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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesties!
    Went to a birthday party and I was really nervous because the mom of the birthday boy is someone I used to drink heavily with. Guess what? She quit too! Her boyfriend practices the "do no harm" thing. So there was no alcohol there and we had a wonderful time. (deep relieved sigh)

    Work was insane, I may need a straight jacket by the end of the week. But I'm sure as he'll not drinkin.
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Birdie, Lav & Daisy,

      Thanks for the messages. I haven't got an excuse. I could attempt one but truth is I really don't have one. I'm an isolator. Didn't mention I lost my job 4 weeks ago so have far too much time on my hands. I have a little bit of private work but not enough. I don't think I lost it through alcohol, really I don't, but until I reach a "clean" space, I guess I'll never know.

      Feel rather ashamed today. Such wonderful support and I blew it. Will visit tomorrow and hopefully start again. I'll change my signature too - back to square one! :sorry:
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        Newbies Nest

        tomthyme;1192188 wrote: amybody out there? are there still chats on this site?
        found a nice guy to chat with in the chat lobby....just what I needed....


          Newbies Nest

          Tomthyme, glad you found someone to chat. Hope all's ok with you. Just noticed your post.
          Cantbelieve, make sure you don't dwell on it - look on it for what it is. This is a learning experience and now you know how strong the call of alcohol is, even when you have resolved to get rid of it. Those couple of days AF were not wasted; the sooner you stop again, the quicker the recovery. You have only 1 night to detox from as opposed to the build-up you had before.
          Hi Lav, Boozer, Nursie, I'mherenow and Sunshine. Hope you all have a great day! Heading out painting now. Swim later. Check in tonight.
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Daisy,
            Well I wish I hadn't done that but too late now. I will take your advice though and not dwell on it. I want to feel like I did the last couple of days. How quickly it is to feel absolutely crap again!Have to change my signature now! Ok, day one again. Jason Vale arrived today. Hope you enjoyed your swim.
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              Newbies Nest

              good morning all! I'm still here...still at it....still sober! I feel good. I look good. My skin, my eyes....

              I had some of those alcohol dreams last night that are inevitable when you quit....I was in my grandmother's house that I used to go to as a kid...and i was in her laundry room scrounging through the cupboards for some vodka. My grandmother wouldn't have ALLOWED vodka to cross her doorstep!

              Anyway, it was nice to wake up and realize it was a dream...

              Happy day everyone...I'm off today - typically a time for "starting early" but no more.

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters!

                Dark & damp over my portion of the nerst again today! Glad I have a lot to do today so I won't dwell on the weather

                Hello & welcome Tomthyme & Abhiham!

                CantBelieve, a new start is a good thing
                Let's work on focus & adjusting your plan
                Losing your job is a big deal, rough. Are you looking for more work right now? What do you do?

                lolab, I just heard to expect thunder storms later today & tomorrow. What's up with our weather these days? It's bizarre.

                Hello to nursie & daisy - hope you have a great day!

                Make it a good one everyone!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  OMG This Nest is Rockin!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hokey Smokey NestEggs!

                    This Nest is really humming - I have missed checking in and droning on about supplements and exercise and water and did I mention the ABSTINENCE VERSION of the CD's??!!!!

                    I am sure you have all missed that as well - LOL!

                    Speaking of LOL, yesterday was he first time in many, many years that I just cracked myself up for no good reason. I mean like side-splitting, laughing so hard I'm almost crying kinda cracking myself up. After I recovered, I thought about how my nearly 3 months of being AF must have something to do with this. Maybe my brain chemicals are getting back in balance or something like that. I think I would like to do that more often!

                    Well, I did spend a good hour trying to get caught up and am just so impressed with how well this Nest is doing.

                    Ms Byrdie - As always, my cap is tipped to you Ma'am - some of your, shall we say, "poignant", posts really resonated with me during my first few weeks and helped me to stay on my quit. And your previous post involving the trip down the rabbit hole is yet another Byrdie Classic. Thank you for being you and taking all the time you do to help out this Nest - You Rock Girl!

                    Ms. Lav - You are the guiding hand, the glue that keeps this Nest what it is. Always here, always steady, always patient and understanding. Thank you so much! :h
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome Aboard Nest Mates!

                      A big hello and warm welcome to all Newbies

                      IrishEyes - 3 weeks now? Totally awesome. Hope to see you on a regular basis, and our Nestlings with just a few days AF could use your input as well!

                      Boh - Saw you 4 or 5 days back - are you still onboard? Got your first week in?

                      CantBelieve - Welcome! Most everyone here got started, made a wrong turn (or 10!), and came right back at it. That's a huge thing you did coming right back and you got some good advice too - It will make THIS quit more solid, so keep showing up and revise your plan for the next run-in with the voice - cause he will be back - butthis time, you'll be ready!

                      Hey there Ronnie - I don't think we've been formally introduced, so I will say good to know you and let's make this quit THE quit. Crikee Mate; if I can go from not being able to drive more than one mile after work before stopping for 3 drinks on the way home just 3 months ago to nearly 90 days AF, then I know you can too! Let's get 'er done!

                      MtnMama - Welcome 'board Ma'am - Hope you stick around and get a good quit going!

                      AtHome - 6 Days Now? Keep on showing up - the Nest can really help!

                      Nursie - Hello... 18 days is AWESOME! Way to go. I like your sense of humor, keep on posting!

                      LoveMyGirls - Your name alone says it all - every reason you need to get and keep your quit is right there. Listen to Ms. Lav - I would also suggest setting a date to work towards or the voice will be continually extending your deadline.... In the meantime, get your plan down on paper, get the supplements, order the ABSTINENCE CD's, and start an exercise program.

                      Hello as well to Abhi and Tom - Tell us more!

                      If I missed any Nestlings, please forgive me, and keep on posting!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Nesters,

                        I am hanging in there. Last night I went to get a diet soda out of the fridge in the basement and there it was - all shinny, cold (the devil in disguise) and enough to accomplish what would make today regrettable. Closed the door and grabbed what I went down there for. I had a moment and I felt some weakness. Got to imagine that crap as the vile poison it really is. I will visualize it as.....well I'd rather not say, it is disgusting:eeew:.

                        Regarding modding after 30 days :imho2:-- I did that two years ago or so and I did better afterwards then before...BUT the problem remains. Honestly (for me), 30 days was not enough time to go back to moderation. I think I was a little smug just for chasing the day...As if I had proven something to myself, and I had, but it wasn't enough time to really get a grip on where I needed to be. Suffice it to say, I have been humbled. I have come to realize also that I really don't want to drink at all any more. ANY amount of booze (over one) seems to have the adverse effect on me, and takes it's toll on my body and spirit. I don't feel like I am the best I can be if alcohol is in my life. Why would you want to put something in you body that is not good for you (EVER) ??? I have come to realize it is just not healthy no matter what the industry wants us to believe.

                        I agree with Greg...What he said...

                        Can't believe -- Hang in there. Loosing your job is a big one. Good luck and hang in there with us.

                        Nursie -- Nice to see you here. Sounds like you are doing great and are determined. Yeh...

                        Lolab -- How are your aches and pains? Are they getting better. I wake up feeling like an old, creaky thing. I hope some of it goes away.

                        Daisy -- I would love to hear more about your painting.

                        Lav and Byrdlady -- You guys are the best...You don't know what great influence you are on me.

                        Irish Eyes, Mtn Mama, At Home, Lovemygirls, Boozer and BOH -- Keep posting please. I would love to hear more of your stories, and I am glad you are here in the nest. We can help each other soar to new heights. (corney??)


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ahoy Greg! I was just about to fuss at you for being MIA! I know you have many projects afloat and are crazy busy....(all the boat jokes have to be getting stale!).
                          I know what you mean about cracking yourself up...I did it too the other day...It's nice to have 'me' back, isn't it? I thought AL helped me be funny but all it did was make me a pathetic drunk. OY. Why didn't somebody tell me? Oh, they did? Why didn't I listen? Ah...The Voice was too strong.
                          Can'tBelieve....Well, Hunny, believe it. If it were a skp down the walk there wouldn't be sites like this. Addiction is powerful stuff...we are lucky that we recognize that it's a problem and are taking countermeasures against it. There are those who spend a lifetime denying it and are swept aside by society. I was just thinking this morning about my 88, who wants nothing more than to live...but his body is just wearing out. When he passes, it will be a life celebrated and honored. You ever know anyone to die from being an alcoholic? I do. Their lives were not celebrated or talked about. Their passing discussed in hushed tones and 'what a shames'...and heads shaking. Dismissed as being someone who just 'couldn't get a handle on it'. Well, I'll tell you this...I don't want to be one of those. I want to leave this world kicking and screaming with joy and lots and lots of friends who will be genuinely sorry I'm gone. Unlike a malignant cancer, this is totally fixable. All I have to do, is not drink. Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            LoLab - You're doing great - 18 Days?? I went through a bit of a remorse cycle myself not too long ago. It can be constructive if we don't get hung up there. And you sound good on your more recent post.

                            Boozer - You seem to be gaining some momentum, overcoming a few challenges in the past week. Maybe you could ask your lovely wife to refrain from recipies with al in them for awhile. I think it's vital to get AL out of the house and keep him out of the house. I hope you've made it for 7 days and are setting your sights on the Magical 13. (I think that's the Magical Day - Byrdie? )

                            Mimi - I count Day 7, yes? I hope you did it; let us know!

                            Mauri - Day 6, yes? Hope you are sticking with it. Lots of posting and reading and posting and reading is recommended for the first few weeks.

                            Jolie - You sound good - Hoping all is well for you!

                            4Me - Sorry to hear of your hubs medical issues - thses can be trying times for our the voice will say "this is a good reason to drink - look at what you have to go through..." Don't listen to that BS - AL never made one thing any better, not one.

                            Windy - Day 14!! WOOHOOO.... Nicely Done - Keep it going!

                            Daisy - You sound to me like you may have "turned a corner"... Like, you sound very solid in what you're saying and that you are well on your way to a lasting quit.

                            Ellen - WTF? Go back and read the Rabbit Hole post again! Being alone during the early stages can be very dangerous. Glad to see you spilled your guts to the Nest, but very concerned you could giving the voice some breathing room. You have to step on his neck. He won't just shut up on his own, you have to know that he can speak up when you least expect it as well as when you MOST expect it (on vacation in the hot tub!). That's a big part of the PLAN - you gotta know ahead of time that when the voice speaks you will handle it by doing A, B, and C.... Hope you're doing well; looking forward to hearing from you soon.

                            Hello Sunny - How are you? Where's your quit at?

                            HereNow - Again I say, WTF? Double WTF? You have a "plan" to go drinking soon? That doesn't sound like a sound idea to this sailor! If I had a plan to go drinking in 2 weeks, I would just go NOW! I dunno, maybe you ARE a different animal. Maybe you CAN moderate... Alls I know is that there is no way on God's Blue Earth that I could have a couple of drinks for my birthday and then wake up the next day and go right back to 30 Days again. Just wouldn't happen. I am not wired that way. I know that if I didn't have 10 more after the first two, then I sure would be on the day after my birthday!
                            I dunno - I haven't been to the moderating thread because frankly there is no such thing for me. I don't have the normal drinking gene. Two drinks just creates the desire for 10 drinks. Period.
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdlady;1192479 wrote: Ahoy Greg! I was just about to fuss at you for being MIA! I know you have many projects afloat and are crazy busy....(all the boat jokes have to be getting stale!).
                              I know what you mean about cracking yourself up...I did it too the other day...It's nice to have 'me' back, isn't it? I thought AL helped me be funny but all it did was make me a pathetic drunk. OY. Why didn't somebody tell me? Oh, they did? Why didn't I listen? Ah...The Voice was too strong. Byrdie
                              Are you kidding?! I love those wacky nautical innuendos and double entendres! Keep 'em coming Ms. Byrdie! :H
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Ahem -- Greg....I am on DAY 17....WooHoo....Day 14 was so yesterday.....

