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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Lavande, I've tidied the boys' rooms and the dust is brutal. Gonna cook the dinner now and hopefully I won't drink but I'm already thinking of it habit or addict not sure. PS We had huge long showers of hailstones here a while ago. Good old Irish weather.
    Sunsign - I'm not lonely as in I have kids and a partner but I don't know why or not I just get bored or something I don't know here just watching the TV.


      Newbies Nest

      A quick post from me (for once!)
      SunS...thank you for that link you gave me on alternative meds. I have about convinced myself to seek acupuncture for a hip that's been killing me for 5 years. I fell down some steps (yes, drunk) and broke my tailbone, and trouble since). I have been briskly walking for years to try and help it but limited relief. Thanks for kickiing me in the shorts. Will report progress.
      Hyper, Hyper, Hyper. (shaking finger) What are you doing, hun? Could it be that you are justifying drinking??? Could it be The Voice, in vacation's clothing, telling you it's ok to relax and throw back a few??? After all!! It's VACATION! Ok, step back from yourself a minute. You are looking at you. You sought out a sight on problem drinking/alcoholism and help for said same. You are the person who came here with no where else to go. Now look at your success...your days AF. If you were advising this person what would you say? I'd say looka here Hyper, you gotta do this at some can't fall off the wagon everytime the word vacation comes up. Just like we encouraged another nester to do when she went to a concert for the first time AF. Everytime you fall out of this AF habit the other one comes in and is that much harder to beat. Because you have had success and AF days does not entitle you to drink!! Vacation is a reason to celebrate, but not for us with AL. This is The Voice talking and he's getting thru to you. You must hold on to your quit or you will be fighting these voices the rest of your life. Look back at the threads of people you know intimately here, myself included. We can't just take a drink and stop. I will challenge you (index finger raised to the heavens!!) to stay AF on this vacation! You will have a sense of pride in yourself that noone can take away. This journey is no one else's but yours. I hope you will be kind to yourself...and not put yourself thru the TORTURE of trying to 'just have a few'. You are truly fooling yourself. LAV, asking for back up here....isn't it such a sense of PEACE to not have to fight those dam voices anymore? One drink will lead to me on this one. Don't be as stupid as I have been... thinking I could do it....don't jeapordize your health and your marriage for the sake of a dam drink! This addiction is STRONG...we must be stronger. The only way to not drink is to not drink.
      Ok, not so quick note...but this is important. Look at the folks who come back here, with their hat in their hand feeling like losers...( I can say this, I DID IT MANY TIMES). Vacation.... sober. If not now, then when? Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest


        I just went back to your first post. You've been fighting this battle a long time. Your third post is titled "Why is my life so unbearable to me?". Giving in to AL will get you nowhere but back in the ditch. This is why this site is so very can go back and read your own words and see just what AL has done to you. If I am coming on too strong, I sincerely apologize... I will love you and respect you all the same no matter what. AL has been nothing but a source of pure hell for me. I just want better things for you. B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          cailin - I hope your boys appreciate their clean room
          Drinking when bored is pretty common but it comes at a high price, doesn't it?
          Instead of thinking about drinking tonight how about thinking of NOT drinking? At the risk of repeating myself for the millionth time......changing your thinking is half the battle!!!!!
          Doing something different, something not boring is what you need now. What else besides drinking would you like to do? Take up a new hobby, turn the TV off (it is boring). Have you ever thought about taking an online class? I love the self-improvement courses at DailyOM - Nurturing Mind Body & Spirit
          Challenge yourself, change things up

          I think the best way to shut up the monkey mind chatter is to get your brain busy doing something new & different!!!! Just try it

          Byrdie, I always have you back :H
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            quick hi and bye again

            another busy day out with the kids, we went for lunch and i was so tempted to say to hubs lets have wine, but i was good and didnt, ordered a coke, caught hubs looking at the wine display but he changed his mind and took the coke option too, so glad i didnt give in, i could almost feel the guilt i would have felt if i had of

            invite for a girlie night this sat, has been on and off a couple of times so looking forward to it, no AL for me, ill take my fizxy juices and use my antibiotics as an excuse that coupled with the brandy incident a few weeks ago will keep my on track (i hope) so doubly glad i didnt give in today as that would have been an excuse to drink sat too

            hen night meal the following Saturday bride to be isnt able to manage a wild night after emergency surgery, so that shouldnt be a problem, soft drink to start then plenty of iced wzter with the meal followed by a ginless tonic maybe. then wedding invite the following friday, hubs will be with me then so ill be kept on track, honeztly i either never go out or everything happens at the same time

            anywzy love to you all and hope you are doing great

            Just taking it day by day.......


              Newbies Nest

              cailin great job i cleaned like mad on my first few days

              lav and byrdie wise words as always, sunsign and greg hi , hope you are in brighter moods today im still a bit resentful to be honest i know it will pass but it isnt the way i normally am

              hypernova. this years holiday was the best ive ever had, my first sober ever, not having to worry about reigning my drinking in, how one would elvove into a bottle or more, trying to hide a spare bottle from hubs in the apartment and dealing wlth the resentment of not being given thd chance to drink from the hidden spare was liberating, so if you can go AF this holiday then do it youll not regret it i promise

              anyway night all i needs my bed xxx

              Just taking it day by day.......


                Newbies Nest

                4me;1167853 wrote: I finally got the CD's, actually 2 sets. I was so worried when they didn't arrive and went back to the order page and it said no order found, long story short, I now have 2 sets. Yikes, I need to find a phone number and send one back. I will be giving them a try this evening and looking forward to it.

                Everyone is doing so good!
                Hello 4Me...I'm curious...which CD's did you get? Moderation or abstinence? I give the CD's major credit for minimizing cravings and turning the voice into a faint whisper.
                -Cap'n G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Turnagain;1167921 wrote:

                  Grego...I snapped the sailboats for you. You can get some real deals on boats here...problem'd have to get them to thar!

         my new puppy love. Isn't he just precious?

                  Wednesday...I'm taking grandpa and grandma on a mini roadtrip to see granddaughter. There will be lotsa family fun in another beautiful place...AL isn't invited. Suck on that, Mr. Beer Belly and Mrs. Whine-o.
                  Turn!! That is freakinhilarious!! Love the dark blue hulls, cant wait to get one! The puppy is way too cool!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Cailin - Good to see you back on Day 2. Being tired and not sleeping well are perfectly normal. Your body is going to have to adjust to being AF, and that will take some time. Did you get any supplements? I use an herbal blend of melatonin and valerian and some other natural stuff every night and it really helps me to sleep well...PLUS, my iPod is softly playing the Sleep CD (abstinence version) all night long. Don't pass on the hypnotherapy aspect of the MWO approach.
                    OH, and I just love that song! "I get knocked down..." But, you know what? Let's NOT get knocked down anymore, huh? Let's STAY up this time!

                    Hey Sunny! I can't psycho analyze the resentment stuff... all I know is I need to stay away from that frame of mind - it's dangerous. It's like it's the same voice as AL...

                    Nova---- I had jotted down a few notes to reply to your post, but then I got to Byrdie's post and thought she really nailed it in that way that only Byrdie can. You have done so well... forget about everyone else - this is YOUR life now.

                    Ms Byrdie - Accupuncture is da bomb! Try and find someone who was actually trained in China, or who trained with a true practitioner of TCM. In fact, I saw my practitioner (she's really a doctor - but her MD in China doesnt count here) today...she at least gets that AL is a disease, where my "regular" doc says I drink because I'm depressed - here's a script for some anti-depressants... I would prefer to do everything with my TCM doc! You will really be glad you went.

                    LinS - Nice work ordering the coke. Every situation you choose to go the AF road make you stronger...keep it going!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening all!

                      LIS - good for you choosing a non-AL drink with lunch
                      Staying busy is a big, big help!

                      Greg, my brother-in-law (I may have mentioned this) has had 4 failed spinal surgeries including a fusion. The only relief he gets is from accupuncture. I can always tell when he's had a treatment because he can stand up straight & walk (almost) normally.

                      Positive thinking, keeping our heads out of that dark place is key to success
                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Hump Day!

                        Hope everyone in the nest had a great day. So many good posts in the last day, so much to catch up on!

                        Byrd, I loved your post; "finger to the heavens!" (that was awesome) I needed to hear/read that too because I've been contemplating trying to moderate and realize I can't... I wish I could but can't. (I think there was actually an audible "click" there) Sigh..

                        I'm not going on vacation for while, but do have some day trips planned. Its funny, I always had to drink, even places not really appropriate like hiking! Why was I drinking beer out in the beautiful wilderness at 11am? Well, I'm not getting into the Why did I do that thing cause I'll be here all night! I am supposed to go to Vegas in October and I could not have imagined not drinking in Vegas. But I could.

                        Hypernova, you will have to do what feels right for you, but you have a lot of support whatever you decide.

                        Welcome Cailin, glad you're here. Keeping busy really is helpful for distraction... I did a lot of cleaning my first few days too. Must be a nesting instinct!

                        Thanks to everyone for sharing so much and all the support you give. It makes all the difference. Holy moly, I am almost 3 weeks AF!


                          Newbies Nest

                          ops::sorry::argh::help! Need I say more!
                          I GET KNOCKED DOWN - BUT I GET UP AGAIN -YOUR NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN! :lordhelpme:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Storm clouds overhead once again....ho, hum.

                            Today, you are doing great! Congrats on working your way to the 3 week AF mark

                            cailin, what happened?
                            What made you decide to drink again? What can you change on your plan to avoid repeating the same mistake?

                            Turnagain, forgot to mention.......cute puppy

                            Time to get to work! Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              This end of the nest is going to get a really good cleaning out...I live on the barrier islands of North Carolina...but at the most southern we will not feel it like the folks to our north. Here's wishing Irene will just go away....(but I've wished that a lot of things would just go away, and they didn' must accept and deal).
                              Thanks, Today...I appreciate the kind words. I just can't tell you how sick and tired I am of AL running my life. Correction, ruining. I've been here a long time, and there is nothing like the feeling of finally getting control over something that had me by the short hairs for 20 some years. Nothing feels better than having drink, no drug...
                              I wish I could tell people what they want to hear....but this nest is the BAGGAGE CLAIM area and your emotional bags have arrived! It's time to look at it and call it what it is. If a person has some good quality time to spend on here, I would encourage him or her to check back...say, to the time around when I started, just for perspective. I came here the first time Jan 31, 2010, and lurked for a couple weeks. This is a very big point and will be on Lav's test Friday.....ALL OF THESE PEOPLE...UNLESS THEY HAVE STOPPED DRINKING...ARE STILL STRUGGLING. Just go back and look. It is so sad that addiction is this way...but those are the cold hard facts. You can't be a moderate child molester!! And you can't be a moderate Alcoholic.
                     get yourself 6 months under your belt with no slips...slips count when it's raining facts... get 6 months clean, and you will feel like a million bucks. I promise you...there is no magic bullet...just do NOT drink. For me now...AL IS NO BIG DEAL in my life (unless I drink it). Can you imagine this? A life where not drinking is no big deal???? It's here....for the TAKING. Do will never regret a life without AL. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Where is everyone, if there is an AF party somewhere I didn't get my invite

                                Cailin, I'm sorry you drank but get back on track, come back to the nest and settle in once more, as Lav said why? what triggered it, write it down and think what you could have done to avoid it.

                                Byrdie I love your phrase baggage claim:l One of the things I love about this place is my need to be honest with myself.

                                Turn I meant to say cute puppy piccie too he is adorable, Two of the kittens had their first outing out into the garden today, Shadow who couldn't wait to go out lasted 30 seconds before running in to Mummy and Jasper was braver slipped his collar and went for a little walkabout until one of the other cats tried to intimidate him, need to get more collars and take all four out together I think.

                                Another day down, Day 16 AF, getting my mind into gear for Saturdays girlie night, going to buy my sparkling juice tomorrow get an ice cream cake to take with me, not tried it before but it looks tempting:H

                                Hubs is on hols this week so we ate out again, ordered coke once again, wine was tempting, always reasonably priced in this pub so we always use that as an excuse to buy a bottle, but it felt good not to drink it and I didn't even think about the wine again after the first few sips of coke....

                                Something I've noticed each time I feel tempted about drinking, someone in a show on TV seems to appear on screen either drunk or hungover at the same time, nothing like seeing that on TV to stop that feeling in it's tracks.

                                Anyway night all time for bed in this part of the nest, sleep well all xx
                                WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                                Just taking it day by day.......

