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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 70 AF

    Havn't been here in a while but am still sober. Good days and bad days but my health and sleep have improved a lot.

    Hang in there folks!:goodjob:
    AF July 4th 2011


      Newbies Nest

      RBG!!! Look at YOU!!!! I am so proud to see 70 big days! I always wondered how on Earth you started on July 4th! You are just rocking it! I couldn't be happier if you were my own kin! Well done!
      Peace to all today with heavy hearts. Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        :yay: CONGRATS RBG ON 70 AF DAYS :yay:
        Great job, I'm happy you dropped in to say hello

        Byrdie, how are you doing??

        Having a quiet day here & that's OK with me
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Hey Nestorians!

          having a wonderful relaxing day here in sunny Tampa Bay. Man, is it great to wake up to a beautiful clear blue sky with shiny clear blue eyes!

          Took a 90 minute bike ride with my soul-matey, had a wonderful veggie omlet with cafe con leche, and did the Hypnotic CD for an hour.

          Thanks for the input on the teen - you know your little princess has turned 16 when you awake on a Sunday morning to find the family car has been egged.

          RBG - Great to see you here in the Nest again....70 days is fantastic - CONGRATS! That's some inspirational stuff for all our fledglings!

          Hoping all Nesters everywhere are content and sober today.

          The better it gets, the better it gets!
          -Cap'n G


            Newbies Nest

            No AL last night and I was even at a party. My first week here I drank both Fri and Sat. This weekend only Friday Next weekend I WILL not drink at all.

            Imam still happy thAt out of the last 11 days I have been AF 8 of them.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all ? while since I have been in MWO. Not achieving what I really want, but doing so very much better. I managed 21 AF days in August, which is an enormous improvement over the last goodness knows how many years ? old habits truly are hard to break, that?s for sure. When I do drink, I really enjoy the first glass or two of wine, and so dearly wish I could stop there, but somehow I have an insane drive to just keep on going and finish the bottle ? then I wake up feeling horrid! I swear every post drinking morning never to do it again, and by lunchtime I am starting to plan when to buy the next bottle of wine ? it really is nuts. I am enjoying the strides I have made and look forward to continuing the progress.
              On a lighter note, I now have a teenager ? my oldest daughter turned 13 ? reading the other posts ? YIKES!!! So far, she is wonderful, and not having any other struggles, I hope that I really luck out. Still struggling with all my financial problems. Actually did the divorce papers, so moving forward. Life keeps on trucking.
              Good to see so many of my cheerleaders still standing strong?
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Newbies Nest

                Tx Ellen;1176452 wrote: No AL last night and I was even at a party. My first week here I drank both Fri and Sat. This weekend only Friday Next weekend I WILL not drink at all.

                Imam still happy thAt out of the last 11 days I have been AF 8 of them.
                You should feel right proud Ms. Ellen. Kickin this thing is no walk in the park. You are getting more confident and soon, before you even know it, you'll have a solid two weeks. Did you order the CD's? If not, be sure to get the "Abstinence" set. Hypotherapy is an important part of this approach, and is extremely beneficial in the early going....we can be our own worst enemies, so the hypno is great at assisting us in getting our thinkin off of drinkin!

                Glad you came by tonight...Stay in The Nest - there's a whole lotta love here. :h
                -Cap'n G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Scottish!!! Welcome back! It has been a while, yes. Great to here from you, and do NOT be away from the Nest for so long again!

                  Well done on 3 weeks AF during August, that's moving in the right direction. What you have described about the insanity of continuing to drink after the first two is what we all have in common Ms. Lass! We have some different wiring in our brain from "normal" drinkers. It's not our fault, there's nothing to be ashamed of, we were just born that way, just like someone with any other disease. Once we accept the fact that we have the disease, we can start to administer the cure. Sure, sounds easy on paper, but we all know it's a bit more challenging than that - and that's why we come here, and why we make detailed plans, and why we get the supplements and hit the gym and use the CD's and drink tons of water, and then come back here again.

                  I want to be here for my family, and I cannot do that very well when AL is on board. I want to be well for me; there's a great big life to be living and I can't do it real well with AL in the house. Sure, I'd like to just have 2 beers like my friends without the disease can, but I cannot. Disease prevents that from happening. I get that now. I wished to God I could have gotten that a long time ago, but, hey - I do get it now, and now is much, much better without AL.
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters!

                    A T storm is brewing out there so I'd better wish everyone a safe night in the Nest before the power goes out (which it usually does....)

                    Ellen, good job on the sober party! Keep working at it, you're getting there!

                    SL, good to see you back! Congrats on owning a teenager :H
                    They can be fun sometimes too. This is a perfect time for you to show her by example

                    Have a great night one & all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Monday morning Nesters!!!

                      Everyone busy this morning??

                      Wishing everyone a great AF day!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Another AF day. I am now AF 9 out of 12 days. Or, 2 days so far after slip.

                        I have allowed myself ice cream nightly, but this has to stop. Today when I go shopping I will not buy any more and will make a run for ice cream on a case by case basis.

                        It sure is nice to have a place to talk about this issue. Not something you can discuss with regular people.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ellen, your post cracked me up!! Ice Cream on a case by case basis!!!! Are you an attorney? I don't know why, but that is priceless to me! As our friends from the UK say, you should be all chuffed up at your progess so far, and being so new to the nest. It IS nice to talk to people who are just regular joes. Don't you worry about a little ice cream...there are worse things.

                          Scottish...I know what you mean about the glass or two. I feel unrest,agitation, can't put my finger on the's just a compulsion or some crazy DRIVE to drink more...even if I had a nice buzz at 2...just push, push, push...and I don't know why! Like I am testing to see how much I can take.... THAT is the rub I guess. Why couldn't I be happy at 2?
                          I do know, however, (and I'm not trying to be funny here)...I am the same way with chocolate or cookies. Or anything that might come in a pack of, say, six. I can't for the life of me eat 2 and leave the rest. I'm not happy until it's all gone. Same with wine. If I finished one bottle and started another...I drank until it was gone. Insane...why am I like that? Maybe I am just 'TASK ORIENTED'. That's one way to say it. ehehe.
                          Good job everyone! We are all better off than we were a month ago! XO, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            G'day Nestolians!

                            I am completely with Byrdie on this one: Don't Sweat the Ice Cream!

                            If it's ice cream,or snickers, or even mooshies that gets us through the first few weeks or months, so be it. We got through without AL and that's what counts. That's ALL that counts. No one ever woke up in the morning with bleeding eyes and a remorseful soul because they downed a pint of chunky monkey. I have not lost but a few pounds since I traded in the bottle for the spoon, but I do not spend all day waiting for the happy hour whistle either. I have yet to go to the store and buy some ice cream during my lunch hour so I can have a few bites after my co-workers go home. Lighten up a bit...being AL-Free for us is like a cancer patient in remission, each day free from the tyranny of AL is a beautiful thing.
                            Do whatever you gotta do to put a solid 30 days sober behind you. The ice cream problem? Not a problem. Drinking problem? That's a problem.

                            Well, we officially took the plunge today and forked over 1/2 of our life savings and the last few drops of sanity we had to become the proud new owners of Chapter Two.
                            I'm starting a blog to document our transition from a life on land to living aboard. Stay tuned for details!

                            Will check back later,
                            Cap'n G
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wishing you the best Cap'n G

                              Byrdie, Ellen,
                              Quitting my habits entirely was the only way to go for me
                              Never thought I could be happy without drinking & smoking but guess what?
                              Turning off the monkey mind chatter was the best thing I've ever done for myself :H
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nesters ? well I signed back in last night and thanks for the comments. Took a bit of time today to read old posts and see what I had been missing ? hi to all the new faces, and it is so good to see all the familiar ones having successes - big or small.
                                I am succeeding ? cannot quite believe that I have not managed 30days yet ? I obviously have not quite committed to never again.
                                I am drinking lots of water (lemon infused), taking lots of supplements and am taking classes at the gym, and am really enjoying the benefits of a better way of life - but let my guard down, and then oh my, I am back in old habits!!
                                The comfort of the nest is such an important part of my success ? so I need to get back into this newer habit.
                                Lav ? so very sorry about girl dog, she is in a better place, no longer suffering ? but that leaves you! Our animals are so important to our well being.
                                Greg ? I am so envious! First of all about the boat ? it sounds fabulous ? what a huge step. Second about actually living a dream ? we all have them, but I am not sure many of us have the gumption to go ahead and live them. Well done!!! Really well done.
                                Bryd ? just love the call a spade a spade attitude you have ? works for me, I love it!
                                LIS ? we are back again, and similar struggles it seems!
                                It is fun reading all the ice cream posts ? maybe we need an ice cream thread ? I also am an ice cream fan, but usually in ?moderation? ? thank goodness for skinny cows otherwise I would be like the side of a house!
                                Anyhoo - it is great to be back, feeling stronger about actually getting thirty days under my belt ? have managed 22/30, so just have to stretch a little more?..
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

