Mauri, why haven't you made a plan? The Tool box is full of help - you just need to read through it & pick & choose ideas you think will be helpful to you. Identify yuor drinking triggers - what exactly is it that makes yuo drink? Run through the HALT you drink when you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired????? When you start paying attention to these things you begin to see a pattern! Then you can choose alternate, healthier activities to replace drinking!!!!
Lolab, pain can be a trigger but exercise is your best friend and eating right. Hang in there.
Byrd, I would read your book "numb and number" what a catchy title. Let me know when it's finished.....Aw, the books we should write....
4me, funny how AF and weight loss go together. I go up 10 pounds every time I start drinking wine. Ugh.
Today is day 2 of being AF, I started working out and eating really healthy again so I plan on being successful. Yay
Have a great day everyone
