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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Welcome to our family Boobie...pull up a twig and make yourself at home. Dill, thanks for leaving the light on as are great at that. Lil, no didn't have to work have 3 straight 16 hr days Thurs - Sat though......thanks too for G's robe....pretty cute.
    Well, goodnight to all my little ones.....sleep tight and I'll see ya tomorrow.
    Papa R.....and G


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Nesters!
      Welcome "B"!!
      Nice to see you Chopps! tummy hurts tonight.....I can't stop eating...seriously....why do I do this to myself...ugh!!! I've been grazing now for 3 hours!!!:yukko:
      I'm hitting the bed early son start baseball practice....tomorrow is baseball and soccer practice, Thursday is....well you get it...pretty busy schedule from here on out.
      The house guy emailed today and said that he "just" got another offer he wanted to let me know...not to put any pressure on me though...I happen to know his neighbor, made a call, and she said BS, there wasn't a soul at the house this weekend, he's playing me, so I emailed him back and told him good luck and to let me know if something changes....hee...hee....tight a**!!!! I WILL win!!! And if not, I feel super tough right now :H
      Oh well keeping my mind off drinking anyway
      2 WEEKS TODAY!!!!
      Everyone...sweet dreams in the nest!!!!
      SD :hug:
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Newbies Nest

        Hello everybody. I have just quietly found my way here into the nest. It was highly recommended and I can see why! So much nicer than that cave! Day 3 and feeling very sheepish after my last binge. Are sheep allowed in the nest? Juno


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning, peeps! :welcome: to you, juno. We do have a very nice nest, and we look forward to getting to know you.

          Hey, SD, you are amazing the way you are handling the house offer situation. I can remeber the feelings of waiting and wondering about a house offer. I can also remember a time when we had to let one go because we made our best offer and the seller didn't accept. But, just as they say, "when one door closes....". After that that one came and went, our current home came to our attention. We low-balled again (hey, we only had a certain amount we could afford!) and it was ACCEPTED! This place is much better tjan the one that got away.

          SweatyB, PMT=PMS! That's what I thought. Stress/Tension.

          Have a great day, everyone! Lil, I beat you to the coffee this morning. All you have to do is pour yourself a cup! English muffins, too! Diet coke's in the 'fridge, SD.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Newbies Nest

            Day One Again

            Good Day, All -

            Am new (again) and looking for my niche for regular connections. Did a 45 day AF stint a year and a half ago and thinking its time to try again. My 'management' of al has gotten very weak, time to stand up. I have said I would do 30 days and can't get two in a row, but will try again - this will be the third try in 10 days. So, last night I re-downloaded the book and started to read again. I think it will help to 'follow the plan', minus the Topamax. And I have my own brand of multi-vits...I think that should be alright. This time I will try to do the L-Glut, Milk Thistle, and Kudzu. Maybe these things will give me the boost I need. After all, these are part of RJ's plan so maybe don't need to create my own version. Ok, enough about that.

            I hope everyone has a good day and I will come back - need a place to account. Thanks for listening!



              Newbies Nest

              Hello Fellow Nesters
              I put the coffee on at 6am, so we have had coffee flowing all morning I guess. Welcome to Juno and HG. Wonderful to have you in the nest. Papa Renewal allows my doggie in the nest, so sheep, why not? lol. Busy day today, appointments for financial assistance, continue to look for jobs, an AA meeting....Hope you all have a great day.
              Last day for taxes Sunnibutt.:upset:
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning peeps,

                Sea, Dill-thanks for the coffee. It was great, and you even remembered to put out cream for me.

                Hidden-:welcome: Glad to see you here and giving it another try.

                Juno-:welcome: Yes isn't the nest much nice than that old cave you were in. Pull up a twig and make yourself at home.

                SB-Kiatt-:H I so much like your sense of humor! We'll keep that twig on reserve just for you.

                SD-Congrats on 2 weeks. When is your month anniversary date? Keep up the good work. And keep tough on that house. You are woman and you are roaring.

                Pops-Thanks, as usually for the tuck in. Looks like you've got a rough work schedule coming up. We all know the drill here at the nest. And extra pats and lovin for "G"

                I've got a busy day with lots of running to do so I had better get off of here and get busy.

                Everyone have a great day.
                AF since 7/26/2009

                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome Juno and Hidden--you'll love it here..EVERYONE is suportive and encouraging...I just can't believe it!!! I'm so lucky to have found this place!!!! :l :welcome:
                  Dill--I was going to ask--we seem to take the same you get them here?? The kudzu-- i can't find anywhere in this town...imagine that?!?!? And thanks for the cold one this!!! Now that's funny!!!!
                  Lil, Sea, PR, SweEty, (and maybe even Sunni more taxes after today!!!!) Have a great Wednesday!!!! Also---to also those to come....pull up a twig, grab a cup of coffee...or diet pepsi (I'll share) and sit back and enjoy and post when ready!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Newbies Nest

                    :thanks: to all of you for your warm welcome into the nest! Will find a comfortable twig and bring it along. Day 3 slipping by slowly and looking forward to day 4. Is it normal to be so ratty and worn out for a while? No energy at all. I know the first week is hard so the consolation is that it's nearly over! Aiming for the 30 days. Here's hoping . I look forward to getting to know you all...


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Nesters ~ Thanks for the hellos and welcome back..I missed you all too. I can now officially come off the VBT (very busy twig) for awhile. Finally some breathing room from work, going to college and least it keeps me occupied!

                      :welcome: and hello to all the new Nesters! Very nice to have you here and look forward to getting to know you.

                      Hello Dill, Lil, SD, Sea, Papa R and all to follow. Have a great day everyone. Must go to work now. Just completed a doctor's appointment so I was in late today.

                      Take care all! :l


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am back after a long absence

                        Hello, all. Long time no see--it has been very bad but in brief, today I am back to the therapist for a double session, and back on the Topa and Antabuse and Supps. I have been flying crazy for a bit, but Today I bring my battered wings to a safe nesting spot. Hope there is still room for me.

                        Won't stay long today, just I am very tired. Going to make a healthy dinner, listen to my CD's and take a hot bath. I expect the next several days will be a challenge. Keep me in your thoughts and I will chat with you tomorrow. :thanks:

                        Oh, my daughter sent me this link about Topamax today and I am not sure where I should pst it. Maybe someone can send it to the right thread for me?

                        See you all later.

                        With anti-addiction pill, 'no urge, no craving' -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey UNG - great to see you, I was wondering how you were doing. Will look out for you. Bx
                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey there UNG!!!!
                            I too have been wondering how you've been!!!! It's so good to hear from you!!! Grab a twig and post when you're ready!! Can't wait to catch up!!! :l
                            You've been missed!!!
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey UNG! Glad to see you again. :l


                                Newbies Nest

                                UNG-Welcome back, hon. You've been missed. :l Rest yourself here in the nest, you'll be feeling better soon.

                                Juno-I was tired for a while it seems. It's normal and it will get better. Have you tried exercising or taking some walks. That helped me when I was feeling so draggy. Hang in there.

                                SD, SweEty, Chops, Dill-It's always good to see you, my friends.

                                I've had a long, tiring day so I'm going to grab the DDT (dirty dog tired) twig and call it a night.

                                Pappa R-Leaving the lights on
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

