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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Please take a look at one of my favorite websites. Developing an attitude of gratitude makes things so much easier

    The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Back again to wish everyone a safe night in the Nest

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Nesters!

        I feel awful; like I'm not pulling my weight here in the nest...

        Pulled my work shift 9 to 5, then hit the gym, and then had to run some errands, and then have been sorting things out with Chapter Two. (Yes, she's an Oday 37 sailboat!)
        Unbelievable how many little freekin details there are. My lovely wife (AKA "The Admiral") and I keep asking ourselves what in the hell were we thinking, but we are in it thick now! The papers are signed and the money is just pouring out! Actually, she's rather ship shape and bristol for an "older" gal, but still.....all the stuff to do is a full time job in itself!
        Anyway, I promise to do better with posting, but I'll have to go away again soon and re-coat her bottom so we can re-launch her back into blue where she belongs!

        Ellen - you are doing great! So proud of you - you WILL get your week!

        Welcome Windy - You are in the right place!

        GardenGal - Just don't quit quitting - You will get the hang of it - do you have all the parts of your plan in place?

        Way past my bedtime, so gotta run!!

        Y'all stay safe!
        -Cap'n G


          Newbies Nest

          Day 6 AF. Getting easier every day.


            Newbies Nest

            Good early morning Nest (yawn). Up early to catch a flight - just a quick business trip for the day.

            Lav, thank you for the link. I'm going to definitely follow that website. I noticed there is a course in November on Gratitude - I think I'll be signing up because I could use a good dose of that in my life right now! :thanks:

            Have a great AF day all.


              Newbies Nest

              - Gregorino - I've never been that interested in boats - but you're making me want to run out and start sailing with your posts! It sounds fantastic - and what a great hobby to take up with all that AF time!


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters!
                Ellen ,glad to hear you're feeling better. I don't always post but I do check in. Good to hear from Cap'n G and the Admiral!!
                Lav, big milestone coming up for you.
                Gardengal, we've all been there, done that - hope things are looking up.
                4me, get yourself plenty to do over the weekend so you wont even have time to think; I've heard about that 17 day diet on Dr Phil - let us know how it goes.
                Byrdlady, Mylife, Windy, (hope I have'nt forgot anyone) hope alls well.
                Well, I'm on day 10 now and feeling pretty good; using CDs, exercising, reading, vitamins and L-glut. I have had a few drinking thoughts, not like a craving where I want a drink right now, but more thinking 'when I have a drink sometime'......
                I think it's the thought of 'never' having a drink that I struggle with - somewhere in the back of my mind is 'some day'. I don't want that thought to be there because I 'know' what my reality is. Lav, 'o wise one' , will even that thought go away?
                But I do feel stronger with each passing AF day......
                Have a good day Nesters - will pop in later for the 'craic'.
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Great Day in the Morning Nesters!

                  Well, if any of my fellow Nesters are baseball fans, then by now you know that the Tampa Bay Rays concluded a most improbable September run to clinch a spot in the playoffs in a dramatic, over-the-top, Hollywood couldn't even come up with this script, extra inning early morning finish on the last day of the season.

                  My condolences to any Red Sox fans who may be out there.

                  Just a few short months ago, I would have been watching this game with AL. And when it went into extra innings, I would have gone to the corner store for more AL. I would be in terrible shape right now, struggling to gain some composure so I could drag my hungover carcass into work.

                  But you know what is so cool about watching it sober and awaking sober, albeit tired, the next day? This is so cool.... I remember EVERYTHING! Every at-bat, every dramatic moment, every TV commentator's description, the interviews after the game...everything!

                  And that, my fellow Nesters, is something no one can ever take away from this loyal Rays fan...not even AL.

                  It's a great day to be alive AND sober dear friends, so go out and grab you a slice of life - there's plenty for everyone!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Glad to see so many checking in with positive reports

                    mylife, daisy - developing an attitude of gratitude helped me learn to ignore those lingering thoughts of AL
                    I learned to turn a drinking thought right off by running my gratitude list thru my head. The drinking thought was gone before I even got to the end of the list Same goes for smoking ~ I still get an thought but quickly go into gratitude mode & I'm OK.

                    Greg, your gratitude list is right there in the forefront of your mind too buddy - good for you!
                    This is Phillies territory around here but you won't likely see me watching a game :H

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nestlings!

                      Nothing great or new to report from over this side of the nest... except, it's DRY in every sense :H

                      Wishing you all a wonderful Thursday!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters,

                        I want to say something special to everyone, but I am still trying to remember your names. The posts here have made an impact on me.

                        I thought Chapter 2 was perhaps a different stage of your life and I spent some time wondering about that for myself...Now I know it's a boat...I am learning.

                        I wanted to add - there have been so many times I have said "not again" and did it again. Just keep working the program and it will stick some day is what I keep saying to myself.

                        I have committed to a lofty goal and I know it can be demoralizing when you don't meet that goal...But damnation I feel more determined than ever. I will probably need some help when the going gets tuff. Right now (today) I feel good and hope to hold on to that feeling for a while.

                        Hope everyone has a fantastic day or evening - where ever you are.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters!

                          Going on 8 Pm & I'm in my shop working! I was (unexpectedly) busy this afternoon babysitting - but that's OK

                          Hi Sunni - I ask saw some sun late this afternoon - even my grandson noticed it! Who ever said 2 1/2 years olds are only interested in cookies? :H

                          windy - you just stick with us & let us know if you need anything - that's why we're here
                          The more you're here the quicker you learn our names & meanings of things. I sometimes refer to EB - that's my grandson (short for Energizer Bunny) :H

                          I am too darn busy these days to let the thought of AL back into my life - no way! I am functioning better now at nearly 58 than I was when I was 40

                          OK, wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                          Tomorrow is Friday so I hope everyone has their weekend plan in place to keep AL out of the picture.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Today is daySEVEN AF. I have met my first goal (and it only took one month to get here!)

                            About a month ago my antidepressant was increased and it has done wonders. I saw my therapist tonight and he asked me on a scale of 1-10 how did I feel. I answered 8. He said somE of his patients would gladly buy my number. I quickly said it is not for sale.

                            I was diagnosed bipolar about 25yrs ago before it was fashionable. I drank while manic and while depressed. Up until a month ago I drank when stable. This makes absolutely no sense. While I usually am stable for about 18 months between cycles there is no excuse to be drinking then. I will work on not drinking during highs and lows next.

                            Happy Friday everyone.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters, it's late so just a quick check in. I am on day 4 and staying strong.

                              Daisy, thanks for the advice on staying busy over the weekend. I am always busy, so that shouldn't be a problem.

                              TX, congrats on day seven, I am right behind you.

                              Lav, I need to check out the meditation. I am a Realtor and I'm sure you can guess how crazy that is in our current economy.

                              Greg, Chapter 2 is an awesome name for a boat. What fun!

                              For anyone I missed, hope you are doing well!

                              Night nesters.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Friday morning Nesters!

                                I actually see some sunshine for a change - how nice

                                Ellen, bless you for your perseverance - congrats on your 7 AF days!!!!!
                                I'm sure your experiences will prove helpful to someone else here at MWO, thanks for sharing

                                4me, good for you on your 4 AF days!
                                The MWO CDs & the various meditations really helped me learn to relax & center myself without AL on board ~ give them a try

                                I have a busy day ahead so I'll get going.
                                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

