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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Fabu Friday

    Hey Hey Nesters!

    Hoping all is well in your part of our global Nest!

    Sunny - OK, so it happened. The most important thing is you came right back. It's a bump in the road, it's behind you now and hopefully you learned something for next time the voice sneaks in. I would be lying if i said that I haven't come close to caving, and what's weird is that some of the closest calls have been lately! I have 50+ days in AF and in the last 3 or 4 I've had some of the strongest urges. I think maybe it's with so much going on....but, the important thing is you're back in the saddle and here in the Nest!

    Ellen - Listen to Lav! Gotta have the plan for Fri and Sat night. You gotta know what you're gonna do about the voice, and you gotta know how you'll handle outside pressure to drink. Look into the future....see yourself waking up shiny and sober on Sunday morning. Getting through the next few days will be huge for your confidence that you can and you will beat this thing. Remind yourself that it's a disease, it's not your fault, people just get diseases all the time - it doesn't make you "less than" in any way, just like we don't think any less of folks with other diseases, in fact, we admire those people we see dealing with their disease. So, be good to yourself, and treat your disorder like you had doctor's orders: Do Not Dink Today!

    Lee - I had days where I felt hungover as hell and I had not had any AL in 5 or 6 will need several days to get a good detox going, and all those toxins in your bloodstream can make you feel like crap. Drink tons of water and listen to the CD's as much as you can, and especially all night long!

    So, I am unemployed today, but not for long, so I'm taking some time for me, myself and I! I gave a two week notice on Tuesday and yesterday at lunch time I was told to go and not come back. Had a pretty rough time with that yesterday (that and the report back from the mechanic that I need a rebuilt transmission) - i am prone to resentments and I have worked very loyally for these people and was emotionally wounded that they would just say, "Get OUT!"
    If yesterday was 2 months ago I would be drinking right now (at noon) because the hangover from last night would be so severe!! But, thank goodness it's today and I don't drink today.
    It's also my girl's Sweet 16 today, so I have to go round up some goodies and treats for her. Should be completing purchase of sailboat on Monday, and then will start my new job Tuesday (i think). OY....where did I ever get all that time for AL? I must not have been doing a damn thing except showing up for work and cooking a few dinners a week. It's a wonder I still have a family!

    Alrighty then Nesters, I have blabbed on long enough. Let's see lots of posting from our newest fledglings this weekend - stay near the Nest and do NOT listen to the voice - it is NOT your friend!
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest


      Sorry you were told to leave. It is pretty much common place that the ask you to leave the day you give notice, or within a few days.

      Companies seem to think you become poison after giving notice. I dont get it, but it is pretty standard.

      Hopefully your bad feelings about it dont last too long.


        Newbies Nest

        greg, hope you are OK after that shitty treatment you received
        Honestly, sometimes you have to wonder what ever happened to humanity.........
        Your plan is moving along nicely - just keep your focus

        Hi Ellen, hope you are having a good day!

        Hi to Byrdie, LIS, Turnagain & all who stop in today!

        Happy to report that rain has finally stopped & I am actually seeing a bit of sun
        How nice!!!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Afternoon to all old and new....

          I'm looking forward to yet another AF weekend. I am thrilled I am not losing anymore of my time here on this planet to the poison!

 sure showed some honesty and insight about drinking at the wedding reception. That's great that you didn't have the desire to drink the next day. You asked yourself some mindful questions. I would encourage you to be wary of the voice that tells you that you can do this more often. I know everyone is different...but more than one of us here have found ourselves back where we started after modding for awhile...and then losing it. I'm not trying to preach....just making an observation.

 are my hero. You got a whammy thrown at you and you stood strong. I know you will succeed at the new job. Hoping you have a great celebration with your daughter. I bet you AND the rest of the family are happy that you'll be remembering all the details of this one! If you have a chance...take plenty of pix of the boat move. Us adventure-starved nesters in cold country are living vicariously through you.

          TX...I order all my supplements through They do free shipping (if you order $40 or more)
          I do much more than Glut...I also add GABA , Vit C, Chromium, Niacin, Kudzu AND....a high-end B-complex (liquid absorbs best.) Those are my staples. I also take a very good multi-vitamin.

          I buy my amino acids (glut Gaba etc ) in powder form. My doc tells me powders get into the system more quickly.

          If you have can find a lot of info online about doing the biochemical repair that is needed to heal the body after years...decades (in my case) of drinking.

          I'm weaning myself off the megadoses of supps that I started out with more than a month ago. I'm still taking quite a bit of L-Glut. I no longer have physical cravings and want to keep it that way.

          The leaves are already falling here...looks like I'll be buttoning up the garden this weekend.

          Take care peeps!
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters!

            Just after 8:30 pm here but it's been dark for quite a while......seasons are changing even though my AC is still on. Cooler, drier weather will get here later next week, I hope.

            Turnagain, I'm sure you are way ahead on seasonal changes, enjoy your outdoor work

            Well, I wish everyone a safe night in the Nest.
            Hope the weekend plans are ready

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              I blew it.

              All day long I was thinking about an AF night. My frig was full of good food, sugar free cranberry and ice cream. I got off of work early and decided to treat myself to a massage, and was quite relaxed. I thought If I was stress free I would have no reason to drink.

              My next plan was to stop at GNC and get L-Glutamine. But, rather then make that stop I went to the grocery store and bought 2 bottles of wine. I have probably consumed 1.5 bottles.

              Maybe I am not meant to be AF. I will pick things up in the morning. I have already poured out the remainder of the second bottle.

              Please, no critisism


                Newbies Nest

                I have been exactly where you are....too many times. TX....this is not 'willpower' we're talking about. This is an ADDICTION we're dealing with. This addiction has changed our brain chemistry...the has changed our bodies.

                If you were diagnosed with diabetes - what would you do? You're a smart one. I imagine you would educate yourself about the disease and follow the advice of those who could help you manage it. You would take an honest look at your lifestyle and make the changes needed to avoid dying in a slow and potentially painful way.

                You are here because you recognize you need help with this addiction to alcohol. You are NOT powerless. You have already poured out that second bottle. You are learning. And you are reaching out for support. You can get your life back. It is quite simple.

                You cannot take the first drink.

                While the solution is simple, the process itself isn't easy. Your body needs to heal. Supplements, vitamins are essential in beginning the biochemcial repair. Your soul needs to heal. How long have you been beating yourself up about this addiction? Each AF day you can chalk up will help restore your sense of worth and self-respect. Your brain needs to be retrained. Most of us have spent decades building synaptic associations in our noggins that we commonly called triggers. Everyday you can build new neuron paths...with healthy, positive experiences without alcohol.

                Saturday is a new day. Get that L- Glut AND some vitamin B complex. STAT! These will help take the edge off the cravings. Niacin and Chromium can help too.

                Please check back in and let us know how you are doing. You can pull yourself out of this hole. You can enjoy living ....fully.... once again.
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Tx Ellen;1175475 wrote: Greg,

                  Sorry you were told to leave. It is pretty much common place that the ask you to leave the day you give notice, or within a few days.

                  Companies seem to think you become poison after giving notice. I dont get it, but it is pretty standard.

                  Hopefully your bad feelings about it dont last too long.
                  Thanks Ellen - They didn't! I am getting better at recognizing the kinds of thinking that get me drinking and resentments is right up there! Appreciate your morale support!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Super Saturday

                    Morning Nestmates!

                    Thanks Lav for your kind's their loss for sure (dumb-a**es!)

                    Also TurnAgain ; thanks so much...the day with the Sweet 16 girl did not turn out too sweet - she was harboring a young lad in her room without my knowledge....OY! And I will do a Picassa Album of the move and keep the Nest posted!

                    TX - Nearly everyone here had a false start or 5!! It's simple (to not drink today),but it aint easy! The good part is you came right back, you will learn from this, and today is a new day.

                    Off to my day-long diesel engine class...woo hoo! Will catch up later with all!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Saturday morning Nesters!

                      Why oh why do I still see rain clouds overhead?
                      Honestly - I think my chickens are starting to quack :H

                      Ellen, glad you came right back to the nest :l
                      I truly believe the hardest part of all this is changing our thinking
                      ! We have all wired our brains for n# of years to turn to AL in good times & in bad times. We have to change that habitual (automatic) thinking & that's where the Hypno CDs come in. They really do work

                      Greetings Turnagain & greg!

                      greg, we only have to live thru our kid's teen years once, thank God :H
                      When my kids hit junior high age I told both of them that I didn't want to be a grandmother at age 40 - period!!!! If they got thru their teen years sans pregnancies, underage drinking arrests, etc. I would pay their college tuitions so they could start their lives free & clear of loans. My bribery parenting style worked :H and I am really, really enjoying my young grandchildren now

                      Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

               company is the very same way. If you've been with them 30 years and then turn in a notice, you are immediately 'not one of us' so they just tell you they don't need your 2 week notice and you get an escort to the door. It sucks. You are either on the team or you are against them. It's a world where you are only as good as what you produced yesterday. I'm so sorry you saw the ugly underbelly of how companies can be. You could be Mother Theresa around here, but if you gave a notice, you'd be warmed not to let the door hit you in the fanny on your way out. I'm just glad you have smoother waters on which to navigate with the new job. You not only have Chapter Two, you also have Chapter Three! Then there's the kid. Believe it or not, I do not dispense advice on things on which I have no knowledge!!! If you've noticed that sometimes people come here with horrendous problems, yet I remain quiet....I know YOU'VE noticed. But I can only speak to where I have walked. I don't have children, and I understand that shooting them is not all I can do is wish you good sense.
                        Turn, if you aren't a writer by trade you should be. Your notes carry me away....You are so thoughtful and reflective, but so true and honest. There's no magic bullet to this, is there? I wish there were.
               should just move. You and the chickens just need to fly the coop. Move warmer, drier climes. We love chickens in these parts.....ohhh...better keep them close, now that I think about it. We are notorious friers....
                        Ellen, you will get no preaching from me. I have been where you are. No one is beating you up worse than you are now. You will get your legs. We will always be here for you....All Ways.
                        Peace to all today. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie, I think I'll hire some security guards for my chickens :H
                          I am only 1/4 mile north of the MD state line where things suddenly become very Southern. There very well could be chicken poachers roaming about :H

                          After raising two kids & now spending a good deal of time with my grandkids all I can say is Don't kill them! Most of them do grow into likeable individuals Funny thing is I always liked my kids where my friends did nothing but complain about theirs. I didn't drink when they were growing up - that started after they were grown & I was left with nothing but a disinterested spouse

                          My day ended up much busier that I thought but that's OK, got a lot done.
                          Praying that tomorrow is a peaceful day to remember those lives lost on 9/11.

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Evening All!

                            Turn...I am totally with do the best posts... I think if I have another day like Thursday, I'm just going to queue up all of your posts until I calm down!

                            Lav - I am actually digging all the rain right now because I need the St Jon's river to be all full as possible for a few weeks, so I can get her hauled out for a bottom job...sailboats are like iceburgs...there's alot of boat below the surface! But, here's a funny thing....THEN, I need a drought so the river will be as low as possible as there's a 45' bridge near Jacksonville and Chapter Two's mast is 47'!! An interesting dilemma!!

                            Thanks for your thoughts on child-rearing too....I just can't wait til it's over so i can focus on sneaking up on lobsters and quit worrying about the kid....I'm thinking i just have to get her to 18, right? So, that's 1 year and 364 days! WooHoo!!

                            Byrdie - Thanks for the thoughts on the company culture....I have done the same thing to subordinates in the past, so I get that.... It's just when you're on the receiving end I guess!!

                            Ellen, hope you are OK and close by the Nest. You too Sunny...say close, we're all in this together.

                            A peaceful night to all...
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oh Grego...I too have suffered the tumult of raging teen hormones. My son was the 'entertainer' in our home. Still is. He just moved back home to save $$ while going to school. He's 21 now long as I am not inundated with any noise from his 'audience' I suppose I can live with it.

                              Back when both kids were teens, hubby and I thought of ourselves as sheep dogs...circling to keep our kids from going off the cliff. Had to give 'em more room to roam the older they got. And we had to accept that if they REALLY wanted to go off the cliff or they foolishly got too close to the edge...there wasn't a whole lot we could do about that.

                              We spent a lot of time working on the concept of consequences with them. AND had lotsa conversations about decisions that could change their lives "Forever."

                              They do listen. We just don't realize it at the time.

                              And they do notice things. My son told me not too long ago that when he was in high school, it really upset him when I drank. And I thought I hid it so well.

                              Glad I'm not drinkin' no mo.

                              And glad YOU'RE hanging tough....stay true and steady'll get through this squall.

                              I'm glad to be on the other side of it now.
                              Sober for the Revolution!
                              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Unbelievalby it is still cloudy & threatening rain here

                                Greg, you are welcome to every drop of rain that falls here for the next month or two ~ really
                                Good luck working out all the details. I'm pretty sure I would be the idiot trying to fit the too tall boat under the too short bridge :H

                                Turnagain, your method of child rearing sounded a whole lot like mine! The topic of 'consquences' was a huge one in our house especially with our ADHD son. I am grateful both kids got thru those years in realitively good shape. Parenting is truly the hardest job you will ever have!

                                Praying for a peaceful day to honor those lost 10 years ago today.

                                Have a good AF Sunday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

