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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    greg, I can smell evasiveness a million miles away :H
    Just kidding but wanted to be sure you are OK

    Anyone else notice the sun setting earlier & earlier these days?
    Guess I should think about adjusting my bedtime.......

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest.
    See you in September

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome Megan - Goodness Girl - I'm one of those wacky guys who believes that everything happens for a reason, but your experiences could certainly challenge that theory. I am sure you found the Nest for a reason - you will find lots of support and encouragement and understanding here. Many nights we have all spent reading and typing to keep us from thinking drinking. It's amazing how that works. For me, it's just a matter of being a horrible typist....By the time I get done spilling my guts and reading and's bedtime! No time for drinking. Welcome aboard!

      Jobo - Welcome....Day 221 and you are wavering? Alls I can think is it must be the last gasp of the voice....trying desperately one final time to get you to give it the fix. You came this far....Do you workout? Nothing like a good endorphin rush! Keep us posted!
      -Cap'n G


        Newbies Nest

        Sunsign....YES! YES! YES! 30 days is a marvelous milestone. May your new, healthy inner voice always be much louder than the old addiction voice.

        What's your next milestone going to be? I'm planning to celebrate my next one at 100 days.
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Lavande;1171873 wrote: greg, I can smell evasiveness a million miles away :H
          Just kidding but wanted to be sure you are OK
          OK, OK....I DID have a ton going on today, and it's all good....interviewed for a position with my present employers biggest rival....Noticed for the first time in many many many years that my eyes actually look blue again...I was tiring of the gray! It took awhile, but then again I spent many many many days trying to put my lights out, so I am simply grateful to have a bit of a shimmer back -

          The better it gets, the better it gets!
          -Cap'n G


            Newbies Nest

            Jobo...I was just thinking, I'm a little over 8 months sober...about 221 days. I would encourage you to think long and hard about breaking this quit. Has AL ever done you any favors in the past? Why put yourself thru that again? Why put it back into the equation when things have been going along? Nobody NEEDS to drink. If you were here when you started this journey, look back at your own posts and see the hell you went thru to stop the cycle. Look back at my posts and see what happened to me every single time I tried to intruduce AL back into my life. If it's all you are thinking about now, then that's The Voice coming back and telling you it's ok. You are rationalizing...that dam devil is getting his legs back. Do not let yourself listen to this cunning demon. It will do ANYTHING to stay alive. THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. Remember the good things that have been able to happen since you stopped drinking...the freedom from the chains that bottle holds around ALL aspects of your life. Think about it like the Christmas Carol. The Ghost of Christmas past...present...and future. Will your future be one of constantly bargaining with AL, the lies and the guilt? ...staying on that roller coaster? Or will it be solid and it is when YOU are in control. Please don't let AL back in. Read, read, read all over this site about people just like you who did...and how they are doing now. No drink is better than winning this battle feels. You can't take my 8 months away from me for any amount of money. And certainly not for the sake of a dam drink. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              4me...girl, I just got back from Montana and it told me it prefers sober visitors on vacation. Seriously, I have a new fondness for Montana because I was able to achieve something there I hadn't been able to do anywhere else: I remember it. It was the first vacation since I was 14 that I didn't stagger through in an alcohol haze.

              This one could've been epic. The booze was just bottomless throughout the wedding week.

              I decided BEFORE we left, I would not matter what. AND I adopted a specific strategery for key moments to help me refudiate temptation. (Love those George W words almost as much as those Palinisms!) For example, when the champagne began flowing, I simply made sure my glass was already full of water. I powered down H20 like a camel who hadn't seen an oasis in 70 fortnights. And I enlisted support from my daughter (in her 20s) who was so proud of me for getting "sober for the revolution." I haven't figured out what, where or when that will be, but I'll be ready!

              Going AF on vacay reminds me a lot of that very tough, but necessary decision that brings us to that humble, scary place we all know as DAY ONE.

              I NEVER want another DAY ONE in my life again. Had too many of 'em and they were getting harder and more far apart each round. I NEVER want another drunk vacation. Sober ones are just too darn fun.

              And speaking of vacations....the money that I will save in the next 10 months from not drinking and smoking is going straight into savings to help pay for a really big adventure for the whole family next summer.

              So...4me...would you consider trying an AF trip? The buzz from booze only lasts for a bit....but the buzz from beating back addiction on this battlefront will strengthen you for even more victories in getting your life back. That's the truth. And it is damn good.
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                This is my first post here. I saw the sober September post and thought, ok I have one more night I can drink and still make it a sober night. But tonight will be my 1st night without drinking.

                I got divorced 22 hrs ago and drinking too much became a way of life. I gained about 125 lbs, most of that probably because of AL. I am down from a high of 369 to 295. The last 40 I did after getting a lapband. I started out pretty well but my weight loss is now very slow. I know I am eating correctly....but I still drink a bottle I'd wine nightly.

                Wow.I have said it. The first time I have admitted to anyone. I have made it sober for up to 2 months before. But even that has been awhile ago.
                Hopefully with the support of this board I can stop drinking.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yo, Grego...

                  You sound very excited about the potential new direction your worklife may be taking you. I'm happy for you, too! Good luck on that....may you get what you need!

                  Don't ask me why, but I figured you would have sparkly blue eyes. My eyes are a whole lot brighter now, too. Oh - and that telltale redness around the base of my nose is really fading away. If I had kept drinking, I'm sure I would've ended up being mistaken for Rudolph, the wobbly red-nosed reindeer.
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome, TX Ellen...

                    You've made a brave and a great decision. This can change your life as nothing has before. It's great that you've already bucked that inner voice that was urging you to go for another big drunk tonight...

                    In my first days here...I did a lot of reading. The other thing I did this time that was different than all my other times before was to reach out for help and support. You're doing just that. The people here have created something special...there are great resources and a lot of wisdom and experience.

                    Ultimately, it will be the answers and strength you find from within that will make it possible for you to overcome this addiction and repair the damage it has done. You are already on your way. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time...for now.

                    You don't need me to tell you how the wine is completely derailing your body's weight loss process (not to mention really screwing up the thought process, too) I packed on more than 60 pounds from pounding beer and wine - in spite of eating healthy whole foods (when I was sober enough to remember to eat.) I've lost a few pounds since quitting...I've got so knee issues keeping me from exercising the way I would like. I will tell you this...I'm sure not gaining weight anymore. And that's a very good thing. I really don't think my pancreas (and all the other innards) could've handled too much more. I feel and look so much better already.

                    You can have your health and self-esteem back, too!

                    Our 'nest mothers' are east coasters who are now resting in their hurricane ruffled beds. Lavande and ByrdLady will no doubt be back early in the morning to give ya'll their welcome and wisdom.

                    You can do this!
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Turnagain;1171890 wrote: Yo, Grego...

                      You sound very excited about the potential new direction your worklife may be taking you. I'm happy for you, too! Good luck on that....may you get what you need!

                      Don't ask me why, but I figured you would have sparkly blue eyes. My eyes are a whole lot brighter now, too. Oh - and that telltale redness around the base of my nose is really fading away. If I had kept drinking, I'm sure I would've ended up being mistaken for Rudolph, the wobbly red-nosed reindeer.
                      Hard to say where one can go when one gets back in touch with their true nature. AL just numbed everything; the imagination, the enthusiasm, the spirit. Not sure if I'll take the new position....but it just feels great to be able to go into an interview confident, clear-headed and bright eyed!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Howdy Tex Ellen!
                        Welcome are in a flock of friends who know just how it's been and are here to help and to be helped - sharing and caring is extremely therapeutic. Download the book, drink gobs of water, much some candy if you need to, read lots of can scroll back a few weeks and follow along and you'll get lots of solid advice about making a plan (write it down!), getting some supplements, order the CD's (definitely do this!), and lots more.
                        I'm up way past my bedtime, but you could go to chat and stay here all night if you need to....Hope to see you back tomorrow
                        -Cap'n G


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome Tx Ellen and Jobo, you have come to a good place with lots of support.

                          Megan, welcome. I can't imagine going through what you have been through. You are truley a survivor. We are all here to help each other and listen.

                          Byrdie, thanks for the update on the primidone. I am on a much lower dose and am trying to dose up. I agree, not drinking does make you less tired. If I have one drink I am tired the next day without the medication.

                          Turn, Are you sure you weren't in Utah? I spent the first 30 years of my life in MT and I'm sure most of them can drink me under the table. :H They do hate Californians there though, but I am forgiven since I am from there. I will start the 30 days when I return as planned. Everyone starts on the first of the month it seems. That is to far away. I think Aug. 20th is my magical date. It's a save the date. LOL I promise you and myself to be on my best behavior.

                          Greg, good for you! You sound like you are in a great place!

                          Hi Lav, It's a busy nest today!


                            Newbies Nest

                            I listed 6 inexpensive beads from a company that is VeRO protected on Ebay. I was supposed to know what VeRO is? Funny thing, there are literally thousands of auctions on and off eBay selling these beads in "NEW" condition. One auction has 93 listed and another has 82. The company told me that NO ONE is allowed to sell their merchandise on eBay. Not their Reps, Retailers, or Joe Blow unless it was their own private merchandise such a received as a gift or purchased from a store with proof of purchase. The company is so anal that you cannot even type their name into a site such as this, without being sued supposidly. They claim, that they own the word since they patented it. The first 3 letters though are Pan. It is used in mythology and is used with the word box. First infraction on eBay ever. 100% rating. Ebay shut my account down in the middle of my auctions, emailed everyone of my customers to file complaints against me with Paypal, and I worked for 2 solid weeks, emailing my customers to make sure they all received their goods. In the end, my customers were furious the way eBay had frightened them and they all sided with me. Worked it all out with the company that manufactured the beads and then eBay said, "Too bad, your done". So to sell on eBay anymore, you had better list EVERYTHING as "used". If you list ANYTHING in "NEW" condition, you may have your account pulled if the company that manufactures it decides to complain or eBay just decides they don't want you anymore. Oh, and forget about reading the morning newspaper with your coffee, you'll need that time to study, everyday, on the new policies, procedures, and laws regarding selling anything on eBay. I'm thinking of patenting the words, "I", "the", "and" and "auction". There would be no eBay without being able to use those words lol. That's how stupid things have become. As I've been saying for quite some time, "If it doesn't make sense, it makes PERFECT sense".


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Obviously I went to bed way too early last night :H :H
                              Trying to cut myself a break these days. Afterall I am not only a nest mum but also a granny of three :H

                              Sunsign, did I say CONGRATS on your 30 AF days??? :yay: I'm very happy for you!!!! I remember the feeling, it's wonderful!

                              greg, I loved reading about your new-found confidence going into the interview! That's what it's all about buddy - feeling strong & proud
                              btw - my daughter & granddaughter both have bright blue eyes

                              Turnagain, sober vacations rock!!! You just don't know it untril you try one, right???

                              Hello & welcome to TX Ellen! Hope you have found a comfy twig & settled into the Nest. You sound like a determined person so just stick with us, we'll help out where we can! Her's my usual welcome speech: Be sure to read the MWO bokk, it has lots of useful information. Download it right from the Health Store here so you don't have to wait. And use the wonderful ideas in the to help you make your plan. We're all a bit different, have different needs so your plan needs to address your needs. Looking forward to hearing more from you!

                              Hello 4me!

                              Wow, now I shall get some work done because I'm playing hookey this afternoon taking my girls outlet shopping.
                              Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thankful Thursday

                                Good Morning Nestmates!

                                I guess were all tuckered out from posting like mad yesterday!

                                4ME - Some great posts recently about the AF vacation - Doesn't seem like that would be worth a shot? Somebody once said if you shoot for the stars and fall short, you'll still have had quite a ride, but if you shoot for the moon and fall short, you'll just land on the roof. Don't sell yourself short! I can really feel the confidence oozing from the words of our fellow Nesters who have just returned from a vacay/holiday/wedding and stayed AF. Did you pick up that as well? Forgive me if I'm sounding pushy - trying to be encouraging and motivating, that's all.

                                Gotta run...Cardio day and then Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to work I go...!

                                Great Day to ALL!
                                -Cap'n G

