Fly....have I been living under a scoop? I haven't seen peanut butter ice cream??!!! That would be primo with the bananas...I am telling you, these bananas turn a different consistancy...they are creamy and steamy and richer in flavor, as anything heated will be. The peanut butter ice cream is a match made in heaven...great idea!
SunSign, what have I pounded into the heads of newbies since you've been flying in?
Like Lav, I say get control of your mind before you go down the rabbit hole!!! Name the 7 Dwarfs....remember this? Remember my 3 little words??? THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE? (the joke here is that it's 4 words, but that's to make you remember it) DISTRACTION is the key to killing The Voice! Lav is the Master of the nest, she knows these things!! I'm just doing what she tells me to do! Distraction... do whatever it takes to change the subject on yourself.
LIS, welcome back. On this long journey, you just have to get it out of your system that you can moderate. Hope, in this area, sucks, because it wasn't possible for me. And God knows I tried, and tried....
So now you can settle in and get down to business....gettin your quit on.
I was reading somewhere that 10% of folks walking around out there are AL'ks. I believe that. Here's to us!! And knowing what we know today! Byrdie