lolab, you just described the perfect morning! Sounds wonderful. Sitting here drinking coffee, reading the paper and making mental notes about my Plan. I will sit down and write on paper what I will do. My husband called last night and I think he was near tears about me drinking yesterday. Our daughters come first before anything and this evil seems to be the only thing that I can't give up. I recently learned that a former boyfriend, past away from complications of alcohol and cancer. My step sister is in and out of hospitals for liver disease and they will not do a transplant given her alcohol use. I've never really faced this head on before. I'm done drinking!!!!
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
lolab, you just described the perfect morning! Sounds wonderful. Sitting here drinking coffee, reading the paper and making mental notes about my Plan. I will sit down and write on paper what I will do. My husband called last night and I think he was near tears about me drinking yesterday. Our daughters come first before anything and this evil seems to be the only thing that I can't give up. I recently learned that a former boyfriend, past away from complications of alcohol and cancer. My step sister is in and out of hospitals for liver disease and they will not do a transplant given her alcohol use. I've never really faced this head on before. I'm done drinking!!!!Living life to the fullest.
Newbies Nest
Hi -
Yes - I wobbled out of the nest. I've thought a lot about MWO and getting my sh*t sorted - but for whatever crazy reason - that's brought on quite a bender. And I simply can't keep it up. I'm destroying the best relationship in my life - for what?
So - here I am. I've spent the morning fishing through the Tool Box - printing out all the articles I think are most likely to get me off on the right start. It sounds kind of silly - but I bought a special journal so that as I take this on - I can build my plan, write the story of wins/losses, triggers, gratitude, etc. I want them in one place.
I've been using the regular MWO series of hynpno's on kind of a hit or miss basis. They seem to work better than the ones I have from Steve G. Jones - but I've really not figured out the system correctly yet. Or at least one that works for me. It's hard for me to use the Clearing and the Hypnosis ones while awake since they seem to put me to sleep.
When I'm religious about them - my desire goes down tremendously. However - even though I don't actually want one - I can pour one anyway because it's habit. It's 7:30 or 8 pm - and it's time. But again - when I'm religious about the current regular MWO hypo's - I drink a LOT less. So - I'm going to be using them like a fiend until the Total Abs ones come in.
I've cried a lot today because I'm really not wanting to live like this anymore. It's isolating me. I'm letting it isolate me. I moved to a new city where I don't know anyone after my divorce - so the only time I'm physically with friends is when I go home every other weekend. So - most every night - I sit at home alone. I know I need to get out and get doing - so that's got to be part of my plan.
As to Prairie Fairy - one of my girlfriends called me that after I took over my boyfriend's yard and over seeded it with 3 million Prairie Seeds. The big year should be next year. This year it just looked raggedy. I promised him next year it won't look bad. Please Lord, let next year be pretty so I'm not a bit fat liar. :-)
Anyway - that's my story.That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
AF - August 20, 2012
Newbies Nest
Good Morning Nesters, Just checking to say Hi! Got through the weekend AF! Amazing! Had a few cravings but held on tight and stayed close to MWO.Confonted Sav Blanc Frid and Sat nights and again on Sunday..............the beast went home wounded Yeh!! Thanks everyone for your support over the W/E! Ronnies pole dancing party was fun !! :thanks::thanks: Will dive in again later when I have got a few things soughted here for the day its 6.50am in OZ and its a very cold morning brrrrrrrrrr!!!
Newbies Nest
Cant Believe - I posted on your "tick" last night, but it didn't take, and now you've "ticked" on Day 2 as well! I know EXACTLY what that tick is, and I bet a lot of other Nesters do too! That is AL talking to you CB - He's telling you things like, "I'm your best friend" and "What will life be like without me in it?" Yes, the first few days and weeks of suddenly depriving AL of his daily fix are very challenging - mentally and physically. Time may indeed "seem" to be standing still without a pint in your hand and another on the way. You have to know that this is completely normal and, annoying as it is, something that has to be endured - so, this is where a plan is key...knowing what triggers are likely to present themselves, and exactly what you will do when the moment arrives, as it most assuredly will! You will have to outsmart AL in the very beginning, because he wants his fix and will convince you of anything to get it. Be vigilant - know the plan and stick to it! In a few months, you will be here posting how you are wondering how you ever got anything accomplished when you used to drink because your life is filled up with all sorts of wonderful things that were never happening (or going to happen) when AL was calling the shots.
Greg - all so true - AL talking to me. Time is doing VERY weird things. It used to fly by with AL. Anyway enduring and ticking day 3Thanks for the support :thanks:
You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi
Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters,
Had a busy but good day myself. Had DIL & grandsons here for dinner which was nice.
MtnMomma & Prarie Fairy, I'm glad you're both here & coming to the realization that AL is not our friend. It simply won't do anything good for you!
Treat it like the poison it really is.......dump it down the drain & buy no more. that's what I did. Make that promise to yourselves & keep it
boozer, so glad your weekend was AF - yuo did it!!
CantBelieve, congrats on your 3 days AF!
Keep ignoring the voice of AL - he lies
Wishing everyone a good night/day in the Nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
I think it was Lav but it may have been someone else.
Someone responded to my post about how long it takes to be AF and have an acceptable liver enzyme result.
My question is how much were you drinking prior to the first result.
Newbies Nest
Hi Nesters, day 2 again, but who's counting LOL. I read through some posts and saw a few common threads. That stress can stop our resolve to quit. I know that is my big trigger and certainly my cruch. For all of the Nesters who are staying strong. :goodjob:
For the rest of us, we will get it right! I see alot of newbies that weren't here a week ago, welcome!! I will need to catch up on names as well.
Have a good one Nesters!
Newbies Nest
Hi everyone,
Stress was always my big fall down, but now I start a new job in 2 weeks and then I can say goodbye to my old one and all the stress that went with it. It is funny cause as soon as I handed in my notice at work it was as if a great big weight was lifted from me.....I feel so much better now I am A/F and just in this last week I have done alot more than I would of in a month.
I find the key for me is to keep busy and busy I certainley is......
Well back to my ironing I will try to check in later
Take care all
starting over
Newbies Nest
Morning Nesters.
Ronnie, even though I keep putting off the ironing, when I do get round to it, it always turns out to be a bit of a stress reliever. I bring the basket and iron into the living room, put a fire on and a good film on the telly - great stuff!!!
All going really well for me and I am a happy bunny today as my big son is home today. He has been away to work with my brother in Boston for the last 3 months. He has arrived in Ireland but I won't see him for another few hours. He lives with his dad now who lives about 80 mile away but he is coming to stay with me for a few days first. I only have one boy so I make the most of spoiling him........sooooo excited! My 2 daughters picked him up this morning, but they are heading out for a while before coming home.
Apart from that I have to say that since reading the Jason Vale book things have changed so much for me. I feel something has turned around, deep inside. I feel positive, happy, and looking forward to the positive changes that I will make sure come my way.
Going for a swim now - I definitely feel that exercise is such an important part of this process - and all those added benefits!
I'm even getting on my own nerves today as I sound so darn happy - sorry, must be my big man coming home! Haha
Catch up with you all later - hope you are all doing well no matter what........IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Newbies Nest
I ordered the Jason Vale book since everyone raves about it. So - making the plan, waiting for the Abs Hypnos, and looking at the Tool Box posts - trying to find out more about Distress Tolerance Techniques. Found a workbook at the book store so - going to start equipping myself with tools and titer down while I learn more and collect everything that's going to help me be ready for success.That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
AF - August 20, 2012
Newbies Nest
Good Monday morning Nesters!
Kind of overcast over my portion of the Nest this morning, oh well!
Ellen, it sounds like you are stressing yourself over test results, I'm sorry to hear that! Just know that your liver is a miraculous organ & has the ability to heal itself over time provided you don't drink! We are human, not machine, healing will probably take 2 -3 months or so. Please hang in there & stay away from AL at all costs & you will see the results you want to see.
4me, day 2 is good, stick with us!
ronnie, job stress sucks - have been there myself! Hope your new job is a huge improvement
Daisy, how nice about your son! Enjoy your visit, I'm sure he'll be happy to see the new & improved you!
PF, glad to hear you are working on your plan.
I'm not real familiar with Distress Tolerance but it reminds me of a great book called 'Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping. Have you ever heard of it? Sometimes it's ourselves we have to forgive before we can move on......I found the concept to be quite helpful.
Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
good morning - I see the sun peeking through here - but it's COLD!
Things are going well. Feeling different each day. I'd like to say 'more normal' but honestly I haven't really known "normal" since I was a teenager...:-( Other than being pregnant and nursing, when I was sicker than heck and then exhausted beyond measure - LOL! so , wow, this is a brand new life experience...:-) Looking at life through sober colored glasses.~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
Good Morning/Day Nesters,
Glad to see so many positive posts and everyone doing well.
I too would use alcohol to relieve stress, but in the long run, realized it was causing so much more stress and my patience was nil. And the other thing: I didn't know what my true feelings were or something alcohol was influencing (sober or not). Since I have stopped drinking alcohol, I don't feel as stressed, and I think I am doing better with my patience. We know alcohol creates more stress and anxiety.
I feel so much better since quitting, but I am nervous as to where this going. I have been really thinking lately about that. I am not making any decisions for a very long time, just going to stay the corse for now.
Newbies Nest
Well, did not drink last night, slept like a rock for 8 solid hours. Had to go check the kids this morning! We woke up to LOTS of fresh snow so gathering up snow clothes and heading out today. Gonna be a good one! Hope everyone's day is beautiful!Living life to the fullest.