Good afternoon to ya'll from my soggy corner of the world...
4 weeks ago today, I was hungover and scared. My insides ached, my head hurt and I was depressed. I finally FORCED myself to go just ONE day without booze. I remember shivering under a blanket on the couch and reading this forum - I must've prowled about the threads for nearly 9 hours or more on that gloomy Saturday.
Today...while it is crummy outside...I am at peace within myself. My body is healing. And I am determined to "hang on to my quits" H/T Lav and Brydie!
I have new friends...who understand this struggle to break free of addiction. I have hope for myself....and for all of you.
Byrd...I'm happy to hear that you and your hubby are surrounded by pros who can help him get better and help you keep all your boats afloat.
Going fishing tomorrow...rain or shine. Need to fill my freezer with some silver salmon! Crew call is Oh-dark hundred. Glad I don't have to worry about being hungover out at sea!