I've been viewing this site for a while and I feel like this is an incredible place to be. I've been battling with AL for quite a while now. I've been to an AA meeting in my community. I would like to be present more often but it's hard to get away with 3 small little ones. I will check in here as often as I can.
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
I've been viewing this site for a while and I feel like this is an incredible place to be. I've been battling with AL for quite a while now. I've been to an AA meeting in my community. I would like to be present more often but it's hard to get away with 3 small little ones. I will check in here as often as I can.Living life to the fullest.
Newbies Nest
Good Tuesday morning Nesters!
Ellen, good to hear from you! Hope you get to enjoy the rest of your vacation just as planned. You should Google the Milk Thistle - I have no experience with it myself.
Hello to Mauri, boozer & ronnie! You guys have a great start going up - keep up the good work
Hello & welcome to MtnMomma!
Glad you decided to join us. Please settle in the nest & make yourself comfortable.
A great way to start is by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. It has lots of info about the program, nutritional supplememts, exercise, healthy eating, MWO Hypno CDs & Rx medications if you choose to take them. Here's a link to our https://www.mywayout.org/community/f1...box-27556.html which has lots of great ideas to help you make your plan! Sounds like you have 3 great reasons to take control of your life right now & I wish you the best
I have a busy day ahead & absolutely no time for AL in my life - grateful for that
Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Good to see some new beaks in the nest...welcome! We are all here to help each other get thru another day. You've come to a very good place, and this nest particularly, because we are SERIOUS about quitting AL for good. So tell us about yourself we are very good listeners.
Tex...I can tell you that 3 weeks Alcohol free isn't enough to get back a good liver reading. In fact, if I may be frank...when I saw the writing on the wall about my liver readings and knowing I had that appointment coming up, I pulled out all the stops, and stoppers on the wine! So when I finally did quit, my poor liver had been thru the press. So I know 3 weeks won't clean it up...but I DO know that by the time I went back 2 months and a week later, my readings were back in to the normal range. And have lowered some since into a very comfortable NORMAL state, where I intend to stay. When you start blowing your liver, you've got problems and I was doing it! So I hope that helps...I've been thinking about you and I hope you are having a blissful vacation.
Hugs to all today....xo, Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Hey everyone - I stumbled upon this site this AM and spent some time reading the article......there is lots of interesting information here.
in particular I focused on this statement....and am hopeful that the aching that I experience when going AF (and after several weeks of being AF!) may be still due to detoxing and my body trying to correct its pH.
Depending on the amount of alcohol you drink, severe withdrawal symptoms will last for one to three weeks, and minor symptoms will continue for a few months.
Self-Renewal.com: Alcohol Addiction~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
Boozer, I asked Lav's advice about cooking with wine or eating what others have cooked with AL. She said she didn't take the chance and won't go there. I (of course) follow her lead and have not even tried it. To be honest, I thought wine belonged in the glass and never really liked it cooked in anyway, but I avoid stuff that uses it or any other type of AL, I just don't want to temp the 'Gods'. So far, they are happy, don't want to rile them up! Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Hi everyone...just found the nest...have put up a few posts on a different forum....Im in Ireland so on a different time frame to everyone else i think. Anyway, am finding the site VERY helpful...4 days now and only drank once in past month....been through downtimes....angry times...tired times...feel good times and many more but am getting my energy back a bit now and hope can stick to it!
To MtnMamma....snap! I have 3 little ones too, youngest is 5 months so HAVE to stop! Keep posting, am in it with you. I check in every day around this time as its evening here and thats my temptation time especially when im on my own like tonight xxxx
Newbies Nest
Good afternoon (here in the Staes) Nesters!
Hello & welcome athome! Glad you found the Nest
Yes, you will definaitely have lots of company onyour jouney!
I'm in the Grandma stage of life......I have 3 that I watch often so I must keep on my toes. Congrats to you on your AF time. When you get a chance, download the MWO book & heck out our Tool box thread for lots of good ideas to help you put your plan together.
Hi Byrdie & lolab!
lolab, I can believe it 's possible to take weeks or months even to fully detoxify depending on how much you drank & for how long. We're all different so we just have to stay focused, right?AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Hi Mtnmama and athome -:welcome:
oh no Lav....that might mean I'll be detoxing for a loooong time, :H
My clear head has been remembering all the bad things that have happened in my life due to alcohol...even a longlong time ago....:-( And to think back then, it was beer and only on certain days of the week....then I switched to wine....then jump ahead to the past few years when I've switched to vodka with a little water....every day....sometimes all day.....and night.....gads....someone slap me upside the head if I ever even think I can go back to that....where else is there to go from where I was? ugh. nowhere but burying myself. I can't believe the more "outlandish" things that I did were way back when....crashing cars, frequent blackouts, other drugs, but as I've gotten older, my alcohol use has multiplied while I've been able to manage an uneventful, normal "life" at least on the outside. ( I know in my heart and feel sick when I acknowledge that I spent a great portion ofmy son's life intoxicated)
I'm trying not to dwell on all of this but in its own way, I think its therapeutic for me to acknowledge - while sober - all the things that alcohol has taken from me.
and can'tbelieve - yes it IS a biggie! congratulations! Those first couple days are doozies! :goodjob: you too ronnie and others that I missed too far back on the thread. :h
athome, sounds like you have a great start congratulations.~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
Can'tbelieve, Well Believe it! You did it! Day 2 is big, big, big....well done. Day 3 is a big deal too. So stay on your guard and do not listen to any voices other than ours. You can do this!! Remember, AL will tell you anything to get you to cave! So just stay close and if you have a rough patch come to the nest and read back on some of our posts. I started here (lurking) Jan, 2010 and didn't get my act together until Jan 2011...I wasted a year thinking I could beat this thing. Sobering to me was reading the thread, You might be an alcoholic if..... It was funny, and NOT funny in a lot of ways, as I was guilty of almost ALL of them. That hurt. But it kept me strong. It's easy to go backwards, but that's not the direction you want to go...you have made it over the hardest part...you are doing what it takes to succeed! Byrdie
Newbies Nest
Tonight I was saved by TN county liquor laws!!!
I went to the store to get groceries for my time in Pigeon Forge. I thought a bottle of wine might taste wonderful while in the hot tub.
Guess what? You can only buy beer in the store. No wine. Closest wine is about 30 minutes Away over the hills. Too far to drive.
Someone was looking out for me today.
Newbies Nest
Well its the start of day 3 for me today and I am feeling really good. Just reading back a short bit, its good to know that I am not alone in this (if you know what I mean) It is nice that there is so much support here and I hope one day I can start supporting others like people are supporting me. Just remember "One day at a time or even One hour at a time"
Well Id better get to work.
Hope you all have a great day/night
starting over
Newbies Nest
Hi again!
athome, I sent you a PM about the MWO book, hope that helps!
Can'tBelieve - good for you on your 2 AF days - tomorrow will be the big #3
lolab, just keep on detoxing, doesn't matter how long it takes
And please do yourself a favor - don't look back. We can't change anything we have done (or not done) in the past, it's history! All we can do is ensure a better future with our AFness
Byrdie, speaking earlier about AL in food - I grabbed a Lean Cuisine from my freezer not long ago (because I didn't feel like cooking for myself) & ended up tossing it in the trash........it was beef in a burgandy sauce. Did I buy that?
I read need to do a better job reading labels :H
Where is greg this week???
Ellen, were you really that close to buying wine?
Good thing your MWO angel was watching out for you!
boozer, I'm happy to hear we are making an impression on you. Afterall, that is the main idea :H
Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: