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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Fly....have I been living under a scoop? I haven't seen peanut butter ice cream??!!! That would be primo with the bananas...I am telling you, these bananas turn a different consistancy...they are creamy and steamy and richer in flavor, as anything heated will be. The peanut butter ice cream is a match made in heaven...great idea!
    SunSign, what have I pounded into the heads of newbies since you've been flying in?
    Like Lav, I say get control of your mind before you go down the rabbit hole!!! Name the 7 Dwarfs....remember this? Remember my 3 little words??? THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE? (the joke here is that it's 4 words, but that's to make you remember it) DISTRACTION is the key to killing The Voice! Lav is the Master of the nest, she knows these things!! I'm just doing what she tells me to do! Distraction... do whatever it takes to change the subject on yourself.
    LIS, welcome back. On this long journey, you just have to get it out of your system that you can moderate. Hope, in this area, sucks, because it wasn't possible for me. And God knows I tried, and tried....
    So now you can settle in and get down to business....gettin your quit on.
    I was reading somewhere that 10% of folks walking around out there are AL'ks. I believe that. Here's to us!! And knowing what we know today! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      i am going to use the grilled banana idea to fashion up some sort of 'ice creamless' dessert for myself
      The distraction thing is not my original idea but one I totally subscribe to because it works! I learned about it years ago while doing a course to break the habit of negative thinking. Dr Daniel Amen author of 'Change Your Brain Change Your Life' calls in ANTS - automatic negative thoughts. His instruction is to KILL the ANTS. I've heard others talk about changing the 'radio station' in your head when you start thinking negatively. The same applies to drinking thoughts - they are just thoughts & you don't have to act on them. You don't have to drink just because you had the thought to drink - just go do something else. Simple strategy but very effective.

      FlyAway, currently I have about 30 hens. Most of them will be a year old in September. I had to retire the old flock to the Amish farmer down the road (he eats them when they no longer are laying ~ I just can't do that - too chicken I guess :H I have 4 young hens that are a littl eover 4 month old, not laying yet. It started as a hobby 7 years ago & has grown into a small biz. Everyone loves fresh brown eggs from my Buff Orpintons. I have 1 Amerucana that lays blue eggs as will the youngsters pretty soon

      Sunsign, I didn't take any L-Glut in the beginning but I did later to try to knock down my sugar consumption. I found I had to take it with a meal or suffer GI upset I'm not currently taking any......maybe you should reduce you intake for a while & see if the headache disappears.

      Ah greg - about your daughter (I say with clenched teeth). Teens are a challenge & are here to test us, really. My husband is a retired cop & I know he would tell you to take her to the nearset police station & have an officer talk to her about this. They can & will give her a good talk & layout the consequences if she takes the car again. That is something that needs to be addressed brother - it's not easy being a parent. My kids are 34 & 30 now & I am grateful we all made it through those years unscathed

      Well, I have one of those kids & the grandkids coming for dinner so I'd better get something started.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        just a quick check in before bed time hope you are all doing fine xx

        planning a few busy days now to get me past those first few days. zumba class was a great distraction tonight so i might put it on the wii in future when those voices start up

        Just taking it day by day.......


          Newbies Nest

          Lav, I'm sorry, I ain't eatin no blue eggs!!! That's just wrong on every level. I love that you raise are a pretty good egg yourself!!
          You will love the bananas....and what could be simpler? It hits all the right notes.
          Just a quick fly by this afternoon...big day tomorrow...hubs diagnosed with prostate cancer last week and we are visiting drs tomorrow to check out his options. It was caught very early so we are optimistic.
          Stay warm and safe in the nest tonight all....xxo, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            LIS, welcome!

            Clockwatcher, welcome back! How long did you try moderation? I an thinking about it, not sure.

            Greg, sorry to hear about your daughter troubles. I don't know how I survived my twin boys, actually my daughter was an angel compared to them. Your wife is so savvy, I would have never thought to check the mileage on my car. I did however keep the keys safe with me. No cd's yet, they must be sending them by pony express.

            Sunsign, maybe just cut back on. the dose a little and see what happens.

            Hi Lav and Byrdie!

            Four days AF 4 me, again.


              Newbies Nest

              FlyAway;1161345 wrote: Oh no Greg, that's awful! Been there with my stepson and it's terrible. And of course they act like you're the enemy. Just a little more added stress to your life. :l

              I'm glad to hear that you're feeling so strong. I'm sorry I don't remember the results of your blood work. Was there an issue? I hope it all goes well.
              Thanks Fly...appreciate your concern. Blood work was good, bad, and ugly! Good was liver enzymes - thought for sure they'd be off the chart! Bad was triglycerides and another sugar reading - high , and ugly was cholesterol.., I mean Ugly with a capital U. Won't take a regular med for that, so I'm going to start on prescription Niacin. Wheeee!
              -Cap'n G


                Newbies Nest

                Return of the Killer Poat Roast

                Thanks for your insights Lav. We had been going to a family counselor for almost a year and it's gotten us nothing. I have all her electronics now, but I have done this before and it doesn't seem to make anything any better. Where are all the convents anyway?!

                LinS - Good to see you back again. Tomorrow you can share your new plan with The Nest.

                4ME - Four days is a dang good start. Now go back about 5 posts and re-read Byrdie's post on moderating...Better yet, find her novella on moderating from about 3 weeks ago!
                Point is, don't worry about it now! Get some quality sober time under your belt, and then you could more rationally take a look. Right now, The Voice is talking moderation because you, the beautiful real you, has cut him off. Don't listen! Change the station!
                Let's get you to a week (or 5!)

                Clock - What are you up to? Talk to us!

                The incredible, and highly edible, pot roast finally emerged tonight! After last Wednesday's debacle I got a nice shiny Fagor 6 QT Stainless Steel pressure cooker and it did me proud! Maybe Sunday I'll try some ribs in it, cholesterol be damned!

                Night all - See ya in the AM!
                -Cap'n G


                  Newbies Nest

                  (Retired) Nurse Lav is going to put you on a low fat diet greg!
                  My bloodwork, B/P, everything was normal until I turned 50 then it all went insane Even when I drank a LOT of wine I was still a healthy eater - go figure. I hope you can find a way to make a 'deal' with your daughter. I think making 'deals' with my kids was really what got us through the difficulties of those years - good luck!

                  LIS, keep busy as possible & you will be OK

                  4me, really set your sights on a 30 AF day goal & see how you feel ~ things do change in that little space in time

                  Byrdie - the eggs are completely normal inside it's just the shell color that's different. They are actually pretty :H

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Greg and Lav, thanks for the advice. Everyone in the nest is an inspiration to me.

                    I hear alot of buzz about sugar cravings. Do we have a drinking problem or a sweet tooth? LOL

                    Good night all.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Hope everyone is rested & ready for a busy Thursday ~ I am

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Thursday!

                        Happy Thursday, Nesters!

                        Doing the Happy Dance today—I went out with my girls group last night and didn’t even want a drink! It felt great to be in control!

                        As far as my headache troubles go, I’m feeling fine now. I think it was coincidental that I had a headache the same day I started L-Glut. Thanks for all your suggestions on this!

                        No word on the job front yet. I’m sweating bullets. Please keep your positive vibes coming my way!

                        Grego: I’m sure you’re really frustrated with your daughter right now, but here’s a little teacher two-cents: Positive reinforcement works! Kids of all ages really do want to please. If I had a student who was giving me trouble, I’d start complimenting him/her (often through clenched teeth) for anything that even resembled good behavior. Worked like a charm! If daughter feels like she isn’t your little darling anymore, then why does it matter if she disappoints you? I hope this helps a little and I haven’t overstepped my bounds on this! :l
                        Byrd: I know, right? I’m a blondie so sometimes it takes me a time or twelve for things to sink in! Goin’ strong, though! Thanks for all your support! I hope things go well at your husband’s appt. today. You’ll be in my thoughts.
                        Lav: I’ve seen lotsa references to Dr. Amen. I think I’ll check him out. Thanks for the suggestions! No GI probs and no headaches since my first day on the L-Glut so I’m gonna stick with it for now.
                        : Glad you’re hanging tough! Zumba sounds like a fun replacement activity! Good endorphins!
                        : I think they’re one in the same. I had to swear off sugar for a while because like Byrd, I always want more of a “good thing.” I used to follow up my wine with a bowl (or three) of ice cream—talk about sugar overload! Now, I’m indulging in nuts and cheese during the witching hour!
                        : Hope you’re still with us!

                        I hope ya'll have a great day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Nesters!!

                          Work has been picking up now so I can't post as often as I used to....just checking in.
                          I'll try to read through earlier posts, but for now,

                          Byrdie: I'm sending you good vibes as you and your hubby go to the doctor for treatment options. Hope all works out well.

                          Greg: don't get discouraged by the blood work. With your lifestyle changes, I'm sure that your cholesterol will drop, as well as sugar. A company called enzymatic therapy has a supplement called HDL BOOSTER. CHeck it out.

                          LGLUT: I bought it, and I rarely use it. If I do, I use it in the morning. It gives me violent nightmares....anyone else have that side effect??

                          For those jumping back in, best of luck to you. Stay focused and have a plan, and keep dropping in the nest!

                          So sorry to leave others out - on the run, but I wish you all the best.

                          Yesterday was day 60 for me, now 61 days in. So far so good although the challenge is the emotional ups/downs. I guess some people around me now see me as a party pooper/bore or are angry when I don't keep silent as others abuse alcohol. Long story for another post, but I've been criticised for being anti-social since I gave up drinking. Since when is choosing health a problem lifestyle??

                          happy thursday nesters!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Nesters! Doing great. I think this is day 31 for me.

                            Life--Fantastic job on day 61!

                            Sunsign--Glad to hear the headache is gone. Positive vibes for the job.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thankful Thursday

                              Greetings Nestillians!

                              Hope you are all having a splendid and sober day! I had a KILLA headache last night right at bedtime and when sleeping didn't fix it, had to break down and take a couple tylenol. It was my first day on the 500mg of niacin for the cholesterol, so thinking maybe that, or that in combo with one of the supps...we'll see! Then, right after i got up this AM, I experienced the niacin flush - how wonderful (not!). Oy! But, I AM very thankful that i was sober for yet another day, and it seems to be more routine now than in the first week or ten days.

                              Where are LinS and Clock? Get back in the nest right now!

                              Lav - Make a deal with the daughter? Like, don't be driving cars in the middle of the night without a license and I'll let you live until your 16th birthday?

                              4ME - AL is loaded with sugar and most everyone here was craving their first few days (or longer; see also: Mushie!). Do what you gotta do - a Baby Ruth beats the hell out of whatever it was you were putting in the system!

                              SunSign - Thanks for the suggestion - I think I have seen that idea before. I believe I do try and say thanks when she helps clean up after dinner (when she shows up for dinner!)...I will have to really look for more things, as I just can't think of too many right now...her room is a wasteland, her grades for spring were in the tank, and her backtalk to Mom is horrid. Other than that, she's an angel! Glad to hear the headaches dissipated....I'm starting to feel that funny little afternoon fuzz coming on now....Still beats the hell outta drinking! Thinking of you at your new job....

                              Take2 - Get down with your bad self! 60 days is totally awesome! Your true friends will get used to the "new you" and the others, well, maybe they were just drinking buddies....I will check out enzymatic therapy... thanks!

                              FlyAway - 31 Days just rocks! That's like a whole month, even one of the long ones! Keep it going!

                              Well, must get back to work...the lunch hour goes so fast when you're not working!

                              Have a fabu afternoon/evening Nesters!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                phew barely had time to breathe today let alone think about AL

                                got up early flew onto the wii fit banishing those early morning cravings housework shopping , picked my daughters friend up for a sleep over , stayed for a cup of tea with her mom as she was having a wedding dress fitting so i got to see the dress in the flesh . then back home, dinner befs made up etc etc you know the thing

                                now waiting for them to settle down for the night and getting my pj on before calling it a night myself

                                hope everyone is having a great day too wherever you are xxx
                                WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                                Just taking it day by day.......

