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    Newbies Nest

    L-Glut Question

    Hi All,

    I started the L-Glut today and my head's been killing me all day. Have any of you experienced this? Ibuprofen isn't touching this either. Thanks for your insights!


      Newbies Nest

      Sunsign;1161036 wrote: Hi All,

      I started the L-Glut today and my head's been killing me all day. Have any of you experienced this? Ibuprofen isn't touching this either. Thanks for your insights!
      It didn't cause any problems for me. How much are you taking?


        Newbies Nest

        Clover;1161029 wrote: Thank you, Lavande and FlyAway. He doesn't live with me; he lives with his dad. We had shared custody for several years, but when he turned 18 he started spending most of his time there. He has the entire upstairs to himself ... and complete freedom ... his dad works a lot and goes out at night a lot, too. One day he'll get it, but that might not happen for a while.

        I need to just let go. That is something AA stresses. Let go and let God. I don't go to AA, but did many years ago. I liked the support of the meetings, but it would feel more stressful for me right now to go to meetings. I don't know if anyone here does AA, but I just don't think I can right now.

        I'm very glad to see how great everyone is doing!
        I think you need to let him go too. There really is nothing you can do for him. You've already done it in raising him. The rest is up to him. And you need this for your own health and sanity. Personally I wouldn't let him use my house as a crash pad at this point either because I'd feel that I was enabling his behavior. I don't know if he does, but you're going to have to decide what letting him go means to you. We've had to do this with both of my stepkids too at one point, but they've both matured and it turned out to be the best thing we could have done for them in the end.


          Newbies Nest

          I started L-Glut 3 days ago and no headache. I still do feel really tired tho and haven't been sleeping well (sweating tons too!)

          Still, I was glad to go to work on this happy Tuesday and I'm starting to feel less guilty calling in sick last week. Getting back into my routine, lunching with coworkers... all is good here. Still, I never noticed how many people talk about AL, like its nothing! So casual... well, for me its not casual. No more!

          Go Day 4!


            Newbies Nest

            Today;1161054 wrote: I started L-Glut 3 days ago and no headache. I still do feel really tired tho and haven't been sleeping well (sweating tons too!)

            Still, I was glad to go to work on this happy Tuesday and I'm starting to feel less guilty calling in sick last week. Getting back into my routine, lunching with coworkers... all is good here. Still, I never noticed how many people talk about AL, like its nothing! So casual... well, for me its not casual. No more!

            Go Day 4!
            It is amazing, isn't it? We're surrounded by advertisements and drinking on the television. My friends and coworkers talk about drinking or go out for drinks constantly and joke about being drunk. Alcohol is served at every party I go to, including baby showers! I'm just more aware of it now that I'm not drinking. It makes me think that there are a lot more people who have drinking problems out there who are completely unaware of it.


              Newbies Nest

              Clover;1161029 wrote: Thank you, Lavande and FlyAway. He doesn't live with me; he lives with his dad. We had shared custody for several years, but when he turned 18 he started spending most of his time there. He has the entire upstairs to himself ... and complete freedom ... his dad works a lot and goes out at night a lot, too. One day he'll get it, but that might not happen for a while.

              I need to just let go. That is something AA stresses. Let go and let God. I don't go to AA, but did many years ago. I liked the support of the meetings, but it would feel more stressful for me right now to go to meetings. I don't know if anyone here does AA, but I just don't think I can right now.

              I'm very glad to see how great everyone is doing!
              Clover, He may have to have a couple of bumps and thumps before he understands what is important to him. Letting go at least for now is the best for him and you.


                Newbies Nest

                Flyaway, I take the l-glut. No headaches so far. Hope your better!

                Good night all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning nesters

                  Back again looking for a twig to get comfy on

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Newbies Nest

                    Back as well, day one again,,,,got 20 days and then thought I could moderate,,,,,so much for thinking!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thought has a lot to answer to

                      Feeling urgh right now, have eaten, drank plenty, rested and still feel yuk:upset:
                      WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                      Just taking it day by day.......


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Happy Hump Day to one & all

                        LIS & Clockwatcher, welcome back. I'm sorry to hear you decided to drink again. Listening to the mind chatter is is our downfall everytime! Revise your plans - what are you going to do differently the next time the stinkin, drinkin thinkin starts
                        Distraction was key for me............keep yourselves as busy as possible & when the drinking thoughts enter your head, stop whatever you are doing & go do something completely different - it works!

                        I have a full day ahead & no time to entertain thoughts of AL
                        Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning everyone! I've got a long day/night at work ahead of me. But it's a beautiful day and I'm feeling great.

                          Clock--Good job on making it 20 days. Your body is probably thankful for the break. Now just get right back on plan and tweak the things that didn't work for you and try again. You can do this!

                          Leave--Give it time. Hopefully you'll feel better by tonight. Stay strong and you'll be amazed at how great you'll be feeling in a week's time.

                          Lavande--How many chickens do you have? I've had chickens myself in the past. Hope you have a great day.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning, Nesters! I?m gonna give this L-Glut another day, but it just may not be the right fit for me. I started yesterday?1500 mgs 3x/day. The headache started after lunch and lasted through the evening. I also felt really tired. I did some googling and found that headaches can be a side effect (reduced somewhat with lotsa water), but found nothing about fatigue. My cravings seemed their strongest yet last night, but I think that was situational?I was relaxing watching tv (because I didn?t feel well) instead of staying busy. For the last 15 years or so, tv = wine.

                            Byrd: Thanks for the advice on the concert. I wish I could take ya?ll with me?talk about accountability! Wouldn?t it be amazing if just once drinkers would be the minority? I also talked to my man about my feelings, and boy, did I get a reality check?he said he felt that I pushed him to drink?.eeek?ghast! He said that in his younger years, he?d been a big drinker and found himself jonesing for a beer before he even got off work. He got himself in check, stopped drinking for a while, now he drinks socially. Talk about feeling an inch high! uch:
                            Fly: Agreed?I need to remember how to be myself! Thanks for the advice. I?m going to the concert and I?ve already developed my plan: My friend is going to be tending bar and will pour me only soda waters, and I?m telling people I?m trying to lose weight for the wedding so I?m not drinking and DDing. Maybe at some point I?ll be as brave as SJ and be able to tell the truth but right now I need the path of least resistance! Oh, and peanut butter ice cream is my absolute favorite!
                            Greg: Glad to know the CDs work even if I?m snoozing. Thanks for all the positive posts each day!
                            Turn: So glad you?ve committed to staying AF on your vacay! I so admire your strength and resolve. Have fun!
                            : I?m tired, too, and this is L-Glut Day 2 for me. Not sure if all this activity is finally catching up with me or it?s the L-Glut. I?m gonna see how today goes and decide if I wanna keep it in my regimen. Also, I?m glad you?ve stopped beating yourself up for calling in sick to work last week?it takes time to stop and change directions. You?re on the right path now, and think about how much more productive you?re going to be when you?re not working with a hang-over anymore!
                            : Glad you?re here?nice to ?meet? cha! Sorry you?re not feeling well. Getting outside?s been making me feel better when I get the urge?can you take a walk? Cleaning?s been therapeutic, too. Hang in there!
                            : 20 Days?Wow! I bet your liver is thanking you! I think we?ve all fallen into the moderation trap at some point?might just be part of the process. You can do it this time!
                            : I?ve been trying to stay busy but this is the first time I?ve heard that when cravings hit, I should stop and do something completely different. How simple and how smart! I?m gonna try this next time I feel the urge. Thanks, as always, for the insight!

                            If I missed anyone, sorry! No word on the new job yet, so please send good vibes my way?I really need this! Happy Humpday, All! :fingers:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wild and Wacky wednesday

                              Well, my off day from work is off to a wacky start. Got a 6 AM text from my wife saying her car had another 50 miles on it from when she got home last night. Checked parental software on the 15 yr old's computer, and sure enough, she took the gang out to the beach last night in Mom's car. GEEZ! This happened a few months ago as well and I thought we had gone past that stage, but apparently not. Just don't have a clue what to do with this one....she was such a sweet child and is now just a surly and sneaky delinquent! Aaaargh!

                              ClockWatcher & LeaveInSilence - Welcome back and thanks for sharing. I got in 9 days first part of July but had no real plan. First bump in the road and Voice says, "Get DrunK" and I did. So, get a plan, get the supps, get the CD's and check into The Nest early and often! You CAN do this!!!

                              Hello Lav and FlyAway and Sunsign and 4Me and all Nesters....better get busy now, lots to accomplish and I've burned most of the morning on the adolescent....Going to doc for follow up on all blood work done 3 weeks ago...The topomax I ordered from the South Pacific arrived, thinking to just send it back. I'm really not into prescription drugs of any kind, let alone ones that will mess with my head!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Oh no Greg, that's awful! Been there with my stepson and it's terrible. And of course they act like you're the enemy. Just a little more added stress to your life. :l

                                I'm glad to hear that you're feeling so strong. I'm sorry I don't remember the results of your blood work. Was there an issue? I hope it all goes well.

