I love it when the nest is busy:l
Had a wonderful night out or that should be "in" with the girls, I'm the "new girl" in the group, they're "normalies" can drink like crazy one night then not bother for weeks on end with AL or just have one glass with dinner with their other halves then finish the bottle between them the next day

Anyway I drove so there was no pressure on me to drink at all and to be honest the fact they were drinking wine didn't bother me, yes a couple of times I thought that would be nice, but I wasn't constantly thinking I wish I hadn't driven, I wish I was drinking, I was happy with my juices, the conversation was great and I rolled home at two in the morning, so nice to remember getting home, get into my pj's and go to sleep sober.
They started a conversation about how they could never become Alkies, could never see themselves drinking before they got up in a morning and I couldn't stop thinking "If only you know how easy it is to become that person" anyway enough of that conversation, we all know about that. Last night I just proved what I already know, I don't need AL to have fun and enjoy myself....
Sunsign.... That voice will always be there for some of us, and we need to work on tuning it out the way we do with background noice of the tv or traffic. The kittens are four we've taken on from a rescue centre, they'd been abandoned behind a cafe and were thought to be ferral, turned out they weren't, we had been thinking of getting another kitten or maybe two saw "the boys" and couldn't bear to split them up:upset:
Greg, funny how real those dreams seem, you can almost feel the physical act of smoking drinking and whatever and it makes you think for a moment when you wake up, everytime I quit drinking I start craving cigarettes although I gave up smoking years ago. Glad everything is going well with you.
SJ I've seen the ads for the couch to 5k programme I'll have a look at that when the kids go back to school, I'm seing a dietician on Wednesday about my lack of weightloss so maybe a time to start that programme too. As for people pushing alcohol on you 16 times one one ocassion, honestly thats obsessive, you ask once maybe twice then leave it at that.
Daya great job on going AF, if you can stick with it a few more days it will get easier, place the bottle out of sight and keep busy, if I can't see it, I don't think about it. I can't mod I am an all or nothing girl, so its nothing from now on (maybe one day in the future I'll be able to leave it at one or two but I'm not counting on it happening and I am coming to terms with that, I'm becoming more confident now I'm on the road to being sober, so why change that by drinking) Have you spoken to your other half about not drinking, it took a couple of false starts with me, hubs would offer me wine on my first few days AF, which would annoy me and I'd silently accuse him of doing it on purpose as we were going through a rough patch, but now he's guided by me, if I don't buy wine he rarely bothers himself. Like SJ I buy hubs wine now and again, he's one of these annoying people who can make those mini bottles last a couple of days, so I will buy him one of those and I can't have one myself.
Today glad you had a good evening, don't stress about giving in, it's a hard situation the frst few times you are out and you are having pressure put on you to try something, if you only tasted it that way, you couldn't have absorbed much else sommeliers would be constantly legless.
Lav, Byrdie, Turn and anyone else I've missed hope you've had a happy weekend
Love to you all