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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Gregorino - I play the sleep list at night on my iRadial. The water music makes me want to pee myself at 4 am but on the other hand - it's a deep, deep sleep when I'm not running off to the potty.

    I'm not ready to go totally AF - with work - where AL is a total part of the job - ummmmmm- I *have* to learn to moderate.

    Glad to finally stop lurking. And be doing something. So thank you all. Near and far. Who have - already - unrealized - made a difference.
    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Great Stuff Lavande, ByrdLady and Gregorino! Thanks. Well I stuck with my plan yesterday. Long bike ride. A little chilly here, fall has definitely arrived. So off to another long day at work. At least it keeps me out of trouble. After the long day at work and bike ride I was too exhausted to do anything else so I went to bed. Perfect! I see everyone's posts and Friday's are no issue for e because I work retail and weekends are work days. It's when I have the next day off, which is kindof like my Friday, so I will keep all these posts in mind for that. Picked up Campral and I will start it today. Later though, because I don't know how I will react and Ihave to get through the work day. When I get home I will bike ride again if the urge hits me. Or maybe a walk instead. Definitely laundry.

      I love reading all these posts and ideas and how everyone is doing. It is an inspiration for me to keep fighting.


        Newbies Nest

        Good Saturday morning Nesters!!!

        Sure does feel like Fall here today

        Greg, CONGRATS to you on your 60 AF days buddy :yay:
        Makes a huge difference, doesn't it? Stay on course & you'll be an Oldbie before you know it!!!

        Greetings Byrdie & Effy!
        Navigating thru Friday nights is something well all have to learn to do but you'll never be sorry! Dragging out old hobbies (sewing) helped me in the beginning.

        Prarie, if your goal is to learn to moderate that's fine if you can manage to do so. Most of us have not been able to moderate. I know in my case there was never such a thing as a glass or two of wine. Have you read the MWO book yet? It explains the reasoning why you need around 30 AF days under your belt before you attempt to drink moderately.

        Looks like a busy day ahead for me. Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          I made it through Friday Night!!!!!

          This is my first Friday since I have been here. I ate dinner early and then had ice cream. I didnt want to ruin the taste of ice cream so that helped.

          I also went to sleep early.

          I have only been able to string 6 days in a row, but this week may be it.



            Newbies Nest

            back in the nest

            I'm back in the Nest! Have had loads of computer problems (can't seem to log in at home) and couldn't work my way to find the Nest on the other computers I've used! I'm really not technologically challenged . . . have been preoccupied. Had a job interview yesterday - a big change for me. I haven't interviewed in over 8 years; and have been in my current job over 20. Its been stressful and exciting.

            The kudzu came in the mail (nothing else yet), and I started taking it. It did help with the cravings but I had planned to drink after the interview (decompression I called it). I am still working on my plan - and am looking for suggestions on soothing/calming myself in ways other than downing a bottle of wine.


              Newbies Nest

              Prairie Fairy;1178532 wrote: Hi Gregorino - I play the sleep list at night on my iRadial. The water music makes me want to pee myself at 4 am but on the other hand - it's a deep, deep sleep when I'm not running off to the potty.

              I'm not ready to go totally AF - with work - where AL is a total part of the job - ummmmmm- I *have* to learn to moderate.

              Glad to finally stop lurking. And be doing something. So thank you all. Near and far. Who have - already - unrealized - made a difference.
              Hello Prairie!
              I have come to believe that I have a disease. I just am unable to stop drinking after I have the first one, like people who have the regular drinking gene can do. I have the other gene, so I just keep drinking until I fall down, embarrass my family, poison my liver, raise my BP by 50 points, and all of those other wonderful benefits I get from AL. You have to ask yourself, and be honest with yourself, which gene you have. If you can drink 2 and stop and never again drink with the intent of getting drunk, then you probably have the normal gene, and moderation may be the answer. In my case, it is not an option because one is always too many and 6 is never enough.
              -Cap'n G


                Newbies Nest

                Good for you Ellen on your AF Friday night
                It will become habit - believe it or not!!!

                I'mHereNow, look in the Tool box for hundreds of ways to calm yourself without AL!
                I hope you are getting the Hypno CDs ~ they worked great for me! Until you receive them why not look into some primordial sound meditation? I practice a bit everyday & it seems to help keep things smoothe for me. Instead of rewarding myself with AL, I treat myself to a cup of really good decaf coffee or tea. I know it's a big change but just give it a try

                greg, life just became so freakin much easier when i decided to stop battling the AL demon ~ there's just no winning, is there? And it's so nice to have all the extra free time now to do whatever I want to do :H
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Super Saturday Nesters!

                  Hoping all fledglings had a sober Friday and will be staying AF for the weekend. I know I have more going on than I can possibly get done sober, so no time to let AL step in and take over. Going to take the dingy I just bought up to where our new (to us) sailboat is docked on the St Johns River. Need to read the engine manual and try and get an understanding of how the charging system is set up. It's a 3 hour drive to get there, and just the first of several trip we'll be making until we can get her back to Tampa Bay! But, it's a labor of love, a new chapter in my life, and something that wouldn't or couldn't be happening if Mr AL was in the house!

                  Effy - Excellent job sticking to your plan. Each time you do this you gain greater and greater confidence which will come in very handy when the voice starts to chattering in your head!

                  Good Saturday to you Ms. Lav! Is the Nest just a rockin' or what?!

                  Ellen - Awesome conquering the Friday issue!!! We're all cheering for you to get to that first week. Stay strong and stay on your plan!

                  Hello HereNow! Good to see you back in the Nest! Lav had a great idea regarding calming... take up a hobby you may have left idle, or, maybe even start in on a new one. My first few weeks did involve a lot of white-knuckling, but I would go and do one of the Hypno CD's any chance I could - that was always very calming. Also, as you've been reading, the exercise is huge too - your brain has a lot of repair work to do, and getting some exercise releases some beneficial brain chemicals that lift the mood. In addition to the Kudzu, loads of L-Glutamine are helpful, and I also like the Calm Now, especially in the evening to help with sleeping.

                  Well, gotta get busy...Will try and check back in Sunday evening.

                  Stay Strong and Stay Sober!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Ellen, I am busting (yes, busting) with joy for your 6 big days which includes a Friday! You have hit 2 big mileposts! Day 1...a bear in anyone's book, Day 3, that's the day all the AL gets out of your body...your blood (at least)...and now day 7, which means that you have successfully gotten thru each and every day of the week! Now on Day 13, you have this to look forward to, something just clicks in your head and you realize this IS something you can actually do! I don't know if it's an acceptance or just what to call it, but it's a wonderful place to be. You are just killin it, girl, I'm so happy for you! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Yo Grego...60 days is something to CROW about...and since you're a modest dude...I'll do it for you:


                      Did you hear that?

                      You have done much to help me and so many others in these past two months. It is exciting and inspirational to read about your new life. You radiate positivity and it is contagious. I'm sending you a cyber hug and heartfelt thanks for making my time fly in the nest.
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi to all newbies....

                        I love it when a bunch of us are peeping here in the nest!

                        When I first started here...I spent a lot of time reading the different posts and learning. I've also made a commitment to post something everyday. Sometimes I'm asking for help...sometimes I'm offering help. encourages accountability.

                        We're a community here and we're all looking for ways to get control over AL and get our health back. We're glad you're joining us!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Greg! I forgot to bust it up for you too! 60 days! Look at does a Byrd proud! You really have brought so much to the table with your insights and brave new world attitude. Everytime I see that sail boat come up on my computer horizon, I know it's going to be a great post!
                          Turn...great to see you today. That is a wonderful goal of posting every day. You never know when something you say hits home for someone else...and it could just be an offhand comment... something out of the blue...but offers hope and help to someone. Every post matters. Have a wonderful day everyone! xo, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Saturday evening guys. I took a long walk on the beach at sunset and listened to an audio I have of Wayne Dyer going through the Tao. It's very interesting and what I need right now. Some sort of peace and growth in my life in the spiritual area.

                            It's really wonderful to come here and read so many positive posts. I love to hear about people doing well and achieving their goals - it's so inspirational!

                            Have a wonderful AF Saturday night!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning everyone, Just checking in to say hi and to wish everyone a nice A/F Sunday. Its a beautiful spring day in OZ just off to the movies.Will check in again later

                              Hope u are all achieving your goals


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Everyone! Congrats on 60 days Gregorino, I hope I will be there someday. I am almost at the close of 3. Each day is one more though.

                                I have to share this with my new found friends in the nest. I had a very strange and frightening experience this morning. I gotta give some back ground, so bear with me. I live in a nice safe suburb in an apartment complex that includes 2 20 story towers. I live in one of those. I was waiting outside for my cab on th sidewalk in front of the bulidings, (I do not drive because of AL and DUI's) to go to work. I heard a crack noise like a shot or a firework, it worried me, but not too much. I scooted over so there was a tree between me and the building it seemed to come from which was the other tower of 20 floors that I don't live in. It was cold so I headed back to wait inside my building and as I was walking I heard another crack, louder and something whizzed by my ear. It seems I was shot at. So I was shaking horribly and called the police. They came out and were all over the property and shined lights on the building. They had me go out twice to show them where I was and all that. and wait to make sure I was safe. I have never had an experience like this. It scared the heck out of me.

                                Moral of the story is: as I thought about the seriousness of this and how close I was to getting injured or killed I thought about all the things I want to live for. I want to live for my daughters, the love of my life, my dad and step mom, and my friends. And sadly those I care for at work. I can kill myself with AL too, but that is my choice. And if I pick up a drink I need those same thoughts in my head as were in my head all day. I want to live!

                                So a bad thing was a good awakening for me.

