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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    4me, thank you. That makes sense - very good point.

    Lavande, no, i have no control when i start. Moderation is not in my vocabulary. I have no desire to drink moderately. I drink until I am drunk and most the time pass out... I've tried to drink only 1 or 2, but, i get sleepy and ill.. it's all or nothing... I am going to try to find something else to do this weekend.. but, i have no confidence in myself at all... i am already telling myself that i can't do it.. the more i type.. the more I realize that i think i do have a problem.


      Newbies Nest

      sot, I am with you, I drink to get drunk, I love getting drunk until I have to deal with the fact that for no reason other than that I had access to booze I got drunk, I get drunk when there is nothing to celebrate, I get drunk when I have a great day at work or a bad day at work, when life is good or life is bad, eventually for me life has become about getting drunk and I better stop it now as my life is unmanageable in that I schedule my life around getting drunk....all that being said, I still have only 5 days AF as I can always rationalize drinking by lying to myself that I only want "a couple"......I pick which beach to take my kids to because its the beach that doesn't enforce the "no alcohol on beach" rules....because you want to be drinking when your 6 year old is boogie boarding in moderate surf....ya, I am a drunk who should stop drinking and for 5 miserable/wonderful days I have been able to, so far....


        Newbies Nest

        Clockwatcher & sot,

        Let's get together & make a pact to make this an AF weekend for all of us regardless of where we go, what we do, what we have done in the past.....
        Let's also vow to stop lying to ourselves right now!!!! We all know what happens when we take that first drink so let's promise to not pick up that first drink, OK?

        I have no plans to go away, no plans for a big celebration but my kids & grandkids will be coming & going. I want to be happy, clear headed & hangover free to enjoy them, some good food, etc. I enjoy running around the yard with my 2 1/2 year old grandson & couldn't do that with AL on board. I have more reasons to NOT DRINK this weekend than I do to drink! How about you guys???
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Lav, thanks and yes, I am not getting drunk this weekend, making plans and toolbox stuff ideas to limit my opportunity to drink the first one...thanks for the support and to make me say it ( or print it ).....there is no such thing as one....


            Newbies Nest

            The nest is a-bustling!! Clock...not only are you a clock watcher, but a calendar watcher, too! I did the same thing and came to realize my 100 days was on Prince William and Kate's wedding day! So good for you for looking ahead like that.
            4me...I've been meaning to give an update on my Primidone taperdown. I went from 2-250mg pills down to 1 and a half. One 250 and the half is 125. I take mine at night which helps me sleep. When I was drinking...I'd get sooooo sleepy during the day, and dangerously so driving. Now that I'm not drinking I don't get sleepy in the day, but sleep like baby at night. I am not going to go below this dose. I had no withdrawls at all when I went down. But I notice I shake slightly more than on 2 pills. I don't want to shake any more than this, so I think this will be my dose. Thanks for reminding me to report. When I first starting taking it I noticed a difference in the tremors the next day!! So it works!
            Sot...I will say this to you. Just give up AL for 4 weekends in a row. If it's no problem..then you are prolly one of the lucky ones! If it's a grueliing ordeal and it's all you can think about night and might want to pull up a twig. I got drunk every day...and started at 10:30 am on the weekends. So I can't speak to not thinking about it during the week because I had to have it sooner, it seemed, every day, and like you, I drank to get drunk. I found when I started here, that I gave it a 'half ass' attempt. I said to myself, I don't know how I'm going to go AL free for the rest of my life...I will TRY to go without it...After I do that, then maybe I'll be ok...I'll just TRY it. Well, trying and doing are 2 very different things I knew I had a problem then...and I know it now. I bet you know the answer too. But commit to 30 days AF and prove it to yourself. No harm, no fowl if you have no problems doing it...your body will simply thank you for the break. That's my take on the situation.
            Hubs went today to see if he's a good candidate for the radiation seeds to zap his prostate cancer and thankfully, he is! So we'll be scheduling that after they order the seeds and such. Will keep all posted.
            Love and hugs to all. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              New Here

              Hi. I'm new here. I'm entering my 4th year of "everything going wrong". It started with the loss of my only child and 3 best friends. Since then I have been working on a law suit against a nursing home that almost killed my Mom. Lost my home and my vehicle. Suffered a heart attack earlier this year. Then this month I was suspended on ebay after 9+ years of a perfect rating. I try so hard and people seem to like me. I'm currently under a dr.'s care and all that he can say is "you have a lot on your plate". I'm not really depressed, but am losing any type of ambition to keep trying. Anybody else faced with crisis after crisis?


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone , I'm new to the forum and am trying to find my way around , am on day two hundred twenty one and starting to xconstantly think about drinking , am hoping that. Maybe others are same x


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Byrdie, glad to hear your husband's Tx will be underway soon!

                  Hello Megan & welcome. Dear God, I don't think I've ever heard a story similar to yours. I am so sorry for all of your heart breaking losses. The MWO forum is primarily for people looking for support in quitting drinking, abusing alcohol, whatever their situation. Are you having an AL problem? You didn't mention anything about that. But if you are interested in the program the best place to start is with the MWO book (you can download it from the Health Store here on the website). I hope you find whatever help & support you need at this time in your life.

                  Hello to jobo as well! Are you saying you have been sober for 221 days? That's fantastic!!!!
                  Please let us know a little more about yourself, we would be interested in hearing how you've come so far on your own Thinking about drinking after a long time AF - for me is something that pops up now & then but I push the thought right out of my head as soon as it enters. I repeat my mantra a few times.....'I don't drink anymore' & busy myself doing something else. I think it's completely normal to have random thoughts about AL. I stll have random thoughts about smoking & I quit that too!!!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    221 days, way to go, inspiring, as I haven't gone that long since junior high ( back when the earth was cooling...) one question; how? ...Megan, you do have a lot on your plate, I am sorry for your troubles....good luck


                      Newbies Nest


                      Nest Unplugged! I didn't get back here quick enough; this Nest is Rockin!!

                      First and Foremost: CONGRATS WONDER WOMAN! 30 DAYS!! WOOOO-HOOO!!!

                      And you do such a wonderful job in here - always a note for every Nester. Thanks SunSign and a BIG group hug from the whole Nest! :groupluv::hug:
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Yes, I know my way around a bottle. I know right now is a bad time to pick up a drink. The way I'm feeling will surely get me into trouble if I pick up a drink. I call that portion of my personality "the twin". Last weekened was the last time I drank and I woke up with a few scrapes. Don't remember much but my "twin" had been busy rearranging things in the house. When people ask me if I abuse alcohol, I think, "Doesn't alcohol abuse me more". So I'm trying to stay on my meds and just keep some sort of sanity going. Since we lost our home, (paid off - long story), we had to move many states away. I said goodbye to my shrink and tried going it alone for 5 months. So last week I had to get another one. Hence, I don't do well off my medication and that will throw me back into the bottle which I really don't need. For the past 2 weeks I havn't left the house, don't want to shower, and have spent ALL my time on the computer trying to get my ebay account back. I did everything they said. Then they turned around, denied my reinstatement and closed my account. How much is one person supposed to take? I feel like there is some cosmic force out there that gives me just enough hope and promise, then like clockwork, rips it away, again, and again, and again. Not a good day at all. Thanks for the response. It was like a lifeline today. And no, I'm not suicidal. Had two family members choose that exit plan a few years ago, 9 days apart. These are different people added to the other 3 I lost. Last week my Nephew attempted suicide. I'm the matriarch of the family and have a Niece that worships the ground I walk on. Her Mother, my Sister (just found my birth family 5 years ago, my Sister & I were adopted to different families at birth) is into every drug available. Her Daughter looks up to me and doesn't know half of what I'm going through. I'm so proud of her and wouldn't do anything for her to think less of me. We live on different sides of the U.S. so it's easy to hide a lot of my problems. Anyway, that's a little more about me. My last Dr. wanted me to write a book. I've been thinking about it for theraputic reasons.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Why not write that book? Not only would it be fascinating to read but I'm sure there are other people in similar circumstances. It could be quite therapeutic for you to write
                          I certainly can relate to the mysterious bumps, bruises, etc. AL abuse starts slowly but it really creeps up on you until one day you realize 'I'm in deep sh*t & better do something to take back control. I'm glad you've found a new Doc, meds, etc. Please do stick around with us for a while, there's plenty of room in the Nest. About ebay - I'm an ebay seller too & have been for years. What exactly are they complaining about? i have a real love/hate relationship with that organization

                          Greg, what's going on with you?

                          The Nest is having a good Hump day :H
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lavande;1171863 wrote:
                            Greg, what's going on with you?
                            How can U tell I'm up to something??
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Trying to keep up...

                              Alrighty then Mighty Nestorians....
                              I know this will be nowhere as complete or accurate as those wonderful posts by SunSign (aka Wonder Woman), but I'll give it the old college try....

                              Lee - Hope the shoppin with Mum didnt make you Batty....what doesn't kill us makes us stronger! You are doing awesome, keep up the quit!

                              Turn - Are you an author? That was a beautiful post - You sound so lucid, so grounded, so confident...You are truly an inspiration for the Nest!

                              Clock - Day 5 Now! Yes? So what if it's again. Don't you dare be beating yourself up...You are here, you haven't given up and yesterday is gone. Stay sober today and then when you get up tomorrow, stay sober today. Thanksgiving would be an awesome time for 90 days, but don't dwell on a goal so big that it becomes overwhelming. This is like eating an bite (day) at a time. If you said, "Quick, Greg, how many days sober are you today?" I wouldn't exactly know. After 28 the days lost their individual meaning....The issue is that I am not going to drink today. Tomorrow, well, that's tomorrow - I just know I am not drinking today.
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Shell - Welcome to the Nest! Read lots of posts, spill your guts, read the book, GET THE CD'S, and dont drink today. You're in the right place- stick around!

                                SOT - Welcome to the Nest. I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure that drinking til you pass out twice a week is a problem. Any drinking that involves drinking to be drunk is NOT NORMAL. We're all here because we have all come to realize, to one degree or another, that we are UNABLE TO DRINK LIKE NORMAL DRINKERS. This doesn't make us bad people, any more than a diabetic is a bad person. We have a disease, or rather, the disease has had us, and basically, we've had enough. We drank our lifetime supply already. And then some. We don't want AL running our lives anymore. So, we come to the Nest to share and to care and it's a BIG help. You amongst birds of a feather. We all get it. Listen to Lav and listen to Byrdie. Do what they recommend... Besides, there's nothing like watching a sunset with a big bowl of mooshie!
                                -Cap'n G

