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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Today, nice to see you & congrats on your 2 1/2 months AF time!!!!!!!
    Do you really want to drink in Vegas! If not then just don't drink! You do have the power to make that decision & stay in control of your life

    4me, hope everything is going well for you & your husband!

    daisy, we can successfully celebrate a holiday without AL, keep our quits & our dignity! As we approach the holiday season we need to keep this discussion going so everyone in the Nest benefits!

    CantBelieve, congrats on your 6 AF days!
    I imagine the swollen glands you mentioned have more to do with your body trying to fight off a virus than anything else. Do you have any fever, headache? Make sure you are drinking lots of water.

    Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Daisy, you do a fine job of putting your thoughts into words...I can relate to you posts very much...:-) (speaking of not putting thoughts into words!)

      I slept poorly last's bound to happen every once in awhile I guess. I feel very tired today. Would have been a good reason to drink and forget how icky I feel but I'm not even tempted and know I won't be later. I don't even have a 30 day goal. I'm just not drinking! :happy:

      Well, Greg, I don't know if I've EVER been lucid - but I am feeling grounded...and I am alive! And I am most definitely cool....

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        gregorino;1194832 wrote: Whoops! So sorry! Yeah, sometimes gender is hard to guess on here....and I won't refer to you as Shelia either, because I think that's not an endearing term.

        Your ladyship is duly acknowledged.
        Ha ha! Thank you kind sir - her ladyship accepts apology!
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Lav & Greg - yes I'm seeing my lumps as friendly now
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            Good Day Nesters,

            Everyone sounds awesome.

            Lolab -- You are doing fantastic and sound great.

            A couple of things stand out to me today after reading several posts. One is not having a goal of 30 days, which is the approach I decided to take. After doing 30 days at one time and then going to moderation, I know that was not enough time to make that decision, so my plan it to stick it out until at least January 5th. That way there will be many challenges during the Holidays and fall. After that and considering the way I feel now, the Beast doesn't have much of a chance.

            Lav -- I recently go a new computer (Mac) and I love it, but need to learn how to use it better. This is on my list. Apple offers (for $99), as many classes as you want, whenever you want. Great deal, now I must take advantage of it.

            Today -- Going to Vegas and going with friends who intend to drink sounds challenging to me, but you sound like you can handle it. If it were me, I would do some things on my own and do a lot of observing of peoples' behavior. (That in its self could be entertaining.)

            4me -- I am thinking about you and hoping your husband is feeling better. How are you doing?

            Daisy -- I really like you posts and completely understand where you are coming from. My favorite was the explanation of your night out. Sounds like it was meant to happen so that you could see it that way. I can't think of a better turnoff that seeing someone throw up and have to be cared for by their teenage son.

            Can't Believe -- Good, fricken job on 6 days.

            Prarie Fairy --- Thanks so much for book title. I am going to check this out and would love to hear more about from you as it sounds very interesting.

            Greg -- Thanks for your advice. I have been taking supplements and trying to get outside and exercise, which definitely helps with stress reduction.

            Daya -- Hi Ya.

            Have a wonderful, sober day everyone.


              Newbies Nest

              This nest is a-buzz with positive energies!!! ALL of you sound like well-seasoned (not well-pickled) veterans!
              Can'tB, be happy that the swelling is on both sides...usually if it's on both sides, it's a normal thing....had THAT scare a couple years turned out to be nothing, but the more you mess with it the sorer (is that a word) it gets...keep a close eye on them and let us know.
              Today...Girl, have you had the drinking dream yet where you blow your quit? How totally horrible you felt only to wake up and realize what a relief that it was all a dream? Heck, you don't have to go very far around here to read people's stories of how they wish they had NEVER ruined their quit. It takes many months and years to get back on track. Just read around for 15 minutes and you will find a story to make you want to take your quit and wrap it up in chains to protect it! I am guarding my quit with my life, because that's what's at stake. Daisy took all the words out of my mouth (hard to do, it's like the corner store....always open)...there will be a little rough edge at the beginning of when you sit down at the bar, or the table when everyone else is ordering...just a smidge of awkwardness.... but 2 things will happen, #1 no one will ask YOU to pick up the bar tab (enough reason right there!!!) and you will see in a drink or two, your friends heads starting to get lower and their eyes droopier and by the end of the evening, they'll be telling you they love you! Plus they will be grateful to have someone watching their backs. Next morning, they will be the ones with the big heads. You will have saved 1000 calories and at least $50. If things get overwhelming...reward yourself with a cookie. I'm not kidding. Make a quest of finding a really great treat for yourself. It will give your mind something to do. Here is the key (as if I'm telling you anything, you know it already) Protect your quit at all costs. Everyone around you will be telling you there's no harm, and then the 'What-the-f***'s come out to play...don't listen to any of that. You know you've been to hell and back...just let NO come out of your mouth before you even think about it. Hesitating gives others a toe hold to coax...say NO. Be Vigilant, girl... AL is very crafty, as you know. If I can go to a company convention and stay can do this!!! I'll give you my cell number if you want...I'll come YANK you outta that bar! eheheh....figuratively, of course. Where will you be staying?
              My new laptop IS Windows 7...I've mashed that windows button and every other button hoping for a window in window, where do kids get this knowledge? The darn things don't come with a book anymore. I am a dinosauer.....
              Hubs is having his prostate cancer treatment tomorrow. He's on clear liquids today. Poor thing is hardly eating and I'm eating everything in sight. But I AM NOT DRINKING!! He's having the radiation seeds. Will report back tomorrow when we get home. I am praying for minimal side effects. I imagine he'll leak like a $2 garden hose for a while. Poor thing.
              Will check back in a bit later....I'm so glad to see all the progress we are having.
              May we all have minimal MonkeyMind today! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Byrdie,

                Great advice for Today. Are you an inspirational coach? You can be the coach, I'll be the player. Now who wants to be the cheerleader??? Oh that's right --- duh -- We are all the cheerleaders!!!

                Sorry to hear about your husband. I wasn't aware of this until now. I will pray for minimal side effects too.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Byrdie
                  Really sorry to hear about hubs - I hope he makes a full recovery very soon. Wishing you a big hug through it too.
                  Yes, I agree, I was quite relieved to find the second lump in other armpit - reckon normal detox symptom.
                  And yes, me too, still kind figure out this double window thang!

                  And thanks Windy for the encouragement

                  Early night for me
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 107 AF

                    Keep the faith newbies - it will be worth it.

                    I turned a corner about 2 weeks ago and can say I am more content with life at the moment than I have been for a number of years. I have got rid of the nasty companion that was ruining my life. He is always trying to get back into my life but I am determind not to let him..

                    Keep safe and well....
                    AF July 4th 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Remorse Be Gone -- Good job on 107 days. I find it interesting that you feel you have just turned a corner, because I too feel it is going to take at least a 100 days for me to get going on the right track. My magic Day is January 5th. Congratulations on getting there. Please keep posting and let us know how it is coming along and what has helped you in your journey.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters!

                        Hello to everyone here today

                        Byrdie, I will be thinking abot you & your husband tomorrow & keeping positive thoughts!

                        RBG, congrats to you on your AF time!
                        Wonderful that you have successfully booted that nasty companion out of your life

                        windy, how are you doing? Jan 5th isn't really all that far away
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone
                          Just a very quick check in before I go to work.
                          I have gone into double figures today I am now on 10 days A/f and I must say that I feel fantastic. Although this is not the first time that I have gone A/f the last time I managed about 3 months but for some reason it feels different for me this time, I feel as if I have so much to live for and I really dont want to lose that to A/L.
                          My key thing at the moment is to keep very very busy, I have so much energy at the moment its untrue but it feels
                          Well I have my tee ball coaching tonight so runing around after 12 kids might knacker me out a
                          Stay strong everyone
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Ronnie, good for you! I feel exactly the same as you. This time last year was the start of my one 3 month AF stint. Have been off and on since Christmas, but like you, there is something different this time. Jason Vales book has definitely played a big part.
                            My laptop is on the blink again so had to borrow my daughter's. Need that one sorted ASAP to make sure I get my daily prescribed dose of MWO!!!
                            There has been plenty of action on here today - I love it when everyone checks in; always something interesting.....
                            Have a peaceful night all and I'll catch up tomorrow.:l
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello Ronnie & Daisy!
                              You guys have a lot of energy - please send and leftover my way please :H

                              I am trying to get myself to bed earlier these days.....not an easy task for me but the shortened daylight hours are getting to me

                              Wishing everyone a good safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone, Just a quick Hello. Hope everyone is doing well.Byrdie,........... just caught up with the news of Hubby. Really do hope everthing goes OK. xxxx

