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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lav- I LOVE the chickens! A nursery near me is selling roosters for 15.00. Hubs won't let me get one
    AF 9/28/11


      Newbies Nest

      Love Those Chickens!

      Lav - love those chickens! Hubby and I have a retirement dream and chickens are involved - and not just on my plate.

      I'm doing really well everyone. AF, 2nd Friday in a row. Not in the state of bliss I felt last weekend - lots of stress, disappointment, joys, boredom, lonliness, but never once have I had the though of having a drink. The FREEDOM of not having the constant mantra "its to early to have a drink, its nearly 5:00, its 6, if I open this bottle now, it won't last, is there another, how much is in my glass, should I pour more, if I finish this one by 8, another by 8:30, I'll open the other bottle by nine . . ." all the calculating, planning, deciding, thinking, worry, is just gone.

      Hubby is still away, and I jut didn't want to be alone with the disappointment of not being called with the job offer I'd been waiting for (its not over until its over) so I went to see "The Help". The 2 things I really find that take me out of "my head" are anthing OUTSIDE or a movie.

      Been having a bit of stomach pain this week - taking all the supplements after meals - wondering if they are a bit harsh - (more than BOTTLES OF WINE????!!!). Did I miss anything about this?

      Just want to check in. Am finding the boards difficult at times, need to find my own path and still seek support. Thanks to all. I am so grateful for this program - it really has delivered as promised. I find it miraculous and would not have believed that I could find freedom in less than a week. I don't want to get cocky about it. :thanks:


        Newbies Nest

        Greetings people..

        Day 90 AF for me.

        I have had my ups and downs but am in a good place at the moment.

        I have been told I'm looking great since I gave up and have lost about 1 stone in weight. This inspires me to keep going. I feel good physically.My head is also in a good place now.

        It can be done folks - I was a serious serious drinker up to 3 months ago. Moods do change and cravings will tempt you but you can beat the cravings one craving at a time.

        Finally look at all the positives of being AF and compare it to the small pleasure that that first drink will give you. No contest.

        I am still an alcoholic - but I'm a sober one.
        AF July 4th 2011


          Newbies Nest

          windy;1184660 wrote:
          I thought Chapter 2 was perhaps a different stage of your life and I spent some time wondering about that for myself...Now I know it's a boat...I am learning.
          Hi Windy - Yes, Chapter Two is a sailboat I just bought, but it is also a powerful metaphor! She's a used boat, but she's been well-cared for and will continue to be for a long long time. I decided not to change her name because of the metaphor. I don't think I'd have found Chapter Two or gone ahead and bought her if I wasn't in my own personal Chapter Two. And that chapter, of course, came about by my deciding to turn the page on the first chapter of my life - the one that involved lots and lots of AL nearly every single day for many, many years.
          -Cap'n G


            Newbies Nest

            RBG 90 Days!!

            Rock On with your Bad Self!

            Daisy - Hope you're OK - go back and ready your post - "I've done everything i was supposed to..." That my friend, sounds a lot to me like a classic rationalization!

            The cravings do not just instantly disappear - I can tell you after 70 days (somewhere around there) that cravings can STILL happen - but they do become fewer and fewer and less intense.

            It's what we do or don't do when the voice gets a blabbing that makes all the difference in the first few months. Yes, the L-Glut and Kudzu are great, yes the CD's are wonderful, and yes this Nest is the Best! However, when it comes right down to it, you have to have the commitment to do this for you - only you know what those reasons might be - family, health, a desire to REALLY feel alive....whatever they are, you have to find a way to put those reasons in front of the drivel spewing from the voice.

            Gotta run to work, evening shift, and tomorrow I am gone before first light to go work on Chapter Two for a couple days.

            Stay strong Nesters!

            Be back Tuesday!
            -Cap'n G


              Newbies Nest

              RemorseBeGone...I could bust with joy for you!!!! You are about to enter the 100 day club and that is big doings! You get a hat and everything....well, you get lots of cheers and well wishes from some of your closest friends!!! I am so proud of your accomplishments. Fist bump!!!
              Everyone is doing so well, just keep doing it, and before you know it, another day has passed that you won back. Well done nest!!!
              Lav, your chickens look like they have attitude!!! I love them! Do they have personalities? Each one a little different or no? Turnagain's phrase 'La Vida Pollo', almost made me pee my pants!!!! So funny, thanks for posting those!
              Peace to all today. xxoo, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nest!

                RBG - Great job on 90 days! Congratulations - that's my current goal.
                Byrd - thanks for all the inspiring support.
                Lav - if I lived anywhere close I'd be buying those eggs - I would love to get fresh eggs from healthy chickens!
                Greg - Chapter 2 sounds so great! You've got me talking my husband into taking some sailing lessons.
                Windy, Daisy, Gardengal, Imhere - you are all doing great. Very inspiring and great to hear from you!

                Well, I have to report that I got my Vivitrol shot on Friday. (yesterday) It's early to tell but I haven't had a single craving for AL yesterday or today - could just be that it's new etc. but usually on my second weekend AF (that's what this is for me) I'd be having some pretty strong cravings.

                In addition, I've been doing the hypno CD's. They're great for sleeping and last night I listened to the "babbling brook" in the background while I slept - it was quite nice actually.

                Hope this continues, but thought I'd log in and report!

                Have a wonderful AF Saturday night and Sunday all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Way to go RBG. 90 days! You are an inspiration and leader to those of us coming up behind you. I, too, try to focus on the positives of being keeps me focused.

                  Ahoy Cap'n G! You sure got this right. My doc pulled me off ALL supplements for the time being so
                  I've been flying without that support for the past few weeks. This has reinforced my confidence and commitment - it's not just L-glut and Kudzuu keeping me sober.

                  I'm looking forward to hearing about your next Chapter 2 adventure!

                  Ladies - Gardengal...and IHN...I share your chicken desire...what is it about those critters that makes us want a bunch? Lav...your girls are beautiful!

                  As soon as I have time, I'm going to watch (again) the wonderful movie...The Natural History of the Chicken.
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    :H Turnagain - I didn't know about the chicken movie, I'll have to get it!

                    The chickens are a lot of fun (as long as you are willing to do a little dirty work). I was born, raised & lived the first 49 1/2 years of my life just a few miles outside of Philadelphia. When I moved out to cow country here 8 years ago I thought - why not try something new? How about a few chickens? I bought & read a book, learned more on the internet & that was it
                    They do have personalities......mostly good

                    Greetings to Gardengal & ImHereNow! Hang in there!

                    RBG - huge CONGRATS TO YOU ON YOUR 90 AF DAYS!!!!!
                    Life is so much better sober - you know that now
                    Best wishes to yuo for continued success!

                    greg, enjoy your time off working on Chapter Two!

                    Byrdie - if you feel like you're going to pee your pants we'll have to install a diaper box in the Nest :H

                    mylife, you are the first person I've heard of getting the Vivitrol shot. I hope it keeps you on track & heading towrad your goal!

                    I had planned to get some outside work done today BUT my DIL showed up with the grandson at noon & never left until 7 pm so........
                    I had a great time playing with the kids! Grateful to be sober & fully present to enjoy my family!

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      RBG Woooohoooo 90 Day!

                      RBG, congrats on your 90 days :goodjob:

                      INH, good luck on your job! I too have been having some stomach issues. Not sure I can blame it on the supplements since I forget to take half the time.

                      Life, glad to hear you are doing so well!

                      Lav, those chickens are so darn cute! My twins brought home some chickens when they were little. The lived, for a while, on our back porch....poop everywhere! I am zoned for animals where I live, there just really isn't enough room and I don't have the time if there was. Someday if I get back to Montana, maybe!

                      Hey Byrdie, Daisy, Windy and everyone! Hope your doing great!

                      Have a great AF Saturday all!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters,

                        I like to come back from time to time to visit. This is where I started and I am happy to say where I have met some of the most caring and giving people in my life.
                        I was a heavy heavy wino, with an occasional vodka binge. The occasional vodka binge turned into a regular vodka habit. When I felt guilty about the vodka, I'd go back to wine....and so on. You know the story.
                        I am happy to say that I am 133 days AF and loving my life more than I ever thought possible.

                        I still listen to the subliminal CD's every night and I am totally off campral. So, no drugs, no booze.
                        I am eternally grateful to MWO. I can't even remember how I found it.

                        I know I will always be an alcoholic, and that's ok. I know I have to be on guard every day for the rest of my life, and that's ok too.

                        Hope you all have a wonderful AF weekend. This is a great place to come for help and friendship.
                        THOUGHTS become THINGS
                        choose the GOOD

                        AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                          Newbies Nest

                          gregorino;1186092 wrote: RBG 90 Days!!

                          Rock On with your Bad Self!

                          Daisy - Hope you're OK - go back and ready your post - "I've done everything i was supposed to..." That my friend, sounds a lot to me like a classic rationalization!

                          The cravings do not just instantly disappear - I can tell you after 70 days (somewhere around there) that cravings can STILL happen - but they do become fewer and fewer and less intense.

                          It's what we do or don't do when the voice gets a blabbing that makes all the difference in the first few months. Yes, the L-Glut and Kudzu are great, yes the CD's are wonderful, and yes this Nest is the Best! However, when it comes right down to it, you have to have the commitment to do this for you - only you know what those reasons might be - family, health, a desire to REALLY feel alive....whatever they are, you have to find a way to put those reasons in front of the drivel spewing from the voice.

                          Gotta run to work, evening shift, and tomorrow I am gone before first light to go work on Chapter Two for a couple days.

                          Stay strong Nesters!

                          Be back Tuesday!
                          Not doing good but just read this - kick in the butt that I need. I will be back soon. Thank you Cap'n G. Sometimes straight talking is the right medicine!
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Daisy, glad your back! Lots of support here for us newbies!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters,

                              First of all, it is Sunday morning and it is raining and my plans to be outside have failed for yesterday, but I feel great and ready to examine "Chapter 2" of my life.

                              Barbara 1234, I think it is incredible you have achieved 133 days AF. Did you use any supplements? If you did, which ones do you think worked for you?

                              Turnagain, I have tried many supplements, then ditched them, and added a few back in. Taking fists full of supplements is not my thing, but I need to look at them again. What do you think was working for you?

                              Garndengal, I have often thoughts of keeping a journal and I wish I had. To look back on it now would be very helpful. I am also afraid someone might find it. It is an excellent idea.

                              Mylife, Good luck with Week 2.

                              Greg, I truly understand how important it is to turn the page to Chapter 2. Chapter 1 to me lacked maturity and indulged in blame with a lack of responsibility. I no longer want to blame my parents, teachers, friends, kids, husband, priest, president....It is up to me....I need to grow up.

                              Lav, Araucanas Chickens sound very interesting and blue eggs. Do you sell the Blue Eggs? Are they like brown eggs only blue?

                              ImHere Now -- Being outside is very therapeutic and a key to my well being. One of my goals for next spring/summer is to do some hiking and overnight backpacking trips. There are some very challenging peaks in my area and I want to be in mental and physical shape in order to truly enjoy them more.

                              Remorsebegone, What can I say, 90 days is AWESOME....There is quite a few people here with triple digest....You all deserve a big applause.

                              Byrdlady, I love reading your posts. You have an amazing sense of humor. Can you tell me about your name? Do you like birds? I love the sound of bird music and on occasion have taken vacations just to bird watch.

                              4me....Hi and happy to see you.

                              Daisy, I am sooo happy you are here. I think it all a part of the process.

                              I have found the right place.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning nest!

                                It's a beautiful day out - we're having some sort of a cold front here in Florida, and that makes it really gorgeous outside!

                                Last night I woke up in the middle of the night - so I put on my ipod and listened to one of the hypnotic CD's and next thing I knew it was morning! So that's one way to fall back to sleep!

                                Barbara123 great to hear from you, and happy to hear you're doing so well.

                                Have a fantastic AF day in the nest all!

