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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I can get an Icon??

    where and how do I get a handy little profile photo to put next to my moniker?


      Newbies Nest

      Greetings, birdlings!

      IHN.. look in your 'User CP' (blue bar top left)... I think what you want is an Avatar? Chose one from the site or upload your own file And good luck with your surprise party.. ENJOY yourself! Arriving late, leaving early sounds like a great plan!

      I'm only poking me nose in real quick... playing domestic goddess today (shampooing carpets, washing walls, etc.). Mind you, I'll have to still head out and get another load of hay sometime this afternoon, too. Damn. Even on a weekend, there isn't enough hours in the day. And I haven't even had time to fit in a nap, neithers! Just don't seem right :H

      Hope you're all having a great AF Saturday!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        I'm here now, glad you mentioned CDs. I am 5days AF and 3 days CD also. I thought I must be imagining how I was feeling today. I felt on top of the world - up early even though it's a Saturday, swim before lunch, housework and lovely curry for tonight made. Then started on dinner for tomorrow and invited my parents. Could the CDs really be having a affect so soon? If they are, then bring it on!!!!
        I have followed instructions religiously and do each CD in order.
        Hi Barbara and Lav and Cap'n G; hope all's well - I know you all swear by the CDs; how long did it take you to notice a difference and what was it? Just wondering...........
        IHNow, enjoy tonight and come home feeling pleased with yourself.
        Sunshine, Mylife, Turnagain, Unwasted and TexEllen, hello and hope you have a lovely weekend.
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          Hello birdlings.....hope eveyone is ok....I am !!!
          just filthy dirty from yard to shower!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nest!

            Sunshine GG - you have such a busy life - you and Lav sound like Ranch hands or something with all your animals and chores! One of the things I love about this site is hearing about all the very different lives we lead!

            Turnagain - thanks for reminding me to check that my mom got her snow tires on.

            Imhere - I am with Lav - arrive late and leave early. To me big gatherings are not as hard as small dinner parties where people "notice and inquire" if you don't drink.

            Daisy - good for you with the CD's. I've ordered them and am really looking forward to them arriving!

            I went to the beach today and read more of the Jason Vale book. There was a family next to me and the woman kept drinking from a bottle of wine the whole afternoon. Of course I would probably be the only other person on the beach to notice that (sigh). Anyway, I'm happy to be here and AF. She'll have a dry mouth and a headache later.

            Hope you all have a great AF Saturday evening.


              Newbies Nest

              Good to see such postitve postings! All is well here. Parties, schmarties...Lav's right, I no longer have to be the first one there and the last one to leave. Really, the only people that care whether you are drinking or not are the heavy drinkers. Nobody really notices or cares... If you could socialize with AL, you can do it without. I am living testiment. Best to all tonight. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                I didn't get a nap today either Sunni :H
                I will not have a dry mouth or headache mylife ~ screw those days!

                I am still in the kitchen at 8:45 pm waiting for the apple bread to finish baking & it really smells good. (King Arthur Flour website has great recipes btw)! I'm taking it to the christening lunch tomorrow for my grandson along with lots of food

                The CDs worked so fast on me I got hooked on them instantly - enjoy them everyone!

                I'll say good night early because I have to go wash out my hair color - don't want to look like a freak tomorrow. Have a safe night in the nest one & all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Awww Lav! I did sneak in a little nap eventually
                  However, I'm still pooped... we're gonna put on a movie but I'm not even sure I'll see the end of it :H

                  Have a great night, nestlings... tomorrow we'll all wake up 'unhung' and ready for a great Sunday!

                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sunshine - Thank you! Daisy - send some curry over! to lazy to make my own. Takes hours to grind, chop, (but I do have a jar of jalfreze that will do in a pinch). Made it thru my first AF Saturday nite OPEN BAR party. It was a really nice party. There was a slideshow of this couple's 50 happy years together. She didn't have a drink in her hand or was totally blitzed in any of the photos. I was noticing people that had a beer, or one glass of wine, and didn't seem to be fidgeting and thinking about the next - or worried that the bar would close. I had a good time. I can do this. I may just sit an read (something other than "self improvement"/"sobriety now"/"know thyself") and hug a cup of herbal tea to wash down all those tablets. Thanks everyone. Have a wonderful night. Gotta get up and bale that hay and feel those chickens and throw fish to the dolphins. Ok, so I live in Chicago. Just living vicariously thru others. BTW - no grandaughter. Hubby flew across the pond but she isn't ready yet. All are anxiously awaiting her arrival.


                      Newbies Nest

                      A sober Sat night. I have now been AF for two weekends. Just have to add the balance of the week to them. When I think about drinking I think about the taste of wine. And that I really don't evenjoy the taste. So why have I been doing it for so long.

                      This may be mu "go to" reminder for future discussions with myself.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Guys, I'm up and unhung and ready for an early Sunday walk on the beach. I keep thinking about Turnagain's post on another thread and how great it feels to have my body mending now that the poison is out of it.

                        Imhere - good job on the party! I always notice now at parties how little other people really drink. And I have way too many pictures of me with wine glasses in my hand - I'm looking forward to years of no alcohol in my hand in those pictures!!

                        TXEllen - being AF weekends is the best. And being AF every night is even better!

                        Sun - hope you got a good nights sleep!

                        Have a great AF Sunday in the Nest all.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello all! I am back....drank 3 glaases of champagne at a friends going away dinner! So I have to start all over again! I have the cd's will get them out and begin the journey again:upset:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Urchins!

                            Rise and shine! I'm going to finish the carpets this morning, then take the monster of a machine back. After that, Mr. Wonderful has requested my expertise for cement mixing ( Is he new here, or what!?) :H So, I'll be busy and away from puter for most of the day.

                            Great job on the party, IHN! Good for you! You won't be nearly as worried for the next one now

                            Ellen.. I found the same thing... when I actually 'think' about the taste of 'my' wine... it isn't even really appealing... so why the hell do it???

                            Britches... I'm sorry you chose to drink last night. Any particular reason or situation? Something that you could try to avoid in the future? Getting all your tools out today is an excellent idea! Enjoy your CDs and dust yourself off. TODAY, we are not going to drink, right?

                            Lav, thinking of you... and hoping the weather will hold for your fabulous fest today!

                            Hello MB and daisy and ALL... here's to a fantastic Sunday!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Rainy mornin' all.

                              Still haven't hit my mojo, but at least I didn't finish all four little bottles of wine last night. Of course, I was only going to have two of them, but we know how that goes. I'm going to keep trying.

                              Had the most gratifying day with my mother yesterday at the assisted living place where she lives. I had bought her some slacks, and she was so appreciative. I also bought her a picture for over her bed, and helped her with other things. She's not used to helpful people--one survives on one's own--and my helpfulness takes her aback. So, regardless of the fact that I was imperfect and drank last night, it was still a good day.

                              Kudos to those of you doing so well, and I'm with the rest of you strugglers.

                              Have a pleasant Sunday everyone.
                              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thank you!! I should not have participated in the champagne but did,,,my good friend is moving to Hawaii and we were having a celebratory time just caved....

