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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well good morning Nesters wherever you are!!!!

    Cloudy once again this morning
    Rain predicted for today.

    Wishing everyone a good AF Labor Day

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      greetings all, great posts, labor day without beer is a good thing, been busy but still doing one day at a time and all is good today....hope everyone has a safe holiday


        Newbies Nest

        Good for you Clockwatcher
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Such a quiet day in the Nest ~ hope everyone is OK!

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            6 days here, 4 sober

            I made it 4 of the 6 days since I first posted AF. Not what I hoped for but better than I b
            expected. I got through 2 nights of sweats only to ruin it . The first night I drank, I drank wAy more than my usual. I drank 2.5 bottles of wine. My usual is 1-1.5. I don't know if I have ever consumed thatmuch in one evening before. The worst pArt is I don't k ow why.

            PArdon the typing. I am on my phone.

            The reason I drank the second night was because I blew it already. What the heck.
            I thought it might happen for a good reason but I guess there are no good ones.

            Tonight I am back at it. Going back to work tomorrow will be good. So far I have had to use the klonopin I have to put me to sleep. I will have to half it on work days.

            I calculated my monthly wine expenses. Close to $300. I am looking forward to having that in my pocket. My ex brother in law does my yard work which is also on trash days. He always comments on how many bottles are in my can he quit drinking last yeAr. I have found that I wrap my bottles is paper so they dont make as much noise. I am looking forward to a silent trash day.

            One thing that surprises me is the new craving for chocolate and Ice cream. They are almost insatiable I will go with it for a few weeks. That is going to be the next hurdle.


              Newbies Nest

              Good Tuesday morning Nesters!

              Ellen, sorry to hear you decided to drink. It is always a decision & we can choose to not take that first drink The monthly savings adds up pretty quickly, you'll see! The cravings for sugar are very common ~ you can try taking L-Glutamine, it does help.

              Wishing everyone a good AF Tuesday. Hope to hear from lots of Nesters today

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                confession time i guess

                Saturday night i went on a friends hen night had a lovely meal but ended up having a sangria and a couple of drinks in the club afterwards, just a sambucca shot and two very weak cocktails (basically ice cranberry juice and the tiniest AL content they can get away with) one of which i actually left on the table half drank when i left earlyr rather than stay late with the others and drink more, now that is something ive never experienced or done before go home instead of drinking and leave a drink unfinished

                Sunday i had a glass of wine didnt intend on drinking again this month but was so stressed last night that i succumbed to about three glasses. Nice to drink like a normal person but I know im not normal so im not even going to attempt to moderating ive been there before and i know its not going to work

                hope everyone in the nest is having a good day xx

                Just taking it day by day.......


                  Newbies Nest

                  ellen it is so great to have silent recycle days, mine is still full of clamking bottles but no longer are they all wine bottles so much better than having to wrap the empties in paper so they wouldnt make too much noise

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Newbies Nest


                    Great Day in the Morning Nestomaniacs!

                    OK, it's afternoon now, but it took me 30 solid minutes of speed reading to get caught up!

                    Sot - I hope you're still with us - You know what you need to do and there's nothing to be afraid of... Stay close to the Nest - you CAN do this!

                    Audrey - Closing in on Week One now??? Fantastic!!

                    Clock - You are gaining some confidence; we can pick up on that...Keep it going!

                    Today - ONE MONTH!!!! Awesome! The Nest is beaming!!!

                    Clover - Nice to see you in the Nest again - I wish you would post here more....Lots of us get inspired seeing how it's done - Two Months is totally rad! Congrats!

                    Ellen; It's just a quick little stumble - we have all done that, so just forget about it and get back on track - Good job on getting right back to the Nest!

                    Lee - Thanks for coming right back - You know we are all here for you - Brush it off, and get back on a roll...are you doing the CD's? They are a HUGE that Sleep CD ALL NIGHT LONG!!!

                    So, it was a wild weekend for us traversing the great state of Florida! We did put down a deposit on Chapter Two and had a nice night sleeping aboard. We weren't able to sail her any, as she's in a river and there was not a drop of wind on Sunday when we had the seller with us all afternoon. Of course Sunday it was blowing like crazy while we were looking at boat yards to get some work done - figures! Anyway, it was kinda weird being onboard that long and not drinking. All of my sailing experiences have been laced with drinking; heavy drinking!! But, I didn't really think about it too much....we were so busy crawling around everywhere and trying to figure out which hoses go where and why!!! It's pretty scary to think up the land-based life and moving aboard a 37 foot sailboat. My wife's parents think we are completely bonkers. But, I think were gonna do it...go ahead, call us crazy! But, don't forget what Mark Twain once said,
                    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

                    Oy... and there's so much to do! It's going to be a major adventure just bring here around to Tampa Bay!! Not sure how we're gonna do any of it! But, like someone else (Asimov?) said (paraphrasing)... We all have wings, sometimes we have to leap from the cliff to figure out how to fly!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      thanks greg, it certainly was weird drinking like a normal person but i do feel better AF without all the stress amd worry that goes with having AL in my life.

                      early night for me still having headaches caused by sinus trouble coupled with my Dad being in hospital with heart failure so im exhausted with the stress, but its better to be AF again

                      Greg that sounds like a hell of an adventure you are embarking on but you know you have to live your dreams sometimes

                      anyway love to you all in the nest xxx
                      WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                      Just taking it day by day.......


                        Newbies Nest

                        I once wrapped my empties too! Let me tell you there was such a clatter when I was binging on beer. Sometimes I simply kept the cardboard box from the 12 pack and then stuffed paper around the empties.

                        Glad those days are gone!

                        One of my personal goals this month is to add as much exercise as possible back in to my life. I've got a couple of aching going into ZUMBA mode is probably not a wise way. I''ve been walking and doing walking workouts which isn't as tough on these aging joints. It really gives me a nice natural buzz. Love those endorphins!

                        One of my other goals this month is to begin to fine-tune the supplements I'm taking. And I'm taking a lot....from L-Glut to Zinc. All the years of binge and then daily drinking really did a number of everything. I would like to begin weaning myself off of the megadoses I've been taking. I'm now about 45 or so days AF and NF and feel fairly stable. If any of you have any experience in ramping down...I'd love to hear what worked for you.
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey all...
                          Greg..I can't imagine living on a boat. How do you get internet and cable? And how do you not get sea sick all the time? We're gonna need to see pictures so we can live our dreams thru you!!
                          Leave, so glad to see you back, I'm sorry about your 'thobbing' head as we say in the South...folks are having a time of that this year...I wonder why? Just junk in the air?
                          Ellen, go girl, for getting right back up on the horse. We are here to dust you off.
                          Here's to a peaceful night in the nest...hope all are doing well. Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Yo, Grego...

                            Congrats to you and spouse on Chapter 2. We will be waiting to hear of your tales of high adventure as you sail around that big old peninsula that we call Florida.

                            So it sounds like you're giving up your entire land lubber life? Are ya'll planning on spending most of your time in dock or will you be out cavorting with the yacht people in exotic ports?
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              living vicariously through Gregs adventures at sea sounds wonderful

                              Turn I suffer with my knees but recently took up Zumba, i love it, i find some of the dance steps are fine and dont affect my knees at all and the ones that do i just modify the steps slightly so they dont pain me

                              its such good fun though and im not the worlds best co ordinated person

                              byrdie. i think my headache is a combination of weather air pressure, sinuses and my stress levels are way up there at the moment with my dad in hospital

                              anyway time for bed im exhausted and my foot is throbbing from where i stood on a shard of glass thus morning

                              hope everyone is staying strong

                              love to you all xxx
                              WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                              Just taking it day by day.......


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello to the nest!

                                It is 6pm my time and I am just home from work and super tired. I had yesterday off so today REALLY felt like a Monday. :-(

                                I got a bit oversensitive in an incident at work today (and I never said anything about it) and my first thought was "well that sucks, hmmm I would really like a drink"... and it was only noon and I still had half a day left! But boy was the impulse/craving for AL there. I have left work before in order to drink. (I am cringing as I write that but it is true) Well, I took a little walk, ate a a snack, then focused, and got back to work. And you know what? The rest of the day was better and I felt better for not giving into the crazy temptation to drink then, or to start planning what I would drink later..., where I would get my vodka (or wine to "try and cut down") (I felt I had to alternate stores too), whether I should eat first or wait (better) etc etc.

                                leaveinsilence- I agree with you, we can't drink like a normal person. Guess that makes us special!

                                Tx Ellen (and all the others who can relate) - I am so proud of my bottles now; water, pop and juice now! Generally, I return my bottles for deposit but when I had a lot of booze ones, I would mix them up with my recycling, give up that 5 - 25 cents per bottle. Boy did the $ add up sometimes! And guess where I went after with that deposit $?

                                gregorino - congrats on Chapter 2! Now get that baby home and tell us all about life on the open sea!

                                All my best for a wonderful evening, thanks for being out there and sharing and caring.

                                Today I am 31 days AF, onwards and upwards!

