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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lavande;1160018 wrote:

    And this :b&d: is for making mushies in the Nest greg :H :H

    Wishing everyone a safe & lactose free night in the Nest

    LOL!! :H
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest

      3 weeks sober!

      LOOOONG Day and I see so many posts I need to get caught up....Just too pooped so will get all caught up with all Nestmates bright and early.
      C-Ya Then!
      -Cap'n G


        Newbies Nest

        back again

        Day one again. Made a Phone call to an addiction specialist today and made an appt with my doctor. I am gonna get better soon. Thanks for listening.


          Newbies Nest

          Today is my b-day - the first SOBER one in years and years and years - you get the idea.

          Thanks for all of the support in the nest! My little wings get stronger everyday.
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            I had complete panic attack last Thursday at the end of a week of AL (a lot of him, mostly vodka but I threw in some Baileys to "soothe" my tummy) and called my counsellor to set up an outpatient program for me. I'm on day 3 now! (Fri was bust)

            But, I am so glad that my appt to see the counsellor is this Wed. All the support you can get helps, a lot of it from here!

            Thanks everyone!!!


              Newbies Nest

              Turnagain, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!

              Laurel74, you've taken a big step, congrats!

              Today, ODAT!

              Clover, AL is everywhere! No controlling that, just ourselves.

              Good night all!


                Newbies Nest

                Good Tuesday morning Nesters!

                Laurel, best wishes to you. I hope you find the help you need soon.

                Turnagain, a very Happy Belated Borthday to you
                Birthdays & Holidays take on a whole new meaning without AL on board

                Today, glad to hear you have 3 AF days under your belt!
                AL caused me a fair amount of anxiety & panic as well. I am not dealing with that anymore & I wish the same for you.

                Greetings greg & 4me!
                Hope everyone is well rested & ready for a terrific AF Tuesday.
                I have some work this morning then meeting a friend for lunch.

                Wishing a great day for one & all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Terrific Tuesday

                  Good Mornings Nestorians!

                  It's a great day to be alive (and sober!)

                  OK...Let's see...a great day in The Nest on Monday! Brand Newbies, Weekers, Monthers...It's all so encouraging to see and to be a part of our communal success!

                  Ms. Byrdie - Grilled banana - I like it! It fits right in with my wacky persona! And I just love that you bake for your friends and neighbors. Thanks for reminding us to do something for others - I think sometimes we just get so caught up in our own little dramas, especially in the first days and weeks...We need to get out of our own heads sometimes!

                  4ME - Looking good my friend! Did you get the CD's as well?

                  Bugs - Hello and thank you for coming back. Hope to see you around daily!

                  Rita - WOO-HOO for 10 days! You Go Girl!

                  SunSign - Ditto what FlyAway said - Any health food store will sell L-Glut, I got a bottle of 1000mg caps and take one mid-morning, one mid-afternoon and one after dinner. I think for sure they help knock the cravings, which in turn makes The Voice easier to ignore or just tell where to go...

                  RBG - You're just piling up the days now...Good for you. You changed your avatar?
                  You're a slapstick fan?

                  Take2 - Yeah, tell me about the weight is slow to go...I have been religiously hitting the gym but have maybe lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks... I'm thinking to go no-carbs soon...Just need to finish getting the Mushie Fest out of my system!

                  Lass - Well done on a solid week, keep it going! :goodjob:

                  Juja - I think you're on Day 22 now, because I believe you, me and WineSucks are triplets! Kudos on 3 weeks!!

                  Clover - OMG...You are just rockin! And, I know I should have been dead several times...I guess there is still work for me to do here, thankfully!

                  Laurel & Today - Taking steps and getting going - AWESOME! Get the supplements and the CD's and keep coming to The Nest!

                  TurnAgain.. Happy Birthday! May there be many more of the AL-Free type!

                  Alrighty then Nesters....Sorry if I forgot anyone, so much going on here...we're going to have to put an addition onto The Nest, and that's a good thing!!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lav is The Best!

                    Lav - You snuck in on me (I type with 2 fingers and 1 thumb!)
                    You are So appreciated!
                    Thank you for coming to The Nest everyday.
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      My best to everybody. Love reading all the posts. Not much to say but day 38 today and just trying to plan ahead for the vacay at the end of the month. Everyone will be expecting me to drink and have fun. I plan on going AF and having fun. Seems like just using the rational approach that I don't drink anymore (today) will be it. Ride it out when it seems impossible and wait for the strength and resolve to return is my plan. Still time to put together a foolproof plan but I don't want to be foolish and think this will be easy, although it may be easier than I anticipate. I have one ally on the trip who will be invaluable to me in my first serious attempt ever at an AF vacay.
                      Have a great day & strength to all seeking their way.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 29 and I'm feeling fine!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Turnagain;1160463 wrote: Today is my b-day - the first SOBER one in years and years and years - you get the idea.

                          Thanks for all of the support in the nest! My little wings get stronger everyday.

                          Happy Belated Birthday!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Need some suggestions on this one...

                            Good Morning, Nesters! Okay, need some advice on some thing I?m struggling with. My boyfriend used to own a music venue, so we have lotsa friends in that business. We just got some amazing FREE tix with VIP access and backstage passes for a show this weekend. I can tell my man wants to go but he?s leaving the decision to me because he's supportive of my decision to stay AF. I?m pretty sure I can go and stay sober but I wonder if I?ll have fun or be fun. This girl loves a concert or a festival, BUT?I don?t know how to do it sober. And, the bigger concern is?is he gonna like me as Sober Girl? Thoughts? Suggestions? I feel a little embarrassed asking for help with this when some of ya?ll have bigger fish to fry, but I?m really struggling with how to handle this. On some level I wonder if it?s fair to pull the ole sober girl switcharoo on him two months before our wedding. I don?t want him to worry that I?m gonna be one of those gals that gets married and turns into a stick-in-the-mud. Is this just the Voice?

                            Fly: Got the L-Glut?thanks for the tip! I started today and I?ll lecha know how it goes.
                            RBG: Whoo hoo! Day 36!
                            Life & Greg: I read somewhere that going low-complex-carb helps get the AL weight off and curb AL cravings. (Sun Synopsis: Article said part of the AL cravings are cravings for sugar and sugar wants more sugar). I?ve been on high protein, good fats, fruit (only in the am), and lotsa veggies and the weight is falling off. I have more energy, too, but I?ve made so many changes I?m not sure what to attribute that to. Also, Greg, you talk a lot about the cds. I?m doing them but I?m not sure if I?m getting hypnotized or falling asleep??? I seem to be coming to at the same time he?s suggesting I should, but then I don?t remember a thing. Is this normal or should I cut back on the Calms Forte? :H
                            SL: Agreed?I think the Nest is, quite possibly, the biggest factor in helping stay ALF! I feel accountable to my fellow Nesters. I think it should be mentioned in new editions of the book. Also, I love that you?re doing little things for yourself?I think learning to love ourselves again is a big part of the journey.
                            4Me: I didn?t mention the Calms, but agreed?it?s amazing. I?ve been sleeping like a rock!
                            Byrd: I love that you?re channeling some of that extra energy into helping others! I felt that glow from the inside when I helped my friend by taking care of her baby this weekend. I think that glow is Me emerging from hibernation! Why does AL cause us to miss so much? I feel like I?m looking at the world through newborn eyes!
                            : I love your strength and resolve!
                            : Almost to 1 month! Yayayayay!
                            : I, too, am grateful for not hurting myself or anyone else (physically, at least) during my drunk days. My life could?ve turned out very differently.
                            : Glad you?re here and taking big steps to get healthy! We?re here.
                            : Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy sober birthday, dear Turn! Happy birthday to you!
                            : Love that you have an ally on your vacay! Gonna put that strategy in my tool box for future use when faced with a challenging situation.
                            : Last, but certainly not least, thank you for coming here everyday, cheering us on with your words of wisdom!


                              Newbies Nest

                              PS: I just realized I'm on Day 8! Yay me!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hypernova...your serious ally on your mini vacation is ME! Don't forget I will be watching from your right shoulder!!! You will get a good bop on the head if you give in. From me and the rest of the nest!! You will do just fine. If I can get thru a drunken company convention, you can get thru a vacation wij your friends. will enjoy..I promise.
                       are killing me... We need a new wing on the nest!!!
                                So happy to see steps being taken in the right direction. If you stop and think of the progression of what we were all heading's amazing. William Holden, there but for the Grace of God...I fell many, many times....Onward and upwards. No looking back now. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

