Greetings to Sunsign, Byrdie, greg & everyone stopping in the Nest today.
                              Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Catching up...

                                I?ve had my hands full of a bundle of baby goodness for the last few days, so I?m catching up today. If I miss anyone, my apologies in advance.

                                4me: This is my forth attempt at AF this year and it hasn?t been easy. I think you?re very brave to admit your misstep on this forum. Try not to beat yourself up over this?use it to the good. Think about all the good you did for your body and soul while you were AF! I, too, am undecided on the ab/mod question long-term, but when I waiver in the short-term, this is what I always come back to:
                                1. How can I answer this question objectively when I?m still having cravings/know the Voice is talking?
                                2. If I?m not able to abstain for at least 30 days, how can I even begin to think I can moderate?
                                I hope this helps. I?m so proud of you for walking past the wine aisle and ordering the cds and supplements. I start mine today, so fingers crossed that it helps!
                                Barbara: Thanks for your LostInThailand post!
                                Kev: Hello and welcome!
                                Clover: My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope that your son is able to appreciate your attempts to reach-out and connect with him on his birthday. Also, GREAT JOB ON 30 DAYS!!!!
                                Greg: Thanks for your spin on the ?Recovery is an event, not a process? thread. Made this much more clear to me. I?m thinking mindfulness.
                                Lass: I love reading about all the activities you?re enjoying AF!
                                Gizzy: Good job on driving by the store on your way home from the movies! Doesn?t it make you feel good to be in control!?!
                                FlyAway: Yayayayayay! Congrats on 27 days! Whoo hoo! I have questions on L-Glut. I ordered the AllOne supplement which has L-Glut in it, but I?m noticing people are taking more. How much and how often and where do you buy it? (I?d rather not wait for it to come in the mail again).
                                : So happy you joined us! You sound strong and resolved! I ruined a lot of relationships with my drinking, and although the motivation to be AF is for me, I also feel like I owe it to the people in my life to be the ?real me? and not have to deal with drunk me.
                                : I totally agree with 4me and Byrd on this. Let her know you love and miss her. Have you ever asked her why she?s pulled away?
                                : I think it?s awesome you were able to tell your fellow Book Clubbers about your reasons not to drink and that they were supportive! I hope when faced with that situation, that I find as much support from my friends!
                                : What is with this crazy cleaning? I?m doing it too?organizing junk drawers, cleaning baseboards. It feels like I?m nesting and it?s so therapeudic. I hope this by-product of being AF continues because I?m getting things done! Whoo hoo!
                                : Congrats on making the big decision! Doesn?t it feel good to have decided?!?
                                : Soooooo funny!
                                : Hello!
                                : Whoo hoo! Day 10! Congrats!

                                Hope ya?ll have a wonderful week!

