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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    CD - Cleanse

    Listened to the first CD last night - thought an hour was an incredibly l-o-n-g time (after all, I can down a bottle of wine in an hour or less). What a fantastic, cleansing experience! I've been smiling all day.

    I also put in the 'sleep learning' cd in our ghetto blaster, but can't figure out how to keep it repeating.

    Finding the subliminal seagulls a bit annoying - but not as much as my chirping to my hubby to refill my wine glass.

    Its a good Friday nite. On my own. No booze and a happy girl.

    I get fearful reading the posts - but one day at a time, and today is a good, good day. My wish for all of you is that you can feel this good!:h


      Newbies Nest

      ImHereNow - don't be fearful, you have lots of company & support here
      I loved the Clearing CD - really loved it. Stay happy & keep checking in with us!

      Sitting here in rain soaked SE PA - not exactly a thrill watching flood warning running across the bottom of the TV screen but I'm grateful to be clear headed, calm, healthier & happier

      Wishing everyone a safe & dry night in the Nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Evening, Nestlings!

        Back after very tiring day... They messed up my stalls (doors on the wrong side, dividers only 1/2 right).. kinda disappointed but we'll make it work. Trailer gave me trouble, too, but thankfully it broke down where I was picking up the stalls (welding shop, although not automotive) and the boyz fixed me up before I left.

        Anyhow.. I'm completely bushed (which is still much better than being completely blitzed) .. to you who are struggling... please pick yourself up, revise your plan, if what you did this week didn't work - try something new! To the rest of you.. thank you for being here, for your support and your wisdom

        And now, I'm going to fall into bed. Night, night!!!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          It is bed time on this Friday night and I am AF!!!
          I bought diet blueberry Pomegrante juice and that was my Friday night treat. I don't buy it often so I am going to have some nightly rather than wine.

          I had my last apple and almost went to the store to get more. Since I bought wine last night I thought it best to stay away from the store this weekend.

          I have company coming tomorrow so I won't be here for a few days. My sister seldom drinks so this is good timing.

          Night night nesters.


            Newbies Nest

            What up Nest Eggs?

            Just flew in from work and have just enough energy left to take a quick peek in the Nest.

            MyLife and Ellen - Excellent plan ordering the CD's - retraining your brain is a huge part of this. The subconscious is where all of our habits reside, and in a head to head battle between conscious and subconscious, it's the latter that usually wins out. Reference Miss Lav's post on breaking habits! So, the CD's employ hypnotherapy which goes right to work in the subconscious.

            Daisy and Garden Gal - If you haven't yet, get those abstinence CD's - they are totally worth it!

            ImHere - If you have an iPod you can create a playlist with just the sleep CD in it, then set it to repeat. It'll play for you all night...I wouldn't sleep without it! The subliminal will just become white noise after the refrigerator running - you'll only notice it when it stops!

            Miss Lav- Just because you went to a retirement party last night, don't be getting any kind of crazy ideas! I'm not even ready to take down my "I'm New Here" sign yet!!

            Sunshine - Glad you made it back to the Nest after a long day on the road!

            Stay strong Peepers!
            -Cap'n G


              Newbies Nest

              yo Grego....

              I'm loving your blog....Into the Blue! You have an amazing way with words. Makes a landlubber want to push off and hoist a sail!

              Can't wait for the next Chapter, Captain!
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Salient Points from Kick the Drink

                I wanted to post this here since I had done so originally. Looking for Peace had asked me what parts of the book resonated with me. I'll post it here too in case anyone is reading/thinking of reading it:

                One: don't think about moderating, because if one drink sounds pleasureable to you, so will a thousand. If you cut down, that just makes you believe that alcohol is even more precious than you thought, which makes you even more hooked because the hook is mental, not physical.

                The craving only starts if you think you're missing out on a genuine pleasure (and for all the reasons he reiterates throughout the book, when we really look at it, we can see that alcohol is not really pleasureable).

                Another point was - the drug alcohol never changes, only our perspective of it. The constant thinking about if we're going to drink tonight, drinking, recovering the next day - how it's such a roller coaster. The only true freedom is to completely stop. Otherwise, alcohol is controlling us - we are NEVER in control.

                Another point - (and I have always thought this). We may look at others and think they have their shit together about drinking. But they really are possibly all struggling. People don't talk about it. But, by the very nature of alcohol one wants more and more because it's a drug. Don't envy other drinkers ever! They may not even know it yet, but if they keep drinking, over time, they are going to have a problem because alcohol is a drug. And the nature of any drug is that you need more and more of it to achieve the same result.

                I also like this acronym he suggests we think about: CANT - whenever you feel deprived because you can't have a drink (which I don't because I am free)...think about the C - Constant A - and N - Never ending T - Torture that alcohol addiction is. You can be free from the Daily Mental and Physical Slavery of Being a Drug Addict

                Another good point: Drinking sets off a chain reaction that will last for the rest of your life unless you break it.

                Another point: Cured means making absolutely certain that whatever happens, you never have just one because you re-create the disease.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Unwasted, book ordered 2 days ago - looking forward to it!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Damp, damp, damp again today & dark too - ugh! No relief in sight until Wednesday - double ugh!!

                    Sunni, glad you arrived home safe & sound last night after your long journey! Sorry about the troubles though ~ disappointing stuff but nothing to drink over, right? Hope today is good for you

                    Ellen, congrats on your sober Friday, do it again today, OK?

                    greg, you probably have sunshine & blue skies down there. If you do, don't tell me

                    Greetings Turnagain, & Daisy!

                    Unwasted, all that stuff you mentioned is exactly what I have discovered since going AF! It truly is freedom!

                    OK, wishing everyone a great AF Saturday just like the one I plan for myself

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lav, I totally agree with you. Trying to moderate is sheer hell. Quitting is true freedom, confidence and peace!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Nest!

                        Unwasted, thanks for the great summary. I've been reading the book steadily and it really makes sense. The thought of pouring that poinson into my body and shrinking my brain is really a vivid image in my mind right now and I never want to do that to myself again.

                        Lav, sorry about the gray skies! Yes, it is sunny here in the Sunshine State - but still hot! I'm going out to the ocean later and plan to spend most of the day in the water.

                        Turnagain and Gregorino great to hear from you both! What is this blog Gregorino, I'd like to see it! Turnagain I always love your name because it reminds me of my old home state!

                        Have a fantastic AF day all!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning or Afternoon...wherever you are on the planet!

                          Thanks so much for posting the book excerpts, Unwasted. I'm with you and LAV - nothing's better than being AF - modding was HELL. And well, definitely a FAIL for me.

                          Sun....sounds like you had great fortune in finding kind people to help you with your equine adventure. Too bad everyone's not as great ...or competent, eh?

                 still manage to brighten up the nest even when the sun isn't shining on you....HAve a GREAT sober Saturday!

                 may fondly or not so fondly remember the FLASH Falls up here. Pretty. For about 3 seconds. DH and I are off this morning to get the SNOW tires on the cars.

                          Grego...I will keep warm in the months ahead by vicariously sailing along with bad for not including the link to the it is!

                          Into The Blue

                          Now...where's my damn coat?
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Party tonight

                            AF Day 6; Topa Day 3; CDs Day 3; clear sailing and now the apprehension sets in. I'm not going to drink tonight. Its an obligatory party - our neighbor's surprise 50th anniversary party (yes, I know people that OLD) - hubby is away on business/family visits. I rarely socialize without him. I never socialize sober. One of the CDs given to me as a gift for becoming an MWO subscriber deals with 'social situations' (I've blanked it out so much, can't even remember what its called). I'm going to listen to that after lunch to begin to prepare myself. I want to enjoy myself. I've had a fantastic week - I've been on my own for these last few days. I get insecure and withdrawn around people I don't know - or dont know well. Surprisingly, people that know me think I'm outgoing.

                            I'm don't know how to overcome the 'pre-surprise arrival' cocktail hour jitters. I can down 40 club sodas while everyone else is sipping single gin and tonic. Anyone have any suggestions????? I don't want to cave in and get a glass of wine. I'm NOT DRINKING. I'M NOT DRINKING. I'm not


                              Newbies Nest

                              Arrive late ImHereNow - works like a charm & bring your own beverage
                              If worse comes to worse just say you are on medication or something........
                              It's more important for you to keep your AF streak going than it is to accept a drink. Seek out a non-drinker & just start talking - that's what I do

                              No coat here today - as a matter of fact the AC is still on because it's so damn humid

                              Making deviled eggs, pasta salad & apple bread for tomorrow's gathering - yum!!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Get the CDs!!!!

                                Reading your posts is like going thru my journal. I can't tell you what a significant difference the CDs have made for me - and I started them on Thursday. I have moments of doubt and apprehensive, but I'm friggin JOYFUL like I haven't been in years. Had my first hangover-free Saturday morning walk of the summer. year? decade? Saw a heron standing in a mirror-like pond reflecting the sky, reeds, autumn colors . . . and I was so glad to be ALIVE! The CDs are worth the money. I wish this for you.:h

