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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Urchins!

    Sun? Lav it's pouring here and the wind is howling like the dickens! I'm still dodging going out to feed horses... I'll be soaked, for sure.

    Yes, the weekend is upon us.. and there will be NO room for AL. Not for me, anyways. I'll be busy cleaning house for visitors.. my SIL will stay with us for a week and the kids will be here next weekend for Thanksgiving, etc.

    Ellen and 4me... congrats on your AF time! Have you got a plan in place for the weekend?
    Daisy, you sound good!
    Greg, love the name of the boat!
    Windy, don't worry... you'll get everyone's names down in time Oh.. and if I refer to the 'Peanut'.. that's my grand son :H

    Hello to Gardengal, Byrdie, Mylife, and anyone else dropping by.. happy Friday!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Friday Nesters!

      Lots of drama for me yesterday and today with work, but still staying strong! Day 5 will come and go! I really don't plan on making it a big deal as I have in the past. I have decided there is only one voice, mine! AL does not have a voice.

      Sunshine, I do have a plan for the weekend. I am always busy and this weekend will prove to be more of the same. My plan is, I don't drink today
      ! Sending you some warm CA sunshine vibes.

      Daisy, I have lost a pound a day since Tues. on the 17 day diet. I forgot to weigh myself on Monday. ops: It works!

      Windy, good luck on your goals! You can do it!

      Hi Lav! Enjoy your sunny day!

      Have a great weekend all!


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Nesters,

        Lav - Thanks for your support and inviting me to the Nest

        4Me - I'am on Day 4 too, but I am trying not to count days too much; I become obsessive, but if I make it to 100, you will definitely hear it from me..

        Ellen - You do sound good! Keep it up.

        Sun - Hope you don't mind if I abbreviate. Love your horse. I used to ride occasionally as a youngster. There's nothing like it, is there?

        Greg - I am looking forward to hearing more about your boat. I love the water and the ocean. We have a small fishing boat that we use on lakes around here. I have always thought sailing would be fantastic.

        My weekend looks good, with a few minor challenges - My husband is coming home from being away for awhile. We usually reconnect while having a beer. I have options in place. I really like feeling the way I have lately and I will NOT compromise. And now you heard from me.

        Enjoy the rest of your day (evening) and have a sober weekend.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello All Nesters,

          Sounds like a very positive group out there! Okay, so yesterday I had to fly to Atlanta for the day - a very short trip from my home here in Florida. Anyway, the hour there and back I listened to my Hypno CD's. It was a very nice and relaxing way to fly!

          Then, last night I saw a new counselor and she seemed very good - I think I'll like her. She gave me a CD that I would highly recommend to all of you - I watched it this morning at 6:00 a.m. and it took a full hour - hence no posting this morning!

          "Pleasure Unwoven: An Explanation of the Brain Disease of Addiction"
          Kevin McCaule

          I highly recommend seeing this if you get a chance - it really made me accept there is a medical condition for what I have. It's by a neurolgist and former addict.

          Have a wonderful evening in the nest everyone!


            Newbies Nest

            Hey everyone, you all are doing so well. I, on the other hand am sitting here debating with myself - I really would love a drink! There, I've said it! I've done everything I'm supposed to do but can't get this out of my head....
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Newbies Nest

              Okay daisy, You said it, but that doesn't make it so..(at least I hope not).

              Remember how you may feel in the morning if you listen to that Beast on your back trying to pour poison down your throat. Don't let that rat-finked, bast### in. Blow it off. Kick it's ASS.


                Newbies Nest

                Afternoon all!

                Daisy - just because you have a thought or two about AL doesn't mean yuo automatically give in, right? This is a fight you're in so keep fighting. The longer you fight the better your chance of being the winner!!!!! We've all been through it, honestly

                windy, glad you are on the journey wit the rest of us!

                mylife, I just may look for a copy of that - Amazon probably has it available! Sounds interesting!

                Greetings to Sunni, greg, Byrdi, Ellen, 4me & everyone!!!!!

                The clouds have moved in but the sun was nice while it lasted. Supposed to be cool this weekend - love it

                The crazy looking chicken in the picture is STELLA :H
                she's so intense looking, isn't she?
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Daisy, may I suggest some reading? Look back at my posts #12,852 and post 12,878. This speaks to how to bust a craving. Just because this is Friday don't mean nuthin. (I'm from the South). Friday is just another day (Lav's wise words). Keep your self busy and don't let your mind take you down the rabbit hole. Right now, your mind is working on the side of the is fighting tooth and nail to stay alive and it will tell you whatever you want to hear to make you give in. Tell your monkey mind to shut the F*** up! All you gotta do is get thru THIS day. THIS day. You can do did it yesterday, no? Stay strong friend...stay dry. Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Byrdie,

                    It's really true - Friday is just another day & not a reason to drink AL. We are OK once we accept that

                    Daisy, I hope you have reconsidered the consequences of having A drink. Most of us have a history of not stopping at one

                    Thought I'd used my crazy chicken picture for a few days ~ her name is STELLA :H
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Quiet evening here - hope everyone is OK!

                      Guess I'm going to call it a day & wish everyone a safe night in the Nest

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters, Hope everyone had a good Friday. Day 5, went to a lunch date with fam and friends. Everyone was having a glass of wine. None 4 me! Tomorrow more of the same. Like Byrdie says, it's just another day.

                        Lav, love the chicken. Stella was my mothers name. No relation I'm sure. :H

                        Windy, I'm glad your on the same schedule as me! I am not going to think about the days so much either. I am really focussed on day 5 of my diet. A good focus for sure!

                        Daisy, we all have those thoughts. If you think about it, that is all they are and they will pass.

                        Life, Sun, Byrdie and anyone I missed, Hello.

                        Have a good one nesters!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Up late's now morning! It's great to go to sleep unhung. It's great to wake up unhung!

                          Lav...I LOVE Stella! I have this fantasy about having a bunch of chickens. You are living my dream life - La Vida Pollo!

                          I'm trying to catch up with what's happening in the's been hopping. Bravo to all the new peepers who are getting healthy and happier by keeping AL away from their innards!

                          Freedom is incredible.
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Wow Wee Nesters,

                            I, unlike Turnagiain, was in bed early and up early...but like Turnagain I am unhung!!! I have no desire to go down the "Rabit Hole" yet.

                            Lav - Love your chickens and especially Stella. I hate to ask this, but was she named after the beer - Stella Atoir (sp??) I can hear Marlin Brando yelling "S..T...E..LLL....A. I like birds, but chickens scare me. When I was little I had to gather the eggs from the hen house and they were, well let's just say, kinda of cranky sometimes. Now I have more power and would love some fresh eggs, but live in a restricted neighborhood.

                            Byrdlady - your advise was spot on to Daisy...I hope she checks in matter what she decided to do.

                            Having a good weekend here and looking forward to a sober day.

                            I agree, FREEDOM is incredible.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              Woke up to sunshine :yay:
                              After two months of record breaking rain here in these parts I am totally ready to dry out :H

                              4me - believe it or not, soon lunch without wine will become habit! Good for you!!!

                              Turnagain, I know you are on the road, hope you are having fun!

                              About Stella.........
                              She's the one out of the current flock with the biggest mouth :H
                              Her squawking can be obnoxious at times. I was thinking of Marlin Brando when I named her & also of Frank Perdue. Don't know if you are familiar with his TV commercials with his loud, chatty chickens

                              They started out as a hobby 7 years ago but have turned into a mini business for me. Everyone loves fresh brown eggs. My grandson loves pulling on his 'chicken boots' & running around in their yard with them. The breed is Buff Orpintons & they are friendly & curious. They even put up with a two year old picking them up!!!! I also have 5 Araucanas - blue egg layers!

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!!!!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning all! I am hanging in there. Terribly busy getting ready for work in a little over a week. Secured daycare for my 3 year old so that has taken a huge load of stress off. Also, this weekend is packed with homecoming pep rally last night, cheer competition tonight, homecoming game tomorrow, so I am busy. Although, busy is's 'free time' that I think I deserve to 'relax' with booze and I know that is not relaxing AT ALL! I finally got the book Kick the Drink yesterday and am still finishing Unwasted on my nook, so I have lots to read.

                                I have decided this weekend to pick up a jounal for myself so I can carve some time out, map out a solid plan, and keep a gratitude journal. I exercised yesterday for an hour and it felt great! Today I will walk outside since it's sunny.

                                I can't guarantee I'll check back in till tomorrow, will be out running like a loon all day!

                                Hello to everyone!!!
                                AF 9/28/11

