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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters!

    boozer, have fun camping

    CantBelieve, what's going on?
    You have to make the changes, make the commitment. Don't keep wasting your time repeating the same behaviors, right?

    Mimi, hope you are OK.

    Wishing everyone a great AF night in the Nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All,
      I'm jumping back into the Nest where it's safe! Had a rough patch, posted about it, made some adjustments, and now ready to move on.

      Mimi and CantBelieve, first I want to say it's nice to meet you. Sorry you both seem to be struggling. As I recently found out (again), this fight never goes away. It gets easier, but it will always be there. Now I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to let you know that you are not alone. We have all tried, failed, started over, failed, tried, failed...etc... Just don't stay down. You CAN beat this, and we are here to help.

      I hope everyone is well this evening, or morning depending on where you are

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Lav, thanks for the message. Yes, you're absolutely right - I've got to make the commitment. My second wobble in only one week! I'm going to go off and try and rack a few AF days so I can come back with my head held high.
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Newbies Nest

          K 9- glad you decided to come back to the Nest for a while
          Find your twig & get comfy!

          CantBelieve, come right back tomorrow - you need to stay connected. It helps us keep our focus I think
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest


            sorry for not being around, being out of it, AND posting updates on the WRONG message board!!!!!! 31 days AF!!!! Haven't been up-to-date with all of your news, miss you all very much, wanted you to know I'm doing ok - stressed - seems like anything that can go wrong, has. Everything I touch turns to the proverbial turd. Had a very profound realization - alcohol would not make me feel any better!!! It actually made me laugh out loud. Best of all, tomorrow is my birthday. Hubby and I are going out to dinner and I'm going to have one glass of wine. Moderation begins tomorrow. The rule is no drinking at home, and no more than 2 drinks per week. If I start thinking about what time my next drink is, then its abs for me. Hey - I thought I was supposed to LOSE weight with topamax????? I'm turning into a real porker. (btw - I broke my foot. I'm not used to walking without staggering).

            Hope to catch up on all the news Nesters - hope all is well. Missing the chickens, boats, pints, beads, stories . . .xxx


              Newbies Nest

              Happy birthday wishes to you ImHereNow!
              Sorry to hear about the broken foot - ouch!
              Good luck with your plan, I hope it works out for you
              Congrats on your 31 AF days :goodjob:
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Just saw your post about Vegas - not sure how long its been since you visited . . . was there with my husband in July - ordered 2 drinks by the pool - (something small/simple like a pina colada and a bloody mary) they were $40 without tip. It kept me sober for an afternoon.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Lav, I hear you. Check in tomorrow - thanks.
                  Hi K9 - nice to meet you too and thanks for the kind words.
                  Oh dear - day one again tomorrow.
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good News on Hubs Byrdie!!

                    Yes, Lav - that was the name of the supp - was thinking to maybe give it a try to deal with some seasonal blahs....

                    Was thinking earlier today how getting a good quit going has a lot to do with honesty. We talk about supplements and hypno-therapy (did I mention the ABSTINENCE CDS's?) and exercise and possibly meds, but I think there's another element we could chat about some more.

                    If I am not COMPLETELY honest with myself about AL, then I'm going to be stumbling out of the Nest and landing flat on my face. Times where I have tried and failed in the past always involved me being less than honest with myself. Like, telling myself that it was OK for me to have one or two. That's a lie - I have NEVER stopped at one or two unless that was all there was to be had and I made damn sure there was always plenty to be had! Or, I would tell myself that I will cut way down, just drink on Saturdays, stick to wine instead of vodka.... there was a lie for every occasion and the same person was always at the scene of the crime.

                    I don't want to be that guy anymore. I've been telling myself lies for 40 years. If I am lucky, I may have 20 good years still to come. I'd like them to be years of complete and utter honesty - years of being true to who I really am - and no longer a slave to AL.
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      I think I am in for some trouble soon. As I have mentioned before I am bipolar and sometimes the struggle to "living a normal life" doesn't work. The last few days my moods have been so expansive. My mind is so full of mellowness (lime I have had pot) that I can't concentrate on reality. The term "don't worry, be happy" is how I feel and it starting to effect my work as I just want to start a Congo line to weave through the hallways of the hospital I work in. This is not favorable for sobriety although so far I have been ok.

                      I can go see my shrink but I don't want to miss one minute of this wonderful feeling.

                      I am trying to eat more ice cream rather than drinking but don't know how much longer I will hold out. These wondrous moods usually only last a week or so, and then I hit bottom. At that point I run, not walk to the shrink.

                      Enjoying the beauty of the night breeze and listening to tunes on Pandora.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning, Everyone! I haven't posted in a while, but will try to more often. Gregorino, I really loved your post about being honest with yourself. I think that is probably the key to our battle with the bottle. I haven't counted my days lately, but it's been about 3-1/2 months since I had a drink. And probably one of the best things about being sober is that I don't have to lie about anything ... to others or myself. I actually think like a different person now - like you said, the person I really am. I really need to come here every day; there is so much wisdom! I'd like to be able to contribute more because I know how important it is for us to help each other. I don't really have any sage advice for anyone because I'm not really sure what finally kicked in and made me want to really, really quit drinking. I do know that it would not have happened if I had not found this place. Thank you, everyone, for being here. I hope you all have a wonderful, sober day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          I think the worst thing for me is waking up, checking my phone log, and seeing how long I talked to the BF because I can't remember it. I want to wake up and remember. So - I wish the abs CDs would come, I'd finish the Vale book in 2 seconds, I'd have my plan all thought out, and I would feel ready.

                          Soon. It's not a lack of desire. I just don't feel like I have my tools in place to be successful yet. But you inspire me. And coming here every day is giving me courage.
                          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                          AF - August 20, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            sorry,, I want to reply to all - love Greg's post on Honesty - but my head feels like it's full of got COLD and this change in the weather is wreaking havoc on my head.

                            I'll be fine - not tempted to drink (yes, it's 8 AM but that never stopped me before!)- going to go work out and see if it loosens up the brain fog.

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning/Day Nesters,

                              ImHere Now -- You did it --- 30 days! WooHoo. Your plan sounds concrete and solid and I wish you the best.

                              Can't Believe -- I probably have ten thousand Day Ones, but for some reason the LAST one seems different and I can't tell you why. Probably just doing it over and over again and finally something said ENOUGH!! One thing I can say, is that in reality, I just didn't enjoy what I was doing anymore and had a heart-to-heart realization that it was doing some serious harm to who I wanted to be. And the only person who could change that was me. Hang in there and keep coming here, it is key.

                              Greg -- Are you a mind reader?? Yesterday I posted just the same thing somewhere else about how important HONESTY is in our Journey. I think the biggest lie I told myself was I did not have a problem (sound familiar?). It is the single, most important thing. I don't necessarily think you need to shout it from the trees to everyone, but be real with yourself. I was reading something yesterday here about knowing when you're an alike when and I had a serious AhHa moment....hit me like a ton of bricks. Something I had completely forgotten about that I did that was terrible...that only someone with a serious problem would do. I almost cried. I didn't necessarily lie to myself, but I had selective memory.

                              TxEllen -- It sounds like you are doing great. I think you should give yourself some credit for being so in tune with your body and trying to do the best thing.

                              Clover -- Hi, 3-1/2 months is fantastic and I loved your post about how you are becoming the real you.

                              Prairie Fairy -- What is your plan for now until the tools arrive? We are here to support you.

                              Lolab -- Sorry you are not feeling well....You really sound grounded and perky anyway.

                              Lav -- I've been taking the Amayron for about 5 days. I will report progress later. As of now I just feel tired. What do you think about taking it why 5htp and Gaba?

                              Bydie -- How is hubs today? How are you? I bet you are exhausted.

                              K9 -- I am glad you are here. It sounds like you have a plan together and you seem determined. Could you share some of your favorite tools with us?

                              Have a great day Nesters.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                I highly value honesty & always have! I did some of my drinking privately but mostly out in the open. Still, I'm happy that I'm an open book now with nothing to hide or feel ashamed about.

                                Ellen, I am so sorry you are dealing with Bipolar. That must make things very difficult for you. I hope the subtraction of AL from your life makes your mood swings less severe

                                Clover, thanks for stopping in & congrats to you on your AF progress

                                PrarieFairy, can you try just one AF day today so you will wake up tomorrow morning guilt free? That feeling becomes quite addictive in itself!

                                lolab, hope you are feeling better!

                                windy. check on the Amoryn website about possible interactions but I think you would be ok. Do you take a good Multi vitamin everyday? I find that makes a big difference for me

                                OK, have work to do - wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

