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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I went through all that myself & I tell you the best thing to do is get your mind off the wine!!!!
    Of course it will drive you nuts if that's all you're thinking about
    Go take a walk, clean out a closet, play with the kids, bake a whatever you have to do to take your mind off the wine! Trust that it will get easier each & every day. You are doing this for your life & good health & for that of your kids. Don't let a bottle of poison control you!!!!

    Ellen, this time will be different, right? You will make it past 7 days - you are doing great
    Enjoy the last of your vacation!

    CantBelieve, get those CDs - really!

    boozer - it is time to choose a healthier way to celebrate good news. Were you really having cravings all day or do you think you were just quietly deciding to drink all along? That just shows you how sneaky that AL bastard really is
    Learning to shut down AL thoughts as soon as they enter your consciousness is the way to maintain your sobriety.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Lav, Thanks for your wise advice again, probably a bit of both!!!


        Newbies Nest


        Before I quit drinking I didn't actually realize that I was deciding to drink everytime I refilled my glass - it had become pure habit & I just kept doing it & doing it over & over.
        When I finally made my decision to quit suddenly it became clear to me that I had to break the habit
        of drinking too.
        We have to put away our old habits & behaviors, stop buying & drinking AL & develop a whole new way of thinking & doing things. Sounds like a tall order but it's really not as difficult as it sounds.
        That's where the plan comes in.......plan ahead how you are going to celebrate good times & how you are going to handle the not so good times. Lots of ideas in the Tool box
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Coudlnt agree more. This Country is full of big drinkers. Its everywhere. No excuses needed for a slurp. Its just the done thing. One thing I have learnt is YOU need a plan not to drink. Its been working fairly good for me but you do have to be very vigilant and really want to stop. Do you know anything about L Glutamine Dosage? When its taken etc? Thanks again


            Newbies Nest

            My Way out Program

            About 6 weeks ago, I bought a book written by the founder of this website, Roberta Jewell. She purported that she found a way to control her use of alcohol and showed others how to do it. I was skeptical and hopeful. I ordered her tapes. I ordered her supplements. I got topamax. I followed her instructions as outlined in her program exactly. After 2 weeks, I began to believe her and see the possibility. I am nearing 30 days of painless abstinence. I am looking forward to including moderate drinking in my life. I have not found anything Roberta Jewell published on this website or elsewhere that that disputes her findings or choice to moderate. I respect that there are people on this website that have chosen abstinence - and I may someday make that choice. I'm following the book and its founder for now. Yes Greg, I'm offended that you scoff at my plan to moderate (Would be ok with you if I fall off the wagon repeatedly while "abstaining"?). Why is moderation NOT WELCOME here? Isn't that what the program was designed to produce? Wasn't that Roberta's intention? Don't you dare underestimate or belittle me! I may fail - and you may think you can predict that outcome. I will have a voice here.


              Newbies Nest

              boozer - here is the statement on L-Glutamine from the Health store here:

              L-Glutamine: Helps Curb the Craving!

              Excessive alcohol consumption inhibits the synthesis and absorption of L-glutamine, which serves many critical functions. This powerful amino acid has been proven effective in double blind clinical trials to reduce cravings for alcohol. It is utilized as a brain food and energy source. Stores of L-Glutamine are depleted during times of high stress, and supplementation has been shown to reduce anxiety. L-Glutamine helps eliminate aggressive sugar and carbohydrate craving that many individuals experience during early alcohol withdrawal. (Alcohol is nearly biochemically identical to sugar.)

              2,000 mg. of L-Glutamine, divided daily, is recommended to decrease the craving for alcohol. Many inpatient centers use higher doses--up to three or four times as much--when treating their clients. Numerous studies have documented that glutamine is well tolerated and has limited or no side effects unless used in massive doses.

              L-Glutamine may be taken on a daily basis, or kept on hand to manage "craving emergencies" in which the powder from half a 1,000 capsule is poured directly under the tongue.

              Recommended dose: 1-3 capsules per day, preferably between meals.

              These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

              Please consult your health care provider when using this or any other nutritional supplement in an alcohol recovery program. See Drug Digest for potential interactions with existing medications or supplements.

              When I used it I took 2-3 capsules/day & it did the trick. Some people use a lot more - I guess you just have to see what works for you. I think it's worth a try. You can buy it in powder form in a can at health food stores too

              I'm glad you are doing so well following the program as it was outlined by RJ.
              Unfortunately at some point RJ gave up on moderating & decided abstinence was better for her. It has to be an individual decision of course. If you think it will work for you then go for it!!
              I just never tried to drink moderately after starting here because I had failed so many times in the past. It was the best decision for me to remain AF & the same for greg as well. Feel free to post on the Moderation threads - you will find the support there you need. The Newbies Nest is here to support people trying to get their first day or two AF. I wish you well in your moderation attempt!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Lav, Just been for a work out and found a Health Food Store that sells L Glucamine. Its a beautiful day here in Australia, Winter is behind us now........ its been a shocker (for oz) . Looking forward to summer:thanks:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good luck with that boozer

                  Almost forgot to wish everyone a safe night in the Nest

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Right, here I go again - day one. Has to be both AL and nicotine for me because I don't smoke when I don't drink and I don't drink when I don't smoke - they just go hand in hand for me - partners in crime. So bye bye to both.
                    This time however, I shall not be complacent about the voice - I know it can rear it's ugly head when I least expect it. But this time, and thanks to this site and all you lovely folk, I feel more ready for it.
                    Long walk by the sea for me. Have a great day all
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Newbies Nest

                      ok I'm tryin the 2 windows thing on my screen so hopefully I can see all the previous posts...

                      Hey lav...yeah, it's pretty rainy here this AM...doesn't look too great for the weekend, but that just means I get thing done inside instead of out. We haven't had T storms in awhile tho...

                      Greg! you're back - for a minute there I thought you were going to carry on the thread all by yourself! :H So I've got a question....what do you think about the abstinence cd's??? kidding....yeah, in general my feelings are much stronger about the good things that I am doing with my life now - than oh heck....I can't figure out how to put it into words....the good feelings that I have about my AF future are outweighing the bad feelings that I have about my past? how bout that?

                      Windy, for the moment my aches and pains seem to have returned to the "normal" level that I felt even while drinking - so that is good news! I have been trying really hard to eat alkaline foods and other things to get my body pH back in order....I do believe that I am probably very acidic after all these years. Also taking tons of supplements - Vit C, B, D, krill oil, magnesium, - whatever I can remember! We're getting up there aren't we? :goodjob:

                      Byrdie, that was another profound post about your dad and celebrating a life rather than shaking many meaningful things to keep in my head....

                      Daisy - funny, I've been painting guest room, laundry room, kids room but I have a beautiful art station set up in the basement that I have been neglecting....let's make a pact that we will get back to it, OK? I want to make something for my son for Christmas...

                      Can't believe - let me tell you I am far more embarassed about drinking and the continuing and staying away from this site than I could ever be about drinking and then admitting it and coming back here and learning're very strong and you CAN do this. Like Byrdie said your post # 14088 will be a reminder to you, but also to others of the incredibly rotten feeling you have after drinking....that feeling tends to fade with time but having it in writing helps. Oh 4me I'm so sorry for all you've been going through! I'm about half way through the book. It's a great way to take a look at alcohol and how it's glorified in today's world.

                      Lovemygirls - I hope you're hanging in there...the worst will be over soon. :h

                      Hello Ellen - we'll all be here with you making it to your goal!

                      Boozer I'm glad you're listening to the wise Lav...and that you've picked yourself up and are trying again with some alterations in your plan...

                      As for me, still feeling strong...I had a "day" yesterday....not all day but by afternoon, I bumped my head on a beam in the attic and it was enough to set me off....I felt very b!tchy after that...:-( In retrospect I should have taken a calms forte or something but I didn't consider drinking which is usually what happens when I get agitated.....or happy.....or sad.....or excited.....or or or.....:H

                      everybody have a wonderful weekend!

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Lolab, I just saw footage on the news -
                        someone stuck in a traffic jam on I-95, took a video of a small tornado that blew thru Fredricksburg (I think it was). The weather is unsettled ~ for sure

                        I hope everyone is busy nailing down their plans for the weekend. How do you plan to keep AL out of your life this weekend?

                        I'm going to attack my list of things to do - inside or out - doesn't matter, both lists are huge :H :H

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters,

                          Can't Believe -- I have had so many false starts.. I think everyone does. Please keep trying and never EVER feel like you are not in control of this thing. You are the captain and you are steering the ship and navigating the waters. It takes time and many experiments before it goes as planned. (At least it did for me.). I really have a good feeling that you are winning this.

                          Lolab -- Loved your post. Two screens...Wow... I am impressed.

                          Daisy -- You sound great! I don't know if you saw my post regarding drawing and painting, but It is also on my list of hobbies I want to get back into. I have space in my basement too that is a complete mess. Kids seem to think they can just take it over and they NEVER clean it up. I need to reclaim my space.

                          Lav -- Thanks for being patient with all of us. This thread would not be the same without your words of wisdom. I would not be here if you did not invite me to the Nest, and I really like it here. And I like to think I am not that easy to please. X-posted. This weekend I will be baking an apple pie and eating it! Soccer game in the cold and wind...I really hope it's not quite indoor fire season, but it could go on.

                          Greg and Byrdie -- I love your sense of humor and the way you tell your stories.

                          Boozer -- Winter behind you? You're lucky....We are just going into winter, which around here lasts until Summer... Keep up the good fight.

                          Everyone else -- We are all in this together.

                          I have an extremely annoying headache and am going to get some fresh (windy) air.

                          Ta ta for now.


                            Newbies Nest

                            ha windy, my 13 yr old taught me to hit the little "windows" symbol key at the bottom left of the keyboard at the same time you hit an "over" arrow button and you get two windows open...

                            I watched a video this AM about 1 year old looking at a magazine who kept trying to "slide" the page - like you do on an ipad...:H it's true that the minds of kids now operate totally different than us old folks!

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Fabu Friday

                              Great Day Nestlings Everywhere!

                              HereNow - I am truly sorry that I offended you with the post on moderation. In no way did I mean that to be personal, but in re-reading it I wish I had not used the WTF things - I think I would have taken offense to that as well. I hope you will understand I meant you no harm - I wish you only the best, and hope you will accept my apology.

                              CantBelieve - Yes Mate, the CD's are indeed a good idea! To me, they are a core part of making this work. Supplements, exercise, and hypnotherapy are all key components - like a three legged stool, I believe all 3 legs are required. They really helped me get through the first 30 days, and I still play my Sleep CD continuously every night! Was one of the best investments I ever made!

                              4Me - 12 days was a damn good run and so give yourself credit for accomplishing that. Re-write your plan and add specifics as to what you will do when a similar situation arises in the future ( 'cause it will, or at least the voice will be making you try to think that!) Dust yourself down and get back on your perch - you are gonna whip this!

                              Ellen - so glad you are using the CD's daily - this will really help you achieve your goal!
                              Stay on track, Lucky 13 is coming!

                              LoveMyGirls - It may be hard to believe right now, but you will be so much better off, physically, mentally and spiritually when you have AL in the rear-view mirror. Take heart in your day to day success - you have a plan and you are on the right track!

                              Boozer - 9 Days was a damn good stab at it. Re-tool and re-write your plan! Make sure your stool has all three legs!

                              LoLab - Goofy Girl! Sarcasm is my favorite (I was raised on it!) Yes, and I totally get what your saying with the good, the bad and the ugly. And the better it gets, the better it gets. During the first few weeks, it can seem that we have lost something, or we are missing out on something... But as we get further along down the road, it becomes clearer and clearer that we have lost nothing - nada - zippo! AL never did one damn thing for us, he only ever took, took, took. Ah, but what we have gained - priceless! Clarity of thought, physical energy, a more active spiritual side are just a few of the things that come to mind. Keep on truckin LoLab - you're doing great!

                              Windy WOOHOO Day 18! Git down witcha bad self, Bullwinkle! You sound like you are right on track - keep doin whatever you're doin!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Ms. Daisy - Hope you too are having a wonderful day!
                                -Cap'n G

