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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    scottish lass;1162482 wrote: Thanks Greg - for the support. triggers - no new ice cream ideas to try :H:H:H - no, just kidding!!
    Really - submitted paperwork to file for divorce, final demand for $21,000 to IRS (and know state is coming next) - ex's water cut off so know he won't be helping with money. Moved into rental in jan and landlord has decided to sell - so have to move again, and worried about stress on my girls (10 and 12) - and a few more trivial things - and trying to deal with all this and and an accreditation at work that got executive management (i am senior management - so the "dump on" team) teams knickers in a twist! Long hours, no gym, and wine was really nice - and Greg, i didn't overdo it - so I really feel it is a step forward.
    Due to all the above, I didn't sign on nightly, and in the past trials, that has been a constanttheme - no signing on and posting in the evnings = drinking. I fire up my laptop before starting dinner - ie witching hour and read/post from 5pm (or when I am homeform work) till bed time, and it REALLY works!!
    This will be my 5th or 6th attempt - and the CD's and supplements were waiting for me when I got home so my plan is to start again, with the CD's/supps and signing in - but inspite of my lapse, I really feel strong and in a decent space to kill this - all the enrgy from life problems is being directed into this effort!!
    thanks for asking!! - sorry for drawn out reply - bet you ween't anticipating this!:l:l
    Hey Scottish! Sorry it took me so long to get back, long day at work. And your reply was in no way too long - it is good for you to share, and good for all your fellow nesters too. I hear ya with the tough moments in life... I was having one last night myself - crap day at work, adult son ruined his car trying to drive it after it overheated, teen daughter is next star of girls gone wild, and I come home just seething and screaming. Three weeks ago, this would have meant major consumption! Getting to shit-faced as fast as possible! But, I just decided it wasn't big enough to blow my quit over. Trust me, I was teetering, because the drunk actually seemed like the thing to do for awhile there, but I'm sure that's only because it was the pattern for so long. I just don't want it to be my pattern anymore!
    So happy to hear you got the CD' will quickly learn to love them. You could start witching hour with a quick 30 minute respite, and you're like good as new!
    let me know how you like them!
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest

      leaveinsilence;1162531 wrote: third day over and done with, always a hard one for me to get past and today was no different, wanted fo drink, hated the thouht of never drinking again. ( i hate it when i talk to my best friend and can never remember tje conversation and what i'vesaid to him, had a long conversation with him before he went away last week and couldnt remember a word found out the next day he'd had wife probs again and still now have no idea what i said to him about it, anyway so today here i was hating the fact i can no longer drink whilst talking to him whilst regretting every drunken conversation ive ever had with him Crazy huh?)

      Anyway i digress, i really wanted a drink was stressed out by dinnertime, we were going for a meal an excuse to drink wine you know how it is, found myself checking my purse to make sure i had enough cash to buy more wine when we got home. To cut a long story short i reluctantly ordered coke in the end sulked for half of the glass then realised i was so happy that i hadnt ordered wine afterall

      tomorrow i will wake up sober and guiltfree

      wishing everyone a good AF free weekend
      and every success just makes the voice that much softer. Well done friend, well done indeed!
      -Cap'n G


        Newbies Nest

        Good Evening Nesters One and All!

        Hoping this finds everyone peaceful and sober. Made some killer sweet and sour spareribs in the pressure cooker tonight. Going to look at a dinghy tomorrow morning - and do more decluttering. Getting to the gym is going to be a challenge as we are one vehicle down now....gonna have to break out the 21 speed - oy - it's so freaking hot/humid here, but, I need my endorphins!!

        SarahJane - You're doing awesome - keep it going!

        4ME - You CAN do this, don't let the voice feed you a bunch of bull... everyday you get stronger and stronger...just imagine how confident you'll be AFTER the AF vacay!!

        Hello Take2, Hello FlyAway, Hello Ms. Lav and Ms. Byrdie

        Thank you all for this place!

        Have a relaxing and Sober Sunday!!
        -Cap'n G


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters!

          Cooler up here the past two days greg but had rain all afternoon & it's going continue thru Monday I think

          I love it when my son comes over to 'borrow' a tool or something from the gargae & it's never seen again. I'm just starting to consider it a donation :H
          Just because they turn 30 it doesn't mean they've grown up :H
          Glad you got thru your stress unharmed

          LIS, I love my smart phone but can't read anything on it.........tiny, tiny letters......

          Wishing everyone a safe & dry night in the Nest (literally)

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            morning everyone

            lav the phone viewing us a nightmare it only displays odd posts but i found a new posts button here (only took me like 20months to discover it) and that helps a little

            wow thats thrown me i've been trying to seriously quit this demon for that long now, thats scary, but i'm determined that one day ill be free

            Greg good on you not giving in when you have all that stress happen at once, i hear ya it's all too easy to do then the next day you have to still deal with it all with a hangover added to the equation too.

            day 5 for me slept well apart from some crazy dream which had no meaning at all other than im crazy lol?... i was being stalked by some mad guy but noone would belive me as whenever he followed and threatened me he had a big fluffy cat with him lol

            hope everyone has a good af sunday

            Just taking it day by day.......


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              Super damp in my portion of the nest. Flash flood warnings on the news as up to 2 more inches of rain forecasted for today

              LIS, I've had some pretty bizarre dreams myself lately. I think it's our sub-conscious de-stressing

              Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Crazy dreams!

                Good morning!

                I have had a week of weird dreams and they do seem to involve my stressers. I've had one where I drank and felt so bad about it and mad at myself! Another one where I was late for work and kept getting off the elevator on the wrong floor and every floor had dif bar style... there was fancy ball with champagne, pub, country bar etc Last night I slept fitfully and what got me up this morning was this dream where my ex hid my car the next morning after relapse (with him and AL) Bothered me so much had to get up and come here to refocus. I hope Lav is right and I am destressing and working through some of my "issues". Oh boy, more to come!

                Have a happy AF Sunday!

                Today is early day 9 for me


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy Sunday all - I made it thru yesterday, but I have to say it was teh hardest day ever! I had to lock myslef in the house as if I went and did any of my errands I would have bought AL - I REALLY REALLY wanted to drink - ended up on QVC of all places, luckily cancelled the order before I placed it!! I haven't been on QVC for 15 years (watched whilst trying to stay awake on night shift!!).
                  Not able to say hi to everyone individually - just so relieved I made it thru yesterday and parying today will be a bit gentler on me!
                  so, this is qucik check in to keep me on the straight path!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sober Sunday

                    G'day Nesters!

                    Lav - You do know about using your thumb and forefinger to enlarge the smart phone screen, right? Not that I'm any sort of techie, I have often said that my smart phone is much smarter than I!

                    LinS - Day 5! You are on a roll...Yeah, I had a few weird dreams too, but since I started playing the sleep CD in the bedroom all night, I think the sleep has become much more restful.

                    Today..Hey, Hey! Nice to see you in The Nest! Day 9 is fabulous, Keep it Going!

                    Got up at the crack of dawn and took an invigorating bike ride before the blazing sun got too high! Went ans looked at a dinghy, but it was too beat up and I'm still not sure we really need one at this point....haven't even bought the boat yet! Scouring local ads for a semi-decent used car while trying to suppress resentment - Just don't feel like bailing out the adult child who has basically done nothing but sit in his room and play video games for the past year...damned if I do and damned if I don't. Just wanna get my boat and sail away!

                    Thinks its time for a little Hypno CD / afternoon nap! That's what days off are for!

                    Check back in later on....
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Lass - Snuck in ahead of me there! Hey, whatever it takes to keep the quit going because nothing gets any better with AL involved. Nothing. Every success you have makes you stronger the next time the voice tries to trick you into drinking. Well done Lass!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        My smart phone is definitely smarter than I am greg - no contest :H
                        I only got the thing in the Spring so I'm still learning.......
                        Let the sulking kids sulk I say.....they'll get over it

                        Today, congrats to you on 9 AF days!
                        While I was having drinking dreams I went & quit smoking so then I started having smoking dreams. Wanted to go nuts for a while but they all eventually stopped, hang in there

                        SL, shopping as a replacement for drinking? Probably not a good idea especially if you end up with a lot of uneeded crap :no: You know what I did to keep my mind out of dangerous places last night? I logged on to & listened to an hour long radio show with Dr David Grey ~ very interesting. Give something like that a try, it's free, it's safe & you end up feeling pretty good afterwards

                        Rain, rain & more rain here today
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Hope everyone is having a trigger-free Sunday! Off to a quiet start here....on Saturday, I made it to week 9 AF. Can't believe it. I spent time trying to jot down the moments during the journey when I wanted to give in to the urge or when I was tempted to try to "moderate." I don't know about all of you, but, looking back, my big challenge is what I call "impulse control." In the past, I just gave in - too easily - to a short term fix and didn't think about long term plans or goals. If anything, I procrastinated thinking I could put off things until tomorrow and enjoy a booze-filled "tonight." Of course, the next day was spent feeling like crap and getting nothing done. I think sobriety has allowed me to finally make a big shift in my thinking. Instead of focusing on what I could now for immediate gratification, I am thinking about what choice I make now that helps me become the person I want to be (the person I want to be when I am thinking clearly/the person I longed to be in those morning hungover moments when I vowed to never drink again). Let me try to rephrase it: Keeping my eye on the person I want to be allows me to make good choices in the present moment. I say "no" to the instant hit of pleasure so I can experience the inner peace and satisfaction of becoming the person I know I can be.

                          Make any sense? Anyone else feeling the same thing?

                          I can honestly say that being AF would have been impossible without this forum. I've been able to stay AF becasue so many of you inspire me, instruct me, support me and keep me moving toward my goal. As always, many thanks and so much gratitude to everyone here.

                          Have an awesome Sunday in the nest!:thanks:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Fly by post....just checking in to let you know I am reading...just been caught up with hubs and drs. Feeling more optimistic about all that....what choice do we have? Feel sorry for ourselves or work towards getting thru it?
                            Well done by all...keep it going you won't regret it.
                            I had a crazy dream last night..I was in Europe and lost my purse!!! !@#$! It was awful. Will catch up tomorrow. Love to all....Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Day five over and thank God there was no AL in the house as I would have been tempted, very tempted.... not that it was particularly stressful in the usual way, just that I need a half hour or so to myself to get my mind together and no one has left me alone, even to the extent of I took myself off to do laundry and was followed and hubs I'm sure has gone out of his way to annoy me, I've had to pull him up a couple of times about the tone he's used when speaking to me today.

                              I really need to try and find sometime over the next couple of days to get my thoughts in order and to work out a plan for the next couple of months now, vits and sups are still in the wardrobe from not having had the time to sort through them and re read doses....


                              SL good for you, you didn't drink, you may have thought you needed to but you didn't so what does that tell you?

                              Greg hope you enjoyed your nap, wish I could have fitted one in, I intended too today, was going to treat myself to a snooze on the sofa with one of the kittens but ended up hoovering the bedrooms instead

                              Lav, today, life hope you had good sundays too
                              WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                              Just taking it day by day.......


                                Newbies Nest

                                Still hanging in - not going out today again, long errand list - but the voice is calling really strongly. Going to make it, but really struggling - hopefully the voice will quiet as I have to go to work tomorrow..taking L Glut as it says in the MWO out book, but it doesn't seem to be helping - any ideas??
                                thanks Lav, Greg, LIS for your words of support...
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

