The Nest is comfy, I like it here

Hi Everyone,
Woke up feeling well rested, and not in a state of panic and anxiety. What a great feeling.
Windy - I believe your post about honesty was in response to my thread "Coming Clean" where I laid out the details my relapse. I truly do agree with you, if we lie to ourselves, we will get NOWHERE. At the end of the day, we need to look at ourselves honestly, no matter how hard it is...and believe me, it IS hard...but it gets easier. You asked for some of the tools I use...well, lately my biggest one is Antabuse, but I found that wasn't enough by itself. I stopped reading, learning and growing. I got over confident. I convinced myself I didn't have a problem. So back to the drawing board. I ordered Jason Vales book, I'm back on Antabuse, and I'm being completely HONEST and not letting myself forget what a mess I am when I drink. And I mean a MESS, and not a hot one either! :H But my best tool is definitely MWO!
Prairie - Boy can I relate to reaching out for the phone, or computer the morning after to see who I talked to or texted, and then cringing when it all started coming back. Or remembering how I drove to the store after 10 beers because I "needed" more. I've had enough "morning after" anxiety to last me a lifetime. I'm glad to read that your tools are on the way. I too am still waiting for Jason Vale's book...but in the meantime, there are lots of other good books that your local library may have, have you checked into that? Also there are a lot of good DVD's on the subject, if you search your library catalog and type in "alcoholic", you'd be suprised how much information comes up...and not all "clinical" type stuff either.
I hope everyone has a great day...stay strong, and stick close...we can do this together.