Ronnie, Good to see you making Progress. I to would love to offer more advice to help others but I am still struggling and feel until I learn what works for me, I probably cant offer a lot but to touch base and share my day to day experiences!! It also keeps me focused if I hop onto MWO regularily. I am in OZ on the East Coast. There used to be an Aussie thread somewhere in the system. I have been fooled into mod like many of us, but it never works. Does for a short time, but then I slip into the old ways.........daily heaving drinking. But I have to say we ozzies love our grog. Its everwhere here I am surrounded by wineries and restaurants!!! My family and friends love a drink of wine and will any excuse! But that life cannot be for me. SB has taken to much away and I am determined that he dosent take to many more. Sorry to ramble a bit, just felt like having a bit of a whinge. Welcome back to the nest!!
