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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters,

    Gotta be quick today....Tons of inspiring posts here and I am very grateful today for you and your words of wisdom.

    Byrdlady and Lav....You have inspired me to bake some bread today...but I must admit the giving it away part might be hard. I do enjoy baking and like to make cakes too, but it seems everyone is always watching their weight and it is hard to give part of it away....You've got me thinking though about the person out there that truly wants it and would really appreciate it. I don't come from where I live and have no family in the area, so that's out and my real friends keep moving to other locations. Well....anyway...I have been listening to what you are saying.

    Have a great day EVERYONE...on to DAY 13.....


      Newbies Nest

      Hot Dang, Windy! You are so right, everyone is watching what they eat, and I am mindful of that...I have some decorative pans that are actually like 1/2 cakes, like you'd use for a wedding cake tier. That makes 2 small ones, so i can keep one and give one away. Or I have some pans that are like BIG cupcakes! They make about 4-6 cakes. But even if you don't want to invest in a bunch of pans...cakes freeze beautifully! Tip!!! a frozen cake is easier to frost! Or tell your lucky recipient to carve a hunk out and freeze the rest, they thaw beautifully just like it never happened! I'm so happy that you are thinking of doing just won't believe the JOY you will bring to a person with a cake for NO REASON! It's a kick! Good luck! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        LoLab....I didn't know I had arthritis so bad until I stopped drinking. Apparently taking the antidepressant, Cymbalta, which touts pain relief, on top of drinking to excess every night and at 10:30a.m. on weekends covered up the pain on all fronts! As I said sometime back, if I ever write a book, it'll be called, "Numb and Number!" The Cymbalta made me a zombie with no feeling and the drinking added to that! I just walked around and passed out...I was on a path to my own demise! I won't go into the long story of getting off Cymbalta, (horrible). I will tell you drinking definately covers the pain....all pain, all feeling except the DRIVE to drink more. But you can't drink like this the rest of your life! I had to address the fact that I am riddled with arthritis and go for managing that! I also have ulcerative colitis so I can not take makes colitis worse! So I have to deal with the pain in the middle of the night, all thru the day and find ways to cope. I am seeing a specialist now, and he put me on an immune suppressnat, Plaquenil. I've been on it 4 months and I don't see any improvement, I go back today to discuss. But I couldn't use AL as a pain reliever any liver readings were starting to 'out' me for what I was/am. They don't give Alcoholics first choice on liver transplants fact, you are at the bottom of the list. So I had to get my act together and start facing some hard truths. Something hurts all the time....but that's better than living life tied to a bottle! Lying and scheming my way to a drink! Planning how on Earth I can get my supply so I won't run out. Life with joint pain is much EASIER to manage than living in a bottle, I can tell you that. THIS is manageable, THAT is not. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Jumping back in for a second even though I have two little ones here under my watch

          Lolab, about the aches & pains......
          I have tons of them, have had them for years. Arthritis runs in my family & I think I abused my body over the course of 27 years in my nursing jobs (no one knows how physical lifting patients can be all day long) Add in the cooler & damp conditions we are experiencing here on the east coast. I pretty much have things under control now with Glucosamine/Chondroiton 2X/day, exercise at Curves 3X/week & Arthritis strength Tylenol. You do what you have to do - just don't try to drink it away Congrats on your 10 AF days - great work!!!

          greg, I like my life too much now to ever go back to AL hell

          windy, look at the King Arthur flour website for bread recipes. I don't have all their ingredients - just make substitutions. I use a lot of whole wheat, flax, sunflower & pumpkins seeds ground up, etc to try to make healthier breads.

          Byrdie, I gave Plaquenil to patients for years & never thought it did much for them. There are much newer drugs out on the market these days - hope you find something effective!

          Gotta run!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks everyone. I still have the MWO book around here somewhere. Maybe I'll hunt it up. I think the MWO program is fine. Me and topa didn't get along though. I'm trying baclofen and it's even worse. I may be allergic or something. Ug. Anyway I don't have much time to post but I read a lot from work during the day. So thanks for being here.

            You are here:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters, Just a quick check in. I have been busy working on my taxes, yes, an extension. I wish no AL meant no procrastination for me, but sadly not so. We finally got our rain today and I am loving it. All this talk about bread is making my mouth water. I won't get my bread machine out or it will be the end of my diet. I have lost 7 lbs since last Monday. I don't know if it is not having the wine, diet or both, but I am loving it!

              Lav, yes Monterey would be fab. My heart belongs to Montana, maybe a home in both places! A girl can dream.:H

              I will try and catch up with everyone later. Back to work!


                Newbies Nest

                While we're dreaming 4me, I'd like an apartment in Paris :H

                Didn't get as much done today as I hoped but oh well - it's not an emergency
                I really think the pre-winter lethargy is starting already

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello again Lo! I had a lot of issues with sleep when I first quit and had several mornings where I actually felt just as horrible as if I had been drunk when I went to bed! I got something from Irwin Naturals at my health food store..liquid caps in a green bottle..PM something. It should be easy to find if your store carries the Irwin line. This blend of relaxing herbs and melatonin did the trick for several weeks. Now, I just take one True Calm and one GABA from the MWO store and sleep very well.
                  I do think that the cleansing process releases a lot of toxins and this can be the source of some aches and pains. I also got a liver cleanse and took that for about a week. I still take a Milk Thistle once a day with meals - very good liver support herb.
                  Most of patient...detox takes sure to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day...this will help flushing out the toxins!
                  As for the white knucking, I know I sure had to do some of that to get to Day 13! It's OK - sometimes it's just our own will that keeps AL at bay during the first few days/weeks. AL's voice will grow weaker and weaker with each passing day. It will try and sneak up on you suddenly, usually when you're most vulnerable! This is where a good plan pays off...Know EXACTLY what you will do when that starts to happen!

                  Hi there Byrdie - Have you ever tried drinking aloe? I thought I was having a heart attack about 5 years ago, and found out it was acid reflux. Of course, the docs wanted to put me on prescriptions that inhibit the acid production in the stomach. I wouldn't do it. I figured God wanted there to be hydrochloric acid in my stomach for a good reason - like maybe to digest my food! So, I started to drink aloe every night before bed and especially after spicy meals. Acid reflux is gone. Aloe has a very calming effect on the entire digestive system. Lily of the Desert filet is what I get. Just a tablespoon or two a day works wonders.

                  Windy - Just find a kid in your neighborhood...what kid does not love cake?! Byrdie has a great story about the kid down the block from her getting an unexpected surprise from her!

                  Ginger - When I got my program going a few months ago, I was convinced I had to have the medication component because that's what's in the book. My doctor would not prescribe off-label, so I ordered Topomax from some pharmacy in the South Pacific. By the time it came, I didn't want it. I figured what sense does it make to put down one drug and pick up another? Especially a drug that is messing with the brain chemicals. Exercise is how you get the brain chemicals going can be addicting in its own right! What I have come to believe is critical to this approach is 3 things - Supplements (to relieve cravings and promote calmness and sleep - not to mention a good multi vitamin and mineral to help the body repair), 2) Exercise - it's a natural stress reliever and brain chemical enhancer, and 3) hypnotherapy - we have got to get into that subconscious - it is the seat of all our habits, and if you have come here, AL has become a very bad habit. OK, maybe 4 things - I think there's something to the community of sharing. It helps to have a Nest full of folks who know where you are coming from!

                  Hey 4Me - Don't be too hard on yourself right now, as priority one is to not drink today. Every day you do that is a major accomplishment, and then suddenly you have a couple weeks and then a month, and then you will be living life so large you will be amazed that you ever had all that time that was devoted to AL.

                  Well, speaking off stuff to do, I got a bunch and the hour grows late....5 AM seems like a long, long time ago!

                  Stay Safe Nesters!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    gregorino;1188397 wrote:
                    Ginger - When I got my program going a few months ago, I was convinced I had to have the medication component because that's what's in the book. My doctor would not prescribe off-label, so I ordered Topomax from some pharmacy in the South Pacific. By the time it came, I didn't want it. I figured what sense does it make to put down one drug and pick up another?
                    Thanks, gregorino. I think I just must not be a med person. Thanks for the tips on the rest.

                    You are here:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Another beautiful day in Nesterville!

                      Ginger; I think I am an addictive personality, so am now wary of anything that might suck me into that black hole of addiction. I decided that if I could get sober without prescription meds as part of the plan, then that would be a better quit than if I had "used" another drug to get it done. So, I am not quite as big a fan of the book as some others are, because it did give me the impression that meds were required. It was actually my fellow Nesters who pointed out that a good quit was possible without the pharma component.

                      So, stick around - this is a very great place to be!

                      Well, gotta head off to the gym for strength training and then it's off to work.

                      All the best to all in the Nest!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        wow, I really appreciate the time and effort taken in replies - once again, you guys are amazing. Lav and Byrdie - I'm worried that you may be right but hoping you're not! I'd prefer this to be a temporary thing that goes away with more time AF...but I do have to face up to the fact that it's possible that the AL may have been dulling these symptoms for years...I can also get really achey when my thyroid levels are off, I wonder if stopping al can have an effect there...I'm guessing yes, as it's a big change for this body. I will make a point to have my levels checked in a few weeks.

                        Thanks again for sharing your experiences to help me work through this. And currently I am not at all tempted to drink to cover it up - it was nice this time to kind of "know" it was coming - last time, I felt sooo good at first - only to feel a terrible let down when I started feeling like crap and not sleeping. Greg, I haven't heard of the Irwin line but will look for it - thanks.

                        I'm still feeling strong - as expected, I have occasional pangs (usually around 3-5 PM) of thinking it would be nice to have a couple drinks but I think my way through it - realize that it wouldn't be as appealing as whatever that voice is tellin me - and shove it out of my head.

                        That is almost impossible to do the first few days - which is why it took me 6 months to quit again - but after a few days, it gets much easier! I'm getting closer and closer to removing this burden and it feels so good.

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Wow, another sunny day on the way over my portion of the Nest. Really, really grateful for that

                          Ginger, I didn't take any drugs when I quit, most people (I think) don't but if all else had failed I would have given it some serious consideration. Like Greg, I have an addictive personality too & don't want another problem on my hands. I think the MWO book helped me to decide on my plan of action. It all made sense to me except for the medication part. I just chose not to include that part.

                          I've never been a huge fan of spicey food but when it started to cause extra hot flashes - that was enough for me to give it up forever :H

                          Hello to everyone, I'm wishing you all a great AF Thursday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Well, I mays well come clean...I didn't get/read the MWO book, buy the CD's or use most of the suppliments except L-glut the first time I quit. Like Greg and Lav, I know me (unfortunately) and all I needed was to get hooked on something else! So I will say that THIS NEST and these people pulled me up by the bootstraps and got me on my way! Mind you, it may have been a faster and easier path WITH the aid of the book and cds, but I didn't want the charges showing up on my credit card for my hubs to see and use against me (we were on the BRINK of dissolving). So while you may not agree with everything in the MWO approach, you have to agree with success. Bonding and talking with others who know the incredible pull of addition is powerful.
                   mean...I ..gotta...drink...goopy, glopy ALOE VERA? YUCK! Ptooey! Are you serious??? Course if I can gulp battery acid vodka out of a hairspray bottle I ought to be able to tolerate a soothing syrup. (must keep perspective) Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters,:thanks:

                              I really appreciate everyone's effort to help each other here. As Byrdlady mentioned, I too find the most important part of my recovery is the ability to talk to other people about it and share what works and what does not. I love everyone's unique approach to this and I remain open minded to any action of "self help". The verbalization (well.....what I really mean is written verbalization) makes it so much more real to me. I can never go to AA for many reason of my own.

                              Ginger -- I tried Topa and it was not for me either. It was just something to mask the issue, a new focus if you will. The side effects just were too much and not a good tradeoff for me. I am experimenting with different supplements to see what works or me. What works for someone else does not always work for me and it is trial and error.

                              4me -- Wow 7 pounds lost and sober...That is amazing. :goodjob: What diet on you on??

                              Greg, Thanks for "talking" to us. I really enjoy reading what you have to say. Your input regarding supplements is very valuable and something I need to look at (again). I need to be reminded about drinking enough water. Can you get Aloe Vera in a liquid form?

                              Lolab -- Keep up the good work. You sound really focused and in tune with your body and I am confident you will figure out what is causing the pain and move forward, feeling better ever day.

                              I am in double digits with 10 days behind me...It feels great...I need to come up with a plan and decide what is important to me right now besides staying away from alcohol. They are just about what everyone else wants too - to exercise more, stay active and be HAPPY doing it.
                              Three more days until Day 13...It will be Sunday....But I am not counting.

                              Have a marvelous Wednesday...The sun is out and it is getting warmer. It was actually in the mid 30's last night...Snow is coming. Change of season is occurring. My change of season is happening too. I mean I am changing...not the change...Another story all together.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters! Well, as long as we are on the discussion of the MWO book and supplements I will weigh in. I did read the book and it was helpful. As far as the topa, I am to frieked out to take it with the side effects I have read about. I did take the supplements recommended in the book for a couple of weeks, but don't really think about taking them now. They are here if I decide I need them.

                                Ginger, I haven't been on this journey as long as Lav, Byrdie or Greg, in fact I am just on my tenth day. I can say that I made several attempts to get beyond 5 days and then something just clicked. Having the support here has really helped! At some point I just became determined! That was the difference for me. Each of us are different, we all find our own way and pattern that fits for our individual journey. Keep trying, keep trying, keep trying!!!!!!

                                Lolab, I am 53 and have use to have a herniated disk in my neck and now I have no disk, bone on bone, and a bone spur. My lower back is a mess too. Topricin is a natural pain cream, my husband and I call it the magic cream. You can find it at a health food store. When the pain gets really out of control, I go to an accupunturist that also does the most amazing massages. That is the only way I can get out of pain.

                                Windy, my fellow ten dayer, I'm not counting either. I am on the 17 day diet by Dr. Moreno. It works and it gives me something healthy to focus on! I am down another lb today. It is time I do something for me. Thus the name 4me.

                                Lav, yes, yes, yes, an apartment in Paris! Maybe we should start a MWO lottery pool. :H

                                Byrdie, you can get aloe vera in a flavored liquid or mix it with juice. I have used it with great success.

                                Greg, thanks for the kind words as always. I don't drink today is my mantra and it works!

                                Have a good day Nesters!

