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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good day Nestorians wherever you are!

    Got some well-deserved rest and just checking in quickly before i dive into organizing and administrating.

    Unwasted - Looks good, glad it worked for you. I'm going to remain skeptical however. The concept of alcoholism as a disease has been very important in my initial recovery. Accepting that I have this disease, but that it is very treatable by abstinence, has enabled me to get a couple months under my belt.

    Ellen - Yes, do not just plan to order the CD's, freaking order them today! Yes, it's a lot of money - I believe I figured out it was 12 days of drinking money. Be sure to get the abstinence version. That will get you the 30 days you want and need. Get back out there and start walking, and for pete's sake, stay the heck out of the wine aisle! I would suggest NOT having any AL in the house or encouraging others to bring and or consume in front of you. Tell them "doctor's orders" or a new diet or whatever - you don't need those visuals for the first few weeks! You ARE gonna do this Miss Ellen, so do NOT beat yourself up and do NOT give up. So what if a takes a few quits until you get it right? As long as you get it right!

    Good Luck with big haul Sunny!!

    Get your plans in place for the weekend Nesters. Fill up your schedules with non-AL related things and visualize your Monday morning wake up all bright and shiny!
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters!

      Big rain on the way today so look out

      Ellen, sounds like you have thought it through & that's good. Work on that mental/emotional commitment until your CDs arrive. Please realize that you really do have a reason to quit - it's you! Do it for yourself, for Ellen who deserves a better & healthier life

      Travel safely Sunni!

      Hope yu have a good day greg!

      I have lots to do myself today so I'll get started.
      Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Mornin' Nesters,

        I don't know what in the world is wrong with me!!! I had four drinks last night. I can't seem to get back on track.

        I hate myself!:argh:
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning!!

          Lavande, thank you for the words of support. If I tell him "I'm never drinking again" i will never get a drop of support. So, this morning, (which may or may not be the right thing, but I know it will buy me some time through a rough weekend, esp Sunday Bears vs Packers game..usual total sh*tshow drunkfest starting at 10 AM..tailgaiting y'know) I told him that I am doing 30 days AF, which I know will get him off my ass. He said, "What are ya gonna do, get shitfaced on 10/21?) I said "Hmmm Hopefully not" and left it at that. I'm not going to look to him for support, but I think I got it clear through to him that his drinking buddy has left the building.

          Ellen, I have fallen off the wagon so many times. Just get back on with me. One of these times is going to be the ONE, but you won't find out unless you keep trying.

          Sunshine, good luck on that 10 hr car ride. I despise any car ride over 2 hours. It's my limit. Probably because I am a home health nurse and I drive all day when working.

          Hi Gregorino! Thank you for all the kind words yesterday.

          Juja...just do it. If I abstain, then start drinking again, it starts a WHOLE new binge. I swear, Since Jan, I have probably only had about 15 non-drinking days. And I drink to get drunk, not buzzed. As of my last drink, I was downing roughly 1/2 of a 1.75 of vodka daily. Ugh.

          Well, I ordered the book recommended by Unwasted and started reading a book on my Nook called "Unwasted" by Socha Scoblic(sp?) it's pretty darn good..different take than other books, focuses on social aspects of being sober. Had the night sweats a little last night and the itchy skin, but nothing intolerable, and I took a 1/2 ativan instead of 1/4. Tonight I'll try 1/4. I hope to be off the meds by this weekend.

          I hope everyone has a wonderful sober Friday. Weekends are super hard for me and despite feeling much better already, and not hungover, I still have that little 'itch' in the back of my head to drink. I need to keep busy today!
          AF 9/28/11


            Newbies Nest

            A couple quick thoughts...
            Garden....I think quitting is like the message they give you on a plane. Secure your oxygen mask first and then assist others. This is your quit. Get yourself under control and hopefully the rest will fall into place. You needn't look for permission to start or support or atta isn't that kind of race. It is a personal thing for you to work out. A spouse could put a glass in my hand at this point, and I would not waiver, because I want to win for me. No one else.
            Miss Tex...You heard The Voice...and it made you feel all good inside! Get that wine, and drink!!! Eyebrow raised....Girl, you went down the rabbit hole. Once you get in there itsa bitch to get out. Try this for motivation: So what do you do now? Keep this going? Fast forward one month...still drinking? 6 months, BP up again, back at the drs, starting day 1 again? If you are going to hear a voice, hear mine!!! There is NO FUTURE in bottom of that 1/2 off wine. The only thing you will find in the bottom is that person you don't wanna be. Remember the ghosts of Christmas' past, present and future? You know what the past know where the present is... I saw where my future was going if I didn't grab myself by the short hairs and have a come to Jesus meeting with me. It's got to stop. Mays well be right now...another bottle is not going to make it easier, it's going to make it HARDER.
            Don't get me started on antidepressants, they nearly killed me. I am much happier today than I ever was on a pill!!!
            We can do it, you want support, you've got it right here. We will NOT let you down, if you want to stop drinking, you are in the right nest. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Juja, don't waste your time hating yourself!
              Use your time more productively. Why did you decide to drink? Figure it out.
              If you are not ready to commit to being AF be honest with yourself. If you are having trouble commiting you need to think about why you decide to drink when you do - it's always a choice. Changing your thinking, as well as your habits are a huge part of the process.

              gardengal, I did such a good job of ignoring my husband's chronic negativity he no longer resides here! He just packed up & left a full year after I was AF without a word of warning, shooting our 37 year marriage right to hell. It was his choice.
              Do what is best for you! btw, I am a retired RN. Does nursing make our anxiety worse? I thought it did & that's why I left the profession after 27 years

              Byrdie, my co-pilot - hope you are well!
              Has your husband gotten started with his treatment yet?

              It's raining cats & dogs & who knows what today!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone, as per usual, some good straight talking going on here; we need to listen to those that have got a few months or years under their belts - they once walked in our shoes and know every emotion we are experiencing.....
                I also know that to get where we want to be we do have to learn by our own mistakes but I think the biggest message I'm getting is that it will only really happen when that true 200% decision has been made by the drinker themselves to be committed to an AF life because it is what they want deep inside.
                Anyhow, here I am on day 4 and feeling good. Taking supplements and exercising and doing CDs. Finding it hard to get quiet time to fit them in, but I will.
                Didn't do any 'official' exercise today as I have just come back from setting up a new garden; clearing rocks and stones, shovelling, raking etc, so that had better count cos my back is crying:upset:!
                Feeling pretty determined......
                To those of you that have slipped; you didn't give us time to miss you, so really well done for staying on board - as long as you are here, you are heading in the right direction....
                To you who remain on here to support us, :thanks:
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Juja;1181472 wrote: Mornin' Nesters,

                  I don't know what in the world is wrong with me!!! I had four drinks last night. I can't seem to get back on track.

                  I hate myself!:argh:
                  Juja! Get a grip kid-o! What's wrong with you is the same thing that's wrong with every single one of us. You got the abnormal drinking gene. And so now you know. If you had the regular drinking gene you wouldn't be here. So, good - you ARE here, so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and accept that you have a disease. Doesn't mean your less than in any way - just like if you had been born with any other disease.
                  Re-do your plan. Do you have the CD's? If not, be sure to order the abstinence version!
                  Get on the bike or strap on the sneakers and walk when you get urges - works great! Workout til you sweat and be sure to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water. You can do this Juja - If I can get 60 days in after getting blasted almost every night for years, than so can you. Do the first few weeks suck? Of course they do. But if you truly want to leave AL behind, you'll be willing to do whatever it takes to wrest your life back from AL. AL don't care about you; AL just cares about AL. It's like you you got an alien inside of you pulling your strings - you're not real anymore when AL is in charge. We're all here for you, but only you can do this.
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Alrighty Nesters....
                    Cap'n G has to head over to the gym for his daily fix of endorphins and then HiHo HiHo off to work! Wheeee.

                    GardenGal - Stay strong, and keep readin and postin, you're off to a fine start!

                    Lav- We had that monsoon crap yesterday - Crazy! Good news, there's a big blue sky coming for you tomorrow!

                    Byrdie - You are the best! I will challenge all new Nesters who start to waver to read your last 50 posts! Guaranteed to drop any cravings in their tracks!

                    Daisy - Sounds like you have a plan, and that's half the battle - the other half is to work the plan! I always made plenty of time to drink til I got stupid, so make the time to do the CD's too - Play the sleep CD all night, every night! You're doin great!

                    Late shift today - see y'all round midnight!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Nest!

                      Lots of really good posts today. I really have enjoyed them all and there is so much positive energy in each one. Thanks to those of you with some long term success for the support! My CD's haven't arrived yet but I feel strong and excited about my new AF life. I have been reading Jason Vale's book "Kick the Drink" and it is very entertaining and inspiring.

                      I can't say I 100% agree that there is no AL gene (his feelings) but I know that in my stage this addiction is very much mental as well - so attacking the mental side of it is equally important as the physical side for me.

                      Have a wonderful AF Friday everyone! I know I will.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good to see you so positive Mylife. I just ordered that same book last night - anything that might help, I say, and it has had some great reviews....
                        Cap'n G!!!! That is a great name for you - you've earned it. 60 days done and you're always so encouraging and positive. It is the New You!!!!:thanks:
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          This morning I had a bad hangover. I hope I remember it for Friday night tonight.

                          I ordered the book and the Abstinence CD's and look forward to their arrival.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I just got back from being outside for 3 hours with my 3 year old. We walked to and from the park, then made lunch and ate it outside. Now we are inside (eating cookies) I had a healthy lunch (fish/veggies) but man am I craving carbs...not apples and oranges either! I just had a taffy apple and 1/2 of an oreo. Now I'm guzzing water. I really feel a little twinge of "I want to drink" but I'm trying not to stifle it and to work through it. I know it stemmed from the recruiter calling me from a company I'm applying for about my background check. There should be nothing in there, but I always worry about some snafu. I'm going to eat these cookies and read for a few while my DD watches TV.

                            Oh, and my book Kick the Drink shipped today. HURRY!!!!
                            AF 9/28/11


                              Newbies Nest

                              Not a FEW while..a little while. Duh.

                              Oh, and Lavande, nursing is kicking my butt, esp home health. So much responsibility and demands and every one is sue-happy. The job I am applying for is in insurance claims, no hands on, no patient contact..perfect (which I never thought I'd say) except it's a full time day job and I will lose flexibility and have less time with my 3 year old. Although, on a VERY bright note, much less flexibility and less time with the ability to drink which was the beginning of my spiral into full blown alcoholism..too much freedom.
                              AF 9/28/11


                                Newbies Nest

                                Do yourself a huge favor & write down everthing you are feeling & thinking today! You can put that in your arsenal to fight off the beast next time he comes calling

                                Hi daisy - hope your day is going well!

                                Mylife, I'm in total agreement with you on the mental/emotional addiction side of this problem. I drank because I was feeling depressed, defeated, bewildered by certain events in my life. Drinking of course made all those feelings worse. That's why I made myself work the Habit Busting program to rid myself once & for all the habit of negative thinking! Once I did that I was able to join this program & just get the job done Use the CDs everyone because they really do help!

                                greg & Byrdie - I see a time coming when I can retire from the Nest & leave the two of you in charge of the nestlings. You are both strong & postitive influences!!!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

