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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters, Happy end of the day! I have been so busy catching up with everthing since I got back from vaca, haven't had much time to get on here and check in.

    Lav, I leave for MT the first week in Sept. Can't wait!

    Turn, what a cute puppy.

    Greg, I am not sure which CD'S I have. All I know is I have 2 sets. I was listening to the clearing CD before bed the other night and at the end it says you will now be wide awake and refreshed or something like that, and I was, wide awake most of the night. LOL

    Sunsign, thanks for the vote of confidence.

    Hope everone has a good night!


      Newbies Nest

      Ah Byrdie - stay safe!!!!!!
      I'm surprised you have been ordered to evacuate! My daughter-in-law's parents have been evacuated from Cape May County, NJ & are on their way to PA right now. They will all be quite crammed into my son's little house but oh well - better to be safe!

      LIS, day 16 AF....good for you
      Stay strong for your girl's night gathering!

      Hi 4me!
      I used to love, love the Clearing CD ~ used it often but it didn't keep me awake.
      I have never been to MT so I hope you will share a pic or two

      OK, wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest ~ use the Nest belts if necessary!!!!!!!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Where is everyone?

        Byrdie, I sure hope you are safe today in the hurricane :l:l
        Hang on & check in with us when you can!!!!!

        Wishing everyone a good AF Friday!
        Have some hurricane prep work to do myself.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          scarily quiet in the nest unless its my stupid phone again

          quick check in hoping all our friends arent experiencing too much hurricane damage

          weekend looming once again i love waking up AF free on a weekend morning now, it is so much better than struggling through hungover and desperate for the next drink

          lav the girl night wont be a wild one, the guest of honour is still recovering from back surgery but her physio has told her AL is good for her in moderation as its a muscle relaxant, i might drive up so definately no drink for me as ill taxi the girls back home

          oh well back to cleaning and whatever

          hope you are all doing fine

          Just taking it day by day.......


            Newbies Nest

            Cailin, Get Up Again!

            Hyper: I continue to struggle with this question a little, too. Despite the validation from my soon-to-be-hubby that he prefers me AF, I always feel like I?m not as fun. And although I?m absolutely positive that I was ?escaping" WAY TOO MUCH, I also feel like, I don?t have another coping mechanism in place. I?ve been swimming and that helps, but I need to find more outlets for relieving stress and need to learn to gain confidence in my AF self. It?s a little counterintuitive that when I was a REAL blubbering, stumbling idiot, I felt less self-conscious than when now I?m actually not a blubbering, stumbling idiot. Hmmm?
            Lav: Thanks for the info on Pandora?will give it a whirl today?got lotsa projects on the radar this weekend!
            Cailin: Hold fast to your lyrics, ?I get knocked down, but I get up again?? Get up again! I think everyone here has stumbled and it very well might just be part of the process. I would suggest reading Greg?s posts?he attributes his success to having a plan. Read the MWO book, order the cd?s and supplements. Attack this like it?s your job! I literally made it that important in the first week and I?m glad I did.
            LIS: Great job staying AF at social functions! And, totally agree this is a ?be honest with yourself place!? And, yes, the tv REALLY helps me. I was turning into one of those girls?the one who was ALWAYS hung over. The one who was ALWAYS out of control. The one who?d I?d worry about if I wasn?t her. I?ve been taxiing, too?doesn?t it feel good to FINALLY be the responsible one?
            : Congrats on 3 Weeks!
            : Worried about you in the OBX. Are you evacuating?
            : Have you decided on the 30 days AF after your return from MT?

            And, finally, I am ever grateful for the love & support of the nest! :l


              Newbies Nest

              Hey nesters! We are all closed up like turtles...the rain and winds are moving in...we are not evacuating. Looks like the storm is going to make a direct hit east of us, so it will be nasty, but not as nasty as those poor folks will get it. I will keep you posted...when the winds are sustained at 45 mph they will take down the power so I will be unplugged...ugg. We will be fine, so glad I'm not worried about having enough AL hidden around to last thru the storm! Hugs to all, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters,
                Day 35 for me today & doing ok. Am going through a bit of a flat phase but know that drinking wont help. Have just had 2 nights out & enjoyed myself & wasn't quizzed too much about being AF- general curiosity mainly. Many of my friends are saying they are going to have an AF period soon as they feel their health needs it. I don't say too much-mostly that I have too much to do & am working on getting healthy, then I tell them that I am surprised how much better I feel on every level.
                Off to watch my son in a big hurling final (Irish airial hockey!).
                SJ xxx :groupluv:

                'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                  Newbies Nest

                  A hurling contest used to be what I did after a big night of drinking!! In the South we call getting sick, hurling.
                  Who cares what other people think! Besides, I didn't seem to care what they thought when I was falling over drunk...
                  Im so proud of you SJ!! The worst is over!! Have a great weekend, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Aiyyeee....Miss Byrdie...We'll be sending protective, positive energy to all of ya'll in the path of Irene. We'll be anxious to hear from you once the storm passes.

                    SarahJ...I've gone thru a few flat days as well. My innards are still acting crazy. I'm now on the second antibiotic run. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a HEALING process and that my body is making progress toward health again. I'm focusing quite a bit on actively retraining my brain. I'm not the best meditator on the planet yet...but it does feel good to just breath and count. I'm also starting to work on visualization....seeing the outcomes in my mind that are good and positive in a number of life's situations. It seems to be helping.

                    SJ - do you have a goal of being AF or are you hoping to mod?
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hoping all you guys affected by the storms are okay and not suffering too much damage, I know the weather here is tame compare to you guys in the US and Germany.

                      Another wild night in for me pj's and in bed by 9pm, chilling with the tv and my best friend has just come home early from his trip just to talk to me as he knew I was down over a couple of things:l

                      Looking forward to tomorrow night, don't think the guest of honour will be drinking I got a message she's picking me up so I guess she's driving, I'm just finishing some strong antibiotics so I'll string those out a until tomorrow and make my excuses that hubs is thinking of going to the beach on Sunday so we'll have an early start, tried an ice cream cake I bought.. yummy ...yummy I'm hooked.

                      Hope everyone is having a good AF afternoon/evening/night wherever you are:l
                      WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                      Just taking it day by day.......


                        Newbies Nest


                        have you decided yet how you want to handle the wedding? You'll find support here, of course, no matter what you choose. I hope you are considering going AF. Now that you've got some good days under your belt and you're healing from the neck down...this could be an incredible opportunity to do some serious brain retraining. Ah...the joy of make new connections in the synapses!

                        I recently had to go through a long string of pre-wedding events that ALL had bottomless booze involved. I knew if I had "just one" I would be done and pretty much in the bag for a week plus of this destination gala. I also knew...there would be a very real possibility that the bender would continue even after I got home. Been down that road...too many times to count.

                        At first, I felt small twinges of envy as people gayly chugged beer at the "Day at the Lake" and cracked opened a nice bottle of cab. But I didn't dwell on it. I drank lemon water until I almost bloated like a watermelon...Anytime there was a toast, I had already poured water into my champagne glass...AND I volunteered to be a designated driver...all the time. When asked why I wasn't drinking...I just said I was trying to cut sugar out of my life to feel better.

                        This was the first time EVER I made it through a vacation/special event without drinking and it gave me an incredible boost in confidence. It made me realize that I did not need AL to have fun or to "relax."

                        It was quite liberating...I didn't have to worry about caching a secret stash back at the hotel to get or keep my buzz on and I didn't do anything to hurt my family in public or private. I think I mentioned somewhere before that my kids (now college age) were the ones who had an inkling of just how much and how often I was drinking. Both are proud and impressed by the non-drinking me. I am proud, too!

                        Keep us posted....I'm in your corner!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thinking about you Byrdie :|

                          SJ, big CONGRATS to you on 35 AF days! Terrific

                          Turnagain, stick with the get better at it with practice I look forward to my quiet time every evening. Ideally we should also start our day with meditation but I haven't quite gotten there.

                          lis, nothing wrong with being in your jammies by 9 pm & doing some healing meditation.
                          I'm sure I've mentioned it before but Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops | is currently offering a free 21 day meditation challenge. It's half done now but you may be able to jump in - check it out!

                          Well, I found out this afternoon that there are zero size D batteries left for sale ~ everyone else got to the stores first, oh well. I will drag out my candles in an emergency.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            You also paint!

                            Sweaty Betty;520347 wrote: Hello hello hello. Am on Grumpy day 4 again (after modding). I want chocolate and chips and nothing else. I went back to bed and slept till noon. I didn't tick anything off my to do list. But, I got showered and put on my slap, and am going out to buy some new paints and brushes for the HUGE canvas that's been waiting for me. I have 9/14 AF days in January, which I'm sure I wouldn't have done if I hadn't found MWO. Thanks everyone for sharing. B.
                            I am just starting, the not drinking thing and the forum thing so forgive me if I make mistakes, I have never been interested in joining forums but this one might help save my life. I paint but lately I procrastinate more than I am painting. I guess I am a semi professional painter and a professional boozer but I am hopeful to change all that.:new:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters!

                              Hello & welcome hopeful! Glad you landed right in the Nest. This is a safe place to settle in for a while until you get your bearings
                              Have you read the MWO book? You can download it right from the Health Store here on the website. It has lots of info about the different aspects of the program, supplements, Hypnotherapy, light exercise & healthy eating & medications if you choose to take them. I didn't take any meds myself but some do.
                              You need to make a good plan for yourself, something that works just for you. Take a look in the for some great ideas.
                              Make sure you check in as often as you can, it really helps to feel supported wising you the best on your journey!

                              I guess I'm as ready as can be for the hurricane arriving tomorrow night
                              I'm fairly certain power & internet access will be interrupted. So if I don't check in - there's a good reason. I hope everyone has a solid plan for the weekend & I wish everyone a safe night in the Nest

                              Hope you are OK Byrdie!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Back on my laptop, I gave in with my phone, it just does weird things on this site like it only shows mine and Lav's posts for some reason.

                                Byrdie hope everything is okay where you are, you too Lav....

                                Hi Hopeful and welcome to the nest, as Lav says grab a twig and get comfy, we all know how it feels to start this journey and you are in the right place.

                                Ahhh I wish I could paint and draw, unfortunately I'm not gifted in that area, I can't draw a straight line with a ruler:H my kids though have inherited their Dads artistic streak I'm glad to say.

                                Turnagain, thanks for the support:l, just what I needed, I don't intend on drinking tonight, infact I was going to offer to do the driving tonight, but apparantly one of the other girls has offered and it's been arranged between them that they'll pick me up, I've got my lovely fizzy juices on hand to take with me, just need to tell everyone I'm not drinking and be there when the first glass is poured..... (last time which was my undoing I'd nipped into the lounge first and before I knew it my friend had poured wines for us all so although I only had two that night it was enough to start the cycle all over again)

                                The wedding itself will be a doddle as it's just the evening do to get through, so we'll stick to rounds for ourselves and I'll be on the diet cokes all night ( can't use the driving that night as an excuse as the venue is a five minute walk away lol)

                                Next weeks meal will be the hardest one, but I'll just grab a tonic water from the bar, iced water with the meal and make sure my glass is full at the table at all times, that way no wine can make it's way into my glass.

                                Funny how I never usually go out and everything comes together:H I had other invites for this weekend and next weekend too:H

                                Sj great stuff on your AF days

                                Right off to sort out the kittens, they're trying to stage a mass breakout into the garden once again so today might be the day we take them outside for the first time, not looking forward to that part, the sanctuary had said to wait for 8 weeks because of their past and it has only been 6 but I'm sure they will be fine....

                                Love to you all
                                WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                                Just taking it day by day.......

