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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    FINALLY catching up!

    SJ: Your posts inspire me! I played taxi this weekend, too, and it felt great to FINALLY be the responsible one. I love that you?re using excuses, too. It seems easier to use an excuse than deal with the, ?OMG!? and barrage of questions about why I?m not drinking.
    Greg: Soooo glad to hear that you were able to handle such a stressful day AF! And, thanks for the shout out and the well-wishes for the new job!
    LIS: I think crazy dreams are a common theme when you stop drinking. I don?t think we?re just now having them; I think it?s that (for me anyway) that I was passed out and couldn?t remember them. My dreams make me feel childlike again! Great job on hanging in there! Whoo hoo!
    Lav & Today: Hmmm?maybe you?re right on the dream thing?!? Maybe it is a way of dealing with all the things we used alcohol to make go-away (albeit only temporarily). Today, congrats on Day 9!
    SL: Great job on resisting on Sunday and Monday! I?m sorry the Voice is calling so strongly. I?m with Greg on the cds. You made the time in your day to drink, so make time in your day to listen to them! Exercise is definitely a big help, too. And just being outside makes me feel better-more connected. I feel like I?m not numb to the beauty in the world anymore!
    Lav: How do you find all this stuff? You are like a MetaPhysical Encyclopedia! I love, love, love all the suggestions you make for helping us feed our souls with good stuff, instead of garbage. Garbage in, garbage out, right?
    Life: Loved this post and CONGRATS on Week 9!!! Your posts are always timely and wise. Maybe you?re becoming a nest mother, too?
    : You & your hubby?ve been on my mind. Hope things are going well on that front. And, yes, you were definitely on my shoulder at the concert. I was thinking about how much I think I would?ve enjoyed being in that setting with some fellow nesters capable of real, two-way communication, rather than drunk ramble-babble. I was fine with everyone else drinking?I was even fetching drinks from the bar for my friends?UNTIL I saw the bottle of wine. It?s definitely my nemesis. The reaction was intense and, quite frankly, scared me a little. Was a big wake-up call.
    : Nice work on the Hulk move
    : Awesome work on 43 Days! Yayayayay!
    : Glad you?ve been able to cut back?bet your liver is thanking you!
    : I so appreciate your strength and resolve! You inspire me.
    : If you?ve ordered the supplements, the Calms Forte DOES help me sleep. I took two Benadryl each night while I waited on my CF to come by mail. I checked with my doc first, so I?d suggest you do the same.
    : Nice to ?meet? cha!

    Wishing ya'll well in the nest!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi all, just a quick check-in while in TX on vacation.

      I have read through some of the posts and I wish all of the newbies well! You will have great support here.

      I will catch up when I return home. Hopefully the CD's will be there!


        Newbies Nest

        just a quick pop in to wish you all a happy AF morning afternoon or evening

        busy rushing round not long got back from zumba class so exhausted in a good way and ready to collapse into bed

        Kev great job on 30 days

        greg looking forward to digging my bike out once the kids go back to school for the moment hubs surprised me by buying me the exercise bike i wanted yesterday, its in my hall way so if AL whispers in my ear im going to peddle like hell and get it out of my system

        Sunshine, you could be right, ive always had crazy dreams and been able to recall them probably just remembering more of them lol great to be back to sleeping through most of the night now

        anyway night all

        Just taking it day by day.......


          Newbies Nest

          Long, long day for Lav but it was good & productive too
          Self employment has it's ups & downs.......

          CONGRATS to greg & Kev on 30 AF days!!!!!
          I am very happy for both of you & wish you continued success

          Sunsign, I have had lots of education in the MetaPhysical dept. lately & love to share! Some good folks here at MWO have helped me out quite a bit!

          4me, travel safely!

          LIS, a busy day without AL on board is always good

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Where is everyone?????
            I'll be back.

            Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              I have found myself in deep shit, I thought I could control this, but I cannot, can someone help me, someone who has been here, thantks Litres, funny I thought the name was cute, but now I wonder


                Newbies Nest

                Hi, I am somewhat new here. I tend to hang out on chat in the evenings. I registered on this site a couple years ago, but didn't commit to being AF till recently. Had to hit bottom unfortunately. Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all, and being a support to you the same way others here have supported me. I am celebrating 28 days af today! Yay!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Glad you dropped in!
                  I'm sorry you are having a hard time right now but we're here to help. Take a few deep breaths, OK?
                  First thing I would tell you is simply to stop drinking AL & get lots of water into yourself. If You have any AL in your house - dump it!
                  What is your plan? Have you visited the lately? Please do so now & arm yourelf with some good weapons.
                  We have all hit the waall at one time or another & that's why we are here now & commiting ourselves to a life free of AL drama. Please join us & let us know how you are doing

                  Abielle, nice to see you here as well. Congrats on your 28 AF days - it's a great feeling
                  Looks like we joined MWO about the same time. I commited myself to an AF life then because I just had to & I'm glad I did - no regrets!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    just a quick helllooo to you all

                    another insanely busy day at chez lee, barely had time to breathe again

                    up and on the wii fit first thing to banish those cravings, cleaned like mad all day, finally got chance to visit the doc about the discomfort in my left ear and she discovered a major infection going on in there, i wasnt even in pain just an annoying buzz and dampened hearing so now got heavy duty anribiotics, discussed my ADs and i'M going to try lowering my dosage slightly, got to have a mole on my arm checked next week my the skin specialist there and a referral to a dietician finally at long last... phew

                    anyway hope everyone is doing okay, i cant read some of the posts as im on my phone only a couple of older posts and mine and Lavs are readable :?

                    welcome to the newbies, you are in the right place we all ynderstand what you are going through

                    love all

                    lee x
                    WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                    Just taking it day by day.......


                      Newbies Nest

                      Kev and Grego - Congratulations on 30 days! You two are among the bunch of brave battlers who have given me and so many others here ideas, inspiration and courage to say YES to an AF life.

                      SarahJane, Abielle and I are amongst the next bunch in the nest coming up on this milestone. And it sure looks we've got another crop bravely coming up behind us. We ARE doing this!
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi guys ITD

                        Still hangin in.Had a trip to the hostb,had a ceaseior.

                        Any one know what nexus is



                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters!

                          ITD - are you saying you had a seizure today resulting in a trip to the hospital?
                          if so I'm very sorry to hear that. Are you OK now?
                          Not sure what you mean by 'nexus' is a link or a connection of some sort.
                          Were you given medication? I hope you have dumped the last of the AL. Please take care of yourself.

                          LIS - busy is a good thing as it keeps us out of trouble

                          Turnagain, you are coming up on your 30 days real soon - I'm happy for you!

                          Had a long but productive day myself & am ready to say goodnight & wish everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello all. First day here and 4th day sober. I just read The Vitamin Cure and started taking B vitamins and L-Glutamine. I belong to another forum for recovering alcoholics, but when I brought up my interest in treating myself holistically, they threw rocks and told me I was not surrendered. Anyway, I was surfing around and found this site. I'm excited to interact with you all.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Fabu Friday

                              Good Morning Nestillians Near and Far!

                              HokeySmokey what a week I'm having...Jeepers! I would bore y'all with ALL the sordid details, but let's suffice to say that "When it rains, it pours"! Had this week been 6 weeks ago,there'd have been some very drunk nights around the gregorino house, not that being drunk would have solved one effing thing, it was just my habitual way of dealing with life. Funny thing is, the way I was dealing with life was killing me!

                              Anyway, since we've been talking dreams, I was having a doosey a few moments ago...(i forgot to mention i quit smoking Monday, a contributing factor to my wonderful week) So, mostly what I recall was searching for a cigar (yeah, i smoked cigars not cigarettes; but I actually smoked them...gross right?) and then trying to buy a quart of beer in this wacky convenience store at like 8 am in the morning....The clerk was a midget with rotting out teeth. In my dream, I was quite content to have my "fixes" until it began to occur to me that I had effed up both my quits. Then I had to go through that half-sleep state where I was wondering if I drank or not...of course, it all turned out to be a dream - thankfully!

                              Hey Hey to Sunsign!
                              4Me: I hope all goes well for you in TX and you make it through without the AL!
                              LinS - Sounds like you're doing great. The exercise is definitely a key in the first 30 days - I think the recovering body needs the endorphins or the dopamine or whatever our brain gets from a nice vigorous workout. Keep it going!
                              Welcome Litre - Hey, what's in a name? Let's be more concerned with your you have one? Feel free to lay it out here in The Nest; you will find lots of support here - Drink tons of water and read lots of posts! You can do this!
                              Hello Abielle - Thanks for coming into the nest and congrats on your 28 days! I hope you keep coming by, as we have lots of fledglings who could hear about how you made it this far! Welcome!!
                              TurnAgaiin - You are doing awesome...Isn't it funny how when we're at 10 days we think that 30 days is like FOREVER!!! And then it comes, and you're like, "Huh - that wasn't so bad..."
                              Ditcher - Hope the docs got your issues under control...Happy to see you are still getting into The Nest....keep reading and posting and flushing out the poisons with water and exercise. Did you order the CD's / supplements? Hang in there, every day will be little easier!
                              Welcome Anima and great job on getting 4 days under your belt - Do you have a plan all set up? Got supplements and CD's?? Remember, come to The Nest when the voice tries to convince you that a couple drinks would be OK...It's helpful to read and helpful to post!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                The rain is back, had some spectacular lightning last night too :conmfused:

                                Hello & welcome to Anima!
                                Glad you found us & dropped in the Nest
                                Congrats on your 4 AF days - great start!!!! I'm a big believer in vitamins, healthy eating & a bit of exercise. Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it right from the Health Store here. I am a big fan of the Hypno CDs, they really help you relax & change your thinking about AL

                                greg, tackling two quits at the same time is indeed stressful, I know! I am proud to say I am 27 months smoke-free today :yay: Hang in there because the goofy dreams will stop & you can enjoy your newfound freedoms

                                Wishing everyone a great AF Friday. Get those plans filled up for the weekend

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

